956 resultados para SWEET ORANGE
Hungrey Panther entrance at the old Student Union, Chapman College, Orange, California. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.
Old Student Union patio remodel in progress, Chapman College, Orange, California. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.
Old Student Union patio remodel in progress, Chapman College, Orange, California, 1973. Signage on building also part of the campus renewal. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.
Old Student Union building and patio remodel, Chapman College, Orange, California, 1973. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.
Renovating the old Student Union patio, Chapman College, Orange, California, 1973. The Australian tea trees were moved from the music building site. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.
Renovating the old Student Union patio, Chapman College, Orange, California, 1973. The Australian tea trees were moved from the music building site. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.
Painting signage on old Student Union, Chapman College, Orange, California, as part of a campus renewal project in 1973. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.
People outside on the grass by Wilkinson Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California. J.E. Wilkinson was a former trustee, chairman of the board, and acting president. This building was the first on the campus of Orange Union High Schooi, designed by local architect, C.B. Bradshaw and constructed in 1905 by R. J. Noble. In 1921 it was moved 250 feet and turned 90 degrees to its current location. Acquired in 1954 by Chapman College. it houses the Provost’s office, Academic Affairs, English & Comparative Literature, Graduate Studies, and the departments of Religion and Philosophy. It is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings.
View from Hashinger Hall overlooking the Hutton Sports Complex at Chapman College, Orange, California, 1979. Rooftops of residences and trees in the foreground; the stadium and athletics field in the background.
Orange Union High School, located at 333 N. Glassell Street, Orange, California, 1905. Constructed in 1905 and designed by local architect, C.B. Bradshaw, image shows main building, now called Wilkinson Hall, which moved north prior to 1921. Acquired in 1954 and currently operated by Chapman University; it was renamed Wilkinson Hall in honor of J. E. Wilkinson, a former trustee, chairman of the board, and acting president. View shows front and south elevations across North Glassell Street.
Wilkinson Hall, 301 N. Orange Street, Chapman College, Orange, California. J.E. Wilkinson was a former trustee, chairman of the board, and acting president. This building was the first on the campus of Orange Union High Schooi, designed by local architect, C.B. Bradshaw and constructed in 1905 by R. J. Noble. In 1921 it was moved 250 feet and turned 90 degrees to its current location. Acquired in 1954 by Chapman College. it houses the Provost’s office, Academic Affairs, English & Comparative Literature, Graduate Studies, and the departments of Religion and Philosophy. It is listed in the National Registry for Historical Buildings.
S’inscrivant parmi les travaux actuels sur le lieu, le présent mémoire s'intéresse à la représentation de la maison dans les romans québécois contemporains, notamment chez Catherine Mavrikakis, Élise Turcotte et Ying Chen. Dans le cadre de cette lecture sociocritique, le sociogramme de la Maison est la notion opératoire retenue, les deux composantes conflictuelles du noyau étant le « Home sweet home » et la « maison hantée ». Le travail de déchiffrement s'appuie ainsi sur les caractéristiques de ce binôme réfractées par les textes. À une époque caractérisée par un « hyper-investissement de l'espace privé », pour reprendre l'expression de Gilles Deleuze, la maison dans les romans québécois des années 2000 se révèle plutôt comme un espace marqué par la hantise, loin de l'image rassurante de la maison-nid véhiculée par certains discours en circulation dans la société. Fantômes et spectres envahissent ce lieu de l'intimité et deviennent des figures du quotidien, révélant ainsi le profond malaise des habitants et le refoulement d'un passé problématique. Le sujet se trouve alors confronté à une « inquiétante étrangeté » à l'intérieur même de son foyer.
Light emitting polymers (LEPs) are considered as the second generation of conducting polymers. A Prototype LEP device based on electroluminescence emission of poly(p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV) was first assembled in 1990. LEPs have progressed tremendously over the past 20 years. The development of new LEP derivatives are important because polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs) can be used for the manufacture of next-generation displays and other optoelectronic applications such as lasers, photovoltaic cells and sensors. Under this circumstance, it is important to understand thermal, structural, morphological, electrochemical and photophysical characteristics of luminescent polymers. In this thesis the author synthesizes a series of light emitting polymers that can emit three primary colors (RGB) with high efficiency
Los niños pequeños podrán disfrutar reconociendo las distintas frutas y conociendo sus nombres. Y después, levantar las solapas para ver cómo unos niños las saborean. Elige tus favoritas con tus amigos.