596 resultados para Spraying.


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We have measured the bidirectional reflectance of spherical micrometer-sized water-ice particles in the visible spectral range over a wide range of incidence and emission angles. The small ice spheres were produced by spraying fine water droplets directly into liquid nitrogen. The resulting mean particle radii are 1.47 + 0.96 - 0.58 μm. Such a material shares many properties with ice in comets and at the surface of icy satellites. Measurements show that the fresh sample material is highly backscattering, contrasting with natural terrestrial snow and frost. The formation of agglomerates of particles during the sample production results in a noticeable variability of the photometric properties of the samples in their initial state. We have also observed significant temporal evolutions of the scattering behavior of the samples, shifting towards more forward scattering within some tens of hours, resulting most likely from sintering processes. All reflectance data are fitted by the Hapke photometric model (1993 and 2002 formulation) with a one/two/three-parameter Henyey-Greenstein phase function and the resulting Hapke parameters are provided. These parameters can be used to compare laboratory results with the observed photometric behaviors of astronomical objects. We show, in particular, that the optical properties of the fresh micrometer-sized ice samples can be used to reproduce the predominant backscattering in the phase curves of Enceladus and Europa.


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Background. First synthesized in 1874, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was not used until the second half of World War II after its insecticidal properties were discovered in 1939. For decades DDT has been used globally with the intent of eradicating malaria. This began in 1955 when the eighth World Health Assembly launched a global campaign selecting DDT as the chemical of choice for the eradication of malaria. The United States banned DDT use in 1972 partially due to the publication of “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson in 1962 which suggested that DDT was harmful to the environment, wildlife and is a carcinogen. ^ Objectives. To critically review the literature on DDT, and evaluate its importance in malaria prevention and control. Methods: The design of this systematic literature review is a narrative summary and evaluation of the papers reviewed. The data came from searches using PubMed and MEDLINE which are free and publicly available databases. Inclusive criteria that were considered during the search are English language peer reviewed journal articles published in the last 20 years. The keywords were: “insecticidal and agricultural use of DDT”, “human impact of malaria”, “economic impact of malaria”, “benefits of DDT”, “effects of DDT”, “importance of malaria control”, and alternatives to DDT for malaria control. ^ Results. Malaria continues to be one of the most common infectious diseases and creates a tremendous global public health problem. WHO recommends DDT for malaria vector control because compared to other pesticides, it is the most persistent in indoor spraying. ^ Conclusion. Indoor spraying of DDT in malaria endemic areas may cause increased exposure of the chemical to humans; however I conclude that the overall benefits outweigh the risks because more lives are saved due to fewer infections with malaria.^


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La actividad biológica de Lonchocarpus guaricensis Pittier fue evaluada utilizando dos dosis de Tecnona® en el control de larvas de Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), Valle de Azapa, Chile, mediante una pulverización sobre plantas de tomate cv. Naomi en macetas, ubicadas aleatoriamente en un invernáculo dentro de un vivero. Semanas previas a la pulverización, las macetas se infestaron artificialmente con adultos del fitófago para obtener larvas en los foliolos. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron los siguientes: T1 (0,21 g de IA de L. guaricensis·L-1), T2 (0,43 g de IA de L. guaricensis·L-1), T3 (control positivo a base de spinosad 0,048 g de IA·L-1) y T0 (control negativo a base de agua de pozo). De acuerdo con el porcentaje de mortalidad acumulada de larvas contabilizadas a las 24, 48, 120 horas y 9no día post aplicación, no hay diferencias estadísticas entre los tratamientos T0 y T1, a su vez, T2 alcanza una media de 53,05% de mortalidad, no diferenciándose de T3 que logra un 73,9%. Se concluye que la dosis experimental L. guaricensis de 0,43 g de IA∙ L-1 puede constituir una alternativa interesante de utilizar en el Manejo Integrado de Plagas del cultivo de tomate en el Valle de Azapa.


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This paper presents a computer vision system that successfully discriminates between weed patches and crop rows under uncontrolled lighting in real-time. The system consists of two independent subsystems, a fast image processing delivering results in real-time (Fast Image Processing, FIP), and a slower and more accurate processing (Robust Crop Row Detection, RCRD) that is used to correct the first subsystem's mistakes. This combination produces a system that achieves very good results under a wide variety of conditions. Tested on several maize videos taken of different fields and during different years, the system successfully detects an average of 95% of weeds and 80% of crops under different illumination, soil humidity and weed/crop growth conditions. Moreover, the system has been shown to produce acceptable results even under very difficult conditions, such as in the presence of dramatic sowing errors or abrupt camera movements. The computer vision system has been developed for integration into a treatment system because the ideal setup for any weed sprayer system would include a tool that could provide information on the weeds and crops present at each point in real-time, while the tractor mounting the spraying bar is moving


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In this study, the evaluation of the accuracy and performance of a light detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensor for vegetation using distance and reflection measurements aiming to detect and discriminate maize plants and weeds from soil surface was done. The study continues a previous work carried out in a maize field in Spain with a LIDAR sensor using exclusively one index, the height profile. The current system uses a combination of the two mentioned indexes. The experiment was carried out in a maize field at growth stage 12–14, at 16 different locations selected to represent the widest possible density of three weeds: Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv., Lamium purpureum L., Galium aparine L.and Veronica persica Poir.. A terrestrial LIDAR sensor was mounted on a tripod pointing to the inter-row area, with its horizontal axis and the field of view pointing vertically downwards to the ground, scanning a vertical plane with the potential presence of vegetation. Immediately after the LIDAR data acquisition (distances and reflection measurements), actual heights of plants were estimated using an appropriate methodology. For that purpose, digital images were taken of each sampled area. Data showed a high correlation between LIDAR measured height and actual plant heights (R 2 = 0.75). Binary logistic regression between weed presence/absence and the sensor readings (LIDAR height and reflection values) was used to validate the accuracy of the sensor. This permitted the discrimination of vegetation from the ground with an accuracy of up to 95%. In addition, a Canonical Discrimination Analysis (CDA) was able to discriminate mostly between soil and vegetation and, to a far lesser extent, between crop and weeds. The studied methodology arises as a good system for weed detection, which in combination with other principles, such as vision-based technologies, could improve the efficiency and accuracy of herbicide spraying.


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En esta memoria estudiamos problemas geométricos relacionados con la Localización de Servicios. La Localización de Servicios trata de la ubicación de uno o más recursos (radares, almacenes, pozos exploradores de petróleo, etc) de manera tal que se optimicen ciertos objetivos (servir al mayor número de usuarios posibles, minimizar el coste de transporte, evitar la contaminación de poblaciones cercanas, etc). La resolución de este tipo de problemas de la vida real da lugar a problemas geométricos muy interesantes. En el planteamiento geométrico de muchos de estos problemas los usuarios potenciales del servicio son representados por puntos mientras que los servicios están representados por la figura geométrica que mejor se adapta al servicio prestado: un anillo para el caso de radares, antenas de radio y televisión, aspersores, etc, una cuña si el servicio que se quiere prestar es de iluminación, por ejemplo, etc. Estas son precisamente las figuras geométricas con las que hemos trabajado. En nuestro caso el servicio será sólo uno y el planteamiento formal del problema es como sigue: dado un anillo o una cuña de tamaño fijo y un conjunto de n puntos en el plano, hallar cuál tiene que ser la posición del mismo para que se cubra la mayor cantidad de puntos. Para resolver estos problemas hemos utilizado arreglos de curvas en el plano. Los arreglos son una estructura geométrica bien conocida y estudiada dentro de la Geometría Computacional. Nosotros nos hemos centrado en los arreglos de curvas de Jordán no acotadas que se intersectan dos a dos en a lo sumo dos puntos, ya que estos fueron los arreglos con los que hemos tenido que tratar para la resolución de los problemas. De entre las diferentes técnicas para la construcción de arreglos hemos estudiado el método incremental, ya que conduce a algoritmos que son en general más sencillos desde el punto de vista de la codificación. Como resultado de este estudio hemos obtenido nuevas cotas que mejoran la complejidad del tiempo de construcción de estos arreglos con algoritmos incrementales. La nueva cota Ο(n λ3(n)) supone una mejora respecto a la cota conocida hasta el momento: Ο(nλ4(n)).También hemos visto que en ciertas condiciones estos arreglos pueden construirse en tiempo Ο(nλ2(n)), que es la cota óptima para la construcción de estos arreglos. Restringiendo el estudio a curvas específicas, hemos obtenido que los arreglos de n circunferencias de k radios diferentes pueden construirse en tiempo Ο(n2 min(log(k),α(n))), resultado válido también para arreglos de elipses, parábolas o hipérbolas de tamaños diferentes cuando las figuras son todas isotéticas.---ABSTRACT--- In this work some geometric problems related with facility location are studied. Facility location deals with location of one or more facilities (radars, stores, oil wells, etc.) in such way that some objective functions are to be optimized (to cover the maximum number of users, to minimize the cost of transportation, to avoid pollution in the nearby cities, etc.). These kind of real world problems give rise to very interesting geometrical problems. In the geometric version of many of these problems, users are represented as points while facilities are represented as different geometric objects depending on the shape of the corresponding facility: an annulus in the case of radars, radio or TV antennas, agricultural spraying devices, etc. A wedge in many illumination or surveillance applications. These two shapes are the geometric figures considered in this Thesis. The formal setting of the problem is the following: Given an annulus or a wedge of fixed size and a set of n points in the plane, locate the best position for the annulus or the wedge so that it covers as many points as possible. Those problems are solved by using arrangements of curves in the plane. Arrangements are a well known geometric structure. Here one deals with arrangements of unbounded Jordan curves which intersect each other in at most two points. Among the different techniques for computing arrangements, incremental method is used because it is easier for implementations. New time complexity upper bounds has been obtained in this Thesis for the construction of such arrangements by means of incremental algorithms. New upper bound is Ο(nλ3(n)) which improves the best known up to now Ο(nλ4(n)). It is shown also that sometimes this arrangements can be constructed in Ο(nλ2(n)), which is the optimal bound for constructing these arrangements. With respect to specific type of curves, one gives an Ο(n2 min(log(k),α(n))), algorithm that constructs the arrangement of a set of n circles of k different radii. This algorithm is also valid for ellipses parabolas or hyperbolas of k different sizes when all of them are isothetic.


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Los recubrimientos lubricantes sólidos son requeridos para reducir la fricción y prevenir el desgaste en componentes que operan a altas temperaturas o en vacío (vehículos espaciales, industria química, motores diésel, turbinas aeronáuticas y de generación de energía…). Los lubricantes líquidos pierden sus características cuando las condiciones de presión, temperatura o ambientales son severas (oxidación, inestabilidad térmica, volatilidad,…), por ejemplo los aceites minerales convencionales se descomponen a temperaturas próximas a 200 ºC. Por tanto, la única manera de poder conseguir una adecuada lubricación a temperaturas extremas es por medio de sólidos, que cada vez más, se aplican en forma de recubrimientos. Estos recubrimientos podrían ser empleados en componentes de vehículos espaciales reutilizables, donde se pueden alcanzar, en la reentrada en la atmósfera, temperaturas de 700 ºC (bisagras, rodamientos, articulaciones y zonas de sellado en las superficies de control, y rodamientos de las turbobombas y las cajas de engranajes). Dichos recubrimientos también deberían ser capaces de proporcionar una lubricación efectiva a bajas temperaturas para las operaciones en tierra, para las operaciones de arranque en frío, incluso en el espacio. El conjunto de requisitos que tendrían que satisfacer las capas tribológicas relacionadas con estas condiciones extremas es muy diverso, lo que hace que el concepto de capas tipo composite (aquéllas constituidas por varios componentes) sea, en principio, muy adecuado para estas aplicaciones. Recubrimientos composite proyectados térmicamente constituidos por una matriz dura y conteniendo lubricantes sólidos pueden ser una buena solución desde el punto de vista tribológico. El “Lewis Research Centre” de la NASA ha estado desarrollando recubrimientos autolubricantes tipo composite, constituidos por la combinación de materiales duros como el carburo de cromo, junto con lubricantes sólidos como plata o la eutéctica de fluoruros de calcio y bario, en una matriz de NiCr, para su uso en aplicaciones terrestres a alta temperatura. Estos recubrimientos han sido aplicados mediante proyección térmica, siendo denominados como series PS100, PS200, PS300 y PS400, reduciendo de forma significativa el coeficiente de fricción y mejorando la resistencia al desgaste en un amplio margen de temperaturas. Otra nueva familia de materiales con comportamiento tribológico prometedor son las aleaciones cuasicristalinas (QC). Presentan características muy atractivas: alta dureza, baja fricción, alto límite elástico de compresión... Son muy frágiles como materiales másicos, por lo que se intentan aplicar en forma de recubrimientos. Se pueden depositar mediante proyección térmica. Algunos de estos materiales cuasicristalinos, como AlCoFeCr, poseen coeficientes de dilatación próximos al de los materiales metálicos, alta estabilidad térmica, baja conductividad térmica y una elevada resistencia a la oxidación y a la corrosión en caliente. En esta tesis se han desarrollado recubrimientos tipo composite conteniendo cuasicristales como componente antidesgaste, NiCr como componente tenaz, y Ag y la eutéctica de BaF2-CaF2, como lubricantes sólidos. Estos recubrimientos han sido depositados con diferentes composiciones (denominadas TH100, TH103, TH200, TH400, TH600…) mediante distintos procesos de proyección térmica: plasma en aire (PS), plasma en baja presión (LPPS) y combustión a alta velocidad (HVOF). Los recubrimientos se han generado sobre el sustrato X-750, una superaleación base níquel, endurecible por precipitación, con muy buena resistencia mecánica y a la oxidación hasta temperaturas de 870 ºC y, además, es empleada en aplicaciones aeroespaciales e industriales. Los recubrimientos han sido caracterizados microestructuralmente en INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial), mediante SEM-EDS (Scanning Electronic Microscopy-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) y XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), y tribológicamente mediante medidas de microdureza y ensayos en tribómetro POD (Pin On Disc) para determinar los coeficientes de fricción y de desgaste. Los recubrimientos han sido ensayados tribológicamente a alta temperatura en INTA y en vacío en AMTTARC (Aerospace and Space Materials Technology Testhouse – Austrian Research Centres), en Seibersdorf (Austria). Se ha estudiado la influencia de la carga normal aplicada, la velocidad lineal y el material del pin. De entre las diferentes series de recubrimientos cuasicristalinos tipo composite desarrolladas, dos de ellas, TH100 y TH103 han presentado una excelente calidad microestructural (baja porosidad, distribución uniforme de fases…) y se han mostrado como excelentes recubrimientos antidesgaste. Sin embargo, estas capas presentan un pobre comportamiento como autolubricantes a temperatura ambiente, aunque mejoran mucho a alta temperatura o en vacío. Los resultados del trabajo presentado en esta tesis han proporcionado nuevo conocimiento respecto al comportamiento tribológico de recubrimientos autolubricantes cuasicristalinos tipo composite depositados por proyección térmica. Sin embargo, dichos resultados, aunque son muy prometedores, no han puesto de manifiesto el adecuado comportamiento autolubricante que se pretendía y, además, como ocurre en cualquier trabajo de investigación, durante el desarrollo del mismo siempre aparecen nuevas dudas por resolver. Se proponen nuevas líneas de trabajo futuro que complementen los resultados obtenidos y que puedan encaminar hacia la obtención de un recubrimiento que mejore su comportamiento autolubricante. ABSTRACT Solid lubricant coatings are required to reduce friction and prevent wear in components that operate at high temperatures or under vacuum (space vehicles, chemical industry, diesel engines, power generation turbines and aeronautical turbines, for instance). In these cases neither greases nor liquid lubricants can be employed and the only practicable approach to lubrication in such conditions is by means of solids. These are increasingly applied in the form of coatings which should exhibit low shear strength, whilst maintaining their chemical stability at extremes temperatures and in the space environment. In the space field, these coatings would be employed in re-usable space plane applications, such as elevon hinges, where temperatures of 700 ºC are reached during re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. These coatings should also be capable of providing effective lubrication at lower temperatures since “cold start” operation may be necessary, even in the space environment. The diverse and sometimes conflictive requirements in high temperature and space-related tribological coatings make the concept of composite coatings highly suitable for these applications. Thermal-sprayed composites containing solid lubricants in a hard matrix perform well tribologically. NASA‘s Lewis Research Centre had developed self-lubricating composite coatings for terrestrial use, comprising hard materials like chromium carbide as well as solid lubricant additives such as silver and BaF2-CaF2 eutectic on a Ni-Cr matrix. These coatings series, named PS100, PS200, PS300 and PS400, are applied by thermal spray and significantly reduce friction coefficients, improving wear resistance over a wide temperature range. Quasicrystalline alloys (QC) constitute a new family of materials with promising tribological behaviour. Some QC materials exhibit a combination of adequate antifriction properties: low friction coefficient, high hardness and high yield strength under compression, and can be easily produced as coatings on top of metallic and non-metallic materials. Among these QC alloys, AlCoFeCr has high hardness (700 HV0.1), a thermal expansion coefficient close to that of metals, high thermal stability, low thermal conductivity and good oxidation and hot corrosion resistance. However most QC materials have the disadvantage of being very brittle. In order to take advantage of the excellent tribological properties of QCs, thick composite lubricant coatings were prepared containing them as the hard phase for wear resistance, Ag and BaF2-CaF2 eutectic as lubricating materials and NiCr as the tough component. These coatings were deposited in different composition mixtures (named TH100, TH103, TH200, TH400, TH600…) by different thermal spray processes: air plasma spray (PS), low pressure plasma spray (LPPS) and high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF), on X-750 substrates. X-750 is an age-hardenable nickel-base superalloy with very good strength and a good resistance to oxidising combustion gas environments at temperatures up to about 870 ºC and it is widely used in aerospace and industrial applications. Coatings have been characterized microstructurally, at INTA (National Institute for Aerospace Technology), by means of SEM-EDS (Scanning Electronic Microscopy- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), and tribologically by microhardness measurements and pin-on-disc testing to determine friction coefficients as well as wear resistance. The coatings were tested tribologically at high temperature at INTA and under vacuum at AMTT-ARC (Aerospace and Space Materials Technology Testhouse – Austrian Research Centres), in Seibersdorf (Austria). Different loads, linear speeds and pin materials were studied. TH100 and TH103 QC alloy matrix composite coatings were deposited by HVOF with excellent microstructural quality (low porosity, uniform phase distribution) and showed to be excellent wear resistant coatings. However these QC alloy matrix composite coatings are poor as a self-lubricant at room temperature but much better at high temperature or in vacuum. The results from the work performed within the scope of this thesis have provided new knowledge concerning the tribological behavior of self-lubricating quasicrystalline composite coatings deposited by thermal spraying. Although these results are very promising, they have not shown an adequate self-lubricating behavior as was intended, and also, as in any research, the results have in addition raised new questions. Future work is suggested to complement the results of this thesis in order to improve the selflubricating behaviour of the coatings.


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Poly(4-vinyl-N-alkylpyridinium bromide) was covalently attached to glass slides to create a surface that kills airborne bacteria on contact. The antibacterial properties were assessed by spraying aqueous suspensions of bacterial cells on the surface, followed by air drying and counting the number of cells remaining viable (i.e., capable of growing colonies). Amino glass slides were acylated with acryloyl chloride, copolymerized with 4-vinylpyridine, and N-alkylated with different alkyl bromides (from propyl to hexadecyl). The resultant surfaces, depending on the alkyl group, were able to kill up to 94 ± 4% of Staphylococcus aureus cells sprayed on them. A surface alternatively created by attaching poly(4-vinylpyridine) to a glass slide and alkylating it with hexyl bromide killed 94 ± 3% of the deposited S. aureus cells. On surfaces modified with N-hexylated poly(4-vinylpyridine), the numbers of viable cells of another Gram-positive bacterium, Staphylococcus epidermidis, as well as of the Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, dropped more than 100-fold compared with the original amino glass. In contrast, the number of viable bacterial cells did not decline significantly after spraying on such common materials as ceramics, plastics, metals, and wood.


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Spraying potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) leaves with arachidonic acid (AA) at 1500 μg mL−1 led to a rapid local synthesis of salicylic acid (SA) and accumulation of a SA conjugate, which was shown to be 2-O-β-glucopyranosylsalicylic acid. Radiolabeling studies with untreated leaves showed that SA was synthesized from phenylalanine and that both cinnamic and benzoic acid were intermediates in the biosynthesis pathway. Using radiolabeled phenylalanine as a precursor, the specific activity of SA was found to be lower when leaves were treated with AA than in control leaves. Similar results were obtained when leaves were fed with the labeled putative intermediates cinnamic acid and benzoic acid. Application of 2-aminoindan-2-phosphonic acid at 40 μm, an inhibitor of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, prior to treatment with AA inhibited the local accumulation of SA. When the putative intermediates were applied to leaves in the presence of 2-aminoindan-2-phosphonic acid, about 40% of the expected accumulation of free SA was recovered, but the amount of the conjugate remained constant.


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Spraying mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings with salicylic acid (SA) solutions between 10 and 500 μm significantly improved their tolerance to a subsequent heat shock at 55°C for 1.5 h. The effects of SA were concentration dependent, with higher concentrations failing to induce thermotolerance. The time course of thermotolerance induced by 100 μm SA was similar to that obtained with seedlings acclimated at 45°C for 1 h. We examined the hypothesis that induced thermotolerance involved H2O2. Heat shock at 55°C caused a significant increase in endogenous H2O2 and reduced catalase activity. A peak in H2O2 content was observed within 5 min of either SA treatment or transfer to the 45°C acclimation temperature. Between 2 and 3 h after SA treatment or heat acclimation, both H2O2 and catalase activity significantly decreased below control levels. The lowered H2O2 content and catalase activity occurred in the period of maximum thermoprotection. It is suggested that thermoprotection obtained either by spraying SA or by heat acclimation may be achieved by a common signal transduction pathway involving an early increase in H2O2.


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In higher plants formate dehydrogenase (FDH, EC is a mitochondrial, NAD-dependent enzyme. We previously reported that in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) FDH expression is high in tubers but low in green leaves. Here we show that in isolated tuber mitochondria FDH is involved in formate-dependent O2 uptake coupled to ATP synthesis. The effects of various environmental and chemical factors on FDH expression in leaves were tested using the mitochondrial serine hydroxymethyltransferase as a control. The abundance of FDH transcripts is strongly increased under various stresses, whereas serine hydroxymethyltransferase transcripts decline. The application of formate to leaves strongly enhances FDH expression, suggesting that it might be the signal for FDH induction. Our experiments using glycolytic products suggest that glycolysis may play an important role in formate synthesis in leaves in the dark and during hypoxia, and in tubers. Of particular interest is the dramatic accumulation of FDH transcripts after spraying methanol on leaves, as this compound is known to increase the yields of C3 plants. In addition, although the steady-state levels of FDH transcript increase very quickly in response to stress, protein accumulation is much slower, but can eventually reach the same levels in leaves as in tubers.


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Os controladores eletrônicos de pulverização visam minimizar a variação das taxas de insumos aplicadas no campo. Eles fazem parte de um sistema de controle, e permitem a compensação da variação de velocidade de deslocamento do pulverizador durante a operação. Há vários tipos de controladores eletrônicos de pulverização disponíveis no mercado e uma das formas de selecionar qual o mais eficiente nas mesmas condições, ou seja, em um mesmo sistema de controle, é quantificar o tempo de resposta do sistema para cada controlador específico. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estimar os tempos de resposta para mudanças de velocidade de um sistema eletrônico de pulverização via modelos de regressão não lineares, estes, resultantes da soma de regressões lineares ponderadas por funções distribuição acumulada. Os dados foram obtidos no Laboratório de Tecnologia de Aplicação, localizado no Departamento de Engenharia de Biossistemas da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", Universidade de São Paulo, no município de Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brasil. Os modelos utilizados foram o logístico e de Gompertz, que resultam de uma soma ponderada de duas regressões lineares constantes com peso dado pela função distribuição acumulada logística e Gumbell, respectivamente. Reparametrizações foram propostas para inclusão do tempo de resposta do sistema de controle nos modelos, com o objetivo de melhorar a interpretação e inferência estatística dos mesmos. Foi proposto também um modelo de regressão não linear difásico que resulta da soma ponderada de regressões lineares constantes com peso dado pela função distribuição acumulada Cauchy seno hiperbólico exponencial. Um estudo de simulação foi feito, utilizando a metodologia de Monte Carlo, para avaliar as estimativas de máxima verossimilhança dos parâmetros do modelo.


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This article summarizes research on the application of a conductive cement paste as an anode in the now classical technique of electrochemical extraction of chlorides applied to a concrete structural element by spraying the paste on the surface of a concrete structural element, a pillar. Sprayed conductive cement paste, by adding graphite powder, is particularly useful to treat sizable vertical surfaces such are structural supports. Outcomes indicate that this kind of anode not only provides electrochemical chloride removal with similar efficiency, but also is able to retain moisture even without the use of a continuous dampening system.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Ambiente, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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This data set describes the distribution of a total of 90 plant species growing on field margins of an agricultural landscape in the Haean-myun catchment in South Korea. We conducted our survey between July and August 2011 in 100 sampling plots, covering the whole catchment. In each plot we measured three environmental variables: slope, width of the field margin, and management type (i.e. "managed" for field margins that had signs of management activities from the ongoing season such as cutting or spraying herbicides and "unmanaged" for field margins that had been left untouched in the season). For the botanical survey each plot was sampled using three subplots of one square meter per subplot; subplots were 4 m apart from each other. In each subplot, we estimated three different vegetation characteristics: vegetation cover (i.e. the percentage of ground covered by vegetation), species richness (i.e. the number of observed species) and species abundance (i.e. the number of observed individuals / species). We calculated the percentage of the non-farmed habitats by creating buffer zones of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 m radii around each plot using data provided by (Seo et al. 2014). Non-farmed habitats included field margins, fallows, forest, riparian areas, pasture and grassland.