976 resultados para Soil moisture content
The moisture content of the coarse coking coal product from the centrifuges of preparation plants was investigated to evaluate the contribution of three types of water: that held internally in pores, that in fillets at points of contacts between the particles, and the moisture covering the surface. A standardised laboratory centrifuge test was used to measure the total non-centrifugable moisture (NCM) content and also the quantity held in internal pores, called NCMi. The fillet moisture NCMf was estimated by means of a formulation which relies on experimentally measured holdup volumes, supplemented by a physical model. The surface moisture NCMs could then be derived by difference. The NCMf, which depends on the body force, the particle size and the surface tension and contact angle of the liquid, ranges from effectively zero for large particles to 10% for fines. The surface moisture NCMs is of the order of 0.5% for high rank coals and increases to 4.5% for lower rank coals. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The influence of a new aeration system on the biopile performance was investigated. The purpose was to increase biodegradation efficiency by optimising airflow through the pile. During a 1-month field trial, the performance of a new system using two perforated vertical pipes with wind-driven turbines was compared with that of a standard pile configuration with two horizontal perforated pipes. Both piles were composed of a similar mix of diesel-contaminated soils, woodchips, compost and NPK fertiliser. Hydrocarbons were recovered using solvent extraction, and determined both gravimetrically and by gas chromatography. Total heterotrophs, pH and moisture content were also assessed. Air pressure measurements were made to compare the efficiency of suction in the pipes. Results at the end of the experiment showed that there was no significant difference between the two piles in the total amount of hydrocarbon biodegradation. The normalised degradation rate was, however, considerably higher in the new system than in the standard one, suggesting that the vertical venting method may have improved the efficiency of the biological reactions in the pile. The pressure measurements showed a significant improvement in the suction produced by the new aeration system. However, many factors other than the airflow (oxygen supply) may influence and limit the biodegradation rates, including moisture content, age of contaminants and the climatic conditions. Additional experiments and modelling need to be carried out to explore further the new aeration method and to develop criteria and guidelines for engineering design of optimal aeration schemes in order to achieve maximum biodegradation in biopiles. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A steady state mathematical model for co-current spray drying was developed for sugar-rich foods with the application of the glass transition temperature concept. Maltodextrin-sucrose solution was used as a sugar-rich food model. The model included mass, heat and momentum balances for a single droplet drying as well as temperature and humidity profile of the drying medium. A log-normal volume distribution of the droplets was generated at the exit of the rotary atomizer. This generation created a certain number of bins to form a system of non-linear first-order differential equations as a function of the axial distance of the drying chamber. The model was used to calculate the changes of droplet diameter, density, temperature, moisture content and velocity in association with the change of air properties along the axial distance. The difference between the outlet air temperature and the glass transition temperature of the final products (AT) was considered as an indicator of stickiness of the particles in spray drying process. The calculated and experimental AT values were close, indicating successful validation of the model. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background and Aims Summer dormancy in perennial grasses has been studied inadequately, despite its potential to enhance plant survival and persistence in Mediterranean areas. The aim of the present work was to characterize summer dormancy and dehydration tolerance in two cultivars of Dactylis glomerata (dormant 'Kasbah', non-dormant 'Oasis') and their hybrid using physiological indicators associated with these traits. Methods Dehydration tolerance was assessed in a glasshouse experiment, while seasonal metabolic changes which produce putative protectants for drought, such as carbohydrates and dehydrins that might be associated with summer dormancy, were analysed in the field. Key Results The genotypes differed in their ability to survive increasing soil water deficit: lethal soil water potential (ψ(s)) was -3(.)4 MPa for 'Kasbah' (although non-dormant), -1(.)3 MPa for 'Oasis', and -1(.)6 MPa for their hybrid. In contrast, lethal water content of apices was similar for all genotypes (approx. 0(.)45 g H2O g d. wt(-1)), and hence the greater survival of 'Kasbah' can be ascribed to better drought avoidance rather than dehydration tolerance. In autumn-sown plants, 'Kasbah' had greatest dormancy, the hybrid was intermediate and 'Oasis' had none. The more dormant the genotype, the lower the metabolic activity during summer, and the earlier the activity declined in spring. Decreased monosaccharide content was an early indicator of dormancy induction. Accumulation of dehydrins did not correlate with stress tolerance, but dehydrin content was a function of the water status of the tissues, irrespective of the soil moisture. A protein of approx. 55 kDa occurred in leaf bases of the most dormant cultivar even in winter. Conclusions Drought avoidance and summer dormancy are correlated but can be independently expressed. These traits are heritable, allowing selection in breeding programmes.
Soil properties that influence water movement through profiles are important for determining flow paths, reactions between soil and solute, and the ultimate destination of solutes. This is particularly important in high rainfall environments. For highly weathered deep profiles, we hypothesize that abrupt changes in the distribution of the quotient [QT = (silt + sand)/clay] reflect the boundaries between textural units or textural (TS) and hydrologic (HS) stratigraphies. As a result, QT can be used as a parameter to characterize TS and as a surrogate for HS. Secondly, we propose that if chloride distributions were correlated with QT, under non-limiting anion exchange, then chloride distributions can be used as a signature indicator of TS and HS. Soil cores to a depth of 12.5 in were taken from 16 locations in the wet tropical Johnstone River catchment of northeast Queensland, Australia. The cores belong to nine variable charge soil types and were under sugarcane (Saccharun officinarum-S) production, which included the use of potassium chloride, for several decades. The cores were segmented at I m depth increments and subsamples were analysed for chloride, pH, soil water content (theta), clay, silt and sand contents. Selected bores were capped to serve as piezometers to monitor groundwater dynamics. Depth incremented QT, theta and chloride correlated, each individually, significantly with the corresponding profile depth increments, indicating the presence of textural, hydrologic and chloride gradients in profiles. However, rapid increases in QT down the profile indicated abrupt changes in TS, suggesting that QT can be used as a parameter to characterize TS and as a surrogate for HS. Abrupt changes in chloride distributions were similar to QT, suggesting that chloride distributions can be used as a signature indicator of QT (TS) and HS. Groundwater data indicated that chloride distributions depended, at least partially, on groundwater dynamics, providing further support to our hypothesis that chloride distribution can be used as a signature indicator of HS. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A modified UNIQUAC model has been extended to describe and predict the equilibrium relative humidity and moisture content for wood. The method is validated over a range of moisture content from oven-dried state to fiber saturation point, and over a temperature range of 20-70 degrees C. Adjustable parameters and binary interaction parameters of the UNIQUAC model were estimated from experimental data for Caribbean pine and Hoop pine as well as data available in the literature. The two group-interaction parameters for the wood-moisture system were consistent with using function group contributions for H2O, -OH and -CHO. The result reconfirms that the main contributors to water adsorption in cell walls are the hydroxyl groups of the carbohydrates in cellulose and hemicelluloses. This provides some physical insight into the intermolecular force and energy between bound water and the wood material. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The irrigation of pasture with saline, Na-contaminated industrial wastewater typically results in an increase in soil ESP. From current knowledge (derived largely from cultivated agricultural soils), although these sodic soils are likely to remain stable whilst irrigated with effluent (due to the effluent’s large electrolyte concentration), during rainfall periods of low electrolyte concentration these soils would be expected to disperse. However, effluent irrigated pasture soils have been observed to maintain their structure even during intense rainfall events. Three soil types were collected (Sodosol, Vertosol and Dermosol), each with a cultivated/non-cultivated pair. The soils were equilibrated with various SAR solutions and then leached with deionised water to allow the measurement of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat). At low SARs, Ksat tended to be greater in non-cultivated than cultivated soils and is attributable to a loss of structure associated with cultivation. In addition, as SAR increased, the reduction in relative Ksat tended to be significantly greater in cultivated than non-cultivated soils. The relatively rapid saturated hydraulic conductivity in the non-cultivated soils at large SARs is due to a greater aggregate stability due to greater soil C content. For the sustainable disposal of saline effluent, it is therefore necessary to ensure that soils remain undisturbed and preferably under pasture, thus maximising soil structural stability and hydraulic conductivity.
The development of TDR for measurement of soil water content and electrical conductivity has resulted in a large shift in measurement methods for a breadth of soil and hydrological characterization efforts. TDR has also opened new possibilities for soil and plant research. Five examples show how TDR has enhanced our ability to conduct our soil- and plant-water research. (i) Oxygen is necessary for healthy root growth and plant development but quantitative evaluation of the factors controlling oxygen supply in soil depends on knowledge of the soil water content by TDR. With water content information we have modeled successfully some impact of tillage methods on oxygen supply to roots and their growth response. (ii) For field assessment of soil mechanical properties influencing crop growth, water content capability was added to two portable soil strength measuring devices; (a) A TDT (Time Domain Transmittivity)-equipped soil cone penetrometer was used to evaluate seasonal soil strengthwater content relationships. In conventional tillage systems the relationships are dynamic and achieve the more stable no-tillage relationships only relatively late in each growing season; (b) A small TDR transmission line was added to a modified sheargraph that allowed shear strength and water content to be measured simultaneously on the same sample. In addition, the conventional graphing procedure for data acquisition was converted to datalogging using strain gauges. Data acquisition rate was improved by more than a factor of three with improved data quality. (iii) How do drought tolerant plants maintain leaf water content? Non-destructive measurement of TDR water content using a flat serpentine triple wire transmission line replaces more lengthy procedures of measuring relative water content. Two challenges remain: drought-stressed leaves alter salt content, changing electrical conductivity, and drought induced changes in leaf morphology affect TDR measurements. (iv) Remote radar signals are reflected from within the first 2 cm of soil. Appropriate calibration of radar imaging for soil water content can be achieved by a parallel pair of blades separated by 8 cm, reaching 1.7 cm into soil and forming a 20 cm TDR transmission line. The correlation between apparent relative permittivity from TDR and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscatter coefficient was 0.57 from an airborne flyover. These five examples highlight the diversity in the application of TDR in soil and plant research.
Soil erosion is one of the most pressing issues facing developing countries. The need for soil erosion assessment is paramount as a successful and productive agricultural base is necessary for economic growth and stability. In Ghana, a country with an expanding population and high potential for economic growth, agriculture is an important resource; however, most of the crop production is restricted to low technology shifting cultivation agriculture. The high intensity seasonal rainfall coincides with the early growing period of many of the crops meaning that plots are very susceptible to erosion, especially on steep sided valleys in the region south of Lake Volta. This research investigated the processes of soil erosion by rainfall with the aim of producing a sediment yield model for a small semi-agricultural catchment in rural Ghana. Various types of modelling techniques were considered to discover those most applicable to the sub-tropical environment of Southern Ghana. Once an appropriate model had been developed and calibrated, the aim was to look at how to enable the scaling up of the model using sub-catchments to calculate sedimentation rates of Lake Volta. An experimental catchment was located in Ghana, south west of Lake Volta, where data on rainstorms and the associated streamflow, sediment loads and soil data (moisture content, classification and particle size distribution) was collected to calibrate the model. Additional data was obtained from the Soil Research Institute in Ghana to explore calibration of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE, Wischmeier and Smith, 1978) for Ghanaian soils and environment. It was shown that the USLE could be successfully converted to provide meaningful soil loss estimates in the Ghanaian environment. However, due to experimental difficulties, the proposed theory and methodology of the sediment yield model could only be tested in principle. Future work may include validation of the model and subsequent scaling up to estimate sedimentation rates in Lake Volta.
Britain's sea and flood defences are becoming increasingly aged and as a consequence, more fragile and vulnerable. As the government's philosophy on resources shifts against the use of prime quarried and dredged geo-materials, the need to find alternative bulk materials to bolster Britain's prone defences becomes more pressing. One conceivable source for such a material is colliery waste or minestone. Although a plethora of erosion-abrasion studies have been carried out on soils and soil-cements, very little research has been undertaken to determine the resistance of minestone and its cement stabilized form to the effects of water erosion. The thesis reviews the current extent to which soil-cements, minestone and cement stabilized minestone (CSM) have been employed for hydraulic construction projects. A synopsis is also given on the effects of immersion on shales, mudstones and minestone, especially with regard to the phenomena of slaking. A laboratory study was undertaken featuring a selection of minestones from several British coalfields. The stability of minestone and CSM in sea water and distilled water was assessed using slaking tests and immersion monitoring and the bearing on the use of these materials for hydraulic construction is discussed. Following a review of current erosion apparatus, the erosion/abrasion test and rotating cylinder device were chosen and employed to assess the erosion resistance of minestone and CSM. Comparison was made with a sand mix designed to represent a dredged sand, the more traditional, bulk hydraulic construction material. The results of the erosion study suggest that both minestone and CSM were more resistant to erosion and abrasion than equivalently treated sand mixes. The greater resistance of minestone to the agents of erosion and abrasion is attributed to several factors including the size of the particles, a greater degree of cement bonding and the ability of the minestone aggregate to absorb, rather than transmit shock waves produced by impacting abrasive particles. Although minestone is shown to be highly unstable when subjected to cyclic changes in its moisture content, the study suggests that even in an intertidal regime where cyclic immersion does takes place, minestone will retain sufficient moisture within its fabric to prevent slaking from taking place. The slaking study reveals a close relationship between slaking susceptibility and total pore surface area as revealed by porosimetry. The immersion study shows that although the fabric of CSM is rapidly attacked in sea water, a high degree of the disruption is associated with the edges and corners of samples (ie. free surface) while the integrity of the internal fabric remains relatively intact. CSM samples were shown to be resilient when subjected to immersion in distilled water. An overall assessment of minestone and CSM would suggest that with the implementation of judicious selection and appropriate quality control they could be used as alternative materials for flood and sea defences. It is believed, that even in the harsh regime of a marine environment, CSM could be employed for temporary and sacrificial schemes.
In 2005 we initiated a project designed to better understand tree island structure and function in the Everglades and the wetlands bordering it. Focus was on the raised portions at the upstream end of the islands, where tropical hardwood species adapted to well-drained conditions usually are the most prominent component of the vegetation. The study design is hierarchical, with four levels; in general, a large number of sites is to be surveyed once for a limited set of parameters, and increasingly small sets of islands are to be sampled more intensively, more frequently, and for more aspects of ecosystem function. During the first year of the 3-year study, we completed surveys of 41 Level 1 (i.e., the least intensive level) islands, and established permanent plots in two and three islands of Levels 2 and 4 intensity, respectively. Tree species richness and structural complexity was highest in Shark Slough “hammocks”, while islands in Northeast Shark Slough and Water Conservation Area 3B, which receive heavy human use, were simpler, more park-like communities. Initial monitoring of soil moisture in Level 4 hammocks indicated considerable local variation, presumably associated with antecedent rainfall and current water levels in the adjacent marsh. Tree islands throughout the study area were impacted significantly by Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma in 2005, but appear to be recovering rapidly. As the project continues to include more islands and repeated measurements, we expect to develop a better grasp of tree island dynamics across the Everglades ecosystem, especially with respect to moisture relations and water levels in the adjacent marsh. The detailed progress report which follows is also available online at http://www.fiu.edu/~serp1/projects/treeislands/tree_islands_2005_annual_report.pd
Acknowledgments This work was granted by the China-UK jointed Red Soil Critical Zone project from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC: 41571130053; 41301233) and from Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC: Code: NE/N007611/1), and by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China (2011BAD31B04). We thank two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.
A high-resolution 222Radon (222Rn) flux map for Europe was developed, based on a parameterization of 222Rn production and transport in the soil. The 222Rn exhalation rate is parameterized based on soil properties, uranium content, and modelled soil moisture from two different land-surface reanalysis data sets. Spatial variations in exhalation rates are primarily determined by the uranium content of the soil, but also influenced by soil texture and local water table depth. Temporal variations are related to soil moisture variations as the molecular diffusion in the unsaturated soil zone depends on available air-filled pore space. Monthly 222Rn exhalation rates from European soils were calculated with a nominal spatial resolution of 0.083° x 0.083°. The two realizations of the 222Rn flux map, based on the different soil moisture data sets, both realistically reproduce the observed seasonality in the fluxes but yield considerable differences for absolute flux values. The mean 222Rn flux from soils in Europe is estimated to be 10 mBq/m**2/s (ERA-Interim/Land soil moisture) or 15 mBq/m**2/s (GLDAS-Noah soil moisture) for the period 2006-2010. The 222Rn flux maps for Europe are available for the application in atmospheric transport studies, e.g to evaluate the performance of atmospheric transport models.
Evaporative Moisture Loss from Heterogeneous Stone: Material- Environment Interactions During Drying
The complexities of evaporation from structurally and mineralogically heterogeneous sandstone (Locharbriggs Sandstone) are investigated through a laboratory-based experiment in which a variety of environmental conditions are simulated. Data reported demonstrate the significance of material-environment interactions on the spatial and temporal variability of evaporative dynamics. Evaporation from porous stone is determined by the interplay between environmental, material and solution properties, which govern the rate and mode by which water is transmitted to, and subsequently removed from, an evaporating surface. Initially evaporation is marked by high rates of moisture loss controlled by external atmospheric conditions; then, when a critical level of surface moisture content is reached, hydraulic continuity between the stone surface and subsurface is disrupted and the drying front recedes
beneath the surface, evaporation rates decrease and are controlled by the ability of the material to transport water vapour to the surface. Pore size distribution and connectivity, as well as other material properties, control the timing of each stage of evaporation and the nature of the transition.
These experimental data highlight the complexity of evaporation, demonstrating that different regions of the same stone can exhibit varying moisture dynamics during drying and that the rate and nature of evaporative loss differs under different environmental conditions. The results identify the importance of material-environment interactions during drying and that stone micro-environmental conditions cannot be inferred from ambient data alone.
These data have significance for understanding the spatial distribution of stone surface weathering-related morphologies in both the natural and built environments where mineralogical and/or structural heterogeneity creates differences in moisture flux and hence variable drying rates. Such differences may provide a clearer explanation for the initiation and subsequent development of complex weathering responses where areas of significant deterioration can be found alongside areas that exhibit little or no evidence surface breakdown.
La carbonatation minérale dans les résidus miniers est un moyen sûr et permanent de séquestrer le CO2 atmosphérique. C’est un processus naturel et passif qui ne nécessite aucun traitement particulier et donc avantageux d’un point de vue économique. Bien que la quantité de CO2 qu’il soit possible de séquestrer selon ce processus est faible à l’échelle globale, dans le cadre d’un marché du carbone, les entreprises minières pourraient obtenir des crédits et ainsi revaloriser leurs résidus. À l’heure actuelle, il y a peu d’informations pour quantifier le potentiel de séquestration du CO2 de façon naturelle et passive dans les piles de résidus miniers. Il est donc nécessaire d’étudier le phénomène pour comprendre comment évolue la réaction à travers le temps et estimer la quantité de CO2 qui peut être séquestrée naturellement dans les piles de résidus. Plusieurs travaux de recherche se sont intéressés aux résidus miniers de Thetford Mines (Québec, Canada), avec une approche principalement expérimentale en laboratoire. Ces travaux ont permis d’améliorer la compréhension du processus de carbonatation, mais ils nécessitent une validation à plus grande échelle sous des conditions atmosphériques réelles. L’objectif général de cette étude est de quantifier le processus de carbonatation minérale des résidus miniers sous des conditions naturelles, afin d’estimer la quantité de CO2 pouvant être piégée par ce processus. La méthodologie utilisée repose sur la construction de deux parcelles expérimentales de résidus miniers situées dans l’enceinte de la mine Black Lake (Thetford Mines). Les résidus miniers sont principalement constitués de grains et de fibres de chrysotile et lizardite mal triés, avec de petites quantités d’antigorite, de brucite et de magnétite. Des observations spatiales et temporelles ont été effectuées dans les parcelles concernant la composition et la pression des gaz, la température des résidus, la teneur en eau volumique, la composition minérale des résidus ainsi que la chimie de l’eau des précipitations et des lixiviats provenant des parcelles. Ces travaux ont permis d’observer un appauvrissement notable du CO2 dans les gaz des parcelles (< 50 ppm) ainsi que la précipitation d’hydromagnésite dans les résidus, ce qui suggère que la carbonatation minérale naturelle et passive est un processus potentiellement important dans les résidus miniers. Après 4 ans d’observations, le taux de séquestration du CO2 dans les parcelles expérimentales a été estimé entre 3,5 et 4 kg/m3/an. Ces observations ont permis de développer un modèle conceptuel de la carbonatation minérale naturelle et passive dans les parcelles expérimentales. Dans ce modèle conceptuel, le CO2 atmosphérique (~ 400 ppm) se dissout dans l’eau hygroscopique contenue dans les parcelles, où l’altération des silicates de magnésium forme des carbonates de magnésium. La saturation en eau dans les cellules est relativement stable dans le temps et varie entre 0,4 et 0,65, ce qui est plus élevé que les valeurs de saturation optimales proposées dans la littérature, réduisant ainsi le transport de CO2 dans la zone non saturée. Les concentrations de CO2 en phase gazeuse, ainsi que des mesures de la vitesse d’écoulement du gaz dans les cellules suggèrent que la réaction est plus active près de la surface et que la diffusion du CO2 est le mécanisme de transport dominant dans les résidus. Un modèle numérique a été utilisé pour simuler ces processus couplés et valider le modèle conceptuel avec les observations de terrain. Le modèle de transport réactif multiphase et multicomposant MIN3P a été utilisé pour réaliser des simulations en 1D qui comprennent l’infiltration d’eau à travers le milieu partiellement saturé, la diffusion du gaz, et le transport de masse réactif par advection et dispersion. Même si les écoulements et le contenu du lixivat simulés sont assez proches des observations de terrain, le taux de séquestration simulé est 22 fois plus faible que celui mesuré. Dans les simulations, les carbonates précipitent principalement dans la partie supérieure de la parcelle, près de la surface, alors qu’ils ont été observés dans toute la parcelle. Cette différence importante pourrait être expliquée par un apport insuffisant de CO2 dans la parcelle, qui serait le facteur limitant la carbonatation. En effet, l’advection des gaz n’a pas été considérée dans les simulations et seule la diffusion moléculaire a été simulée. En effet, la mobilité des gaz engendrée par les fluctuations de pression barométrique et l’infiltration de l’eau, ainsi que l’effet du vent doivent jouer un rôle conséquent pour alimenter les parcelles en CO2.