894 resultados para Run away from home


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Blowing and drifting of snow is a major concern for transportation efficiency and road safety in regions where their development is common. One common way to mitigate snow drift on roadways is to install plastic snow fences. Correct design of snow fences is critical for road safety and maintaining the roads open during winter in the US Midwest and other states affected by large snow events during the winter season and to maintain costs related to accumulation of snow on the roads and repair of roads to minimum levels. Of critical importance for road safety is the protection against snow drifting in regions with narrow rights of way, where standard fences cannot be deployed at the recommended distance from the road. Designing snow fences requires sound engineering judgment and a thorough evaluation of the potential for snow blowing and drifting at the construction site. The evaluation includes site-specific design parameters typically obtained with semi-empirical relations characterizing the local transport conditions. Among the critical parameters involved in fence design and assessment of their post-construction efficiency is the quantification of the snow accumulation at fence sites. The present study proposes a joint experimental and numerical approach to monitor snow deposits around snow fences, quantitatively estimate snow deposits in the field, asses the efficiency and improve the design of snow fences. Snow deposit profiles were mapped using GPS based real-time kinematic surveys (RTK) conducted at the monitored field site during and after snow storms. The monitored site allowed testing different snow fence designs under close to identical conditions over four winter seasons. The study also discusses the detailed monitoring system and analysis of weather forecast and meteorological conditions at the monitored sites. A main goal of the present study was to assess the performance of lightweight plastic snow fences with a lower porosity than the typical 50% porosity used in standard designs of such fences. The field data collected during the first winter was used to identify the best design for snow fences with a porosity of 50%. Flow fields obtained from numerical simulations showed that the fence design that worked the best during the first winter induced the formation of an elongated area of small velocity magnitude close to the ground. This information was used to identify other candidates for optimum design of fences with a lower porosity. Two of the designs with a fence porosity of 30% that were found to perform well based on results of numerical simulations were tested in the field during the second winter along with the best performing design for fences with a porosity of 50%. Field data showed that the length of the snow deposit away from the fence was reduced by about 30% for the two proposed lower-porosity (30%) fence designs compared to the best design identified for fences with a porosity of 50%. Moreover, one of the lower-porosity designs tested in the field showed no significant snow deposition within the bottom gap region beneath the fence. Thus, a major outcome of this study is to recommend using plastic snow fences with a porosity of 30%. It is expected that this lower-porosity design will continue to work well for even more severe snow events or for successive snow events occurring during the same winter. The approach advocated in the present study allowed making general recommendations for optimizing the design of lower-porosity plastic snow fences. This approach can be extended to improve the design of other types of snow fences. Some preliminary work for living snow fences is also discussed. Another major contribution of this study is to propose, develop protocols and test a novel technique based on close range photogrammetry (CRP) to quantify the snow deposits trapped snow fences. As image data can be acquired continuously, the time evolution of the volume of snow retained by a snow fence during a storm or during a whole winter season can, in principle, be obtained. Moreover, CRP is a non-intrusive method that eliminates the need to perform man-made measurements during the storms, which are difficult and sometimes dangerous to perform. Presently, there is lots of empiricism in the design of snow fences due to lack of data on fence storage capacity on how snow deposits change with the fence design and snow storm characteristics and in the estimation of the main parameters used by the state DOTs to design snow fences at a given site. The availability of such information from CRP measurements should provide critical data for the evaluation of the performance of a certain snow fence design that is tested by the IDOT. As part of the present study, the novel CRP method is tested at several sites. The present study also discusses some attempts and preliminary work to determine the snow relocation coefficient which is one of the main variables that has to be estimated by IDOT engineers when using the standard snow fence design software (Snow Drift Profiler, Tabler, 2006). Our analysis showed that standard empirical formulas did not produce reasonable values when applied at the Iowa test sites monitored as part of the present study and that simple methods to estimate this variable are not reliable. The present study makes recommendations for the development of a new methodology based on Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry that can directly measure the snow drift fluxes and the amount of snow relocated by the fence.


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En aquest article s’ofereix un perfil del pensament de Rousseau a partir de la seva relació amb la filosofia estoica i la seva dependència respecte de les idees de Montaigne, alhora que es remarca —atenint-se a la Professió de fe del vicari savoià— la dimensió religiosa i espiritual de la seva cosmovisió. Sobre la base d’aquests supòsits es revisa l’impacte de les idees de Rousseau en el Romanticisme del segle xix, sense perdre de vista les crítiques que la seva pedagogia va merèixer dels ideòlegs del Noucentisme (Eugeni d’Ors, Joaquim Xirau). Finalment, es conclou que la presència de la pedagogia de Rousseau en el Moviment de Renovació Pedagògica, viscut durant les primeres dècades del segle xx a Catalunya, constitueix més un horitzó que no pas una realitat bastida sistemàticament i sòlidament.


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When individuals learn by trial-and-error, they perform randomly chosen actions and then reinforce those actions that led to a high payoff. However, individuals do not always have to physically perform an action in order to evaluate its consequences. Rather, they may be able to mentally simulate actions and their consequences without actually performing them. Such fictitious learners can select actions with high payoffs without making long chains of trial-and-error learning. Here, we analyze the evolution of an n-dimensional cultural trait (or artifact) by learning, in a payoff landscape with a single optimum. We derive the stochastic learning dynamics of the distance to the optimum in trait space when choice between alternative artifacts follows the standard logit choice rule. We show that for both trial-and-error and fictitious learners, the learning dynamics stabilize at an approximate distance of root n/(2 lambda(e)) away from the optimum, where lambda(e) is an effective learning performance parameter depending on the learning rule under scrutiny. Individual learners are thus unlikely to reach the optimum when traits are complex (n large), and so face a barrier to further improvement of the artifact. We show, however, that this barrier can be significantly reduced in a large population of learners performing payoff-biased social learning, in which case lambda(e) becomes proportional to population size. Overall, our results illustrate the effects of errors in learning, levels of cognition, and population size for the evolution of complex cultural traits. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The research reported in this series of article aimed at (1) automating the search of questioned ink specimens in ink reference collections and (2) at evaluating the strength of ink evidence in a transparent and balanced manner. These aims require that ink samples are analysed in an accurate and reproducible way and that they are compared in an objective and automated way. This latter requirement is due to the large number of comparisons that are necessary in both scenarios. A research programme was designed to (a) develop a standard methodology for analysing ink samples in a reproducible way, (b) comparing automatically and objectively ink samples and (c) evaluate the proposed methodology in forensic contexts. This report focuses on the last of the three stages of the research programme. The calibration and acquisition process and the mathematical comparison algorithms were described in previous papers [C. Neumann, P. Margot, New perspectives in the use of ink evidence in forensic science-Part I: Development of a quality assurance process for forensic ink analysis by HPTLC, Forensic Sci. Int. 185 (2009) 29-37; C. Neumann, P. Margot, New perspectives in the use of ink evidence in forensic science-Part II: Development and testing of mathematical algorithms for the automatic comparison of ink samples analysed by HPTLC, Forensic Sci. Int. 185 (2009) 38-50]. In this paper, the benefits and challenges of the proposed concepts are tested in two forensic contexts: (1) ink identification and (2) ink evidential value assessment. The results show that different algorithms are better suited for different tasks. This research shows that it is possible to build digital ink libraries using the most commonly used ink analytical technique, i.e. high-performance thin layer chromatography, despite its reputation of lacking reproducibility. More importantly, it is possible to assign evidential value to ink evidence in a transparent way using a probabilistic model. It is therefore possible to move away from the traditional subjective approach, which is entirely based on experts' opinion, and which is usually not very informative. While there is room for the improvement, this report demonstrates the significant gains obtained over the traditional subjective approach for the search of ink specimens in ink databases, and the interpretation of their evidential value.


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"Morphing Romania and the Moldova Province" gives a short insight of cartograms. Digital cartograms provide potential to move away from classical visualization of geographical data and benefit of new understanding of our world. They introduce a human vision instead of a planimetric one. By applying the Gastner-Newman algorithm for generating density-equalising cartograms to Romania and its Moldova province we can discuss the making of cartograms in general.


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Viking Lake State Park is beautiful resource which has been special to residents of Southwest Iowa and visitors from around the region. Unfortunately, Viking Lake itself is being impacted by non-point source pollution. Water quality conditions are becoming the reason that visitors are shying away from the park instead of flocking to it. To combat these non-point source problems the Viking Lake Water Quality Project has been initiated and $327,000 has been allocated through the Section 319/WSPF Program which will address water quality concerns in the watershed. Additionally, IDNR Fisheries is preparing for an entire renovation of Viking Lake in 2006. One funding gap remains, that may prevent this comprehensive water quality project from achieving a successful endpoint. Funds are still needed for the renovation of malfunctioning septic systems at Viking Village housing development which is adjacent to the park, and has been identified as a primary source of contamination entering the lake. The intent of this application is to secure funds so that these septic system problems can be corrected and water quality conditions of this important natural resource restored for public enjoyment.


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Diplomityö tehtiin Stora Enson Kiteen sahalla, tuotantokäytössä olevaa sormijatkoslinjaa tutkien. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää raaka-aineen keskikosteuden, kosteusgradientin, mitallistamishöyläyksen ja liitettävien aihioiden pituuden vaikutus jatketun tuotteen laatuun. Koekappaleita valmistettiin viisi höylättyä ja viisi sahapintaista luokkaa. Luokat valmistettiin eripituisista aihioista, puolen metrin jaolla. Koekappaleiden taivutuslujuus mitattiin nelipistetaivutuksella, standardin EN 408 mukaan. Taivutuskokeen jälkeen kappaleista mitattiin keskikosteus ja sahattiin koepalat kosteusgradientin mittaamiseksi. Koekappaleita valmistettiin yhteensä 37.8 m3. Tutkimuksissa selvisi, että kappaleiden keskikosteuden ja taivutuslujuuden välillä vallitsee heikko positiivinen riippuvuus. Kosteusgradientin ja taivutuslujuuden välillä riippuvuus on selkeämpi, kosteusgradientin kasvaessa myös taivutuslujuus lisääntyy. Tämä selittyy kappaleiden tiheyden vaihtelulla. Tiheämpiin kappaleisiin jää kuivauksessa suurempi kosteusgradientti. Aihioiden mitallistaminen pienentää taivutuslujuuden hajontaa ja vähentää raaka-aineen mittaheittojen aiheuttamia häiriöitä tuotannossa. Aihionpituus vaikuttaa murtumatyyppien jakaumiin ja aihioiden kierouteen. Sopivin aihionpituus on tässä tapauksessa 0.8-1.0 m. Puolet kappaleista murtui liitoksen ulkopuolelta, useimmiten oksan kohdalta. Paras tapa parantaa kappaleiden lujuutta on lujuuslajitella raaka-aine.


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Yhtiössä on tehty vuoden 2005 aikana strategiaprosessi, jonka tuloksena on päätetty alueiden vähentämisestä seitsemästä neljään sekä konttoriverkoston supistamisesta. Osa yhteyspäälliköistä tulee siirtymään työpisteisiin tai kotikonttoreihin, jolloin esimiestyön haasteet kasvavat maantieteellisistä etäisyyksistä johtuen. Työn keskeisenä sisältönä ovat operatiivisen johdon toimintamallit muutosten toteuttamiseksi ja johtajiston ja esimiesten vastuunkanto yhteisistä päätöksistä. Pitkään jatkuneen stabiilin tilan jälkeen muutosten toteuttaminen on aiheuttanut paljon muutosvastarintaa, joten esimiesten toimintaa ja osaamista pyritään kehittämään muutosta tukevaksi. Työn keskeisenä tuloksena ovat muutoksen perusteet: selkeän vision, yrityskulttuurin ja asenteiden kääntäminen muutosta tukevaksi, viestinnän merkitys ja esimiesten yhteinen linja henkilöstöjohtamisessa. Aluejohdon ajankäytön muutos ja oman toiminnan muuttaminen ovat työn keskeisiä tuloksia, joilla uusia toimintamalleja voidaan viedä organisaatiossa eteenpäin.


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OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the relationship between inter-arm coordination and the energy cost of locomotion in front crawl and breaststroke and explored swimmers' flexibility in adapting their motor organization away from their preferred movement pattern. DESIGN: Nine front-crawlers performed three 300-m in front crawl and 8 breaststrokers performed three 200-m in breaststroke at constant submaximal intensity and with 5-min rests. Each trial was performed randomly in a different coordination pattern: freely chosen, 'maximal glide' and 'minimal glide'. Two underwater cameras videotaped frontal and side views to analyze speed, stroke rate, stroke length and inter-limb coordination. METHODS: In front crawl, inter-arm coordination was quantified by the index of coordination (IdC) and the leg beat kicks were counted. In breaststroke, four time gaps quantified the arm to leg coordination (i.e., time between leg and arm propulsions; time between beginning, 90° flexion and end of arm and leg recoveries). The energy cost of locomotion was calculated from gas exchanges and blood lactate concentration. RESULTS: In both front crawl and breaststroke, the freely chosen coordination corresponded to glide pattern and showed the lowest energy cost (12.8 and 17.1Jkg(-1)m(-1), respectively). Both front-crawlers and breaststrokers were able to reach 'maximal glide' condition (respectively, +35% and +28%) but not 'minimal glide' condition for front crawl. CONCLUSIONS: The freely chosen pattern appeared more economic because more trained. When coordination was constrained, the swimmers had higher coordination flexibility in breaststroke than in front crawl, suggesting that breaststroke coordination was easier to regulate by changing glide time.


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Within a developing organism, cells require information on where they are in order to differentiate into the correct cell-type. Pattern formation is the process by which cells acquire and process positional cues and thus determine their fate. This can be achieved by the production and release of a diffusible signaling molecule, called a morphogen, which forms a concentration gradient: exposure to different morphogen levels leads to the activation of specific signaling pathways. Thus, in response to the morphogen gradient, cells start to express different sets of genes, forming domains characterized by a unique combination of differentially expressed genes. As a result, a pattern of cell fates and specification emerges.Though morphogens have been known for decades, it is not yet clear how these gradients form and are interpreted in order to yield highly robust patterns of gene expression. During my PhD thesis, I investigated the properties of Bicoid (Bcd) and Decapentaplegic (Dpp), two morphogens involved in the patterning of the anterior-posterior axis of Drosophila embryo and wing primordium, respectively. In particular, I have been interested in understanding how the pattern proportions are maintained across embryos of different sizes or within a growing tissue. This property is commonly referred to as scaling and is essential for yielding functional organs or organisms. In order to tackle these questions, I analysed fluorescence images showing the pattern of gene expression domains in the early embryo and wing imaginal disc. After characterizing the extent of these domains in a quantitative and systematic manner, I introduced and applied a new scaling measure in order to assess how well proportions are maintained. I found that scaling emerged as a universal property both in early embryos (at least far away from the Bcd source) and in wing imaginal discs (across different developmental stages). Since we were also interested in understanding the mechanisms underlying scaling and how it is transmitted from the morphogen to the target genes down in the signaling cascade, I also quantified scaling in mutant flies where this property could be disrupted. While scaling is largely conserved in embryos with altered bcd dosage, my modeling suggests that Bcd trapping by the nuclei as well as pre-steady state decoding of the morphogen gradient are essential to ensure precise and scaled patterning of the Bcd signaling cascade. In the wing imaginal disc, it appears that as the disc grows, the Dpp response expands and scales with the tissue size. Interestingly, scaling is not perfect at all positions in the field. The scaling of the target gene domains is best where they have a function; Spalt, for example, scales best at the position in the anterior compartment where it helps to form one of the anterior veins of the wing. Analysis of mutants for pentagone, a transcriptional target of Dpp that encodes a secreted feedback regulator of the pathway, indicates that Pentagone plays a key role in scaling the Dpp gradient activity.


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Incap Furniture Oy on koottavien mäntyhuonekalujen sopimusvalmistaja. Yrityksen tavoitteena on saavuttaa 70 miljoonan euron liikevaihto Kärsämäen tehtaalla vuonna 2008. Suurin osa komponenttituotannosta ostetaan alihankintaverkostosta ja valmiit tuotteet pakataan logistiikkakeskuksessa. Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää miten kasvavat materiaalivirrat saadaan tulevaisuudessa käsiteltyä Kärsämäen tehtaan logistiikkakeskuksessa Työn teoriaosassa on ensin käsitelty mahdollisuuksia vähentää kokoonpanon puutetilanteita ostotoimintaa kehittämällä. Teoriaosassa esitellään lisäksi varastonohjausmenetelmiä, sekä yleisesti varastoinnin tehtäväkenttää. Empiirisessä osassa analysoitiin annettujen tietojen avulla vuoden 2008 tavoitetilaa, sekä simuloitiin tavoitetilan materiaalivirtoja suhteessa logistiikkakeskuksen kapasiteettiin. Kasvavat materiaalivirrat pakottavat kehittämään logistiikkakeskuksen toimintaa. Eräluonteisen toiminnan vuoksi kaikkien komponenttien kohdalla on pyrittävä MRP ohjaukseen. Komponenttientilauseriä on pyrittävä pienentämään vastaamaan todellista tarvetta. Kriittisille A- ja B- komponenteille tarvitaan lisäksi puskurivarastot tasaamaan toimitusajan vaihtelua ulkomaantoimituksissa. Pakkauseristä yli jäävät C nimikkeet tulee varastoida jatkossa erillään logistiikkakeskuksesta ja korkeavarastosta. D- ja E-nimikkeitä ei kannata tuoda ulkomailta, eikä niitä ole kannattavaa varastoida lainkaan. Pakkaamon täytyy toimia tulevaisuudessa kolmessa vuorossa ja korkeavaraston työjonoa on lyhennettävä kolmesta vuorokaudesta 4-6 työvuoroon. Edellä mainituilla toimenpiteillä ja toimitusten aktiivisella seurannalla saavutetaan toimintaympäristö, jolloin logistiikkakeskuksen kapasiteetti riittää materiaalivirtojen kasvaessa.


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Monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) are essential for the use of lactate, an energy substrate known to be overproduced in brain during an ischemic episode. The expression of MCT1 and MCT2 was investigated at 48 h of reperfusion from focal ischemia induced by unilateral extradural compression in Wistar rats. Increased MCT1 mRNA expression was detected in the injured cortex and hippocampus of compressed animals compared to sham controls. In the contralateral, uncompressed hemisphere, increases in MCT1 mRNA level in the cortex and MCT2 mRNA level in the hippocampus were noted. Interestingly, strong MCT1 and MCT2 protein expression was found in peri-lesional macrophages/microglia and in an isolectin B4+/S100beta+ cell population in the corpus callosum. In vitro, MCT1 and MCT2 protein expression was observed in the N11 microglial cell line, whereas an enhancement of MCT1 expression by tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) was shown in these cells. Modulation of MCT expression in microglia suggests that these transporters may help sustain microglial functions during recovery from focal brain ischemia. Overall, our study indicates that changes in MCT expression around and also away from the ischemic area, both at the mRNA and protein levels, are a part of the metabolic adaptations taking place in the brain after ischemia.


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Background: As imatinib pharmacokinetics are highly variable, plasma levels differ largely between patients under the same dosage. Retrospective studies in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients showed significant correlations between low levels and suboptimal response, and between high levels and poor tolerability. Monitoring of plasma levels is thus increasingly advised, targeting trough concentrations of 1000 μg/L and above. Objectives: Our study was launched to assess the clinical usefulness of systematic imatinib TDM in CML patients. The present preliminary evaluation questions the appropriateness of dosage adjustment following plasma level measurement to reach the recommended trough level, while allowing an interval of 4-24 h after last drug intake for blood sampling. Methods: Initial blood samples from the first 9 patients in the intervention arm were obtained 4-25 h after last dose. Trough levels in 7 patients were predicted to be significantly away from the target (6 <750 μg/L, and 1 >1500 μg/L with poor tolerance), based on a Bayesian approach using a population pharmacokinetic model. Individual dosage adjustments were taken up in 5 patients, who had a control measurement 1-4 weeks after dosage change. Predicted trough levels were confronted to anterior model-based extrapolations. Results: Before dosage adjustment, observed concentrations extrapolated at trough ranged from 359 to 1832 μg/L (median 710; mean 804, CV 53%) in the 9 patients. After dosage adjustment they were expected to target between 720 and 1090 μg/L (median 878; mean 872, CV 13%). Observed levels of the 5 recheck measurements extrapolated at trough actually ranged from 710 to 1069 μg/L (median 1015; mean 950, CV 16%) and had absolute differences of 21 to 241 μg/L to the model-based predictions (median 175; mean 157, CV 52%). Differences between observed and predicted trough levels were larger when intervals between last drug intake and sampling were very short (~4 h). Conclusion: These preliminary results suggest that TDM of imatinib using a Bayesian interpretation is able to bring trough levels closer to 1000 μg/L (with CV decreasing from 53% to 16%). While this may simplify blood collection in daily practice, as samples do not have to be drawn exactly at trough, the largest possible interval to last drug intake yet remains preferable. This encourages the evaluation of the clinical benefit of a routine TDM intervention in CML patients, which the randomized Swiss I-COME study aims to.


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Insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells is stimulated by glucose metabolism. However, the relative importance of metabolizing glucose via mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation versus glycolysis for insulin secretion remains unclear. von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor protein, pVHL, negatively regulates hypoxia-inducible factor HIF1alpha, a transcription factor implicated in promoting a glycolytic form of metabolism. Here we report a central role for the pVHL-HIF1alpha pathway in the control of beta-cell glucose utilization, insulin secretion, and glucose homeostasis. Conditional inactivation of Vhlh in beta cells promoted a diversion of glucose away from mitochondria into lactate production, causing cells to produce high levels of glycolytically derived ATP and to secrete elevated levels of insulin at low glucose concentrations. Vhlh-deficient mice exhibited diminished glucose-stimulated changes in cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration, electrical activity, and insulin secretion, which culminate in impaired systemic glucose tolerance. Importantly, combined deletion of Vhlh and Hif1alpha rescued these phenotypes, implying that they are the result of HIF1alpha activation. Together, these results identify pVHL and HIF1alpha as key regulators of insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells. They further suggest that changes in the metabolic strategy of glucose metabolism in beta cells have profound effects on whole-body glucose homeostasis.


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El artículo se propone mostrar cómo el estudio de los poemas y canciones de Boris Vian sólo cobra sentido mediante un análisis de conjunto. Tras la aparente dispersión de temas y estilos, bajo la apariencia superficial, cómica y en ocasiones incluso grotesca y banal de sus poemas y canciones, se oculta una unidad y una coherencia profundas y minuciosamente calculadas. Para expresarla Vian huye de las limitaciones de la lógica heredada de Aristóteles y opta por utilizar la técnica del collage, yuxtaponiendo una pluralidad de situaciones y acciones en las que lo real se entremezcla con lo imaginario, cuyo resultado final es la representación de una realidad única, indivisible y a la vez relativa y singular en función de cada individuo, en la que los aparentes antagonismos se revelan como elementos complementarios en el proceso de individualización y conocimiento del «yo» interior.