973 resultados para Seafood, Irradiation.
Irradiation has been increasingly recognized as an effective decontamination technique, also ensuring the chemical and organoleptic quality of medicinal and aromatic plants 1 . The use of medicinal plants in the prevention and or treatment of several diseases has revealed satisfactory results as anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, anti-cancer and antioxidant agents 2 . The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of gamma irradiation on the cytotoxic properties and phenolic composition of Thymus vulgaris L. and Menta x piperita L. (methanolic extracts). Phenolic compounds were analyzed by HPLC-DAD-ESI MS, while the cytotoxicity of the samples was assessed in MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma), NCI-H460 (non-small cell lung cancer), HeLa (cervical carcinoma), HepG2 (hepatocellular carcinoma) cell lines, as also in non-tumor cells (PLP2). Thirteen and fourteen phenolic compounds were detected in T. vulgaris and M. piperita, respectively, but none of them was affected by the irradiation up to a dose of 10 kGy. However, despite there were no changes in the cytotoxic properties of irradiated peppermint samples in tumor cell lines, the thyme samples irradiated with 10 kGy showed higher cytotoxicity in comparison with the samples submitted to other doses (2 and 5 kGy). This highlights that 10 kGy can be a suitable dose to ensure the sanitary treatment, without modifying the bioactive composition and properties of these aromatic plants.
Edible flowers are being used in culinary preparations to improve the sensorial and nutritional qualities of food, besides improving human health due to the profusion in bioactive compounds [1]. Nevertheless, edible flowers are highly perishable and must be free of insects, which is difficult because they are usually cultivated without using pesticides [2]. Food irradiation is an economically viable technology to extend shelf life of foods, improving their hygiene and quality, while disinfesting insects [3]. The efficiency and safety of radiation processing (using Co-60 or electronaccelerators) have been approved by legal authorities (FDA, USDA, WHO, FAO), as also by the scientific community, based on extensive research [4]. Viola tricolor L. (heartseases), from Violaceae family, is one of the most popular edible flowers. Apart from being used as food, it has also been applied for its medicinal properties, mainly due to their biological activity and phenolic composition [5]. Herein, the phenolic compounds were analyzed by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was performed to compare the results from flowers submitted to different irradiation doses and technologies (Co-60 and electron-beam). Quercetin-3-O-(6-O-rhamnosylglucoside)-7-O-rhamnoside (Figure 1) was the most abundant compound, followed by quercetin-3-O-rutinoside and acetyl-quercetin-3-O (6-O-rhamnosylglucoside)-7-O-rhamnoside. In general, irradiated samples (mostly with 1 kGy) showed the highest phenolic compounds content. The LDA outcomes indicated that differences among phenolic compounds effectively discriminate the assayed doses and technologies, defining which variables contributed mostly to that separation. This information might be useful to define which dose and/or technology optimizes the content in a specific phenolic compound. Overall, irradiation did not negatively affect the levels of phenolic compounds, providing the possibility of its application to expand the shelf life of V. tricolor and highlighting new commercial solutions for this functional food.
Irradiation is recognized by international organizations as a conservation technology, and its application to wild mushrooms has been tested in some species. Our research group evaluated the effectiveness of gamma irradiation to conserve different samples of highly appreciated species, particularly, Lactarius deliciosus, Macrolepiota procera, Boletus edulis and Hydnum repandum. From those results and considering also international recommendations on this subject, the 2 kGy dose was chosen for further studies. Therefore, the application of gamma irradiation at 2 kGy dose was extended to Boletus pinophilus Pilát & Dermek and Clitocybe subconnexa Murrill to validate the proposed technology. Considering the obtained results, some of the analysed chemical parameters (specially sugars and fatty acids), as well as the antioxidant activity, showed significant changes after irradiation treatment, particularly in B. pinophillus, probably due to its higher water content. Nevertheless, the obtained differences did not seem to be sufficient to change the organoleptic characteristics of these mushrooms. Furthermore, the antioxidant activity was generally higher in irradiated samples. In conclusion, the detected chemical changes might be considered as acceptable, when considering the high advantages of gamma irradiation at decontamination and/or disinfestation level.
The suitability of gamma irradiation (1, 2 and 5kGy) for preserving quality parameters of fresh-cut watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) during storage at 4±1°C for 7d was investigated. The storage time decreased the protein content and the main carbohydrates, and increased the levels of malic and fumaric acids, sucrose and mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (MUFA and PUFA). The different irradiation doses did not caused any significant colour change. In general, the 2kGy dose favoured PUFA and was the most suitable to preserve the overall postharvest quality of fresh-cut watercress during cold storage. In turn, the 5kGy dose better preserved the antioxidant activity and total flavonoids and favoured MUFA, tocopherols and total phenolics, thus originating a final product with enhanced functional properties. Therefore, the suitability of gamma irradiation for preserving fresh-cut watercress quality during cold storage was demonstrated.
1st International Caparica Conference on Chromogenic and Emissive Materials
O desenvolvimento urbano em áreas costeiras é intenso e o aumento das descargas de esgoto é uma das conseqüências. Assim, leis específicas que regulem limites para a contaminação microbiológica das águas e de alimentos de origem marinha são necessárias. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a utilização de Enterococos e coliformes termotolerantes na carne de mexilhões Perna perna como alternativa para o monitoramento da qualidade microbiológica de águas costeiras. O estudo também considera relações alométricas aplicadas às taxas de clearance para entender a concentração de bactérias pelo molusco. As densidades bacterianas obtidas no molusco foram de 50 a 4300 vezes maiores do que nas amostras de água coletadas próximas dos moluscos e alguns foram considerados impróprios para consumo, mesmo quando as águas não mostraram restrições. A taxa de clearance média obtida para retenção de Enterococos foi 317.7 ml h-1 e essas taxas (CR) puderam ser relacionadas com o tamanho dos mexilhões (L) pela equação CR = 28.3229L1.6421. Os resultados mostram que as densidades bacterianas nos tecidos dos mexilhões podem refletir a contaminação crônica do ambiente e que as taxas de clearance devem ser consideradas para a tomada de decisão em situações onde, por exemplo, se deseja implantar mexilhões para cultivo.
This research was conducted to study the use of radiation in water treatment as an alternative to chlorination which has caused health concerns due to the formation of harmful disinfection by-products. Groundwater solutions from the Biscayne aquifer were radiated with Cobalt-60 gamma radiation and studied for changes in dissolved organic carbon (DOC), UV absorbance at 254 nm (UV254), fluorescence and trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP). Molecular fractionations were conducted by ultrafiltration. Effect of the combination of radiation/peroxide was studied for DOC and UV254. Radiation showed significant removal in DOC and THMFP. Similar results were seen in the fluorescence and UV absorbance experiments. Radiation/peroxide did not improve the DOC removal. Radiation of the groundwater samples broke the larger molecular weight fractions in to smaller fractions.
As nuclear energy systems become more advanced, the materials encompassing them need to perform at higher temperatures for longer periods of time. In this Master’s thesis we experiment with an oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) austenitic steel that has been recently developed. ODS materials have a small concentration of nano oxide particles dispersed in their matrix, and typically have higher strength and better extreme temperature creep resistance characteristics than ordinary steels. However, no ODS materials have ever been installed in a commercial power reactor to date. Being a newer research material, there are many unanswered phenomena that need to be addressed regarding the performance under irradiation. Furthermore, due to the ODS material traditionally needing to follow a powder metallurgy fabrication route, there are many processing parameters that need to be optimized before achieving a nuclear grade material specification. In this Master’s thesis we explore the development of a novel ODS processing technology conducted in Beijing, China, to produce solutionized bulk ODS samples with ~97% theoretical density. This is done using relatively low temperatures and ultra high pressure (UHP) equipment, to compact the mechanically alloyed (MA) steel powder into bulk samples without any thermal phase change influence or oxide precipitation. By having solutionized bulk ODS samples, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation of nano oxide precipitation within the steel material can be studied by applying post heat treatments. These types of samples will be very useful to the science and engineering community, to answer questions regarding material powder compacting, oxide synthesis, and performance. Subsequent analysis performed at Queen’s University included X-ray diffraction (XRD) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Additional TEM in-situ 1MeV Kr2+ irradiation experiments coupled with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) techniques, were also performed on large (200nm+) non-stoichiometric oxides embedded within the austenite steel grains, in an attempt to quantify the elemental compositional changes during high temperature (520oC) heavy ion irradiation.
A relatively high proportion of harvested seafood is still wasted due to spoilage, particularly in developing countries, or because they are by-catches or have little economic value, seemingly related to inherent problems linked to unattractive color, flavor, texture, small size, and high-fat content. Thus, many fish and seafood species are still underutilized.