944 resultados para Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen. Mss. 912.
Entré à la Bibliothèque du roi en 1719 parmi les mss. d'Étienne Baluze; cf. Delisle, Cab. des mss., I, 364-367; Omont, Concordances des mss. latins, 38-42
Ex-libris : F. 1, étiquette collée: "Ex bibliotheca Mss. COISLINIANA ... 1732"
Purpose: Plasma adiponectin and serum uric acid (SUA) levels are negatively correlated. To better understand the possible mechanisms linking adiponectin and uric acid, we analyzed whether the association between adiponectin and SUA differed by hypertension status (or blood pressure level) and by sex. Methods and materials: We analyzed data from the populationbased CoLaus study (Switzerland). Fasting plasma adiponectin levels were assessed by ELISA and SUA by uricase-PAP. Blood pressure (BP) was measured using a validated automated device and hypertension was defined as having office BP 140/90 mm Hg or being on current antihypertensive treatment. Results: In the 2897 men and 3181 women, aged 35-74, BMI (mean ± SD) was 26.6 ± 4.0 and 25.1 ± 4.8 Kg/m2, systolic blood pressure (SBP) was 132.2 ± 16.6 and 124.8 ± 18.3 mm Hg, median (interquartile range) plasma adiponectin was 6.2 (4.1-9.2) and 10.6 (6.9-15.4) mg/dL, and hypertension prevalence was 42.0% and 30.2%, respectively. The age- and BMI- adjusted partial correlation coefficients between log-adiponectin and SUA were 0.09 and 0.06 in normotensive men and women (P <0.01), and 0.004 (P = 0.88) and 0.15 (P <0.001) in hypertensive men and women, respectively. In median regression adjusted for BMI, insulin, smoking, alcohol consumption, menopausal status and HDL-cholesterol, there was a significant three-way interaction between SUA, SBP and sex for their effect on adiponectin (dependent variable, P = 0.005), as well as interactions between SBP and sex (P = 0.014) and between SUA and sex (P = 0.033). Conclusion: Plasma adiponectin and SUA are negatively associated, independently of BMI and insulin, in a population-based study in Caucasians. However, BP modifies this inverse relationship, as it was significant mainly in women with elevated BP. This observation suggests that the link between adiponectin and SUA may be mediated by sex hormones and the hypertension status.
Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. February 23, 2012 THIS WEEK: Frank F. Merrium BACKGROUND: In 1896 the 26th Iowa General Assembly convened January 13 and adjourned April 11—a 90-day session. There were 150 legislators. Republicans had the majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Francis Drake was governor having been inaugurated January 16, 1896. Governor Drake was 65 years old at the time of his inaugural. The 1890 census showed Iowa’s population at 1,912,297.
Elaboração de uma estrutura de classificação com o objetivo de ajudar a construir um futuro tesauro que terá como universo temático a cultura amazônica paraense. Foram coletados termos culturais da narrativa Chove nos Campos de Cachoeira, de Dalcídio Jurandir. A obra foi lida com o intuito de identificar, analisar, selecionar, registrar em uma ficha terminológica e definir os termos culturais. Após a etapa da definição, foram estabelecidas as relações entre os conceitos, formando-se classes a partir de suas características comuns. Ao todo, 512 termos culturais foram coletados da narrativa, surgindo 912 unidades conceituais (incluindo as classes, as subclasses, os termos equivalentes e os relacionados). Partindo do princípio de que toda informação organizada tem uma expectativa de geração de novo conhecimento, acredita-se que a elaboração desse tesauro será muito útil para a preservação da memória cultural amazônica.
PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of weather, rank, and home advantage on international football match results and scores in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. METHODS: Football matches (n = 2008) in six GCC countries were analyzed. To determine the weather influence on the likelihood of favorable outcome and goal difference, generalized linear model with a logit link function and multiple regression analysis were performed. RESULTS: In the GCC region, home teams tend to have greater likelihood of a favorable outcome (P < 0.001) and higher goal difference (P < 0.001). Temperature difference was identified as a significant explanatory variable when used independently (P < 0.001) or after adjustment for home advantage and team ranking (P < 0.001). The likelihood of favorable outcome for GCC teams increases by 3% for every 1-unit increase in temperature difference. After inclusion of interaction with opposition, this advantage remains significant only when playing against non-GCC opponents. While home advantage increased the odds of favorable outcome (P < 0.001) and goal difference (P < 0.001) after inclusion of interaction term, the likelihood of favorable outcome for a GCC team decreased (P < 0.001) when playing against a stronger opponent. Finally, the temperature and wet bulb globe temperature approximation were found as better indicators of the effect of environmental conditions than absolute and relative humidity or heat index on match outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: In GCC region, higher temperature increased the likelihood of a favorable outcome when playing against non-GCC teams. However, international ranking should be considered because an opponent with a higher rank reduced, but did not eliminate, the likelihood of a favorable outcome.
BACKGROUND: Normal weight obesity (NWO) is defined as an excessive body fat associated with a normal body mass index (BMI < 25 kg/m(2)), but its prevalence in the general population is unknown. AIM OF THE STUDY: To assess the prevalence of NWO in Switzerland according to different cut points used to define excess body fat. METHODS: Cross-sectional study including 3,213 women and 2,912 men aged 35-75 years. Body fat was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis and prevalence of NWO was assessed using four previously published definitions for excess body fat. RESULTS: Percent body fat increased with age: in men, the values (mean +/- SD) were 20.2 +/- 5.4, 23.0 +/- 5.4, 26.3 +/- 5.2 and 28.2 +/- 4.6 for age groups 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65-75 years, respectively; the corresponding values for women were 29.9 +/- 7.8, 33.1 +/- 7.4, 36.7 +/- 7.5 and 39.6 +/- 6.9. In men, prevalence of NWO was <1% irrespective of the definition used. Conversely, in women, a 1- to 20-fold difference (from 1.4 to 27.8%) in NWO prevalence was found. The prevalence of NWO increased with age when age-independent cut points were used in women, but not in men. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of NWO is low in the general population and higher in women than in men. The prevalence is highly dependent on the criteria used to define excess body fat, namely in women. The use of gender- and age-specific cut points to define excess body fat is better than fixed or gender-specific only cut points.
En este informe de legislación, el autor da razón del contenido básico de la Ley 32/1999, de 8 de octubre, de solidaridad con las víctimas del terrorismo, así como de los reglamentos que la desarrollan, aprobados por los Reales Decretos 1.912/1999 y 1.974/1999, de 17 y 23 de diciembre.
En aquest informe de legislació, l'autor exposa el contingut bàsic de la Llei 32/1999, de 8 d¿octubre, de solidaritat amb les víctimes del terrorisme, així com els reglaments que la desenvolupen, aprovats pels Reials Decrets 1.912/1999 i 1.974/1999, de 17 i 23 de desembre.
Entré à la Bibliothèque du roi en 1719 parmi les mss. d'Étienne Baluze; cf. Delisle, Cab. des mss., I, 364-367; Omont, Concordances des mss. latins, 38-42
Purpose: The accurate estimation of total energy expenditure (TEE) is essential to allow the provision of nutritional requirements in patients treated by maintenance hemodialysis (MHD). The measurement of TEE and resting energy expenditure (REE) by direct or indirect calorimetry and doubly labeled water are complicated, timeconsuming and cumbersome in this population. Recently, a new system called SenseWear® armband (SWA) was developed to assess TEE, physical activity and REE. This device works by measurements of body acceleration in two axes, heat production and steps counts. REE measured by indirect calorimetry and SWA are well correlated. The aim of this study was to determine TEE, physical activity and REE on patients on MHD using this new device. Methods and materials: Daily TEE, REE, step count, activity time, intensity of activity and lying time were determined for 7 consecutive days in unselected stable patients on MHD and sex, age and weightmatched healthy controls (HC). Patients with malnutrition, cancer, use of immunosuppressive drugs, hypoalbumemia <35 g/L and those hospitalized in the last 3 months, were excluded. For MHD patients, separate analyses were conducted in dialysis and non-dialysis days. Relevant parameters known to affect REE, such as BMI, albumin, pre-albumin, hemoglobin, Kt/V, CRP, bicarbonate, PTH, TSH, were recorded. Results: Thirty patients on MHD and 30 HC were included. In MHD patients, there were 20 men and 10 women. Age was 60,13 years ± 14.97 (mean ± SD), BMI was 25.77 kg/m² ± 4.73 and body weight was 74.65 kg ± 16.16. There were no significant differences between the two groups. TEE was lower in MHD patients compared to HC (28.79 ± 5.51 SD versus 32.91 ± 5.75 SD kcal/kg/day; p <0.01). Activity time was significantly lower in patients on MHD (101.3 ± 12.6SD versus 50.7 ± 9.4 SD min; p = 0.0021). Energy expenditure during the time of activity was significantly lower in MHD patients. MHD patients walked 4543 ± 643 SD vs 8537 ± 744 SD steps per day (p <0.0001). Age was negatively correlated with TEE (r = -0.70) and intensity of activity (r = -0.61) in HC, but not in patients on MHD. TEE showed no difference between dialysis and non-dialysis days (29.92 ± 2.03 SD versus 28.44 ± 1.90 SD kcal/kg/day; p = NS), reflecting a lack of difference in activity (number of steps, time of physical activity) and REE. This finding was observed in MHD patients both older and younger than 60 years. However, age stratification appeared to have an influence on TEE, regardless of dialysis day, (29.92 ± 2.07 SD kcal/kg/day for <60 years-old versus 27.41 ± 1.04 SD kcal/kg/day for ≥60 years old), although failing to reach statistical significance. Conclusion: Using SWA, we have shown that stable patients on MHD have a lower TEE than matched HC. On average, a TEE of 28.79 kcal/kg/day, partially affected by age, was measured. This finding gives support to the clinical impression that it is difficult and probably unnecessary to provide an energy amount of 30-35 kcal/kg/day, as proposed by international guidelines for this population. In addition, we documented for the first time that MHD patients exert a reduced physical activity as compared to HC. There were surprisingly no differences in TEE, REE and physical activity parameters between dialysis and non-dialysis days. This observation might be due to the fact that patients on MHD produce a physical effort to reach the dialysis centre. Age per se did not influence physical activity in MHD patients, contrary to HC, reflecting the impact of co-morbidities on physical activity in this group of patients.
BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, intravenous drug use (IDU) accounts for 80% of newly acquired hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections. Early HCV treatment has the potential to interrupt the transmission chain and reduce morbidity/mortality due to decompensated liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Nevertheless, patients in drug substitution programs are often insufficiently screened and treated. OBJECTIVE/METHODS: With the aim to improve HCV management in IDUs, we conducted a cross sectional chart review in three opioid substitution programs in St. Gallen (125 methadone and 71 heroin recipients). Results were compared with another heroin substitution program in Bern (202 patients) and SCCS/SHCS data. RESULTS: Among the methadone/heroin recipients in St. Gallen, diagnostic workup of HCV was better than expected: HCV/HIV-status was unknown in only 1% (2/196), HCV RNA was not performed in 9% (13/146) of anti-HCV-positives and the genotype missing in 15% (12/78) of HCV RNA-positives. In those without spontaneous clearance (two thirds), HCV treatment uptake was 23% (21/91) (HIV-: 29% (20/68), HIV+: 4% (1/23)), which was lower than in methadone/heroin recipients and particularly non-IDUs within the SCCS/SHCS, but higher than in the, mainly psychiatrically focussed, heroin substitution program in Bern (8%). Sustained virological response (SVR) rates were comparable in all settings (overall: 50%, genotype 1: 35-40%, genotype 3: two thirds). In St. Gallen, the median delay from the estimated date of infection (IDU start) to first diagnosis was 10 years and to treatment was another 7.5 years. CONCLUSIONS: Future efforts need to focus on earlier HCV diagnosis and improvement of treatment uptake among patients in drug substitution programs, particularly if patients are HIV-co-infected. New potent drugs might facilitate the decision to initiate treatment.
Échelle(s) : [1:50 000], échelle de deux milles marins [= 7,5 cm], échelle de quatre mille mètres [= 8 cm]