997 resultados para Spherical carbon


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Enrichment of metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) has been accomplished by several means, including new extraction and synthetic procedures and by interaction with metal nanoparticles as well as electron donor molecules. In the presence of Fe(CO)(5) the arc discharge method yields nearly pure metallic nanotubes. Fluorous chemistry involving the preferential diazotization of metallic SWNTs offers a good procedure of obtaining the pure metallic species. Interaction of gold or platinum nanoparticles as well as of electron-donor molecules such as aniline and tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) transform semiconducting SWNTs into metallic ones. Raman and electroni spectroscopies provide ideal means to monitor enrichment of metallic SWNTs.


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We study the process of electronic excitation energy transfer from a fluorophore to the electronic energy levels of a single-walled carbon nanotube. The matrix element for the energy transfer involves the Coulombic interaction between the transition densities on the donor and the acceptor. In the Foumlrster approach, this is approximated as the interaction between the corresponding transition dipoles. For energy transfer from a dye to a nanotube, one can use the dipole approximation for the dye, but not for the nanotube. We have therefore calculated the rate using an approach that avoids the dipole approximation for the nanotube. We find that for the metallic nanotubes, the rate has an exponential dependence if the energy that is to be transferred, h is less than a threshold and a d(-5) dependence otherwise. The threshold is the minimum energy required for a transition other than the k(i,perpendicular to)=0 and l=0 transition. Our numerical evaluation of the rate of energy transfer from the dye pyrene to a (5,5) carbon nanotube, which is metallic leads to a distance of similar to 165 A degrees up to which energy transfer is appreciable. For the case of transfer to semiconducting carbon nanotubes, apart from the process of transfer to the electronic energy levels within the one electron picture, we also consider the possibility of energy transfer to the lowest possible excitonic state. Transfer to semiconducting carbon nanotubes is possible only if>=epsilon(g)-epsilon(b). The long range behavior of the rate of transfer has been found to have a d(-5) dependence if h >=epsilon(g). But, when the emission energy of the fluorophore is in the range epsilon(g)>h >=epsilon(g)-epsilon(b), the rate has an exponential dependence on the distance. For the case of transfer from pyrene to the semiconducting (6,4) carbon nanotube, energy transfer is found to be appreciable up to a distance of similar to 175 A degrees.


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Here we report on the magnetic properties of iron carbide nanoparticles embedded in a carbon matrix. Granular distributions of nanoparticles in an inert matrix, of potential use in various applications, were prepared by pyrolysis of organic precursors using the thermally assisted chemical vapour deposition method. By varying the precursor concentration and preparation temperature, compositions with varying iron concentration and nanoparticle sizes were made. Powder x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and Mossbauer spectroscopy studies revealed the nanocrystalline iron carbide (Fe3C) presence in the partially graphitized matrix. The dependence of the magnetic properties on the particle size and temperature (10 K < T < 300 K) were studied using superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry. Based on the affect of surrounding carbon spins, the observed magnetic behaviour of the nanoparticle compositions, such as the temperature dependence of magnetization and coercivity, can be explained.


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The esterification of propionic acid was investigated using three different alcohols, namely, isopropyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, and isoamyl alcohol. The variation of conversion with time for the synthesis of isoamyl propionate was investigated in the presence of five enzymes. Novozym 435 showed the highest activity, and this was used as the enzyme for investigating the various parameters that influence the esterification reaction. The Ping-Pong Bi-Bi model with inhibition by both acid and alcohol was used to model the experimental data and determine the kinetics of the esterification reaction.


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Synthetic approach to 3-alkoxythapsane, comprising of the carbon framework of a small group of sesquiterpenes containing three contiguous quaternary carbon atoms has been described. A combination of alkylation, orthoester Claisen rearrangement and intramolecular diazoketone cyclopropanation has been employed for the creation of the three requisite contiguous quaternary carbon atoms.


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This paper presents the effect of nonlocal scaling parameter on the terahertz wave propagation in fluid filled single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The SWCNT is modeled as a Timoshenko beam,including rotary inertia and transverse shear deformation by considering the nonlocal scale effects. A uniform fluid velocity of 1000 m/s is assumed. The analysis shows that, for a fluid filled SWCNT, the wavenumbers of flexural and shear waves will increase and the corresponding wave speeds will decrease as compared to an empty SWCNT. The nonlocal scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in both flexural and shear wave mode where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the wavenumber plots as the region where the wavenumber tends to infinite (or wave speed tends to zero). The frequency at which this phenomenon occurs is called the ``escape frequency''. The effect of fluid density on the terahertz wave propagation in SWCNT is also studied and the analysis shows that as the fluid becomes denser, the wave speeds will decrease. The escape frequency decreases with increase in nonlocal scaling parameter, for both wave modes. We also show that the effect of fluid density and velocity are negligible on the escape frequencies of flexural and shear wave modes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were discovered by Iijima in 1991 as the fourth form of carbon. Carbon nanotubes are the ultimate form of the carbon fibre because of its high Young's modulus in the order of 1 TPa, which is very useful for load transfer in nanocomposites. In the present work, CNT/Cu nanocomposites were fabricated by the powder metallurgy technique, and after extrusion of the nanocomposites, bright field transmission electron microscopic studies were carried out. From the transmission electron microscopic images obtained, a novel method of ascertaining the Young's modulus of multiwalled CNTs is worked out in the present paper, which turns out to be 0.94 TPa, which is consistent with experimental results. Furthermore, an attempt is made to investigate the microhardness of copper by reinforcing it with multiwalled CNTs. There is an increase in hardness by twofold in CNT/Cu nanocomposites as compared to pure Cu matrix. This is due to high relative density, even distribution of CNTs and proper bonding at CNT/Cu interfaces.


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The main method of modifying properties of semiconductors is to introduce small amount of impurities inside the material. This is used to control magnetic and optical properties of materials and to realize p- and n-type semiconductors out of intrinsic material in order to manufacture fundamental components such as diodes. As diffusion can be described as random mixing of material due to thermal movement of atoms, it is essential to know the diffusion behavior of the impurities in order to manufacture working components. In modified radiotracer technique diffusion is studied using radioactive isotopes of elements as tracers. The technique is called modified as atoms are deployed inside the material by ion beam implantation. With ion implantation, a distinct distribution of impurities can be deployed inside the sample surface with good con- trol over the amount of implanted atoms. As electromagnetic radiation and other nuclear decay products emitted by radioactive materials can be easily detected, only very low amount of impurities can be used. This makes it possible to study diffusion in pure materials without essentially modifying the initial properties by doping. In this thesis a modified radiotracer technique is used to study the diffusion of beryllium in GaN, ZnO, SiGe and glassy carbon. GaN, ZnO and SiGe are of great interest to the semiconductor industry and beryllium as a small and possibly rapid dopant hasn t been studied previously using the technique. Glassy carbon has been added to demonstrate the feasibility of the technique. In addition, the diffusion of magnetic impurities, Mn and Co, has been studied in GaAs and ZnO (respectively) with spintronic applications in mind.


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Extensive, and collocated measurements of the mass concentrations (M-B) of aerosol black carbon (BC) and (M-T) of composite aerosols were made over the Arabian Sea, tropical Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean during a trans-continental cruise experiment. Our investigations show that MB remains extremely low(<50 ng m(-3)) and remarkably steady (in space and time) in the Southern Ocean (20 degrees S to 56 degrees S). In contrast, large latitudinal gradients exist north of similar to 20 degrees S; M-B increasing exponentially to reach as high as 2000 ng m(-3) in the Arabian Sea (similar to 8 degrees N). Interestingly, the share of BC showed a distinctly different latitudinal variation, with a peak close to the equator and decreasing on either side. Large fluctuations were seen in M-T over Southern Ocean associated with enhanced production of sea-salt aerosols in response to sea-surface wind speed. These spatio-temporal changes in M-B and its mixing ratio have important implications to regional and global climate.


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The flow of a liquid on single-walled carbon nanotube bundles induces an electrical signal (voltage/current) in the sample along the direction of the flow. The electrical response is found to be logarithmic in the flow speed over a wide range. The magnitude of the flow induced electrical signal generated depends sensitively on the ionic conductivity and the polar nature of the liquid, and electrical biasing of the nanotubes can control its direction. Our measurements suggest that the dominant mechanism responsible for this highly sub-linear response should involve a direct forcing of the free charge carriers in the nanotubes by the fluctuating Coulombic field of the liquid flowing past it.


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Pristine peatlands are carbon (C) accumulating wetland ecosystems sustained by a high water level (WL) and consequent anoxia that slows down decomposition. Persistent WL drawdown as a response to climate and/or land-use change directly affects decomposition: increased oxygenation stimulates decomposition of the old C (peat) sequestered under prior anoxic conditions. Responses of the new C (plant litter) in terms of quality, production and decomposability, and the consequences for the whole C cycle of peatlands are not fully understood. WL drawdown induces changes in plant community resulting in shift in dominance from Sphagnum and graminoids to shrubs and trees. There is increasing evidence that the indirect effects of WL drawdown via the changes in plant communities will have more impact on the ecosystem C cycling than any direct effects. The aim of this study is to disentangle the direct and indirect effects of WL drawdown on the new C by measuring the relative importance of 1) environmental parameters (WL depth, temperature, soil chemistry) and 2) plant community composition on litter production, microbial activity, litter decomposition rates and, consequently, on the C accumulation. This information is crucial for modelling C cycle under changing climate and/or land-use. The effects of WL drawdown were tested in a large-scale experiment with manipulated WL at two time scales and three nutrient regimes. Furthermore, the effect of climate on litter decomposability was tested along a north-south gradient. Additionally, a novel method for estimating litter chemical quality and decomposability was explored by combining Near infrared spectroscopy with multivariate modelling. WL drawdown had direct effects on litter quality, microbial community composition and activity and litter decomposition rates. However, the direct effects of WL drawdown were overruled by the indirect effects via changes in litter type composition and production. Short-term (years) responses to WL drawdown were small. In long-term (decades), dramatically increased litter inputs resulted in large accumulation of organic matter in spite of increased decomposition rates. Further, the quality of the accumulated matter greatly changed from that accumulated in pristine conditions. The response of a peatland ecosystem to persistent WL drawdown was more pronounced at sites with more nutrients. The study demonstrates that the shift in vegetation composition as a response to climate and/or land-use change is the main factor affecting peatland ecosystem C cycle and thus dynamic vegetation is a necessity in any models applied for estimating responses of C fluxes to changes in the environment. The time scale for vegetation changes caused by hydrological changes needs to extend to decades. This study provides grouping of litter types (plant species and part) into functional types based on their chemical quality and/or decomposability that the models could utilize. Further, the results clearly show a drop in soil temperature as a response to WL drawdown when an initially open peatland converts into a forest ecosystem, which has not yet been considered in the existing models.


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Formation of C4 dicarboxylic acids in Plasmodium berghei by carbon dioxide fixation reaction has been demonstrated by the use of labeled NaH14CO3. The reactions require glucose, which may be required not only as an energy source but also to contribute to the formation of pyruvate in the process of carbon dioxide fixation. Intracellular concentration of pyruvate may play an important role in the metabolism of P. berghei; an increased intracellular level of pyruvate seems to be a prerequisite before some of these reactions could be detected. The distribution of the label indicates extensive randomization of amino acids and suggests an extensive cycling of the amino acid and organic acid pools of the parasites. This investigation formed part of the thesis submitted in 1965 for the doctoral degree at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 12, India, and was supported in part by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India.


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Vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the systems diisopropyl ether-n-heptane and diisopropyl ether-carbon tetrachloride have been reported at pressures of 760, 1520, and 2280 mm. of Hg. The systems form ideal mixtures under the pressure range studied.


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The propagation of a shock wave of finite strength due to an explosion into inhomogeneous nongravitating and self-gravitating systems has been considered, using similarity principles, supposing that the density varies as an inverse power of distance from the centre of explosion. A large number of systems, characterised by different density exponents and different adiabatic coefficients of the gas have been considered for different shock strengths. The numerical integration from the shock inward has been continued to the surface of singularity where density tends to infinity and which acts like a piston in the self-gravitating case and to the surface where the velocity gradient tends to infinity in the nongravitating case. The effect of variation of shock strength, density exponent and adiabatic coefficient on the location of these singularities and on the distribution of flow parameters behind the shock has been studied. The initial energy of the system and the manner of release of the explosion energy influence strongly the flow behind the shock. The results have been graphically depicted.