979 resultados para Schwede, Alfred Otto
The study was realized among oncological nurses in their daily work routine and aimed to understand these professionals' subjective action, starting from their relation with patients, adopting a phenomenological reference framework based on the ideas of Alfred Schütz. The question: what does working in oncological care mean to you? Please describe, was used to collect statements, which were analyzed and clarified the typical action of a nurse caregiver in this daily routine. The study revealed that oncological care implies dealing with humans in a fragile situation; requires a relationship of affectivity; is care delivery that entails the genesis of professional burnout. Care delivery in oncology is highly complex, requiring a professional competence that goes beyond the technical-scientific sphere. Nursing professionals need to seek strategies which enable them to face the fatigue they are submitted to in their work.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
O húngaro Sándor Ferenczi (1873-1933) tornou-se um dos mais importantes discípulos de Freud, quando as bases da ciência psicanalítica ainda se encontravam em desenvolvimento. Fiel ao mestre, ele fazia parte do núcleo próximo do fundador da psicanálise, formado por psicanalistas como Carl Gustav Jung, Alfred Adler e Otto Rank. E assim como eles, no transcurso da prática terapêutica, desenvolveu divergências teóricas em relação aos preceitos freudianos, embora não tenha se tornado oficialmente um dissidente, uma vez que sua morte se deu antes do cisma. As teorias ferenczianas são tidas até hoje como importantes contribuições à ciência psicanalítica. Associado aos chamados casos difíceis, Ferenczi colaborou para uma melhor compreensão das psiconeuroses, do desenvolvimento do aparelho psíquico e das técnicas com as quais se busca facilitar o processo de cura por meio da psicanálise. Nesse livro, o mestre em Psicologia e professor Marcos Mariani Casadore discorre sobre a trajetória de Sándor Ferenczi em suas relações com a teoria freudiana e o movimento psicanalítico, expõe aspectos biográficos e analisa seus principais escritos produzidos entre as décadas de 1910 a 1930. Casadore destaca ainda a errância - no sentido de desviar-se do caminho, como as tribos nômades que vagavam por territórios segundo suas necessidades - como distintivo da construção teórica de Ferenczi. O autor procura revelar novas leituras e posicionamentos sobre as postulações teórico-clínicas de Ferenczi, que ainda permanecem adequadas e incisivas para a atuação clínica e o pensamento a respeito das demandas subjetivas e sociais da contemporaneidade.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR
This article makes a connection between Benjamin and Carpeaux in order to identify points of contact between the two authors. In this methodological operation assumes the crucial role collating Wege nach Rom with Benjamin's, Passages, which leads us to speak of a Carpeaux reader of Benjamin.
The paper studies Otto Maria Carpeaux`s work in the context of Brazilian literary critic in the decades of 1940-1950. Starting from Pierre Bourdieu`s theoretical formulations about field concept, are set reflections concerning the place occupied by Carpeaux in the light of paradigm shifts occurred in the criticism field and new processes of legitimation resulting from this situation.
The work and the trajectory of literary critic and journalist Austrian-Brazilian Otto Maria Carpeaux (1900-1978) are studied from the relationship between literary criticism and the diffusion field in Brazil. Between the decades of 1940-1970, Carpeaux has played a prominent role in the formation process of the reader and reading in Brazil, as evidenced by his intense activity as a critic and essayist. Will also be developed reflections on the place occupied by Carpeaux in the field of criticism in Brazil. Two hypotheses are developed: a) Carpeaux`s work was affected by a lack of legitimacy of his contemporaries in the decades of 1940-1950, as can be seen, for example, in peripheral treating conferred on him by the field of diffusion and consecration instances we can read, the editorial market. b) Carpeaux such as an Alvaro Lins`s heir in the Correio da Manha, also inherited a criticism model that lost prestige in the light of the New Criticism growing influence occurred in the country, which shifts the critical role from the newspaper to the university.
This paper presents an analysis of an irreversible Otto cycle aiming to optimize the net power through ECOP and ecological function. The studied cycle operates between two thermal reservoirs of infinite thermal capacity, with internal irreversibilities derived from non-isentropic behavior of compression and expansion processes, irreversibilities from thermal resistance in heat exchangers and heat leakage from the high temperature reservoir to the low temperature reservoir. Analytical expressions are applied for the power outputs optimized by the ECOP, by the ecological function and by the maximum power criteria, in conjunction with a graphic analysis, in which some cycle operation parameters are analyzed for an increased comprehension of the effects of the irreversibilities in the optimized power.