935 resultados para Shot-noise
Vaccination is a management strategy utilized to help reduce prevalence of bovine respiratory disease in feedlots. However, not all animals respond similarly to vaccinations. It is believed that an animal’s genetics control part of the ability to respond to a vaccination protocol. In order to evaluate the genetic control of a new trait such as response to vaccination, it is important to understand the non-genetic factors that affect an animal’s response to vaccination. The objective of this study was to characterize the non-genetic factors affecting overall response to a two-shot vaccination for bovine viral diarrhea virus type 2 (BVDV2) in Angus weanling calves.
Esta ponencia analiza la usabilidad, mutación y dominio de una interfaz multimedia determinada con un enfoque tecnológico sociocultural, económico y productivo; partiendo de la utilización, masificación, mercantilización y difusión de contenidos electrónicos que culminan en procesos de domesticación de los mismos para su posterior remediación. La construcción de lenguajes en tanto actividades concretas dentro de interfases de uso común, están presentes en el marco de practicas culturales que sectores de la población mantienen al seno de sus vidas cotidianas. Así, el usuario apropia, consume y reinterpreta lenguajes impuestos mediante la creación de otros nuevos, que destaquen/condicionen la utilización de dispositivos e interfases dadas. Reflexionando entonces, sobre el affordance entre el usuario y la máquina en tanto intercambio comunicativo; esta ponencia toma como ejemplo el registro 'amateur' de la gira Lights In The Sky de la agrupación Nine Inch Nails en 2007 entendiendo que, a partir de la estandarización de formatos de transmisión de datos, particularmente de tecnologías aplicadas a la difusión e intercambio de contenidos musicales, nos ubicamos al frente de un nuevo punto de partida, condicionado y potenciado por un ciclo de experiencias y desarrollo lingüístico que ha corrido de la mano del ciclo tecnológico de la ultima década
Esta ponencia analiza la usabilidad, mutación y dominio de una interfaz multimedia determinada con un enfoque tecnológico sociocultural, económico y productivo; partiendo de la utilización, masificación, mercantilización y difusión de contenidos electrónicos que culminan en procesos de domesticación de los mismos para su posterior remediación. La construcción de lenguajes en tanto actividades concretas dentro de interfases de uso común, están presentes en el marco de practicas culturales que sectores de la población mantienen al seno de sus vidas cotidianas. Así, el usuario apropia, consume y reinterpreta lenguajes impuestos mediante la creación de otros nuevos, que destaquen/condicionen la utilización de dispositivos e interfases dadas. Reflexionando entonces, sobre el affordance entre el usuario y la máquina en tanto intercambio comunicativo; esta ponencia toma como ejemplo el registro 'amateur' de la gira Lights In The Sky de la agrupación Nine Inch Nails en 2007 entendiendo que, a partir de la estandarización de formatos de transmisión de datos, particularmente de tecnologías aplicadas a la difusión e intercambio de contenidos musicales, nos ubicamos al frente de un nuevo punto de partida, condicionado y potenciado por un ciclo de experiencias y desarrollo lingüístico que ha corrido de la mano del ciclo tecnológico de la ultima década
Esta ponencia analiza la usabilidad, mutación y dominio de una interfaz multimedia determinada con un enfoque tecnológico sociocultural, económico y productivo; partiendo de la utilización, masificación, mercantilización y difusión de contenidos electrónicos que culminan en procesos de domesticación de los mismos para su posterior remediación. La construcción de lenguajes en tanto actividades concretas dentro de interfases de uso común, están presentes en el marco de practicas culturales que sectores de la población mantienen al seno de sus vidas cotidianas. Así, el usuario apropia, consume y reinterpreta lenguajes impuestos mediante la creación de otros nuevos, que destaquen/condicionen la utilización de dispositivos e interfases dadas. Reflexionando entonces, sobre el affordance entre el usuario y la máquina en tanto intercambio comunicativo; esta ponencia toma como ejemplo el registro 'amateur' de la gira Lights In The Sky de la agrupación Nine Inch Nails en 2007 entendiendo que, a partir de la estandarización de formatos de transmisión de datos, particularmente de tecnologías aplicadas a la difusión e intercambio de contenidos musicales, nos ubicamos al frente de un nuevo punto de partida, condicionado y potenciado por un ciclo de experiencias y desarrollo lingüístico que ha corrido de la mano del ciclo tecnológico de la ultima década
The seismic data were acquired north of the Knipovich Ridge on the western Svalbard margin during cruise MSM21/4. They were recorded using a Geometrics GeoEel streamer of either 120 channels (profiles p100-p208) or 88 channels (profiles p300-p805) with a group spacing of 1.56 m and a sampling rate of 2 kHz. A GI-Gun (2×1.7 l) with a main frequency of ~150 Hz was used as a source and operated at a shot interval of 6-8 s. Processing of profiles p100-p208 and p600-p805: Positions for each channel were calculated by backtracking along the profiles from the GI-Gun GPS positions. The shot gathers were analyzed for abnormal amplitudes below the seafloor reflection by comparing neighboring traces in different frequency bands within sliding time windows. To suppress surface-generated water noise, a tau-p filter was applied in the shot gather domain. Common mid-point (CMP) profiles were then generated through crooked-line binning with a CMP spacing of 1.5625 m. A zero-phase band-pass filter with corner frequencies of 60 Hz and 360 Hz was applied to the data. Based on regional velocity information from MCS data [Sarkar, 2012], an interpolated and extrapolated 3D interval velocity model was created below the digitized seafloor reflection of the high-resolution streamer data. This velocity model was used to apply a CMP stack and an amplitude-preserving Kirchhoff post-stack time migration. Processing of profiles p400-p500: Data were sampled at 0.5 ms and sorted into common midpoint (CMP) domain with a bin spacing of 5 m. Normal move out correction was carried out with a velocity of 1500 m s-1 and an Ormsby bandpass filter with corner frequencies at 40, 80, 600 and 1000 Hz was applied. The data were time migrated using the water velocity.
Combined impacts of elevated CO2 and anthropogenic noise on European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Ocean acidification (OA) and anthropogenic noise are both known to cause stress and induce physiological and behavioural changes in fish, with consequences for fitness. OA is also predicted to reduce the ocean's capacity to absorb low-frequency sounds produced by human activity. Consequently, anthropogenic noise could propagate further under an increasingly acidic ocean. For the first time, this study investigated the independent and combined impacts of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and anthropogenic noise on the behaviour of a marine fish, the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). In a fully factorial experiment crossing two CO2 levels (current day and elevated) with two noise conditions (ambient and pile driving), D. labrax were exposed to four CO2/noise treatment combinations: 400 µatm/ambient, 1000 µatm/ambient, 400 µatm/pile-driving, and 1000 µatm/pile driving. Pile-driving noise increased ventilation rate (indicating stress) compared with ambient noise conditions. Elevated CO2 did not alter the ventilation rate response to noise. Furthermore, there was no interaction effect between elevated CO2 and pile-driving noise, suggesting that OA is unlikely to influence startle or ventilatory responses of fish to anthropogenic noise. However, effective management of anthropogenic noise could reduce fish stress, which may improve resilience to future stressors.
A method to reduce the noise power in far-field pattern without modifying the desired signal is proposed. Therefore, an important signal-to-noise ratio improvement may be achieved. The method is used when the antenna measurement is performed in planar near-field, where the recorded data are assumed to be corrupted with white Gaussian and space-stationary noise, because of the receiver additive noise. Back-propagating the measured field from the scan plane to the antenna under test (AUT) plane, the noise remains white Gaussian and space-stationary, whereas the desired field is theoretically concentrated in the aperture antenna. Thanks to this fact, a spatial filtering may be applied, cancelling the field which is located out of the AUT dimensions and which is only composed by noise. Next, a planar field to far-field transformation is carried out, achieving a great improvement compared to the pattern obtained directly from the measurement. To verify the effectiveness of the method, two examples will be presented using both simulated and measured near-field data.
Using a new Admittance-based model for electrical noise able to handle Fluctuations and Dissipations of electrical energy, we explain the phase noise of oscillators that use feedback around L-C resonators. We show that Fluctuations produce the Line Broadening of their output spectrum around its mean frequency f0 and that the Pedestal of phase noise far from f0 comes from Dissipations modified by the feedback electronics. The charge noise power 4FkT/R C2/s that disturbs the otherwise periodic fluctuation of charge these oscillators aim to sustain in their L-C-R resonator, is what creates their phase noise proportional to Leeson’s noise figure F and to the charge noise power 4kT/R C2/s of their capacitance C that today’s modelling would consider as the current noise density in A2/Hz of their resistance R. Linked with this (A2/Hz?C2/s) equivalence, R becomes a random series in time of discrete chances to Dissipate energy in Thermal Equilibrium (TE) giving a similar series of discrete Conversions of electrical energy into heat when the resonator is out of TE due to the Signal power it handles. Therefore, phase noise reflects the way oscillators sense thermal exchanges of energy with their environment.
Using a new Admittance-based model for electrical noise able to handle Fluctuations and Dissipations of electrical energy, we explain the phase noise of oscillators that use feedback around L-C resonators. We show that Fluctuations produce the Line Broadening of their output spectrum around its mean frequency f0 and that the Pedestal of phase noise far from f0 comes from Dissipations modified by the feedback electronics. The charge noise power 4FkT/R C2/s that disturbs the otherwise periodic fluctuation of charge these oscillators aim to sustain in their L-C-R resonator, is what creates their phase noise proportional to Leeson’s noise figure F and to the charge noise power 4kT/R C2/s of their capacitance C that today’s modelling would consider as the current noise density in A2/Hz of their resistance R. Linked with this (A2/Hz?C2/s) equivalence, R becomes a random series in time of discrete chances to Dissipate energy in Thermal Equilibrium (TE) giving a similar series of discrete Conversions of electrical energy into heat when the resonator is out of TE due to the Signal power it handles. Therefore, phase noise reflects the way oscillators sense thermal exchanges of energy with their environment
This paper shows that today’s modelling of electrical noise as coming from noisy resistances is a non sense one contradicting their nature as systems bearing an electrical noise. We present a new model for electrical noise that including Johnson and Nyquist work also agrees with the Quantum Mechanical description of noisy systems done by Callen and Welton, where electrical energy fluctuates and is dissipated with time. By the two currents the Admittance function links in frequency domain with their common voltage, this new model shows the connection Cause-Effect that exists between Fluctuation and Dissipation of energy in time domain. In spite of its radical departure from today’s belief on electrical noise in resistors, this Complex model for electrical noise is obtained from Nyquist result by basic concepts of Circuit Theory and Thermo- dynamics that also apply to capacitors and inductors.