735 resultados para She who remembers survives
A handwritten letter from Olive Diefenbaker to Sean O'Sullivan, 6 December 1966. Mrs. Diefenbaker remarks about a phone call she received from a Hamiltonian who had met O'Sullivan at "the Convention" and had "'tried to help him over his disillusion"'. Mrs. Diefenbaker took offense to the comments and responded to the individual "I wouldn't worry about Sean. He is mature and wise, and will think his way through like the rest of us".
The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of men who choose to work in maternal-newborn nursing roles. Using a qualitative phenomenological approach, interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample of six male nurses who worked in maternal-newborn settings using a semi-structured guide. Four themes emerged: Motivation and Influences in Career Choice, Barriers to Developing Caring Confidence as Maternal-Newborn Nurses, Surviving as Men in Maternal-Newborn Nursing, and The Invisible Norms Associated with Men in Maternal-Newborn Nursing. The study generated meaning surrounding career selection and addressed motivating factors such as role modeling, life experience, and passion for the area of specialization or convenience. There is importance in understanding the experiences of men who choose to work in maternal-newborn nursing roles. Thus, this research has implications for nursing, practice, education, and research, particularly with nursing leadership, policy makers, educators, guidance counselors, and men considering maternal-newborn nursing roles.
The composite includes photos of: Richard Woodruff (1822-1887) brother of Samuel Woodruff, son of William Woodruff. He married Cornelia McCrumb. His son-in- law was Samuel Zimmerman of the bank. Richard was a director of the Niagara Suspension Bridge. Joseph Woodruff (1820-1886) son of William Woodruff. He married Julia Claus. He was the Sherriff of Lincoln County and one of the incorporators of the Zimmerman Bank. Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff (1819-1904) who was the son of William Woodruff. He married Jane Caroline Sanderson (1827-1912) William Woodruff (1793-1860) who was the son of Ezekiel Woodruff who was born on July 29, 1763 and moved to the Niagara area from Litchfield Connecticut. He died in Niagara on Nov. 26, 1836. Henry Counter Woodruff (1833-1916) was the 7th child of William Woodruff. He married Emma Eloise Osgood (1835-1925) Dr. William Woodruff (1830-1908) of London, Ont. was the son of William Woodruff. Helena Woodruff (1828-1892) was the daughter of William Woodruff. She married Joseph Patterson Boomer. Julia Woodruff (1825-1870) was the sister of Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff and the daughter of William Woodruff.
A black and white copy of a sketch of the ship "Jane C. Woodruff". This appears to have been in a scrapbook. There is a slight tear which affects the picture slightly. [The Jane C. Woodruff was a barquentine ship built in St. Catharines in 1866 by Lewis Shikeluna. The ship belonged to John Battle who was an associate of Samuel D. Woodruff. She was named in honour of Samuel and his wife, Jane Caroline. She originated as a square timber trade boat before being converted into a 3 masted schooner. She collided with the "Mary Battle" in a snow squall in Georgian Bay. The ship passed out of existence in 1902].
World War I Memorial Plaque (17 ½ cm in diameter). This is a bronze plate encased in a 26 ½ cm x 24 cm wooden frame. The inscription on the plate is “He died for freedom and honour, Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff”. [In 1916 the British Government decided to issue a memorial plaque to be given to the relatives of those who died in the Great War. On the plaque is a figure of Britannia who is facing left and holding a laurel wreath over the box where the serviceman’s name is placed. In her right hand she holds a trident which represents Britain’s sea power. There are 2 dolphins facing her on her left and right hand sides. A lion stands in front of her. He faces left with a menacing growl. A very small lion that faces right is located below the larger lion’s feet. He is biting into a winged creature which represents the German Imperial eagle. Near the lion’s right paw there are the initials E CR P which stand for Mr. E. Carter Preston who designed the plate. Some of the plaques include a stamped batch number in front of the lion’s rear left paw. This plaque was produced in batch 17].
Handwritten note (1 page, single sided) stating that Ezekiel Woodruff was born in Littlefield Ct. July 29, 1763. He married Sally Hall who was born in Middleton, Ct on May 21 [the date is listed as the 23 in the Woodruff Genealogy book], 1765. She was the daughter of Capt. Giles and A. Hall. Ezekiel Woodruff died in Niagara Falls, New York on January 7, 1836 [the 6 is crossed out and a 7 penciled in]. Sally Woodruff died in Niagara Falls, New York on Nov. 26, 1835, n.d.
Letter to Isabel saying that she can use anything which is said to belong to D. Park, who will arrive “next Thursday” and will be pleased to meet her friends. It is signed by D. Park. The letter has a few small holes in it. This does not affect the text, n.d.
Statement signed by Hume Blake of Toronto (2 ½ pages) who has read the will of Joseph Clement dated May 14, 1810 and has also read the will of Mary M. Clement dated Sept. 10, 1842. He states that the devise to James D. Clement and Joseph Clement is void. “The executor therefore take the personal estate … and the lands devised to James and Joseph Clement descend unencumbered to the heir of the testator Joseph Clement.” This document is slightly burned on the edges but text is not affected. The outer page says “Mr. Hume Blake for Brock Woodruff, May 9, 1845.
Letter to Mr. Lee who was clerk of the Heir Devisee Committee in Toronto from Samuel D. Woodruff. [The Heir and Devisee Committee was formed to clarify the titles to land of heirs of people who had been assigned Crown lands before 1795. Many of the original grantees had not taken out patents to confirm their legal right to the land.] This letter confirms that steps have been taken to issue the patent, July 19, 1847.
Letter (1 typed page) to Louis J. Cahill from the Managing Editor [no indication of who he works for – same signature as is on the Knox, Harvie and Foss letter] saying that he has found various references to Samuel Zimmerman being active in the erection of the first suspension bridge and its Roebling successor, July 20, 1948.
Declaration from John Brown, culler who states that there are 1167 pieces which equal 75704 cubic feet of timber to be culled, April 9, 1878.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from George H. Gillespie who says that Mackenzie has left many books and papers in the office. Mr. Gillespie makes inquiries about the purchase and license of Long Point. The letterhead on this document is “Gillespie and Powis, Commission Merchants, Brokers and Co., Hamilton, Ont.” (3 pages, handwritten), Apr. 30, 1878.
Letter to Mr. W. D. Woodruff who is listed as the Treasurer of the B.N. and T. Railway Company from H.H. Collier, Barrister regarding items that have been paid out of the account, Jan. 16, 1911.
Probate (vellum) of Last Will and Testament of Hervey William Price of Welland who died Jan. 27, 1875. It is proven that the administration of the estate was granted to Joseph Augustus Woodruff, Aug. 19, 1880.