924 resultados para Solid waste landfill
Leather tanneries generate effluents with high content of heavy metals, especially chromium, which is used in the mineral tanning process. Microemulsions have been studied in the extraction of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Considering the problems related with the sediment resulting from the tanning process, due to its high content in chromium, in this work this sediment was characterized and microemulsion systems were applied for chromium removal. The extraction process consists in the removal of heavy metal ions present in an aqueous feeding solution (acid digestion solution) by a microemulsion system. First three different solid sludge digestion methods were evaluated, being chosen the method with higher digestion capacity. For this digestion method, seeking its optimization, was evaluated the influence of granule size, temperature and digestion time. Experimental results showed that the method proposed by USEPA (Method A) was the most efficient one, being obtained 95.77% of sample digestion. Regarding to the evaluated parameters, the best results were achieved at 95°C, 14 Mesh granule size, and 60 minutes digestion time. For chromium removal, three microemulsion extraction methods were evaluated: Method 1, in a Winsor II region, using as aqueous phase the acid digestion solution; Method 2, in a Winsor IV region, being obtained by the addition of the acid digestion solution to a microemulsion phase, whose aqueous phase is distilled water, until the formation of Winsor II system; and Method 3, in a Winsor III region, consisting in the formation of a Winsor III region using as aqueous phase the acid digestion solution, diluted in NaOH 0.01N. Seeking to optimize the extraction process only Method 1 (Systems I, II, and VIII) and Method 2 (System IX) were evaluated, being chosen points inside the interest regions (studied domains) to study the influence of contact time and pH in the extraction percentiles. The studied systems present the following compositions: System I: Surfactant Saponified coconut oil, Cosurfactant 1-Butanol, Oil phase Kerosene, Aqueous phase 2% NaCl solution; System II: Aqueous phase Acid digestion solution with pH adjusted using KOH (pH 3.5); System VIII: Aqueous phase - Acid digestion solution (pH 0.06); and System IX Aqueous phase Distilled water (pH 10.24), the other phases of Systems II, VIII and IX are similar to System I. Method 2 showed to be the more efficient one regarding chromium extraction percentile (up to 96.59% - pH 3.5). Considering that with Method 2 the microemulsion region only appears in the Winsor II region, it was studied Method 3 (System X) for the evaluation and characterization of a triphasic system, seeking to compare with a biphases system. System X is composed by: Surfactant Saponified coconut oil, Cosurfactant 1-Butanol, Oil phase Kerosene, Aqueous phase Acid digestion solution diluted with water and with its pH adjusted using 0.01N NaOH solution. The biphasic and triphasic microemulsion systems were analyzed regarding its viscosity, extraction efficiency and drop effective diameter. The experimental results showed that for viscosity studies the obtained values were low for all studied systems, the diameter of the drop is smaller in the Winsor II region, with 15.5 nm, reaching 46.0 nm in Winsor III region, being this difference attributed to variations in system compositions and micelle geometry. In chromium extraction, these points showed similar results, being achieved 99.76% for Winsor II system and 99.62% for Winsor III system. Winsor III system showed to be more efficient due to the obtaining of a icroemulsion with smaller volume, with the possibility to recover the oil phase in excess, and the use of a smaller proportion of surfactant and cosurfactant (C/S)
The chemical recycling of polyolefins has been the focus of increasing attention owing potential application as a fuel and as source chemicals. The use of plastic waste contributes to the solution of pollution problems.The use of catalysts can enhance the thermal degradation of synthetic polymers, which may be avaliated by Themogravimetry (TG) and mass spectrometry (MS) combined techniques. This work aims to propose alternatives to the chemistry recycling of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) on mesoporous silica type SBA-15 and AlSBA-15.The mesoporous materials type SBA-15 and AlSBA-15 were synthesized through the hydrothermal method starting from TEOS, pseudobohemite, cloridric acid HCl and water. As structure template was used Pluronic P123. The syntheses were accomplished during the period of three days. The best calcination conditions for removal of the organic template (P123) were optimized by thermal analysis (TG/DTG) and through analyses of Xray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), nitrogen adsorption and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was verified that as much the hydrothermal synthesis method as the calcination by TG were promising for the production of mesoporous materials with high degree of hexagonal ordination. The general analysis of the method of Analog Scan was performed at 10oC/min to 500 oC to avoid deterioration of capillary with very high temperatures. Thus, with the results, we observed signs mass/charge more evident and, using the MID method, was obtained curve of evolution of these signals. The addition of catalysis produced a decrease in temperature of polymer degradation proportional to the acidity of the catalyst. The results showed that the mesoporous materials contributed to the formation of compounds of lower molecular weight and higher value in the process of catalytic degradation of LDPE, representing an alternative to chemical recycling of solid waste
The panorama of Urban Solid Waste (USW) in Brazil, in general lacks information, given the immensity of the country. However, it is from available data that the public executives should define the USW management. To contribute to the choice of a model for the management of USW in small municipalities, this study reviews the related literature, showing an overview of the final disposal of USW in small municipalities. Several data and researches are discussed, concluding that the available data, despite being provided by the public managers, who often attenuate the problem, should be considered for the proposition of policies to encourage the waste treatment
The reality points to the global environmental sustainability as the only viable option for addressing the crisis at hand. The move towards sustainability calls for the generation / evaluation systems in their direction, through the incorporation of environmental requirements and in line with the National Policy on Solid Waste. Therefore, the proposed research supports the importance of social and environmental vision, complementing the technical view, the system for management of solid waste from East London, which is a municipality that has a system whose inadequacies are configured in environmental risk and health. Therefore, by observing, applying the model of sustainability indicators and content analysis of interviews, this research proposes to investigate the principles of sustainability and social participation are presented and what is the perception of risk about the inadequacies in the system. The results confirmed the hypotheses of the study and draw a picture of worrying data, such as very unfavorable indicators of sustainability, lack of channels of participation, uncommitted investments with the management system, devaluation of the collector of waste and differing perceptions about the risk by making actors act in isolation. This worrying situation is eased by the appearance of a series of elements are configured as opportunities for the integration of environmental principles in the system. And despite the inability of managers to participate in the research system, yet it behaves as an opportunity to implement public policies in the area of solid waste such as: the preparation of the municipal waste, the institutionalization of selective collection and organization of cooperative with the support of companies present in the city and educational institutions as the Federal Institute. The research is an opportunity for the implementation of policies in the area of solid waste and will collaborate with the building instruments for the quality of life of residents, for the socioeconomic conditions of collectors and the move towards a sustainable society
O artigo apresenta a gestão dos resíduos sólidos no Brasil e seus rebatimentos na cidade de Natal/RN, verificando seus aspectos ambientais, econômicos e sociais. O fracasso da coleta seletiva revelado nos baixos índices de recuperação dos materiais; a baixa relevância da inclusão socioeconômica dos catadores que participam do programa assistencialista oficial; a inexistência de estratégias oficiais para que se minimize a quantidade de resíduos que se gera cada dia e o aumento exagerado dos gastos públicos, sobretudo com o tratamento dos resíduos no aterro sanitário, demonstram que a gestão de resíduos em Natal, conforme parâmentros da Política Nacional de Residuos Sólidos, objetiva o controle destes na cidade e a consolida- ção do tratamento finalista através do envio da quase totalidade dos resíduos coletados ao aterro sanitário
A emergência na necessidade de se manejar os resíduos sólidos urbanos leva as administrações públicas em países centrais e periféricos a utilizarem modelos de gestão de resíduos bastante similares. A gestão dos resíduos nos países centrais é caracterizada pela eficiência na execução dos serviços (limpeza, coleta, transporte e destino final), uso de aparatos tecnológicos na execução de ditos serviços e forte tradição na separação dos materiais recicláveis a ser destinados para a reciclagem. Nos países periféricos, a gestão tradicional (coletar e descartar resíduos em lixões à céu aberto) vem sendo substituída pela gestão moderna, sobressaindo-se o controle dos resíduos em detrimento das estratégias de prevenção. Também, destaca-se a presença de trabalhadores informais que coletam e separam materiais, destinando-os à reciclagem. A partir do levantamento à referência bibliográfica especializada e na consulta a documentos oficiais e produzidos por entidades diversas, o presente artigo analisa as similitudes na gestão dos resíduos sólidos em países centrais e periféricos. A busca pela modernização nos serviços dos resíduos sem levar em conta as recomendações de documentos como a Agenda 21 caracteriza a gestão dos resíduos em países centrais e periféricos pelo ambientalismo econômico, no qual as ações de controle dos resíduos são justificadas pelos aspectos ambientais e sociais dessa gestão
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A indústria de amido vem crescendo e se aperfeiçoando nos últimos anos, levando à necessidade de produtos com características específicas que atendam as exigências do mercado, o que possibilita o processamento de matérias-primas amiláceas ainda pouco exploradas. O trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o processamento industrial de fécula de mandioca e batata doce. Através da análise da composição da raiz, fécula e bagaço, bem como do balanço de massa dos processos, objetivou-se estabelecer a eficiência de uma planta industrial de processamento de mandioca, para a obtenção de fécula de batata doce. Os resultados demonstraram que a fécula de batata doce obtida está dentro dos limites da legislação brasileira e que parte do amido não foi extraído no processamento, sendo gerado um bagaço com 79,94 % de amido e com composição semelhante ao gerado no processamento de mandioca que contém em média 80 % de amido. A comparação dos balanços de massa demonstrou uma menor eficiência da planta no processamento da batata doce (18,3% de rendimento), quando comparado com o de mandioca (25,5% de rendimento) com umidade de 13,75 % e 12,3 %, respectivamente, na fécula. A retenção de amido no bagaço indicou deficiência no processo industrial de extração independentemente da matéria-prima.
The main goal of this study was to identify and analyse environmental problems related to human occupation at the south part of the city of Paranagua PR, Brazil, aiming the diagnosis and conceptual evaluation of landscape use. For landscape use assessments and degradation diagnosis purposes, the environment was classified considering mainly geological and geomorphologic characteristics, such as declivity and sediment origin. The identification of potential environmental impacts was made by aerial photographs, Landsat-TM images, photographic records, surface sediment samples, water-column samples, and mainly observation visits to each classified unit. Surface sediment samples were taken with a Petit-Ponar sampler, in 13 station located in Paranagua Bay. In order to characterize the contamination level on sediments, the concentration of the following elements were analysed: arsenic (As), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), lead (Ph) e zinc (Zn). For the extraction of these elements, samples were treated with HCl 0.1N for 12 hours. This method has the advantage of determining contaminants which are weakly bind to the sediment, thus more available to the system. Analysis were performed by atomic absorption spectroscopy. According to the adopted criteria, sectors were classified as hills, mangroves, continental sediments and beach ridges urban and port industrial. Water quality and concentrations of metallic elements were determined at three sectors one control and two with the influence of urban and port/industrial activities, respectively the major upland impacts found were: deforestation due to disordered occupation, and solid waste emission through domestic and industrial sewage. The diagnosis of the actual situation was used as a basis for a management plan, once it allows the identification of impacts, and consequent environmental irregularities. Based on this considerations, suggestions for land use and management were presented, which offers a better approach for recuperation and protection of the studied ecosystem.
The aim of this study was to know the yeast biodiversity from fresh olive (Olea europaea L.) fruits, olive paste (crush olives) and olive pomace (solid waste) from Arbequina and Cornicabra varieties. Yeasts were isolated from fruits randomly harvested at various olive groves in the region of Castilla La Mancha (Spain). Olive paste and pomace, a byproduct of the processing of this raw material, were also collected in sterile flasks from different oil mills. Molecular identification methodology used included comparison of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicons of their 5.8S rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2 followed by restriction pattern analysis (RFLP). For some species, sequence analysis of the 5.8S rDNA gene was necessary. The results were compared to sequences held in public databases (BLAST). These techniques allowed to identify fourteen different species of yeasts, belonging to seven different genera (Zygosaccharomyces, Pichia, Lachancea, Kluyveromyces, Saccharomyces, Candida, Torulaspora) from the 108 yeast isolates. Species diversity was thus considerable: Pichia caribbica, Zygosaccharomyces fermentati (Lachancea fermentati) and Pichia holstii (Nakazawaea holstii) were the most commonly isolated species, followed by Pichia mississippiensis, Lachancea sp., Kluyveromyces thermotolerans and Saccharomyces rosinii. The biotechnological properties of these isolates, was also studied. For this purpose, the activity of various enzymes (beta-glucosidase, beta-glucanase, carboxymethylcellulase, polygalacturonase, peroxidase and lipase) was evaluated. It was important that none of species showed lipase activity, a few had cellulase and polygalacturonase activities and the majority of them presented beta-glucanase, beta-glucosidase and peroxidase activities. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The reuse of materials has as its main objective to minimize environmental impacts and to rationalize the use of energy chains. In the present work, samples of scraps of 316 stainless steel mixed with powder of the same material were sintered. For this case, the percentage of scrap was varied from zero to 25% in weight, with 5% increases. After compacting, under a pressure of 600MPa, the samples were sintered simultaneously at a temperature of 1473 K. The mechanical behavior of the final product was evaluated through Assays of Transversal Rupture recommended and normalized by the MPIF - Metal Powder Industries Federation. Using Conventional Quantitative Metallography, the analyses of the sintered samples demonstrated regions of intense diffusion, therefore, regions of sufficiently intense sintering. The mechanical resistance of the samples was compared with the mechanical resistance of the sintered stainless steel with no scrap. The results were greater than expected, demonstrating the viability of this new procedure.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the ipê-roxo (Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart.) Standl). seedlings behavior in different substrates and irrigation levels and also study the use of urban waste compost in the substrates. The experiment was conducted in the agricultural engineering department at the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias - UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, SP. The experimental design used was the completely randomized with 30 treats and 2 replicates, in a 15× 2 factorial arrangement [15 substrates and 2 irrigation levels (100% and 150% of evapotranspiration)]. The substrates were composed by different material combinations: urban waste, Plantmax, tanned cattle manure, vermiculite and soil. For the study of the seedlings development, the following characteristics were evaluated: the seedlings height (H) and stem diameter (D). Evaluations (H and D) were made on 90, 105, 120, 135 and 150 days after sowing. The statistical analysis showed significant differences between the irrigation levels. According to the results, we can conclude that urban waste compost did not increase Blake development. For tested irrigation levels, the statistical analysis showed significant differences with better results for the 150% ET irrigation level compared to 100% ET.
Vertical electrical soundings using eletroresistivity method were carried out in the public waste landfill in Macapá - AP, having as a goal to investigate the geoelectrical and hidrogeologic characteristics of the ground. The results of geophysics interpretation allowed obtaining a model of five geoelectrical layers until the depth of 14,6 m. This model is correlated to a sedimentary sequence of clay-silt-sandy with laterite. The main flow of the water table, also determined, is concordant to the topographical gradient.