936 resultados para Russian Collection


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This thesis examines management of business relationships during conflicts. The context of this study is the international political conflict which started in 2013 and is still affecting international trade relations in 2016. More specifically, this study researches the effects of the conflict in Finnish-Russian trade. The research aim is to identify the implications of a political conflict in the Finnish-Russian business relationships and networks. Furthermore, the study will explore how does a company adapt or overcome the challenges and barriers posed by the international business environment. This research combines relevant theories in management of business relationships and networks in order to review the research data through a critical research frame. The theoretical frameworks are different structures of business relationship development processes, various stages of interaction, and characteristics and functions of business relationships. Moreover, this study will examine the effect of interdependency, commitment and trust in trade relations. Also, what are the important exchange processes and how do these processes affect business relationship and overall performance of joint business operations. Qualitative single case study method was used in this research. Case company was a Finnish multinational company. To understand the changes, the data was collected and analysed through process research approach by pattern-matching and drawing temporal bracketing over two different periods of time, first period in years 2011-2013 and second period in years 2014-2016. Empirical data was collected through a semi-structured interview and additional data was collected from internal and external secondary data sources. The findings of the study confirmed the relationship between trade and conflict. However, the effects are not significant for a company in grocery retail industry which has had earlier experience in Russia and has managed its business relationships and operations effectively. Macroeconomic factors affect companies operating in foreign dynamic markets and in order to sustain changes and to adapt, companies should invest in their business relationships. Trust-based relationships and a higher level of commitment allow companies to have more efficient and beneficial outcomes before and during uncertainty. Furthermore, well-maintained and coordinated business relationships provide the ability to adapt and overcome challenges during uncertainty. Such relationships have information, financial and social exchange processes which allow the partnering firms to have successful business relationship management in dynamic market environments.


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Comprend : Mémoires de Jean de Roye


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Contient : 1 "O orgulho castigado ou A vinda inesperáda. Comedia em trez actos de Mr Mercier intitulláda : O irmaõ naturál e compósta na lingua portugueza, por J. A. C." ; 2 "O que fazem os herdeiros. Comedia em hum acto por Pedro Alexandre Cavroé. Anno de 1821." ; 3 "Odio, valôr, affécto ou O novo Farnace em Eracléa. Drama heroico de quatro actos, que se repprezentou no theatro nacional da rua dos Condes com geral aceitaçaõ, composto em idiôma estranho por hum anónimo, traduzido no idiôma portuguez pelo actôr Antonio Jozé de Paula, copiado aos 2 de setembro de 1817." ; 4 "Olimpiade. Opera de Mathestacio. Traduçaõ de Lereno." ; 5 "A oppressaõ de amor ou Victor e Jozina. Drama sentimental de trez actos, composto por ****, copiado aos 5 de junho de 1808."


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Contient : 1 "O urso ou Os caçadores medrózos. Farça que se repprezentou no theatro nacional da rua dos Condes, com geral aceitaçaõ, composta pelo actor Antonio Jozé de Paula, copiada aos 23 de janeiro de 1818." ; 2 "Entremêz intitulado : A utilidade da partida, aprezentada na secretaria de estado dos negocios do reino, em 19 de mayo de 1797." Incomplet à la fin. La partie qui manque ici se trouve dans le manuscrit Portugais 107, f. 261 à 267 v° ; 3 "As variedades de Protheo ou Os irmaons rivaes. Drama magico de trez actos, que se repprezentou no theatro nacional do Bairro Alto, com geral aceitaçaõ, composto pelo antigo e vulgarmente denominado Judêo, ampliado por Alexandre Jozé Victor da Costa Sequeira, copiado aos 21 de junho de 1817." ; 4 "A velha namorada ou Os amantes graciozos. Farça composta por hum anónimo, ampliada por Alexandre Jozé Victor da Costa Sequeira, copiada aos 28 de agosto de 1819." ; 5 "As velhas rabugentas ou Os velhos fingidos. Farça composta por hum anónimo, ampliada por Alexandre Jozé Victor da Costa Sequeira, copiada aos 20 de dezembro de 1827." ; 6 "Nova farça intitulada : O velho da lanterna ou O cazamento embaraçado, por J. J. N. A. junior. Anno de 1825." ; 7 "O velho das piroletas. Farça para uzo do theatro da rua do Arco." Deux exemplaires ; 8 "Farça intitulada : O velho e o poeta namorados e illudidos... Aranjada para o theatro nacional da rua dos Condes, pelo socio R. J. Fortuna, no anno de 1825." ; 9 "Farça. O velho entalado, por Antonio Xavier Ferreira d'Azevedo." Permis de représenter, daté de Lisbonne, 12 août 1829 ; 10 "O velho perseguido. Farça composta por Antonio Xavier F. de A." ; 11 "Os velhos amantes ou O velho estrangeiro. Farça que se repprezentou no theatro nacional do Bairro Alto, com geral aceitaçaõ, composta por hum anónimo, ampliada por Alexandre Jozé Victor da Costa Sequeira, copiada aos 22 de dezembro de 1817."