950 resultados para STRAND SCISSION


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A presente pesquisa consiste em um estudo da representação do corpo jovem a partir de dois bailes: o baile coletivo de debutantes promovido pela Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP) para as moradoras de algumas comunidades cariocas, e o baile do passinho, vertente do funk carioca, que atrai os meninos das comunidades e ressignifica seu papel social dentro das favelas onde vivem. O recorte para o estudo parte, inicialmente, de questões de gênero atribuídas a ambos os bailes. O fim dos bailes funk no processo de pacificação das favelas tem desdobramentos significativos na rotina dos jovens. De um lado, a reivindicação das jovens deu origem ao baile coletivo de debutantes como estratégia de aproximação da polícia com o público feminino; por outro, levou o passinho para as lan houses e fez dos cômodos das casas cenário para a gravação de vídeos e a sua divulgação e compartilhamento em rede. O objetivo do trabalho é observar nos jovens que participam dos bailes supracitados a maneira pela qual seus corpos são "adequados" para tais festas e quais os aspectos que influenciam e afetam a construção da identidade juvenil. A estratégia metodológica desenvolvida contemplou a pesquisa documental disponível em mídia impressa e digital sobre os bailes e suas danças, a realização de entrevistas abertas e semi-estruturadas, a observação dos jovens participantes nos bailes, e a pesquisa bibliográfica para embasamento teórico - sendo considerado o referencial sócio-antropológico de David Le Breton, Michel Maffesoli, Roberto DaMatta e Hermano Vianna, a sociologia de Émile Durkheim e Marcel Mauss, os estudos culturais de Raymond Williams, Peter Burke, Néstor Garcia Canclini e Stuart Hall, além das pesquisas em comunicação de Denise Siqueira e Christine Greiner. Para a presente pesquisa as projeções no corpo impelem um olhar crítico e o analisar das referências que circundam os jovens moradores das comunidades cariocas. Desta forma, questionar as representações do corpo em festa move este estudo.


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The foraging ecology of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Northwest Florida Panhandle and estuaries in northern Georgia was determined using diet analysis and behavioral surveys. Stomach content analysis was completed on bottlenose dolphins(N = 25) that stranded in the Northwest Florida Panhandle from November 2006 to March 2009. The most abundant prey species were spot Leiostomus xanthurus (20.4%), squid (10.9%), pinfish Lagodon rhombiodes (10.3%), and Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus (8.5%). Dolphins that stranded during months with a red tide Karenia brevis bloom consumed more pinfish, and spot; whereas dolphins that stranded in non-bloom months consumed more squid, Atlantic croaker, and silver perch Bairdiella chrysoura. Differences in diet were also identified for dolphins that stranded inside bays/sound and dolphin that stranded outside of bays along the coast, and male and female dolphins. Surveys were conducted from south of the Savannah River to north of Ossabaw Sound in Georgia where foraging behaviors were classified. Multivariate Generalized Additive Models were used to test correlations of behaviors to dolphin group size, depth, salinity, temperature, creek width, and tide. Sightings with headstands (p = 0.009), hard stops (p = 0.019), chasing (p = 0.004), mudbank whacking (p < 0.001), herding/circling (p = 0.024), and strand feeding (p = 0.006) were correlated with shallow water or small creeks. Sightings with kerplunking (p = 0.031), mudbank whacking (p = 0.001), strand feeding (p = 0.003), and herding/circling (p = 0.026) were significantly correlated with low tide. The results of the Savannah, Georgia study were the first to characterize foraging behaviors in this area and demonstrate how bottlenose dolphins utilize the salt marsh estuary in terms of foraging. Studies like these are important to determine how dolphins forage efficiently and to provide background information on diet and foraging behavior for use in monitoring future impacts to dolphins in the Northwest Florida Panhandle and near Savannah, Georgia.


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To ensure the authentication of fishery products lacking biological characters, rapid species identification methods are required. Two DNA- and protein-based methods, PCR-SSCP (polymerase chain reaction - single strand conformation polymorphism) of a 464 bp segment of the cytochrome b – gene and isoelectric focusing (IEF) of water-soluble proteins from fish fillets, were applied to identify fillets of (sub-) tropical fish species available on the European market. Among the samples analysed were two taxonomically identified species from the family Sciaenidae and one from Sphyraenidae. By comparison of DNA- and protein patterns of different samples, information about intra-species variability of patterns, and homogeneity of batches (e.g. fillet blocks or bags) can be obtained. PCR-SSCP and IEF may be useful for pre-checking of a large number of samples by food control laboratories. Zusammenfassung Zur Sicherstellung der Authentizität von Fischerei-Erzeugnissen ohne biologische Merkmale sind schnelle Verfahren zur Speziesidentifizierung hilfreich. Zwei Methoden der DNA- bzw. Protein-Analyse wurden eingesetzt, um Filets (sub-) tropischer Fischarten, die auf dem europäischen Markt angeboten werden, zu identifizieren. Bei diesen Methoden handelt es sich um die PCR-SSCP (Polymerase-Kettenreaktion – Einzelstrang-Konformationspolymorphismus) – Analyse der PCR-Produkte und die IEF (isoelektrische Fokussierung) der wasserlöslichen Fischmuskelproteine. Unter den untersuchten Proben waren zwei taxonomisch bestimmte Arten aus der Familie Sciaenidae und eine Spezies aus der Familie Sphyraenidae. Durch Vergleich der DNA- bzw. Proteinmuster lassen sich Informationen über die intra-spezifische Variabilität solcher Muster und die Einheitlichkeit von Partien (beispielsweise Filetblöcke oder Filetbeutel) gewinnen. PCR-SSCP und IEF können in Laboratorien der Lebensmittelüberwachung als Vortest gerade bei hohen Probenzahlen sinnvoll eingesetzt werden.


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Os tumores de mama são caracterizados pela sua alta heterogeneidade. O câncer de mama é uma doença complexa, que possui o seu desenvolvimento fortemente influenciado por fatores ambientais, combinada a uma progressiva acumulação de mutações genéticas e desregulação epigenética de vias críticas. Alterações nos padrões de expressão gênica podem ser resultado de uma desregulação no controle de eventos epigenéticos, assim como, na regulação pós-transcricional pelo mecanismo de RNA de interferência endógeno via microRNA (miRNA). Estes eventos são capazes de levar à iniciação, à promoção e à manutenção da carcinogênese, como também ter implicações no desenvolvimento da resistência à terapia Os miRNAs formam uma classe de RNAs não codificantes, que durante os últimos anos surgiram como um dos principais reguladores da expressão gênica, através da sua capacidade de regular negativamente a atividade de RNAs mensageiros (RNAms) portadores de uma seqüencia parcialmente complementar. A importância da regulação mediada por miRNAs foi observada pela capacidade destas moléculas em regular uma vasta gama de processos biológicos incluindo a proliferação celular, diferenciação e a apoptose. Para avaliar a expressão de miRNAs durante a progressão tumoral, utilizamos como modelo experimental a série 21T que compreende 5 linhagens celulares originárias da mesma paciente diagnosticada com um tumor primário de mama do tipo ErbB2 e uma posterior metástase pulmonar. Essa série é composta pela linhagem obtida a partir do tecido normal 16N, pelas linhagens correspondentes ao carcinoma primário 21PT e 21NT e pelas linhagens obtidas um ano após o diagnóstico inicial, a partir da efusão pleural no sítio metastatico 21MT1 e 21MT2. O miRNAoma da série 21T revelou uma redução significativa nos níveis de miR-205 e nos níveis da proteina e-caderina e um enriquecimento do fator pró-metastático ZEB-1 nas células 21MT. Considerando a importância dos miRNAs na regulação da apoptose, e que a irradiação em diferentes espectros é comumente usada em procedimentos de diagnóstico como mamografia e na radioterapia, avaliamos a expressão de miRNAs após irradiação de alta e baixa energia e do tratamento doxorrubicina. Para os ensaios foram utilizados as linhagens não tumorais MCF-10A e HB-2 e as linhagens de carcinoma da mama MCF-7 e T-47D. Observou-se que raios-X de baixa energia são capazes de promover quebras na molécula do DNA e apoptose assim como, alterar sensivelmente miRNAs envolvidos nessas vias como o let-7a, miR-34a e miR-29b. No que diz respeito à resposta a danos genotóxicos, uma regulação positiva sobre a expressão de miR-29b, o qual em condições normais é regulado negativamente foi observada uma regulação positiva sobre miR-29b expressão após todos os tratamentos em células tumorais. Nossos resultados indicam que miR-29b é um possível biomarcador de estresse genotóxico e que miR-205 pode participar no potencial metastático das células 21T.


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Numerous studies have applied skeletochronology to sea turtle species. Because many of the studies have lacked validation, the application of this technique to sea turtle age estimation has been called into question. To address this concern, we obtained humeri from 13 known-age Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) and two loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtles for the purposes of examining the growth marks and comparing growth mark counts to actual age. We found evidence for annual deposition of growth marks in both these species. Corroborative results were found in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles from a comparison of death date and amount of bone growth following the completion of the last growth mark (n=76). Formation of the lines of arrested growth in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles consistently occurred in the spring for animals that strand dead along the mid- and south U.S. Atlantic coast. For both Kemp’s ridley and loggerhead sea turtles, we also found a proportional allometry between bone growth (humerus dimensions) and somatic growth (straight carapace length), indicating that size-at-age and growth rates can be estimated from dimensions of early growth marks. These results validate skeletochronology as a method for estimating age in Kemp’s ridley and loggerhead sea turtles from the southeast United States.


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 利用RNA减法杂交、差异筛选和5’-RACE等方法从水稻分离到了一花药绒毡层特异表达的基因RA39。Southern 杂交表明,RA39在水稻基因组中是以单拷贝的形式存在的。RT-PCR 结果初步表明,RA39是一水稻花药特异表达的基因。RNA原位杂交进一步表明,RA39主要在水稻花药的绒毡层中表达,而且在小孢子母细胞减数分裂期和四分体时期表达量最高。RA39 cDNA全长1013bp,编码298个氨基酸残基。 RA39 cDNA与数据库中的已知序列没有明显的相似性,由其推测的多肽与核糖体失活蛋白(ribosome-inactivating protein, RIP)的序列相似在19-34%之间。多重序列排列分析结果表明构成RIPs活性位点的5个关键氨基酸残基在RA39中是保守的,在蓖麻毒蛋白中分别为Tyr80、 Tyr123、 Glu177、 Arg180 and Trp211 。利用原核表达系统,通过蛋白质分离和纯化获得了在SDS电泳图谱上为单一条带的纯的RA39蛋白,用兔rRNA作底物进行的酶活性分析证明该蛋白有N-糖基化作用,是一种类型I的核糖体失活蛋白。反义转基因植株的花粉用TTC进行活性染色结果显示其活性明显减弱,成熟的T0代反义转基因植株的结实率明显降低,只有对照的20-60%。这说明,RA39蛋白可能和小孢子母细胞的发育相关。   酵母DMC1是减数分裂过程中同源染色体配对和重组修复所必需的减数分裂特异基因。根据酵母Dmc1和拟南芥AtDmc1的保守区设计简并性引物,通过RT-PCR和RACE等方法,从水稻中分离出了酵母DMC1的同源基因OsDMC1。RT-PCR分析表明,OsDMC1在花中表达量最高,在根中表达量较低,在叶片和幼芽几乎不表达。水稻基因组中有两个拷贝的OsDMC1。OsDmc1蛋白与酵母Dmc1和拟南芥AtDmc1氨基酸一致性分别为53%和81%。   酵母Spo11在减数分裂过程中具有催化DNA双链断裂从而起始同源重组的功能。以酵母Spo11氨基酸序列为探针和现有的数据库通过数据分析,结合RACE技术,克隆了水稻SPO11同源基因OsSPO11-1, OsSPO11-1是一个单拷贝基因,有3个外显子和2个内含子,在转录过程中通过内含子的可变剪切产生4个不同的转录本(OsSPO11-1A、OsSPO11-1B、OsSPO11-1C和OsSPO11-1),其中,OsSPO11-1A是一个未剪切的转录本,OsSPO11-1B包含内含子2,OsSPO11-1C包含内含子1,OsSPO11-1D是一个完全剪切的转录本。这些转录本编码的蛋白有一致的246氨基酸残基的C-端,包含了Spo11/TopVIA家族蛋白共有的5个功能基元,是该家族的新成员。OsSPO11-1A和 OsSPO11-1C在花中优势积累,OsSPO11-1B是花特异的,而OsSPO11-1D在营养器官中优势积累。在花中该基因主要在减数分裂的花粉母细胞和胚曩中表达,在减数分裂期的绒毡层细胞和不同花器官的微管束细胞中也表达。这些结果说明内含子涉及到了OsSPO11-1表达的器官特异性调节,该基因除了参与减数分裂的调节外,在体细胞的发育中可能起重要作用。


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Sea turtles are subjected to involuntary submergence and potential mortality due to incidental capture by the commercial shrimp fishing industry. Despite implementation of turtle excluder devices (TEDs) to reduce at-sea mortality, dead stranded turtles continue to be found in near-record numbers along the coasts of the western Atlantic Ocean and northern Gulf of Mexico. Although this mortality may be due to an increase in the number of turtles available to strand, one alternative explanation is that sea turtles are repetitively submerged (as one fishing vessel follows the path of another) in legal TEDs. In the present study, laboratory and field investigations were undertaken to examine the physiological effects of multiple submergence of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). Turtles in the laboratory study were confined during the submersion episodes, whereas under field conditions, turtles were released directly into TED-equipped commercial fishing nets. Under laboratory and field conditions, pre- and postsubmergence blood samples were collected from turtles submerged three times at 7.5 min per episode with an in-water rest interval of 10, 42, or 180 min between submergences. Analyses of pre- and postsubmergence blood samples revealed that the initial submergence produced a severe and pronounced metabolic and respiratory acidosis in all turtles. Successive submergences produced significant changes in blood pH, Pco2, and lactate, although the magnitude of the acid-base imbalance was substantially reduced as the number of submergences increased. In addition, increasing the interval between successive submergences permitted greater recovery of blood homeostasis. No turtles died during these studies. Taken together, these data suggest that repetitive sub-mergence of sea turtles in TEDs would not significantly affect their survival potential provided that the animal has an adequate rest interval at the surface between successive submergences.


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Phantom mutations are systematic artifacts generated in the course of the sequencing process. Contra common belief these artificial mutations are nearly ubiquitous in sequencing results, albeit at frequencies that may vary dramatically. The amount of artifacts depends not only on the sort of automated sequencer and sequencing chemistry employed, but also on other lab-specific factors. An experimental study executed on four samples under various combinations of sequencing conditions revealed a number of phantom mutations occurring at the same sites of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) repeatedly. To confirm these and identify further hotspots for artifacts, > 5000 mtDNA electropherograms were screened for artificial patterns. Further, > 30000 published hypervariable segment 1 sequences were compared at potential hotspots for phantom mutations, especially for variation at positions 16085 and 16197. Resequencing of several samples confirmed the artificial nature of these and other polymorphisms in the original publications. Single-strand sequencing, as typically executed in medical and anthropological studies, is thus highly vulnerable to this kind of artifacts. In particular, phantom mutation hotspots could easily lead to misidentification of somatic mutations and to misinterpretations in all kinds of clinical mtDNA studies.


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Parallel strand models for base sequences d(A)(10). d(T)(10), d(AT)(5) . d(TA)(5), d(G(5)C(5)). d(C(5)G(5)), d(GC)(5) . d(CG)(5) and d(CTATAGGGAT). d(GATATCCCTA), where reverse Watson-Crick A-T pairing with two H-bonds and reverse Watson-Crick G-C pairing with one H-bond or with two H-bonds were adopted, and three models of d(T)(14). d(A)(14). d(T)(14) triple helix with different strand orientations were built up by molecular architecture and energy minimization. Comparisons of parallel duplex models with their corresponding B-DNA models and comparisons among the three triple helices showed: (i) conformational energies of parallel AT duplex models were a little lower, while for GC duplex models they were about 8% higher than that of their corresponding B-DNA models; (ii) the energy differences between parallel and B-type duplex models and among the three triple helices arose mainly from base stacking energies, especially for GC base pairing; (iii) the parallel duplexes with one H-bond G-C pairs were less stable than those with two H-bonds G-C pairs. The present paper includes a brief discussion about the effect of base stacking and base sequences on DNA conformations. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.


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Based on the experimental data of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), models of three-stranded braid-like DNAs composed by three kinds of base triplets AAA, TAT and GCA were constructed. We investigated the braid-like DNAs and their comparative tripler DNAs using a molecular mechanics method. The three strands of braid-like DNAs are proven equivalent, while those of tripler DNAs are not. The conformational energies for braid-like DNAs were found to be higher than that for tripler DNAs. Each period in one strand of braid-like DNA has 18 nucleotides, half of which are right-handed, while the other half are left-handed. Additional discussions concerning sugar puckering modes and the H-bonds are also included. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sixty-four sets of three-dimensional models of DNA triplex base triplets (TBT) were built up based on codons by homologous modeling method and their energies were minimized. According to sequence of TBT and orientation of the third ODN strand third, the energies of monomers and water-K+-TBT ternary complexes of TBT were analyzed. The results showed: (i) The energies of the symmetric parallel monomers are generally lower than those of the symmetric anti-parallel monomers of TBT, but the energies of the symmetric parallel ternary complexes are higher than those of the symmetric anti-parallel ternary complexes of TBT. (ii) No matter TBTs are monomers or ternary complexes, the energies of asymmetric parallel TBTs are generally lower than those of the asymmetric anti-parallel ones. (iii) Although the energies of the parallel TBTs are correlated with those of the anti-parallel ones, the energy differences are significant between them. The results here suggest the sequences of TBTs and the orientations of the third ODN strands are two of the key factors that can influence the formation and stability of TBT. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We built 64 sets of 3D models of DNA triplex base triplets (TBT) and minimized their energies. The TBTs were divided into 32 pairs of conjugated ones on the basis of their sequence characteristic, and the energies of each pair of them were compared and analyzed, the results showed: (i) The duplex DNA of which any strand contains at least a couple of A or T, has a preference for selecting the oligodeoxyribonucleic acid (ODN) strand containing abundant T to form TBT. (ii) The duplex DNA of which any strand contains at least a couple of G or C has a preference for selecting ODN containing abundant G to form symmetric antiparallel TBT, but selecting ODN containing abundant C to form asymmetric parallel TBT. (iii) The duplex DNA of which any strand contains only one of A, T, G or C has a preference for selecting ODN containing abundant pyrimidines (T or C) to form antiparallel TBT. Additionally, two examples of TBTs applications, in designing ODN to form triplex with duplex were presented. The energy calculation result revealed that 15-TCG is the best ligand of the HIV PPT duplex. The comparative analysis of energies of the conjugated TBTs provides directive significance for designing ODN strand that is easy to form triplex in theory. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Based on the statistical analysis of 119 human and 92 E. coli proteins it was found that for both human and E. coli, the mRNA sequences consisting of tri-codon and tetra-codon with high translation speed preferably code for alpha helices more than for coils. For beta strand, the preference/ avoidance oscillates with the translation speed. Moreover, the non-homogeneous usages of tri-codon and tetra-codon with different translation speeds in a given secondary structure have also been found. These results cannot be simply explained by the effect of stochastic fluctuation.


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Anew integrated sequence-structure database, called IADE (Integrated ASTRAL-DSSP-EMBL), incorporating matching mRNA sequence, amino acid sequence, and protein secondary structural data, is constructed. It includes 648 protein domains. Based on the IADE database, we studied the relation between RNA stem-loop frequencies and protein secondary structure. It was found that the alpha-helices and beta-strands on proteins tend to be preferably "coded" by mRNA stem region, while the coils on proteins tend to be preferably "coded" by mRNA loop region. These tendencies are more obvious if we observe the structural words (SWs). An SW is defined by a four-amino-acid-fragment that shows the pronounced secondary structural (alpha-helix or beta-strand) propensity. It is demonstrated that the deduced correlation between protein and mRNA structure can hardly be explained as the stochastic fluctuation effect. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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It is extremely difficult to explore mRNA folding structure by biological experiments. In this report, we use stochastic sampling and folding simulation to test the existence of the stable secondary structural units of-mRNA, look for the folding units, and explore the probabilistic stabilization of the units. Using this method, We made simulations for all possible local optimum secondary structures of a single strand mRNA within a certain range, and searched for the common parts of the secondary structures. The consensus secondary structure units (CSSUs) extracted from the above method are mainly hairpins, with a few single strands. These CSSUs suggest that the mRNA folding units could be relatively stable and could perform specific biological function. The significance of these observations for the mRNA folding problem in general is also discussed. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.