788 resultados para South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs--Finance
Call & Response is the newsletter of the South Carolina African American Heritage Commission, whose mission is to identify and promote the preservation of historic sites, structures, buildings, and culture of the African American experience in South Carolina. This is volume V, number 1 and includes a message from the chair, list of board members, preservation project profile, news from the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, annual meeting information, and events calendar.
Call & Response is the newsletter of the South Carolina African American Heritage Commission, whose mission is to identify and promote the preservation of historic sites, structures, buildings, and culture of the African American experience in South Carolina. This is volume VI and includes a message from the chair, list of board members, preservation project profile, news from the South Carolina Department of Archives and History and events calendar.
This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.
This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.
The Underground Storage Tank program at the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control publishes a biannual publication of compliance, technical, and financial information to supply outreach to tank owners, contractors, and the general public.
The certification program is centered on a three-day workshop that includes detailed instruction and a 16-chapter manual/reference guide. The manual/reference guide offers a comprehensive overview of both old and new recycling issues faced by programs including composting, electronics and funding. It also provides detailed information on the requirements of county programs as outlined in the S.C. Solid Waste Policy and Management Act of 1991.
This is a poster in both Spanish and English advertising The Point, a teen health center in Spartanburg S.C.
This sheet, printed in Spanish, shows what vaccinations infants and children should get at various ages. Also listed are diseases, the vaccine that prevents them, how the disease is spread, its symptoms and disease complications.
This Spanish language brochure describes birth control pills and tells how and when to take them.
This document written in English and Spanish discusses the problem of babies spitting up.
This Spanish language sheet explains SC regulation 61-25 dealing with retail food establishments and shellfish. It also has a daily shellstock receiving record that can be used by restaurants for record keeping.
This document printed in English and Spanish tells the kinds of items that can be recycled in Georgetown County.
This Spanish language document says "To promote the health and welfare of our employees and customers, our whole campus tobacco free."
This Spanish language document says "Welcome to our tobacco free campus. When you're ready to quit, we are ready to help."
This Spanish language fact sheet cites SC Regulation 61-25 dealing with food inspection.