537 resultados para Spermatozoa


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O espermatozoide é um dos constituintes seminal, sendo essencial para a fertilidade dos indivíduos, uma vez que nele está contido o material genético do progenitor masculino, o qual é transportado através do trato reprodutivo feminino até o encontro com o oócito. No que tange a célula espermática suína, existem poucos relatos acerca de suas as particularidades morfofuncionais, principalmente elencando os fatores relacionados e capazes de interferir na fertilidade desses animais. Devido à crescente relevância da espécie como modelo biológico e sua importância na produção comercial, torna-se necessário compreender a célula espermática, no que diz respeito às características estruturais e funcionais, relacionadas ao processo de fertilização. Assim, o presente trabalho avaliou a morfofisiologia da célula espermática, no que tange a motilidade espermática, integridade e fluidez de membrana plasmática, funcionalidade de mitocôndria, reação acrossomal, espécies reativas de oxigênio, peroxidação lipídica, oxidação de proteínas carbonil, integridade de DNA, capacidade antioxidante total, balanço iônico intracelular e teste de penetração em oócitos homólogos e relacionou essas características com a fertilidade in vivo (taxa de parição). Foi encontrada um diferença significativa na fertilização in vivo, podendo distinguir os animais em animais de alta fertilidade (fertilidade ≥ 70%) e animais de baixa fertilidade (fertilidade < 70%). Animais de alta fertilidade apresentam uma maior funcionalidade mitocondrial (p<0,05), menor fluidez de membrana plasmática (p<0,01) e maior capacidade antioxidante total (p<0,01). Sendo essas últimas correlacionadas de forma positiva à fertilidade in vivo, r= 0,77; p= 0,0003 e r= 0,63; p= 0,0049, respectivamente. Dentre as demais características não foi encontrada nenhuma diferença entre os grupos. Desta forma, este trabalho mostrou algumas características da célula espermática suína e fatores capazes de interferir na fertilidade dos animais. Possivelmente animais de alta fertilidade possuem um maior metabolismo celular, devido a um maior funcionalidade de mitocôndria, sendo capazes de balancear a produção excessiva de espécies reativas de oxigênio devido a uma maior capacidade antioxidante, além disso, 5 essas células, provavelmente também possuam uma metabolismo celular mais estável e compatível com os eventos reprodutivos, o que é indicado pela menor fluidez de membrana plasmática. Assim, avaliações como a fluidez de membrana plasmática, capacidade antioxidante total e funcionalidade mitocondrial das células espermáticas destacam-se como marcadores bioquímicos promissores para predizer a fertilidade in vivo em suínos.


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Les peptides et protéines extracteurs de lipides (PEL) se lient aux membranes lipidiques puis en extraient des lipides en formant de plus petits auto-assemblages, un phénomène qui peut aller jusqu'à la fragmentation des membranes. Dans la nature, cette extraction se produit sur une gamme de cellules et entraîne des conséquences variées, comme la modification de la composition de la membrane et la mort de la cellule. Cette thèse se penche sur l’extraction lipidique, ou fragmentation, induite par le peptide mélittine et la protéine Binder-of-SPerm 1 (BSP1) sur des membranes lipidiques modèles. Pour ce faire, des liposomes de différentes compositions sont préparés et incubés avec la mélittine ou la BSP1. L'association aux membranes est déterminée par la fluorescence intrinsèque des PEL, tandis que l'extraction est caractérisée par une plateforme analytique combinant des tests colorimétriques et des analyses en chromatographie en phase liquide et spectrométrie de masse (LCMS). La mélittine fait partie des peptides antimicrobiens cationiques, un groupe de PEL très répandu chez les organismes vivants. Ces peptides sont intéressants du point du vue médical étant donné leur mode d’action qui vise directement les lipides des membranes. Plusieurs de ceux-ci agissent sur les membranes des bactéries selon le mécanisme dit « en tapis », par lequel ils s’adsorbent à leur surface, forment des pores et ultimement causent leur fragmentation. Dans cette thèse, la mélittine est utilisée comme peptide modèle afin d’étudier le mécanisme par lequel les peptides antimicrobiens cationiques fragmentent les membranes. Les résultats montrent que la fragmentation des membranes de phosphatidylcholines (PC) est réduite par une déméthylation graduelle de leur groupement ammonium. L'analyse du matériel fragmenté révèle que les PC sont préférentiellement extraites des membranes, dû à un enrichissement local en PC autour de la mélittine à l'intérieur de la membrane. De plus, un analogue de la mélittine, dont la majorité des résidus cationiques sont neutralisés, est utilisé pour évaluer le rôle du caractère cationique de la mélittine native. La neutralisation augmente l'affinité du peptide pour les membranes neutres et anioniques, réduit la fragmentation des membranes neutres et augmente la fragmentation des membranes anioniques. Malgré les interactions électrostatiques entre le peptide cationique et les lipides anioniques, aucune spécificité lipidique n'est observée dans l'extraction. La BSP1 est la protéine la plus abondante du liquide séminal bovin et constitue un autre exemple de PEL naturel important. Elle se mélange aux spermatozoïdes lors de l’éjaculation et extrait des lipides de leur membrane, notamment le cholestérol et les phosphatidylcholines. Cette étape cruciale modifie la composition lipidique de la membrane du spermatozoïde, ce qui faciliterait par la suite la fécondation de l’ovule. Cependant, le contact prolongé de la protéine avec les spermatozoïdes endommagerait la semence. Cette thèse cherche donc à approfondir notre compréhension de ce délicat phénomène en étudiant le mécanisme moléculaire par lequel la protéine fragmente les membranes lipidiques. Les résultats des présents travaux permettent de proposer un mécanisme d’extraction lipidique en 3 étapes : 1) L'association à l’interface des membranes; 2) La relocalisation de l’interface vers le cœur lipidique; 3) La fragmentation des membranes. La BSP1 se lie directement à deux PC à l'interface; une quantité suffisante de PC dans les membranes est nécessaire pour permettre l'association et la fragmentation. Cette liaison spécifique ne mène généralement pas à une extraction lipidique sélective. L'impact des insaturations des chaînes lipidiques, de la présence de lysophosphatidylcholines, de phosphatidyléthanolamine, de cholestérol et de lipides anioniques est également évalué. Les présentes observations soulignent la complexe relation entre l'affinité d'un PEL pour une membrane et le niveau de fragmentation qu'il induit. L'importance de la relocalisation des PEL de l'interface vers le cœur hydrophobe des membranes pour permettre leur fragmentation est réitérée. Cette fragmentation semble s'accompagner d'une extraction lipidique préférentielle seulement lorsqu'une séparation de phase est induite au niveau de la membrane, nonobstant les interactions spécifiques PEL-lipide. Les prévalences des structures amphiphiles chez certains PEL, ainsi que de la fragmentation en auto-assemblages discoïdaux sont discutées. Finalement, le rôle des interactions électrostatiques entre les peptides antimicrobiens cationiques et les membranes bactériennes anioniques est nuancé : les résidus chargés diminueraient l'association des peptides aux membranes neutres suite à l'augmentation de leur énergie de solvatation.


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Arsenite is a major environmental toxicant that is well known to cause reproductive injury. The sperm protective potential of Ageratum conyzoides Linn in arsenic-treated rats was carried out in this study taking advantage of the antioxidant constituents and its androgenic activities. Twenty-four male albino rats aged 16 weeks, weighing 225 to 228g were used. They were grouped into 4(A-Da) with each group containing 6 rats. Group A was orally treated with 100mg/kg ethanol leaf extract of Ageratum conyzoides L., daily for 14 days, group B (single oral dose of sodium arsenite 2.5 mg/kg body weight), C (Ageratum conyzoides extract daily for 14 days and sodium arsenite (SA) given on the 14th day) and group D (Propylene glycol as negative control). It was observed that group B had a more lower (p<0.05) percentage motility (26.7±6.67%) when compared across the groups while group A had a significantly higher (p<0.05) mean value (63.3±3.33%). The sperm motility of rats in group D was significantly higher (p<0.05) than groups B and C. This implies that A. conyzoides extract had no adverse effect on the sperm motility of the rats and also ameliorates the adverse effect of arsenite on sperm motility. The mean value obtained for sperm liveability, semen volume and Sperm concentration followed a similar pattern although, the differences were not significant (p>0.05) for semen volume and the Sperm concentration of rats across the groups. The total sperm abnormality obtained across the groups ranges between 10.44 and 14.27% with group B treated with sodium arsenite (SA) having the highest value when compared with groups A and D, although, the differences were not significant (P>0.05). The study concluded that ethanol leaf extract of Ageratum conyzoides has no negative effect on sperm motility, liveability characteristics and morphology and also protected spermatozoa against arsenic reproductive toxicity in wistar strain albino rats..


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Objetivou-se determinar a dose inseminante adequada para uso na fertilização artificial de ovócitos de dourado (Salminus brasiliensis). Os ovócitos foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, e fertilizados com uma das relações espermatozoides/ovócito 6,0×10³; 6,0×10(4); 6,0×10(5); 6,0×10(6) ou 3,0×10(7), cada uma com quatro repetições. Considerou-se unidade experimental uma incubadora de volume útil de 2,5 L, contendo 2,0 mL de ovócitos não-hidratados. As taxas de fertilização foram mensuradas 8 horas após o início da fertilização. Com intuito de verificar possíveis efeitos da diluição seminal na movimentação dos espermatozoides, realizou-se a mensuração do tempo de duração da motilidade espermática dos espermatozoides de dourado, ativados por meio de diferentes relações de diluição: 6,8×10-5; 6,8×10-4; 6,8×10-3; 6,8×10-2; 3,4×10-1 e 1,0 mL de sêmen por mL de água. O tempo de duração da motilidade foi avaliado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado composto de seis tratamentos e três repetições. As taxas de fertilização apresentaram relação quadrática com o número de espermatozoides por ovócito. As relações de diluição do sêmen tiveram efeito inversamente proporcional sobre a duração da motilidade espermática. A relação que proporcionou melhores taxas de fertilização artificial de ovócitos de dourado (Salminus brasiliensis) foi de 30.722 espermatozoides por ovócio.


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With the exception of the domestic cat, all members of the family Felidae are considered either endangered or threatened. Although not yet used for this purpose, spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) transplantation has a high potential to preserve the genetic stock of endangered species. However, this technique has not previously been established in felids. Therefore, we developed the necessary procedures to perform syngeneic and xenogeneic SSC transplants (eg, germ cell [GC] depletion in the recipient domestic cats, enrichment and labeling of donor cell suspension, and the transplantation method) in order to investigate the feasibility of the domestic cat as a recipient for the preservation and propagation of male germ plasm from wild felids. In comparison with busulfan treatment, local x-ray fractionated radiation was a more effective approach to depleting endogenous spermatogenesis. The results of both syngeneic and xenogeneic transplants revealed that SSCs were able to successfully colonize and differentiate in the recipient testis, generating elongated spermatids several weeks posttransplantation. Specifically, ocelot spermatozoa were observed in the cat epididymis 13 weeks following transplantation. As donor GCs from domestic cats and ocelots were able to develop and form mature GCs in the recipient environment seminiferous tubules, these findings indicate that the domestic cat is a suitable recipient for SSC transplantation. Moreover, as modern cats descended from a medium-size cat that existed approximately 10 to 11 million years ago, these results strongly suggest that the domestic cat could be potentially used as a recipient for generating and propagating the genome of wild felids.


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The bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) has substantial economic importance and has also been used as an experimental model for biological studies in the fields of pharmcology, medicine, and reproductive biology, especially studies addressing gametogenesis. However, there is a lack of comprehensive information in the literature regarding testis structure and function in this amphibian. The main objective of the current study was to estimate the duration of the various phases of spermatogenesis in this vertebrate. Sixteen sexually mature bullfrogs received an intracoelomic administration of tritiated thymidine. Testes were analyzed at various times between I h and 33 d after administration to detect the most advanced germ cell types labeled at each interval, as well as labeled preleptotene spermatocytes, which presumably originated from spermatogonial stem cells. The duration of the spermatogonial, spermatocytic, and spermiogenic phases of spermatogenesis in the bullfrog were approximately 18, 14, and 8 d, respectively. Thus, the total duration of the spermatogenesis process from early spermatogonia through to spermatozoa was 40 d in this species, similar to that of most previously investigated mammalian species. To our knowledge, this is the first reliable report on the duration of the full spermatogenic process in any amphibian species. These findings will be very useful for tracking the pace of germ cells in studies involving spermatogonial transplantation in lower vertebrates. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: There are few studies indicating the detrimental effects of ibuprofen on sperm fertility potential and DNA integrity. Objective: To determine the effects of Ibuprofen on sperm parameters, chromatin condensation and DNA integrity of mice. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 36 adult male mice with average weight 37 gr were divided into three groups, including control (group I, n=12), normal dosage of ibuprofen (group II, n=12) and high dosage (group III, n=12). Ibuprofen with different doses was dissolved in daily water of animals. After 35, 70 and 105 days, the cauda epididymis of mice were cut and incubated in Ham’s F10 media. Sperm samples were analyzed for parameters (motility, morphology and count), DNA integrity (SCD test) and chromatin condensation (chromomycin A3 and Aniline blue staining). Results: After 35 days, in addition to above mentioned sperm parameters, all of the treated mice showed statistically significant increase in spermatozoa with immature chromatin (P<0.05). However, after 70 days, the rate of sperm DNA fragmentation assessed by SCD was increased in group II (66.5±0.7) and the percentage of immature spermatozoa (AB+ and CMA3+) was higher in group III (77.5±0.7 and 49.5±6.3 respectively) than other groups. After 105 days, the AB+ spermatozoa were increased in both normal dose and high dose groups. Conclusion: Ibuprofen may cause a significant reduction in sperm parameters and sperm chromatin/DNA integrity in mice. It should be noted that these deleterious effects are dose-dependent and can be seen in early and late stage of drug treatments.


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Résumé : La phase haploïde de la spermatogenèse (spermiogenèse) est caractérisée par une modification importante de la structure de la chromatine et un changement de la topologie de l’ADN du spermatide. Les mécanismes par lesquels ce changement se produit ainsi que les protéines impliquées ne sont pas encore complètement élucidés. Mes travaux ont permis d’établir la présence de cassures bicaténaires transitoires pendant ce remodelage par l’essai des comètes et l’électrophorèse en champ pulsé. En procédant à des immunofluorescences sur coupes de tissus et en utilisant un extrait nucléaire hautement actif, la présence de topoisomérases ainsi que de marqueurs de systèmes de réparation a été confirmée. Les protéines de réparation identifiées font partie de systèmes sujets à l’erreur, donc cette refonte structurale de la chromatine pourrait être génétiquement instable et expliquer le biais paternel observé pour les mutations de novo dans de récentes études impliquant des criblages à haut débit. Une technique permettant l’immunocapture spécifique des cassures bicaténaires a été développée et appliquée sur des spermatides murins représentant différentes étapes de différenciation. Les résultats de séquençage à haut débit ont montré que les cassures bicaténaires (hotspots) de la spermiogenèse se produisent en majorité dans l’ADN intergénique, notamment dans les séquences LINE1, l’ADN satellite et les répétions simples. Les hotspots contiennent aussi des motifs de liaisons des protéines des familles FOX et PRDM, dont les fonctions sont entre autres de lier et remodeler localement la chromatine condensée. Aussi, le motif de liaison de la protéine BRCA1 se trouve enrichi dans les hotspots de cassures bicaténaires. Celle-ci agit entre autres dans la réparation de l’ADN par jonction terminale non-homologue (NHEJ) et dans la réparation des adduits ADN-topoisomérase. De façon remarquable, le motif de reconnaissance de la protéine SPO11, impliquée dans la formation des cassures méiotiques, a été enrichi dans les hotspots, ce qui suggère que la machinerie méiotique serait aussi utilisée pendant la spermiogenèse pour la formation des cassures. Enfin, bien que les hotspots se localisent plutôt dans les séquences intergéniques, les gènes ciblés sont impliqués dans le développement du cerveau et des neurones. Ces résultats sont en accord avec l’origine majoritairement paternelle observée des mutations de novo associées aux troubles du spectre de l’autisme et de la schizophrénie et leur augmentation avec l’âge du père. Puisque les processus du remodelage de la chromatine des spermatides sont conservés dans l’évolution, ces résultats suggèrent que le remodelage de la chromatine de la spermiogenèse représente un mécanisme additionnel contribuant à la formation de mutations de novo, expliquant le biais paternel observé pour certains types de mutations.


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The study on semen quantity and quality of Kampung and Arab fowl under various levels of vitamin E supplementation was conducted, using 2x4 factorial Completely Randomized Design with 4 replicates.  Analysis of variance followed by Duncan New Multiple Range Test were used to analyze the data.  Levels  of vitamin E given orally were 0 IU (control); 2 IU (t1); 4 IU (t2) and 8 IU (t3) per bird daily.  The results showed that semen volume was not affected by genotype (Kampung: 0.26 ± 0.05 ml Vs.  Arab: 0.22 ± 0.05 ml) while the vitamin E treatments significantly (P<0.05) affected the semen volume i.e. 0.16 ± 0.06 ml (control); 0.27 ± 0.04 ml (t1); 0.28 ± 0.03 ml (t2) and 0.23 ± 0.03 ml (t3).  Semen viscosity was not affected by genotype, but was substantially affected by vitamin E treatments.  The semen pH was not influenced by all treatments given, spermatozoa concentration of Kampung (1.80 ± 0.39 billion/ml) was not significantly different with that of Arab (1.86 ± 0.16 billion/ml).  Vitamin E treatments resulted in different (P<0.05) spermatozoa concentration among control (1.50 ± 0.16 billion/ml), t1 (1.98 ± 0.14 billion/ml), t2 (2.01 ± 0.09 billion/ml) and t3 (1.87 ± 0.18 billion/ml).  No significant different found on semen mass movement between Kampung and Arab, also among vitamin E treatments.  The spermatozoa motility of Kampung and Arab was not statistically different, however vitamin E improved motility significantly (P<0.05); control (2.90 ± 0.59); t1 (3.5 ± 0.16); t2 (3.54 ± 0.25) and t3 (3.44 ± 0.48).  Percentage of dead spermatozoa of Kampung and Arab were 18.24 ± 1.98% and 17.35 ± 2.74%, while vitamin E supplementation results were as follows 18.10 ± 3.03% (control); 18.54 ± 2.01% (t1); 17.72 ± 1.47% (t2) and 16.82 ± 2.87% (t3) no significant different was found.  Percentage of abnormal spermatozoa of Kampung (4.35 ± 0.80%) and Arab (4.64 ± 0.87%) was not different statistically.  Among the vitamin E treatments the results was as follows 4.31 ± 1.40% (control); 4.75 ± 0.69% (t1); 4.94 ± 1.91% (t2) and 3.97 ± 1.14% (t3).  However, significant (P<0.05) interaction effects were found in Kampung males at treatment t2 (4 IU) and t3 (8 IU). (Animal Production 7(2): 67-73 (2005) Key Words: Kampung, Arab, Fowl, Semen, Vitamin E


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The research entitled “The Effect of Level Testosterone Addition in Diluents and Level Dilution on Speed Movement and Abnormality of Kedu Chicken Sperm” was conducted in Laboratory of Physiology and Reproduction, Faculty of Animal Science, UNSOED, started at August 15th to September 15th , 2001. The aims of  this research were to obtain influences of level testosterone and dilution on speed movement and secondary abnormality kedu chicken sperm and obtain interaction between the treatments. The tapped sperm from nine kedu chickens were used in this research. This Experiment was performed 4 x 3 Factorials with Randomized  Completely Block Design (RCBD) as the basic design. The treatment combinations were level testosterone 0, 300, 600 and 900 μg (t0, t1, t2 and t3) and level of dilution 4, 6 and 8 time (in a row p1, p2 and p3). The tapping period was replicated four times as a group (replicated) with two days interval. The result of this research showed that the interaction between level of testosterone addition and level of dilution gave a non-significant effect to speed movement sperm but significant to abnormality of kedu chicken sperm. The group gave a significant influence (P<0.05) to speed movement sperm and non significant to sperm abnormality. The interaction of level testosterone addition and level dilution of kedu chicken semen (T x P) has a quadratic regression to sperm abnormality with regression comparison is Y = 24.418 – 0.014 X +1.187E – 05 X², with peak point is (543.76: 20.23) of correlation coefficient (r) 0.55 and determination coefficient (R²) as 30.34%. The addition of 600 μg testosterone level with 6 level dilutions was the best to defend sperm abnormality. (Animal Production 4(2): 60-70 (2002) Key Words : Spermatozoa, Kedu Chicken, Testosterone, Dilution, Speed Movement and Abnormality


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Generally, the problem of semen freezing process  is  cold shock effect and intracelullar change due to water release which is  related to  ice crystal formation. One factor to solve the problem is finding out optimal equilibration time and thawing method so there is only a little  damage spermatozoa during freezing process.  The research has been done  to explore  the  influence of  equilibration time and thawing methode  on  frozen semen quality of garut rams. The results shown that the mean of percentages of progressive motile sperm, percentages of viable sperm, percentages of plasma membrane and acrosomal intact on four hours equilibration (52.50% ;  62.33%; 57.17% and 56.42%)  were not significantly different  (P>0.05) from five hours equilibration (52.27%;  63.67%;  56.92% and 57.58 %)  and six hours equilibration (54.17%; 61.00%; 59.42% and 58.58%) respectively.  The percentages of progressive motile sperm, percentages of viable sperm,   percentages of plasma membrane and  acrosomal intact on the thawing method  on the temperature of 370C  for 30 seconds (53.33% ;  62.39%; 57.94% dan 58.61) were not significantly different  (P>0.05) from the thawing methode  on the temperature of 250C for 45 seconds (52.22% ; 62.28%; 57.72% dan 56.44) respectively.  The conclusion shown that  the treatment of four hours equilibration, five hours equilibration,   six hours equilibration and also  the treatment of thawing method  on the temperature of 370C   for 30 seconds and the thawing methode  on the temperature of 250C   for 45 seconds do not have effect on garut ram freezing semen quality. (Animal Production 7(2): 74-80 (2005) Key  Words : Equilibration, Thawing, Semen, Garut ram