974 resultados para Software-reconfigurable array processing architectures
Reconfigurable hardware can be used to build multi tasking systems that dynamically adapt themselves to the requirements of the running applications. This is especially useful in embedded systems, since the available resources are very limited and the reconfigurable hardware can be reused for different applications. In these systems computations are frequently represented as task graphs that are executed taking into account their internal dependencies and the task schedule. The management of the task graph execution is critical for the system performance. In this regard, we have developed two dif erent versions, a software module and a hardware architecture, of a generic task-graph execution manager for reconfigurable multi-tasking systems. The second version reduces the run-time management overheads by almost two orders of magnitude. Hence it is especially suitable for systems with exigent timing constraints. Both versions include specific support to optimize the reconfiguration process.
Design aspects of a novel beam-reconfigurable pla-nar series-fed array are addressed to achieve beam steering with frequency tunability over a relatively broad bandwidth. The design is possible thanks to the use of the complementary strip-slot, which is an innovative broadly matched microstrip radiator, and the careful selection of the phase shifter parameters.
Nanostructures are highly attractive for future electrical energy storage devices because they enable large surface area and short ion transport time through thin electrode layers for high power devices. Significant enhancement in power density of batteries has been achieved by nano-engineered structures, particularly anode and cathode nanostructures spatially separated far apart by a porous membrane and/or a defined electrolyte region. A self-aligned nanostructured battery fully confined within a single nanopore presents a powerful platform to determine the rate performance and cyclability limits of nanostructured storage devices. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) has enabled us to create and evaluate such structures, comprised of nanotubular electrodes and electrolyte confined within anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) nanopores. The V2O5- V2O5 symmetric nanopore battery displays exceptional power-energy performance and cyclability when tested as a massively parallel device (~2billion/cm2), each with ~1m3 volume (~1fL). Cycled between 0.2V and 1.8V, this full cell has capacity retention of 95% at 5C rate and 46% at 150C, with more than 1000 charge/discharge cycles. These results demonstrate the promise of ultrasmall, self-aligned/regular, densely packed nanobattery structures as a testbed to study ionics and electrodics at the nanoscale with various geometrical modifications and as a building block for high performance energy storage systems[1, 2]. Further increase of full cell output potential is also demonstrated in asymmetric full cell configurations with various low voltage anode materials. The asymmetric full cell nanopore batteries, comprised of V2O5 as cathode and prelithiated SnO2 or anatase phase TiO2 as anode, with integrated nanotubular metal current collectors underneath each nanotubular storage electrode, also enabled by ALD. By controlling the amount of lithium ion prelithiated into SnO2 anode, we can tune full cell output voltage in the range of 0.3V and 3V. This asymmetric nanopore battery array displays exceptional rate performance and cyclability. When cycled between 1V and 3V, it has capacity retention of approximately 73% at 200C rate compared to 1C, with only 2% capacity loss after more than 500 charge/discharge cycles. With increased full cell output potential, the asymmetric V2O5-SnO2 nanopore battery shows significantly improved energy and power density. This configuration presents a more realistic test - through its asymmetric (vs symmetric) configuration – of performance and cyclability in nanoconfined environment. This dissertation covers (1) Ultra small electrochemical storage platform design and fabrication, (2) Electron and ion transport in nanostructured electrodes inside a half cell configuration, (3) Ion transport between anode and cathode in confined nanochannels in symmetric full cells, (4) Scale up energy and power density with geometry optimization and low voltage anode materials in asymmetric full cell configurations. As a supplement, selective growth of ALD to improve graphene conductance will also be discussed[3]. References: 1. Liu, C., et al., (Invited) A Rational Design for Batteries at Nanoscale by Atomic Layer Deposition. ECS Transactions, 2015. 69(7): p. 23-30. 2. Liu, C.Y., et al., An all-in-one nanopore battery array. Nature Nanotechnology, 2014. 9(12): p. 1031-1039. 3. Liu, C., et al., Improving Graphene Conductivity through Selective Atomic Layer Deposition. ECS Transactions, 2015. 69(7): p. 133-138.
This paper presents the implementation of a high quality real-time 3D video system intended for 3D videoconferencing -- Basically, the system is able to extract depth information from a pair of images coming from a short-baseline camera setup -- The system is based on the use of a variant of the adaptive support-weight algorithm to be applied on GPU-based architectures -- The reason to do it is to get real-time results without compromising accuracy and also to reduce costs by using commodity hardware -- The complete system runs over the GStreamer multimedia software platform to make it even more flexible -- Moreover, an autoestereoscopic display has been used as the end-up terminal for 3D content visualization
Hardware vendors make an important effort creating low-power CPUs that keep battery duration and durability above acceptable levels. In order to achieve this goal and provide good performance-energy for a wide variety of applications, ARM designed the big.LITTLE architecture. This heterogeneous multi-core architecture features two different types of cores: big cores oriented to performance and little cores, slower and aimed to save energy consumption. As all the cores have access to the same memory, multi-threaded applications must resort to some mutual exclusion mechanism to coordinate the access to shared data by the concurrent threads. Transactional Memory (TM) represents an optimistic approach for shared-memory synchronization. To take full advantage of the features offered by software TM, but also benefit from the characteristics of the heterogeneous big.LITTLE architectures, our focus is to propose TM solutions that take into account the power/performance requirements of the application and what it is offered by the architecture. In order to understand the current state-of-the-art and obtain useful information for future power-aware software TM solutions, we have performed an analysis of a popular TM library running on top of an ARM big.LITTLE processor. Experiments show, in general, better scalability for the LITTLE cores for most of the applications except for one, which requires the computing performance that the big cores offer.
Today, modern System-on-a-Chip (SoC) systems have grown rapidly due to the increased processing power, while maintaining the size of the hardware circuit. The number of transistors on a chip continues to increase, but current SoC designs may not be able to exploit the potential performance, especially with energy consumption and chip area becoming two major concerns. Traditional SoC designs usually separate software and hardware. Thus, the process of improving the system performance is a complicated task for both software and hardware designers. The aim of this research is to develop hardware acceleration workflow for software applications. Thus, system performance can be improved with constraints of energy consumption and on-chip resource costs. The characteristics of software applications can be identified by using profiling tools. Hardware acceleration can have significant performance improvement for highly mathematical calculations or repeated functions. The performance of SoC systems can then be improved, if the hardware acceleration method is used to accelerate the element that incurs performance overheads. The concepts mentioned in this study can be easily applied to a variety of sophisticated software applications. The contributions of SoC-based hardware acceleration in the hardware-software co-design platform include the following: (1) Software profiling methods are applied to H.264 Coder-Decoder (CODEC) core. The hotspot function of aimed application is identified by using critical attributes such as cycles per loop, loop rounds, etc. (2) Hardware acceleration method based on Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is used to resolve system bottlenecks and improve system performance. The identified hotspot function is then converted to a hardware accelerator and mapped onto the hardware platform. Two types of hardware acceleration methods – central bus design and co-processor design, are implemented for comparison in the proposed architecture. (3) System specifications, such as performance, energy consumption, and resource costs, are measured and analyzed. The trade-off of these three factors is compared and balanced. Different hardware accelerators are implemented and evaluated based on system requirements. 4) The system verification platform is designed based on Integrated Circuit (IC) workflow. Hardware optimization techniques are used for higher performance and less resource costs. Experimental results show that the proposed hardware acceleration workflow for software applications is an efficient technique. The system can reach 2.8X performance improvements and save 31.84% energy consumption by applying the Bus-IP design. The Co-processor design can have 7.9X performance and save 75.85% energy consumption.
Nowadays the production of increasingly complex and electrified vehicles requires the implementation of new control and monitoring systems. This reason, together with the tendency of moving rapidly from the test bench to the vehicle, leads to a landscape that requires the development of embedded hardware and software to face the application effectively and efficiently. The development of application-based software on real-time/FPGA hardware could be a good answer for these challenges: FPGA grants parallel low-level and high-speed calculation/timing, while the Real-Time processor can handle high-level calculation layers, logging and communication functions with determinism. Thanks to the software flexibility and small dimensions, these architectures can find a perfect collocation as engine RCP (Rapid Control Prototyping) units and as smart data logger/analyser, both for test bench and on vehicle application. Efforts have been done for building a base architecture with common functionalities capable of easily hosting application-specific control code. Several case studies originating in this scenario will be shown; dedicated solutions for protype applications have been developed exploiting a real-time/FPGA architecture as ECU (Engine Control Unit) and custom RCP functionalities, such as water injection and testing hydraulic brake control.
The convergence between the recent developments in sensing technologies, data science, signal processing and advanced modelling has fostered a new paradigm to the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of engineered structures, which is the one based on intelligent sensors, i.e., embedded devices capable of stream processing data and/or performing structural inference in a self-contained and near-sensor manner. To efficiently exploit these intelligent sensor units for full-scale structural assessment, a joint effort is required to deal with instrumental aspects related to signal acquisition, conditioning and digitalization, and those pertaining to data management, data analytics and information sharing. In this framework, the main goal of this Thesis is to tackle the multi-faceted nature of the monitoring process, via a full-scale optimization of the hardware and software resources involved by the {SHM} system. The pursuit of this objective has required the investigation of both: i) transversal aspects common to multiple application domains at different abstraction levels (such as knowledge distillation, networking solutions, microsystem {HW} architectures), and ii) the specificities of the monitoring methodologies (vibrations, guided waves, acoustic emission monitoring). The key tools adopted in the proposed monitoring frameworks belong to the embedded signal processing field: namely, graph signal processing, compressed sensing, ARMA System Identification, digital data communication and TinyML.
L’elaborazione di quantità di dati sempre crescente ed in tempi ragionevoli è una delle principali sfide tecnologiche del momento. La difficoltà non risiede esclusivamente nel disporre di motori di elaborazione efficienti e in grado di eseguire la computazione coordinata su un’enorme mole di dati, ma anche nel fornire agli sviluppatori di tali applicazioni strumenti di sviluppo che risultino intuitivi nell’utilizzo e facili nella messa in opera, con lo scopo di ridurre il tempo necessario a realizzare concretamente un’idea di applicazione e abbassare le barriere all’ingresso degli strumenti software disponibili. Questo lavoro di tesi prende in esame il progetto RAM3S, il cui intento è quello di semplificare la realizzazione di applicazioni di elaborazione dati basate su piattaforme di Stream Processing quali Spark, Storm, Flinke e Samza, e si occupa di esaudire il suo scopo originale fornendo un framework astratto ed estensibile per la definizione di applicazioni di stream processing, capaci di eseguire indistintamente sulle piattaforme disponibili sul mercato.
In the last decades, Artificial Intelligence has witnessed multiple breakthroughs in deep learning. In particular, purely data-driven approaches have opened to a wide variety of successful applications due to the large availability of data. Nonetheless, the integration of prior knowledge is still required to compensate for specific issues like lack of generalization from limited data, fairness, robustness, and biases. In this thesis, we analyze the methodology of integrating knowledge into deep learning models in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). We start by remarking on the importance of knowledge integration. We highlight the possible shortcomings of these approaches and investigate the implications of integrating unstructured textual knowledge. We introduce Unstructured Knowledge Integration (UKI) as the process of integrating unstructured knowledge into machine learning models. We discuss UKI in the field of NLP, where knowledge is represented in a natural language format. We identify UKI as a complex process comprised of multiple sub-processes, different knowledge types, and knowledge integration properties to guarantee. We remark on the challenges of integrating unstructured textual knowledge and bridge connections with well-known research areas in NLP. We provide a unified vision of structured knowledge extraction (KE) and UKI by identifying KE as a sub-process of UKI. We investigate some challenging scenarios where structured knowledge is not a feasible prior assumption and formulate each task from the point of view of UKI. We adopt simple yet effective neural architectures and discuss the challenges of such an approach. Finally, we identify KE as a form of symbolic representation. From this perspective, we remark on the need of defining sophisticated UKI processes to verify the validity of knowledge integration. To this end, we foresee frameworks capable of combining symbolic and sub-symbolic representations for learning as a solution.
This thesis explores the methods based on the free energy principle and active inference for modelling cognition. Active inference is an emerging framework for designing intelligent agents where psychological processes are cast in terms of Bayesian inference. Here, I appeal to it to test the design of a set of cognitive architectures, via simulation. These architectures are defined in terms of generative models where an agent executes a task under the assumption that all cognitive processes aspire to the same objective: the minimization of variational free energy. Chapter 1 introduces the free energy principle and its assumptions about self-organizing systems. Chapter 2 describes how from the mechanics of self-organization can emerge a minimal form of cognition able to achieve autopoiesis. In chapter 3 I present the method of how I formalize generative models for action and perception. The architectures proposed allow providing a more biologically plausible account of more complex cognitive processing that entails deep temporal features. I then present three simulation studies that aim to show different aspects of cognition, their associated behavior and the underlying neural dynamics. In chapter 4, the first study proposes an architecture that represents the visuomotor system for the encoding of actions during action observation, understanding and imitation. In chapter 5, the generative model is extended and is lesioned to simulate brain damage and neuropsychological patterns observed in apraxic patients. In chapter 6, the third study proposes an architecture for cognitive control and the modulation of attention for action selection. At last, I argue how active inference can provide a formal account of information processing in the brain and how the adaptive capabilities of the simulated agents are a mere consequence of the architecture of the generative models. Cognitive processing, then, becomes an emergent property of the minimization of variational free energy.
The Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) research area is increasingly investigated due to its high potential in reducing the maintenance costs and in ensuring the systems safety in several industrial application fields. A growing demand of new SHM systems, permanently embedded into the structures, for savings in weight and cabling, comes from the aeronautical and aerospace application fields. As consequence, the embedded electronic devices are to be wirelessly connected and battery powered. As result, a low power consumption is requested. At the same time, high performance in defects or impacts detection and localization are to be ensured to assess the structural integrity. To achieve these goals, the design paradigms can be changed together with the associate signal processing. The present thesis proposes design strategies and unconventional solutions, suitable both for real-time monitoring and periodic inspections, relying on piezo-transducers and Ultrasonic Guided Waves. In the first context, arrays of closely located sensors were designed, according to appropriate optimality criteria, by exploiting sensors re-shaping and optimal positioning, to achieve improved damages/impacts localisation performance in noisy environments. An additional sensor re-shaping procedure was developed to tackle another well-known issue which arises in realistic scenario, namely the reverberation. A novel sensor, able to filter undesired mechanical boundaries reflections, was validated via simulations based on the Green's functions formalism and FEM. In the active SHM context, a novel design methodology was used to develop a single transducer, called Spectrum-Scanning Acoustic Transducer, to actively inspect a structure. It can estimate the number of defects and their distances with an accuracy of 2[cm]. It can also estimate the damage angular coordinate with an equivalent mainlobe aperture of 8[deg], when a 24[cm] radial gap between two defects is ensured. A suitable signal processing was developed in order to limit the computational cost, allowing its use with embedded electronic devices.
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the next-generation ground-based observatory to study the universe in the very-high-energy domain. The observatory will rely on a Science Alert Generation (SAG) system to analyze the real-time data from the telescopes and generate science alerts. The SAG system will play a crucial role in the search and follow-up of transients from external alerts, enabling multi-wavelength and multi-messenger collaborations. It will maximize the potential for the detection of the rarest phenomena, such as gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which are the science case for this study. This study presents an anomaly detection method based on deep learning for detecting gamma-ray burst events in real-time. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated and compared against the Li&Ma standard technique in two use cases of serendipitous discoveries and follow-up observations, using short exposure times. The method shows promising results in detecting GRBs and is flexible enough to allow real-time search for transient events on multiple time scales. The method does not assume background nor source models and doe not require a minimum number of photon counts to perform analysis, making it well-suited for real-time analysis. Future improvements involve further tests, relaxing some of the assumptions made in this study as well as post-trials correction of the detection significance. Moreover, the ability to detect other transient classes in different scenarios must be investigated for completeness. The system can be integrated within the SAG system of CTA and deployed on the onsite computing clusters. This would provide valuable insights into the method's performance in a real-world setting and be another valuable tool for discovering new transient events in real-time. Overall, this study makes a significant contribution to the field of astrophysics by demonstrating the effectiveness of deep learning-based anomaly detection techniques for real-time source detection in gamma-ray astronomy.
Embedded systems are increasingly integral to daily life, improving and facilitating the efficiency of modern Cyber-Physical Systems which provide access to sensor data, and actuators. As modern architectures become increasingly complex and heterogeneous, their optimization becomes a challenging task. Additionally, ensuring platform security is important to avoid harm to individuals and assets. This study primarily addresses challenges in contemporary Embedded Systems, focusing on platform optimization and security enforcement. The initial section of this study delves into the application of machine learning methods to efficiently determine the optimal number of cores for a parallel RISC-V cluster to minimize energy consumption using static source code analysis. Results demonstrate that automated platform configuration is not only viable but also that there is a moderate performance trade-off when relying solely on static features. The second part focuses on addressing the problem of heterogeneous device mapping, which involves assigning tasks to the most suitable computational device in a heterogeneous platform for optimal runtime. The contribution of this section lies in the introduction of novel pre-processing techniques, along with a training framework called Siamese Networks, that enhances the classification performance of DeepLLVM, an advanced approach for task mapping. Importantly, these proposed approaches are independent from the specific deep-learning model used. Finally, this research work focuses on addressing issues concerning the binary exploitation of software running in modern Embedded Systems. It proposes an architecture to implement Control-Flow Integrity in embedded platforms with a Root-of-Trust, aiming to enhance security guarantees with limited hardware modifications. The approach involves enhancing the architecture of a modern RISC-V platform for autonomous vehicles by implementing a side-channel communication mechanism that relays control-flow changes executed by the process running on the host core to the Root-of-Trust. This approach has limited impact on performance and it is effective in enhancing the security of embedded platforms.
In this thesis work a nonlinear model for Interdigitated Capacitors (IDCs) based on ferroelectric materials, is proposed. Through the properties of materials such as Hafnium-Zirconium Oxide (HfZrO2), it is possible to realize tunable radiofrequency (RF) circuits. In particular, the model proposed in this thesis describes the use of an IDC, realized on a High-Resistivity silicon substrate, as a phase shifter for beam-steering applications. The model is obtained starting from already present experimental measurements, through which it is possible to identify a circuit model. The model is tested for both low power values and other power values using Harmonic Balance simulations, which show an excellent convergence of the model up to 40 dBm of input power. Furthermore, an array composed by two patches operating both at 2.55 GHz, which exploits the tunable properties of the HfZrO-based IDC is proposed. At 0dBm the model shows a 47° phase shift with polarization -1 V and 1 V which leads to a 11° steering of the main lobe of the array.