986 resultados para Similarities
Complexity in the earthquake rupture process can result from many factors. This study investigates the origin of such complexity by examining several recent, large earthquakes in detail. In each case the local tectonic environment plays an important role in understanding the source of the complexity.
Several large shallow earthquakes (Ms > 7.0) along the Middle American Trench have similarities and differences between them that may lead to a better understanding of fracture and subduction processes. They are predominantly thrust events consistent with the known subduction of the Cocos plate beneath N. America. Two events occurring along this subduction zone close to triple junctions show considerable complexity. This may be attributable to a more heterogeneous stress environment in these regions and as such has implications for other subduction zone boundaries.
An event which looks complex but is actually rather simple is the 1978 Bermuda earthquake (Ms ~ 6). It is located predominantly in the mantle. Its mechanism is one of pure thrust faulting with a strike N 20°W and dip 42°NE. Its apparent complexity is caused by local crustal structure. This is an important event in terms of understanding and estimating seismic hazard on the eastern seaboard of N. America.
A study of several large strike-slip continental earthquakes identifies characteristics which are common to them and may be useful in determining what to expect from the next great earthquake on the San Andreas fault. The events are the 1976 Guatemala earthquake on the Motagua fault and two events on the Anatolian fault in Turkey (the 1967, Mudurnu Valley and 1976, E. Turkey events). An attempt to model the complex P-waveforms of these events results in good synthetic fits for the Guatemala and Mudurnu Valley events. However, the E. Turkey event proves to be too complex as it may have associated thrust or normal faulting. Several individual sources occurring at intervals of between 5 and 20 seconds characterize the Guatemala and Mudurnu Valley events. The maximum size of an individual source appears to be bounded at about 5 x 1026 dyne-cm. A detailed source study including directivity is performed on the Guatemala event. The source time history of the Mudurnu Valley event illustrates its significance in modeling strong ground motion in the near field. The complex source time series of the 1967 event produces amplitudes greater by a factor of 2.5 than a uniform model scaled to the same size for a station 20 km from the fault.
Three large and important earthquakes demonstrate an important type of complexity --- multiple-fault complexity. The first, the 1976 Philippine earthquake, an oblique thrust event, represents the first seismological evidence for a northeast dipping subduction zone beneath the island of Mindanao. A large event, following the mainshock by 12 hours, occurred outside the aftershock area and apparently resulted from motion on a subsidiary fault since the event had a strike-slip mechanism.
An aftershock of the great 1960 Chilean earthquake on June 6, 1960, proved to be an interesting discovery. It appears to be a large strike-slip event at the main rupture's southern boundary. It most likely occurred on the landward extension of the Chile Rise transform fault, in the subducting plate. The results for this event suggest that a small event triggered a series of slow events; the duration of the whole sequence being longer than 1 hour. This is indeed a "slow earthquake".
Perhaps one of the most complex of events is the recent Tangshan, China event. It began as a large strike-slip event. Within several seconds of the mainshock it may have triggered thrust faulting to the south of the epicenter. There is no doubt, however, that it triggered a large oblique normal event to the northeast, 15 hours after the mainshock. This event certainly contributed to the great loss of life-sustained as a result of the Tangshan earthquake sequence.
What has been learned from these studies has been applied to predict what one might expect from the next great earthquake on the San Andreas. The expectation from this study is that such an event would be a large complex event, not unlike, but perhaps larger than, the Guatemala or Mudurnu Valley events. That is to say, it will most likely consist of a series of individual events in sequence. It is also quite possible that the event could trigger associated faulting on neighboring fault systems such as those occurring in the Transverse Ranges. This has important bearing on the earthquake hazard estimation for the region.
The rainfall regime and the karstic nature of the subsoil determines the alternation of a period of flow and a period of drought for a large number of Mediterranean streams. Amongst this type of stream it is possible to distinguish temporary streams, characterised by a period of flow for several months permitting the establishment of the principal groups of aquatic insects; and ephemeral streams whose very brief period of flow permits the establishment of a community reduced to a few species of Diptera. This paper aims to study the structure of the communities which colonise this particular type of stream and the ecology of the principal species which constitute these communities. Four French temporary streams were examined and temperature regimes, dissolved oxygen, calcium and magnesium measured. Samples of fauna were taken regularly and the biotic composition established. The analysis of similarities between the three permanent streams are discussed and compared with permanent streams.
Researchers compared nest architecture in loggerhead sea turtles at natural beaches in Florida, USA and Brazil to determine how similarities and differences in female morphology and reproductive output in these two populations are reflected in the structure of the nest.
When salmonid redds are disrupted by spates, the displaced eggs will drift downstream. The mean distance of travel, the types of locations in which the eggs resettle and the depth of reburial of displaced eggs are not known. Investigation of these topics under field conditions presents considerable practical problems, though the use of artificial eggs might help to overcome some of them. Attempts to assess the similarities and/or differences in performance between real and artificial eggs are essential before artificial eggs can validly be used to simulate real eggs. The present report first compares the two types of egg in terms of their measurable physical characteristics (e.g. dimensions and density). The rate at which eggs fall in still water will relate to the rate at which they are likely to resettle in flowing water in the field. As the rate of fall will be influenced by a number of additional factors (e.g. shape and surface texture) which are not easily measured directly, the rates of fall of the two types of egg have been compared directly under controlled conditions. Finally, comparisons of the pattern of settlement of the two types of egg in flowing water in an experimental channel have been made. Although the work was primarily aimed at testing the value of artificial eggs as a simulation of real eggs, several side issues more directly concerned with the properties of real eggs and the likely distance of drift in natural streams have also been explored. This is the first of three reports made on this topic by the author in 1984.
Análisis de los pastos meso-xerófitos del centro norte de España. El objetivo es conocer la posible relación entre composición florística y los atributos de las plantas. Tratamiento de datos y analísis estadísticos que dan como resultado relaciones numéricas entre los grupos obtenidos en la clasificación y los atributos de las especies. El documento está escrito en Castellano
Some of the results from an investigation of five species of coarse fish, in the Stour River, carried out from 1968-1978 are presented in this article. The species involved were: Rutilus rutilis, Leuciscus leuciscus, L. cephalus, Esox lucius and Perca fluviatilis : which are of particular interest to anglers. Although these species show some similarities, as in the shape of the annual and seasonal growth curves, in most other respects each species occupies a distinct niche in the ecosystem and has a life-history strategy peculiar to itself. In this study only 5 species were investigated. When all the species present are considered the relationships or diversities suggested here will therefore be made far more complex.
Some of the metallogenic provinces of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico are defined by the geographic distribution of trace elements in the primary sulfide minerals chalcopyrite and sphalerite. The elements investigated include antimony, arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, gallium, germanium, indium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silver, tellurium, thallium, and tin. Of these elements, cobalt, gallium, germanium, indium, nickel, silver, and tin exhibit the best defined geographic distribution.
The data indicate that chalcopyrite is the preferred host for tin and perhaps molybdenum; sphalerite is the preferred host for cadmium, gallium, germanium, indium, and manganese; galena is the preferred host for antimony, bismuth, silver, tellurium, and thallium; and pyrite is the preferred host for cobalt, nickel, and perhaps arsenic. With respect to the two minerals chalcopyrite and sphalerite, antimony, arsenic, molybdenum, nickel, silver, and tin prefer chalcopyrite; and bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, gallium, germanium, indium, manganese, and thallium prefer sphalerite. This distribution probably is the result of the interaction of several factors, among which are these: the various radii of the elements, the association due to chemical similarities of the major and trace elements, and the degree of ionic versus covalent and metallic character of the metal-sulfur bonds in chalcopyrite and sphalerite. The type of deposit, according to a temperature classification, appears to be of minor importance in determining the trace element content of chalcopyrite and sphalerite.
A preliminary investigation of large single crystals of sphalerite and chalcopyrite indicates that the distribution within a single crystal of some elements such as cadmium in sphalerite and indium and silver in chalcopyrite is relatively uniform, whereas the distribution of some other elements such as cobalt and manganese in sphalerite is somewhat less uniform and the distribution of tin in sphalerite is extremely erratic. The variations in trace element content probably are due largely to variations in the composition of the fluids during the growth of the crystals, but the erratic behavior of tin in sphalerite perhaps is related to the presence of numerous cavities and inclusions in the crystal studied.
Maps of the geographic distribution of trace elements in chalcopyrite and sphalerite exhibit three main belts of greater than average trace element content, which are called the Eastern, Central, and Western belts. These belts are consistent in trend and position with a beltlike distribution of copper, gold, lead, zinc, silver, and tungsten deposits and with most of the major tectonic features. However, there appear to be no definite time relationships, for as many as four metallogenic epochs, from Precambrian to late Tertiary, are represented by ore deposits within the Central belt.
The evidence suggests that the beltlike features have a deep seated origin, perhaps in the sub-crust or outer parts of the mantle, and that the deposits within each belt might be genetically related through a beltlike compositional heterogeneity in the source regions of the ores. Hence, the belts are regarded as metallogenic provinces.
Esta dissertação versa sobre o Museu de Favela (MUF), organização não-governamental fundada em 2008 durante as obras do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC) nas favelas do Pavão, Pavãozinho e Cantagalo, na Zona Sul da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. As principais propostas do MUF são a patrimonialização da favela/seus elementos culturais, bem como o desenvolvimento turístico dessas favelas. A partir de um trabalho de campo, do tipo observação participante junto à diretoria do MUF, analiso a construção de sua proposta de turismo em oposição à favela da Rocinha, caso emblemático do turismo em favelas. Mostro a presença de duas ideias de turismo a propósito do caso estudado: o que chamo de turismo vilão, representado pelo contexto da Rocinha na visão dos promotores do MUF; e o que chamo de turismo solução, representado na mesma visão pelo turismo organizado pelos moradores para benefício da população local e solução dos problemas das favelas. Analiso ainda a proposta do MUF, sua organização como ONG e seus diretores. Por fim, focalizo o Museu de Favela e o Estado como atores sociais básicos envolvidos na questão analisada, mostrando como turismo e patrimônio aparecem como ferramentas para ambas as instituições, que guardam semelhanças e diferenças no que se refere a dois processos em andamento nas favelas do Pavão, Pavãozinho e Cantagalo: o processo de patrimonialização e o processo de turismização.
The effect of intermolecular coupling in molecular energy levels (electronic and vibrational) has been investigated in neat and isotopic mixed crystals of benzene. In the isotopic mixed crystals of C6H6, C6H5D, m-C6H4D2, p-C6H4D2, sym-C6H3D3, C6D5H, and C6D6 in either a C6H6 or C6D6 host, the following phenomena have been observed and interpreted in terms of a refined Frenkel exciton theory: a) Site shifts; b) site group splittings of the degenerate ground state vibrations of C6H6, C6D6, and sym-C6H3D3; c) the orientational effect for the isotopes without a trigonal axis in both the 1B2u electronic state and the ground state vibrations; d) intrasite Fermi resonance between molecular fundamentals due to the reduced symmetry of the crystal site; and e) intermolecular or intersite Fermi resonance between nearly degenerate states of the host and guest molecules. In the neat crystal experiments on the ground state vibrations it was possible to observe many of these phenomena in conjunction with and in addition to the exciton structure.
To theoretically interpret these diverse experimental data, the concepts of interchange symmetry, the ideal mixed crystal, and site wave functions have been developed and are presented in detail. In the interpretation of the exciton data the relative signs of the intermolecular coupling constants have been emphasized, and in the limit of the ideal mixed crystal a technique is discussed for locating the exciton band center or unobserved exciton components. A differentiation between static and dynamic interactions is made in the Frenkel limit which enables the concepts of site effects and exciton coupling to be sharpened. It is thus possible to treat the crystal induced effects in such a fashion as to make their similarities and differences quite apparent.
A calculation of the ground state vibrational phenomena (site shifts and splittings, orientational effects, and exciton structure) and of the crystal lattice modes has been carried out for these systems. This calculation serves as a test of the approximations of first order Frenkel theory and the atom-atom, pair wise interaction model for the intermolecular potentials. The general form of the potential employed was V(r) = Be-Cr - A/r6 ; the force constants were obtained from the potential by assuming the atoms were undergoing simple harmonic motion.
In part II the location and identification of the benzene first and second triplet states (3B1u and 3E1u) is given.
Neste estudo é analisado o conto da paulistana Lygia Fagundes Telles sob dois enfoques principais: a investigação a respeito do narrador e o exame das técnicas utilizadas na escritura lygiana em si. Em relação ao narrador, examinam-se as inovações trazidas pela escritora a partir do diálogo com a tradição machadiana de narrativa. Toma-se como ponto de partida da análise o conto Missa do Galo: variações sobre o mesmo tema (1977), escrito por Lygia Fagundes Telles sobre o conto homônimo de Machado de Assis. No que concerne ao segundo aspecto, a escrita lygiana em si, são examinadas técnicas que resultam no que se chamará de palavra-bolha, ou seja, uma escritura na qual a característica primordial é a leveza narrativa, mesmo nos contos onde está presente a tragicidade, e investiga-se, através dessa técnica, o tipo de realismo presente no conto lygiano. A expressão palavra-bolha foi escolhida a partir do título de um dos contos da autora, A estrutura da bolha de sabão. Com o objetivo de analisar a palavra-bolha, ou seja, as técnicas lygianas de escritura, foi realizada uma divisão didática em quatro grupos de temas, nos quais foram encaixados e examinados os contos escolhidos como amostragens
Tap water is not sterile; it contains organisms which grow in water distribution systems or inside taps and their fittings. The absence of known pathogenic bacteria is assured by the absence of the indicator organisms but concerns have been raised in the past few years that drinking water fulfilling the standards laid down in the EC Directive ECC 80/778 may still cause disease. These concerns have arisen from several sources: the fact that a cause has been identified in only half of all suspected waterborne outbreaks of disease; reports have suggested that heterotrophic bacteria possessing single pathogenic mechanisms such as haemolysin may cause disease; reports of heterotrophic organisms causing water contact diseases in hospitals. These concerns led to a reappraisal of the pathogenic potential of heteretrophic bacteria, by carrying out an extensive literature search and review commissioned by the UK Water Research Company. This research identified many papers showing an association between drinking water and heterotrophic bacteria but only very few reports of suspected waterborne disease associated with the heterotrophs. The organisms demonstrating potential to cause disease were species of Aeromonas and Yersinia, but typing of organisms identified in patients and isolated from the water revealed very few similarities. The potential of Aeromonas and Yersinia to cause waterborne disease is thought to be very low and the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre database of laboratory infections due to these two genera of organisms was analysed to produce population-related incidences for each health region in England and Wales. Additionally a laboratory questionnaire revealed different levels of ascertainment of these two organisms in different laboratories of the Public Health Laboratory Service.
404 p. E-mail de contacto del autor: jbreviatti@yahoo.es
A tese tem por objetivo uma análise da argumentação em colunas de opinião, fazendo um paralelo entre dois momentos de um tradicional jornal brasileiro, O Globo. Dessa forma, analisamos textos opinativos dos períodos de 1947 e 2007 um intervalo, portanto, de 60 anos. Realizamos uma comparação entre esses dois períodos, a fim de estabelecer semelhanças e contrastes no que diz respeito à construção do texto argumentativo. Ao todo, foram selecionados para esse estudo comparativo um total de cinqüenta textos vinte e cinco de 1947 e vinte e cinco de 2007. Foram elencados para essa análise três elementos a fim de verificar a argumentação do jornal nas duas épocas, a saber: a seleção vocabular a serviço da argumentação, o uso dos tempos verbais e a pontuação. Após uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa desses três elementos, também apresentamos algumas considerações acerca do ensino da argumentação na escola, com algumas sugestões de atividades para os professores de Língua Portuguesa
O tratamento e o destino final dos resíduos sólidos de serviços de saúde são assuntos que têm gerado controvérsias no tocante às alternativas tecnológicas disponíveis e aos riscos para a saúde pública e ao meio ambiente. O presente trabalho consistiu na caracterização físico-química e toxicológica de lixiviados de resíduos de serviços de saúde e de lixo domiciliar coletados pela Companhia Municipal de Limpeza Urbana (COMLURB) na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e teve por objetivo subsidiar a discussão com relação à questão da necessidade de tratamento e disposição final diferenciada para os resíduos de serviços de saúde. Os resultados obtidos ilustram uma biodegradabilidade não tão elevada dos lixiviados das Células experimentais C1, C2 e C3, onde C1 contém 100% de RSD, C2 100% de RSS e C3 98% de RSD em mistura com 2% de RSS. Percolados oriundos de aterros sanitários novos se caracterizam nomalmente por valores elevados de biodegradabilidade. No entanto, os resultados mostram um baixo nível de biodegradabilidade dos lixiviados das Células experimentais C1, C2 e C3. Os parâmetros físico-químicos analisados indicam que os microorganismos encontram-se ainda na fase de adaptação ao meio. Os resultados mostraram mais similaridades do que diferenças no lixiviado gerados da disposição de RSD, RSS e sua codisposição durante um período de 60 dias de operação das células experimentais.
Objetivo: Comparar a composição corporal total e regional e a distribuição de gordura de homens com lesão medular LM cervical fisicamente ativos e não ativos, e sua relação com a concentração de proteína C reativa ultra-sensível (PCR-us). Além disso, identificar um protocolo de impedância bioelétrica (BIA) que forneça resultados de percentual de massa gorda (MG) total concordantes com os obtidos pelo método de referência, absorciometria de dupla emissão de raios-X (DXA). Métodos: Os participantes possuíam lesão medular entre C5-C7 e foram classificados em ativos (n=15) e não ativos (n=10). Consideraram-se ativos os indivíduos que praticavam exercícios físicos há pelo menos três meses, três vezes por semana ou mais, totalizando tempo mínimo de 150 minutos de atividades físicas por semana. A determinação da composição corporal total e regional (braços, pernas e tronco) foi realizada por DXA. A PCR-us foi mensurada por imunoturbidimetria. Os protocolos de BIA testados foram: a) para indivíduos com LM (KOCINA & HEYWARD, 1997); b) para grupos que incluem idosos (GRAY et al 1989); c) validado para idosos brasileiros (DEY et al, 2003). A análise estatística dos dados incluiu ANCOVA para comparar a massa corporal total, composição corporal e PCR-us entre os grupos; e correlação parcial com correção pelo tempo de lesão (TL) para identificar a associação de exercício físico com MG e da PCR-us com exercício físico e MG tronco. A comparação dos resultados de percentual de gordura obtidos por DXA e cada um dos protocolos de BIA foi realizada por ANOVA one way e Dunnet pós teste. A análise de Bland-Altman foi realizada para verificação da concordância entre os métodos testados. Conclusão: O exercício físico praticado de forma contínua e controlada é importante para manter menores valores de MG e evitar acúmulo de gordura na região do tronco. A melhor composição corporal e distribuição de gordura corporal observadas no grupo ativo possivelmente levaram à menor concentração de PCR-us sérica. Juntas, estas adaptações provavelmente contribuíram para a redução dos riscos de desenvolvimento de doenças cardiometabólicas. A semelhança na modificação da composição corporal entre idosos e indivíduos com LM sugere que protocolos de BIA propostos para idosos podem ser adequados para avaliação da composição corporal de indivíduos com lesão medular cervical.