992 resultados para Siegfried, Detlef
We hypothesized that biodiversity improves ecosystem functioning and services such as nutrient cycling because of increased complementarity. We examined N canopy budgets of 27 Central European forests of varying dominant tree species, stand density, and tree and shrub species diversity (Shannon index) in three study regions by quantifying bulk and fine particulate dry deposition and dissolved below canopy N fluxes. Average regional canopy N retention ranged from 16% to 51%, because of differences in the N status of the ecosystems. Canopy N budgets of coniferous forests differed from deciduous forest which we attribute to differences in biogeochemical N cycling, tree functional traits and canopy surface area. The canopy budgets of N were related to the Shannon index which explained 14% of the variance of the canopy budgets of N, suggesting complementary aboveground N use of trees and diverse understorey vegetation. The relationship between plant diversity and canopy N retention varied among regional site conditions and forest types. Our results suggest that the traditional view of belowground complementarity of nutrient uptake by roots in diverse plant communities can be transferred to foliar uptake in forest canopies.
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there are microbiological differences in bacterial samples collected from labial piercings made of different materials. METHODS Sterile piercings of 4 materials were randomly allocated to 80 pierced subjects. After 2 weeks, microbiologic samples were collected and processed by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization methods. Wilcoxon signed ranks and Mann-Whitney tests were used for statistical analysis (adjustment for multiple comparisons). RESULTS There were no statistically significant differences between material groups in relation to baseline data. In samples from stainless steel piercings, the total microbial load was significantly higher than the other materials (P<.05). Ten (mainly periopathogenic) species were found at significantly higher levels (P<.001) on steel than on polypropylene and/or polytetrafluoroethylene piercings. CONCLUSIONS Labial piercings made of stainless steel could promote the development of a pathogenic biofilm.
PURPOSE Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) surveillance programs are currently offered to high-risk individuals aiming to detect precursor lesions or PDAC at an early stage. We assessed differences in frequency and behavior of precursor lesions and PDAC between two high-risk groups. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Individuals with a p16-Leiden germline mutation (N = 116; median age 54 years) and individuals from familial pancreatic cancer (FPC) families (N = 125; median age 47 years) were offered annual surveillance by MRI and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) with or without endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) for a median surveillance period of 34 months (0-127 months) or 36 months (0-110 months), respectively. Detailed information was collected on pancreatic cystic lesions detected on MRCP and precursor lesions in surgical specimens of patients who underwent pancreatic surgery. RESULTS Cystic lesions were more common in the FPC cohort (42% vs. 16% in p16-Leiden cohort), whereas PDAC was more common in the p16-Leiden cohort (7% vs. 0.8% in FPC cohort). Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) was a common finding in surgical specimens of FPC-individuals, and was only found in two patients of the p16-Leiden cohort. In the p16-Leiden cohort, a substantial proportion of cystic lesions showed growth or malignant transformation during follow-up, whereas in FPC individuals most cystic lesions remain stable. CONCLUSION In p16-Leiden mutation carriers, cystic lesions have a higher malignant potential than in FPC-individuals. On the basis of these findings, a more intensive surveillance program may be considered in this high-risk group.
Neben motivationalen Aspekten kommt den Emotionen eine besondere Rolle für die wissenschaftliche Analyse der Entwicklung der Lehrprofessionalität zu. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden zunächst themenrelevante Theorien und Fragen der Emotionsforschung im Überblick vorgestellt, um danach besondere Akzente auf die Entstehung von Emotionen, ihre Funktionen und Wirkungen sowie auf entwicklungsfördernde Emotionen zu legen.
Volunteer research in sports clubs has paid hardly any attention to the individual expectations even though matching conditions to the specific volunteer’s expectations represents a major management challenge. This article presents a person-oriented approach to the expectation profiles of volunteers that delivers the basis for identifying different volunteer segments. The approach assumes explicitly that volunteers in sports clubs develop specific expectations regarding their working conditions. These expectations were determined in a sample of 441 members of 45 selected sports clubs. Proximately, a cluster analysis revealed that volunteers vary in their expectations regarding voluntary work. Four different types of volunteers could be identified: (1) recognition seekers, (2) material incentive seekers, (3) participation and communication seekers, and (4) support seekers. These “expectation-based volunteer types” could also be characterized in socioeconomic, membershiprelated, and volunteer-work-related terms. These types could serve as a basis for designing specific voluntary work conditions in sports clubs.
The physical activity of the Swiss population differs considerably depending on the linguistic region. German speakers are more often physically active than people living in the French or Italian-speaking part of Switzerland (Stamm & Lamprecht, 2011). This study analyses how socio-cultural factors correlate with sports participation for adolescents and young adults. In order to analyse this research question, Bourdieu’s concept of habitus (1984) has been adapted and used as a theoretical background. This sport-related concept of habitus considers culturally determined values, the attribution of meaning and patterns of action such as the understanding of sports, the importance of sports, body, health or leisure. On this basis, the sport-related habitus and the practical relevance of sports participation has been empirically reconstructed for adolescents and young adults aged 15 to 25 through a qualitative study including guideline-based interviews with German (n=6) and French (n=4) speaking adolescents and young adults, as well as a quantitative survey in a German (n=106) and a French (n=99) speaking commune of Switzerland. Initial findings reveal that young German speakers associate sports with self-discipline (χ²(1, N=205)= 8.223, p<.005, V=.200) and fitness (χ²(1, N=205)= 21.989, p<.005, V=.328) whereas young French speakers are more likely to relate health (χ²(1, N=205)= 9.455, p<.005, V=.215), effort and perspiration (χ²(1, N=205)= 18.835, p<.005, V=.303) to sports. Similarly, the understanding of body and health as well as the attitude towards leisure differs between the German and French speaking parts of Switzerland. This study illustrates that the concept of sports habitus is culturally shaped and therefore may be fruitful in further analyses. Bourdieu, P. (1984). Distinction. A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Stamm, H. & Lamprecht, M. (2008). Swiss sports participation in an international perspective. European Journal for Sport and Society, 8 (1+2), 15-29.
Introduction: Verbunden mit den steigenden Mitgliederzahlen, fällt es Sportvereinen zunehmend schwer, die vielfältige Nachfrage zu bedienen und die hohen Erwartungen zu erfüllen. Viele Schweizer Sportvereine bekunden Probleme, insbesondere im Bereich der Gewinnung und Bindung von ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeitern (Lamprecht, Fischer & Stamm, 2012). Da ca. 90 % der Schweizer Sportvereine ehrenamtlich organisiert sind und die Erfüllung des Vereinszwecks direkt mit dem ehrenamtlichen Engagement der Vereinsmitglieder zusammenspielt, führt der Mangel an Ehrenamtlichen zu erheblichen Problemen. Sportvereine können diese skizzierten Herausforderungen aufgrund deren Komplexität und den eigenen begrenzten Ressourcen nicht mehr alleine bewältigen und sind deshalb auf Wissen von aussen angewiesen (Bette, 2009). Damit stellt sich zugleich die Frage, inwieweit von aussen an Sportvereine herangetragene Steuerungspraktiken und Beratungsprogramme (z.B. durch Sportverbände) in Bezug auf den Umgang mit personalen Problemlagen wirksam sind oder nicht. So lässt sich vielfach beobachten, dass standardisierte Beratungsinputs im Verein zu unterschiedlichen Konsequenzen führen. Demnach ist zu vermuten, dass externe Impulse vereinsintern in unterschiedlicher Art und Weise interpretiert und in Vereinsrealität übersetzt (programmiert) werden. Solche Prozesse sind in hohem Masse an die vereinsspezifischen Reproduktionsbedingungen, also Entscheidungsprozesse gebunden. Deshalb stellt sich die Frage: Welche organisationalen Entscheidungsprozesse im Allgemeinen und speziell in Zusammenhang mit externer Beratung sind in Sportvereinen zu beobachten? Methods: Die Daten zur Analyse der Entscheidungsprozesse wurden im Rahmen des Projekts „Mehr Freiwillige im Fussballverein“ (MFiF) in Kooperation mit dem Schweizerischen Fussballverband (SFV) in elf Fussballvereinen erhoben. Die Interventionsstudie umfasst vier Aspekte: (1) systematischer Ansatz, (2) Einbezug aller Vereinsmitglieder, (3) konsequente Implementation in den Fussballvereinen und (4) eine längerfristige Bindungsstrategie für ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiter. Die Daten wurden einerseits über Fragebogen zur Struktur des Vereins und den Ergebnissen des Projekts erhoben, andererseits wurden leitfadengestützte Interviews mit den führenden Vereinsvertretern in den Projektgruppen durchgeführt und anschliessend anhand qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet (Mayring, 2010). Results: Die Auswertung der Interviews zeigt auf, dass verschiedene Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung einer Gewinnungs- und Bindungsstrategie entscheidend sind. Einerseits wird die Rolle der zuständigen Personen unterschiedlich interpretiert und deshalb fällt das Engagement im Entscheidungsprozess unterschiedlich aus. Die Bandbreite reicht vom Informator über den Moderator bis hin zum aktiven Promotor. Mit Blick auf die externe Beratung lässt sich erkennen, dass die Fussballvereine die Unterstützung unterschiedlich einordnen. Dem traditionellen Beratungskonzept folgend anerkennen Vereine die externe Beratung als bewährte Musterlösung und verfolgen unreflektiert die vorgeschlagene Lösungsstrategie. Gleichzeitig lässt sich eine zweite Gruppe von Vereinen entsprechend dem systemischen Beratungskonzept durch die externe Beratung irritieren und hinterfragt die eigene Struktur und sucht nach eine passenden Lösungsstrategie. Discussion/Conclusion: Die Untersuchung zeigt auf, dass externe Vereinsberatung sowohl mimetisch, wie auch als systemische Beratung interpretiert zu Verbesserungen im Bereich des Ehrenamtmanagements in Sportvereinen führen kann. References: Bette, K.-H. (2009). Beratung von Sportorganisationen: Konzepte und Voraussetzungen. In C. Breuer & A. Thiel (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sportmanagement (2. Aufl., S. 139-155). Schorndorf: Hofmann. Lamprecht, M., Fischer, A., & Stamm, H.-P. (2012). Sportvereine in der Schweiz. Strukturen, Leistungen, Herausforderungen. Zürich: Seismo. Mayring, P. (2010). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Grundlagen und Techniken (11. Aufl.). Hemsbach: Beltz.
OBJECTIVE The malignant potential of intraepithelial neoplasia of the vulva and vagina after treatment is not well defined. Our objective was to examine risk factors for recurrence and invasive disease. METHODS Four hundred sixty-four women with biopsy proven high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia of the vulva and vagina were identified in the electronic databases of four colposcopy clinics. Inclusion criteria were a follow-up of more than one year, no history of invasive cancer and no invasive cancer within the first year after initial treatment. We investigated the potential factors associated with recurrence and progression using a logistic regression analysis to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS Of the 411 eligible patients, 123 patients (29.9%) recurred later than one year after initial treatment and 24 patients (5.8%) progressed to invasive disease. According to multivariate analyses, the risk factors associated with recurrence were multifocality (OR, 3.33; 95% CI, 2.02 to 5.51), immunosuppression (OR, 2.51; 95% CI, 1.09 to 5.81), excision as initial treatment (vs. laser evaporation; OR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.11 to 2.91) and smoking (OR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.02 to 2.55). Risk factors for progression to invasive disease were immunosuppression (OR, 4.00; 95% CI, 1.30 to 12.25), multifocality (OR, 3.05; 95% CI, 1.25 to 7.43) and smoking (OR, 2.97; 95% CI, 1.16 to 7.60), but not treatment modality. CONCLUSION Laser evaporation combined with extensive biopsy is at least as efficacious as initial treatment of intraepithelial neoplasia with excision. Smoking is a risk factor for both recurrence and progression to invasive disease. Hence, smoking cessation should be advised and maintaining a long follow-up period due to late relapses is necessary.