892 resultados para River monitoring network
In this work a WSN Support Tool for developing, testing, monitoring and debugging new application prototypes in a reliable and robust way is proposed, by combining a Hardware -Software Integration Platform with the implementation of a parallel communication channel that helps users to interact to the experiments in runtime without interfering in the operation of the wireless network. As a pre-deployment tool, prototypes can be validated in a real environment before implementing them in the final application, aiming to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the technology. This infrastructure is the support of CookieLab: a WSN testbed based on the Cookie Nodes Platform.
Within the technological framework of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), consumers are currently requesting multimedia services with simplicity of use, reliability, security and service availability through mobile and fixed access. Network operators are proposing the Next Generation Networks (NGN) to address the challenges of providing both services and network convergence. Apart from these considerations, there is a need to provide social and healthcare assistance services in order to support the progressive aging in the elderly population. In order to achieve this objective, the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) initiative proposes ICT systems and services to promote autonomy and an independent life among the elderly. This paper describes the design and implementation of a group of services, called “service enablers”, which helps AAL applications to be supported in NGN. The presented enablers are identified to support the teleconsulting applications requirements in an NGN environment, involving the implementation of a virtual waiting room, a virtual whiteboard, a multimedia multiconference and a vital-signs monitoring presence status. A use case is defined and implemented to evaluate the developed enablers' performance.
The purpose of this work is to provide a description of the heavy rainfall phenomenon on statistical tools from a Spanish region. We want to quantify the effect of the climate change to verify the rapidity of its evolution across the variation of the probability distributions. Our conclusions have special interest for the agrarian insurances, which may make estimates of costs more realistically. In this work, the analysis mainly focuses on: The distribution of consecutive days without rain for each gauge stations and season. We estimate density Kernel functions and Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) for a network of station from the Ebro River basin until a threshold value u. We can establish a relation between distributional parameters and regional characteristics. Moreover we analyze especially the tail of the probability distribution. These tails are governed by law of power means that the number of events n can be expressed as the power of another quantity x : n(x) = x? . ? can be estimated as the slope of log-log plot the number of events and the size. The most convenient way to analyze n(x) is using the empirical probability distribution. Pr(X mayor que x) ? x-?. The distribution of rainfall over percentile of order 0.95 from wet days at the seasonal scale and in a yearly scale with the same treatment of tails than in the previous section.
La gestión de los recursos hídricos se convierte en un reto del presente y del futuro frente a un panorama de continuo incremento de la demanda de agua debido al crecimiento de la población, el crecimiento del desarrollo económico y los posibles efectos del calentamiento global. La política hidráulica desde los años 60 en España se ha centrado en la construcción de infraestructuras que han producido graves alteraciones en el régimen natural de los ríos. Estas alteraciones han provocado y acrecentado los impactos sobre los ecosistemas fluviales y ribereños. Desde los años 90, sin embargo, ha aumentado el interés de la sociedad para conservar estos ecosistemas. El concepto de caudales ambientales consiste en un régimen de caudales que simula las características principales del régimen natural. Los caudales ambientales están diseñados para conservar la estructura y funcionalidad de los ecosistemas asociados al régimen fluvial, bajo la hipótesis de que los elementos que conforman estos ecosistemas están profundamente adaptados al régimen natural de caudales, y que cualquier alteración del régimen natural puede provocar graves daños a todo el sistema. El método ELOHA (Ecological Limits of Hydrological Alteration) tiene como finalidad identificar las componentes del régimen natural de caudales que son clave para mantener el equilibrio de los ecosistemas asociados, y estimar los límites máximos de alteración de estas componentes para garantizar su buen estado. Esta tesis presenta la aplicación del método ELOHA en la cuenca del Ebro. La cuenca del Ebro está profundamente regulada e intervenida por el hombre, y sólo las cabeceras de los principales afluentes del Ebro gozan todavía de un régimen total o cuasi natural. La tesis se estructura en seis capítulos que desarrollan las diferentes partes del método. El primer capítulo explica cómo se originó el concepto “caudales ambientales” y en qué consiste el método ELOHA. El segundo capítulo describe el área de estudio. El tercer capítulo realiza una clasificación de los regímenes naturales de la cuenca (RNC) del Ebro, basada en series de datos de caudal mínimamente alterado y usando exclusivamente parámetros hidrológicos. Se identificaron seis tipos diferentes de régimen natural: pluvial mediterráneo, nivo-pluvial, pluvial mediterréaneo con una fuerte componente del caudal base, pluvial oceánico, pluvio-nival oceánico y Mediterráneo. En el cuarto capítulo se realiza una regionalización a toda la cuenca del Ebro de los seis RNC encontrados en la cueca. Mediante parámetros climáticos y fisiográficos se extrapola la información del tipo de RNC a puntos donde no existen datos de caudal inalterado. El patrón geográfico de los tipos de régimen fluvial obtenido con la regionalización resultó ser coincidente con el patrón obtenido a través de la clasificación hidrológica. El quinto capítulo presenta la validación biológica de los procesos de clasificación anteriores: clasificación hidrológica y regionalización. La validación biológica de los tipos de regímenes fluviales es imprescindible, puesto que los diferentes tipos de régimen fluvial van a servir de unidades de gestión para favorecer el mantenimiento de los ecosistemas fluviales. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre comunidades biológicas en cinco de los seis tipos de RNC encontrados en la cuenca. Finalmente, en el sexto capítulo se estudian las relaciones hidro-ecológicas existentes en tres de los seis tipos de régimen fluvial encontrados en la cuenca del Ebro. Mediante la construcción de curvas hidro-ecológicas a lo largo de un gradiente de alteración hidrológica, se pueden sugerir los límites de alteración hidrológica (ELOHAs) para garantizar el buen estado ecológico en cada uno de los tipos fluviales estudiados. Se establecieron ELOHAs en tres de los seis tipos de RNC de la cuenca del Ebro Esta tesis, además, pone en evidencia la falta de datos biológicos asociados a registros de caudal. Para llevar a cabo la implantación de un régimen de caudales ambientales en la cuenca, la ubicación de los puntos de muestreo biológico cercanos a estaciones de aforo es imprescindible para poder extraer relaciones causa-efecto de la gestión hidrológica sobre los ecosistemas dependientes. ABSTRACT In view of a growing freshwater demand because of population raising, improvement of economies and the potential effects of climate change, water resources management has become a challenge for present and future societies. Water policies in Spain have been focused from the 60’s on constructing hydraulic infrastructures, in order to dampen flow variability and granting water availability along the year. Consequently, natural flow regimes have been deeply altered and so the depending habitats and its ecosystems. However, an increasing acknowledgment of societies for preserving healthy freshwater ecosystems started in the 90’s and agreed that to maintain healthy freshwater ecosystems, it was necessary to set environmental flow regimes based on the natural flow variability. The Natural Flow Regime paradigm (Richter et al. 1996, Poff et al. 1997) bases on the hypothesis that freshwater ecosystems are made up by elements adapted to natural flow conditions, and any change on these conditions can provoke deep impacts on the whole system. Environmental flow regime concept consists in designing a flow regime that emulates natural flow characteristics, so that ecosystem structure, functions and services are maintained. ELOHA framework (Ecological Limits of Hydrological Alteration) aims to identify key features of the natural flow regime (NFR) that are needed to maintain and preserve healthy freshwater and riparian ecosystems. Moreover, ELOHA framework aims to quantify thresholds of alteration of these flow features according to ecological impacts. This thesis describes the application of the ELOHA framework in the Ebro River Basin. The Ebro River basin is the second largest basin in Spain and it is highly regulated for human demands. Only the Ebro headwaters tributaries still have completely unimpaired flow regime. The thesis has six chapters and the process is described step by step. The first chapter makes an introduction to the origin of the environmental flow concept and the necessity to come up. The second chapter shows a description of the study area. The third chapter develops a classification of NFRs in the basin based on natural flow data and using exclusively hydrological parameters. Six NFRs were found in the basin: continental Mediterranean-pluvial, nivo-pluvial, continental Mediterranean pluvial (with groundwater-dominated flow pattern), pluvio-oceanic, pluvio-nival-oceanic and Mediterranean. The fourth chapter develops a regionalization of the six NFR types across the basin by using climatic and physiographic variables. The geographical pattern obtained from the regionalization process was consistent with the pattern obtained with the hydrologic classification. The fifth chapter performs a biological validation of both classifications, obtained from the hydrologic classification and the posterior extrapolation. When the aim of flow classification is managing water resources according to ecosystem requirements, a validation based on biological data is compulsory. We found significant differences in reference macroinvertebrate communities between five over the six NFR types identified in the Ebro River basin. Finally, in the sixth chapter we explored the existence of significant and explicative flow alteration-ecological response relationships (FA-E curves) within NFR types in the Ebro River basin. The aim of these curves is to find out thresholds of hydrological alteration (ELOHAs), in order to preserve healthy freshwater ecosystem. We set ELOHA values in three NFR types identified in the Ebro River basin. During the development of this thesis, an inadequate biological monitoring in the Ebro River basin was identified. The design and establishment of appropriate monitoring arrangements is a critical final step in the assessment and implementation of environmental flows. Cause-effect relationships between hydrology and macroinvertebrate community condition are the principal data that sustain FA-E curves. Therefore, both data sites must be closely located, so that the effects of external factors are minimized. The scarce hydro-biological pairs of data available in the basin prevented us to apply the ELOHA method at all NFR types.
The Internet of Things makes use of a huge disparity of technologies at very different levels that help one to the other to accomplish goals that were previously regarded as unthinkable in terms of ubiquity or scalability. If the Internet of Things is expected to interconnect every day devices or appliances and enable communications between them, a broad range of new services, applications and products can be foreseen. For example, monitoring is a process where sensors have widespread use for measuring environmental parameters (temperature, light, chemical agents, etc.) but obtaining readings at the exact physical point they want to be obtained from, or about the exact wanted parameter can be a clumsy, time-consuming task that is not easily adaptable to new requirements. In order to tackle this challenge, a proposal on a system used to monitor any conceivable environment, which additionally is able to monitor the status of its own components and heal some of the most usual issues of a Wireless Sensor Network, is presented here in detail, covering all the layers that give it shape in terms of devices, communications or services.
Esta Tesis tiene como objetivo principal el desarrollo de métodos de identificación del daño que sean robustos y fiables, enfocados a sistemas estructurales experimentales, fundamentalmente a las estructuras de hormigón armado reforzadas externamente con bandas fibras de polímeros reforzados (FRP). El modo de fallo de este tipo de sistema estructural es crítico, pues generalmente es debido a un despegue repentino y frágil de la banda del refuerzo FRP originado en grietas intermedias causadas por la flexión. La detección de este despegue en su fase inicial es fundamental para prevenir fallos futuros, que pueden ser catastróficos. Inicialmente, se lleva a cabo una revisión del método de la Impedancia Electro-Mecánica (EMI), de cara a exponer sus capacidades para la detección de daño. Una vez la tecnología apropiada es seleccionada, lo que incluye un analizador de impedancias así como novedosos sensores PZT para monitorización inteligente, se ha diseñado un procedimiento automático basado en los registros de impedancias de distintas estructuras de laboratorio. Basándonos en el hecho de que las mediciones de impedancias son posibles gracias a una colocación adecuada de una red de sensores PZT, la estimación de la presencia de daño se realiza analizando los resultados de distintos indicadores de daño obtenidos de la literatura. Para que este proceso sea automático y que no sean necesarios conocimientos previos sobre el método EMI para realizar un experimento, se ha diseñado e implementado un Interfaz Gráfico de Usuario, transformando la medición de impedancias en un proceso fácil e intuitivo. Se evalúa entonces el daño a través de los correspondientes índices de daño, intentando estimar no sólo su severidad, sino también su localización aproximada. El desarrollo de estos experimentos en cualquier estructura genera grandes cantidades de datos que han de ser procesados, y algunas veces los índices de daño no son suficientes para una evaluación completa de la integridad de una estructura. En la mayoría de los casos se pueden encontrar patrones de daño en los datos, pero no se tiene información a priori del estado de la estructura. En este punto, se ha hecho una importante investigación en técnicas de reconocimiento de patrones particularmente en aprendizaje no supervisado, encontrando aplicaciones interesantes en el campo de la medicina. De ahí surge una idea creativa e innovadora: detectar y seguir la evolución del daño en distintas estructuras como si se tratase de un cáncer propagándose por el cuerpo humano. En ese sentido, las lecturas de impedancias se emplean como información intrínseca de la salud de la propia estructura, de forma que se pueden aplicar las mismas técnicas que las empleadas en la investigación del cáncer. En este caso, se ha aplicado un algoritmo de clasificación jerárquica dado que ilustra además la clasificación de los datos de forma gráfica, incluyendo información cualitativa y cuantitativa sobre el daño. Se ha investigado la efectividad de este procedimiento a través de tres estructuras de laboratorio, como son una viga de aluminio, una unión atornillada de aluminio y un bloque de hormigón reforzado con FRP. La primera ayuda a mostrar la efectividad del método en sencillos escenarios de daño simple y múltiple, de forma que las conclusiones extraídas se aplican sobre los otros dos, diseñados para simular condiciones de despegue en distintas estructuras. Demostrada la efectividad del método de clasificación jerárquica de lecturas de impedancias, se aplica el procedimiento sobre las estructuras de hormigón armado reforzadas con bandas de FRP objeto de esta tesis, detectando y clasificando cada estado de daño. Finalmente, y como alternativa al anterior procedimiento, se propone un método para la monitorización continua de la interfase FRP-Hormigón, a través de una red de sensores FBG permanentemente instalados en dicha interfase. De esta forma, se obtienen medidas de deformación de la interfase en condiciones de carga continua, para ser implementadas en un modelo de optimización multiobjetivo, cuya solución se haya por medio de una expansión multiobjetivo del método Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). La fiabilidad de este último método de detección se investiga a través de sendos ejemplos tanto numéricos como experimentales. ABSTRACT This thesis aims to develop robust and reliable damage identification methods focused on experimental structural systems, in particular Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures externally strengthened with Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) strips. The failure mode of this type of structural system is critical, since it is usually due to sudden and brittle debonding of the FRP reinforcement originating from intermediate flexural cracks. Detection of the debonding in its initial stage is essential thus to prevent future failure, which might be catastrophic. Initially, a revision of the Electro-Mechanical Impedance (EMI) method is carried out, in order to expose its capabilities for local damage detection. Once the appropriate technology is selected, which includes impedance analyzer as well as novel PZT sensors for smart monitoring, an automated procedure has been design based on the impedance signatures of several lab-scale structures. On the basis that capturing impedance measurements is possible thanks to an adequately deployed PZT sensor network, the estimation of damage presence is done by analyzing the results of different damage indices obtained from the literature. In order to make this process automatic so that it is not necessary a priori knowledge of the EMI method to carry out an experimental test, a Graphical User Interface has been designed, turning the impedance measurements into an easy and intuitive procedure. Damage is then assessed through the analysis of the corresponding damage indices, trying to estimate not only the damage severity, but also its approximate location. The development of these tests on any kind of structure generates large amounts of data to be processed, and sometimes the information provided by damage indices is not enough to achieve a complete analysis of the structural health condition. In most of the cases, some damage patterns can be found in the data, but none a priori knowledge of the health condition is given for any structure. At this point, an important research on pattern recognition techniques has been carried out, particularly on unsupervised learning techniques, finding interesting applications in the medicine field. From this investigation, a creative and innovative idea arose: to detect and track the evolution of damage in different structures, as if it were a cancer propagating through a human body. In that sense, the impedance signatures are used to give intrinsic information of the health condition of the structure, so that the same clustering algorithms applied in the cancer research can be applied to the problem addressed in this dissertation. Hierarchical clustering is then applied since it also provides a graphical display of the clustered data, including quantitative and qualitative information about damage. The performance of this approach is firstly investigated using three lab-scale structures, such as a simple aluminium beam, a bolt-jointed aluminium beam and an FRP-strengthened concrete specimen. The first one shows the performance of the method on simple single and multiple damage scenarios, so that the first conclusions can be extracted and applied to the other two experimental tests, which are designed to simulate a debonding condition on different structures. Once the performance of the impedance-based hierarchical clustering method is proven to be successful, it is then applied to the structural system studied in this dissertation, the RC structures externally strengthened with FRP strips, where the debonding failure in the interface between the FRP and the concrete is successfully detected and classified, proving thus the feasibility of this method. Finally, as an alternative to the previous approach, a continuous monitoring procedure of the FRP-Concrete interface is proposed, based on an FBGsensors Network permanently deployed within that interface. In this way, strain measurements can be obtained under controlled loading conditions, and then they are used in order to implement a multi-objective model updating method solved by a multi-objective expansion of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method. The feasibility of this last proposal is investigated and successfully proven on both numerical and experimental RC beams strengthened with FRP.
La protección de las aguas subterráneas es una prioridad de la política medioambiental de la UE. Por ello ha establecido un marco de prevención y control de la contaminación, que incluye provisiones para evaluar el estado químico de las aguas y reducir la presencia de contaminantes en ellas. Las herramientas fundamentales para el desarrollo de dichas políticas son la Directiva Marco del Agua y la Directiva Hija de Aguas Subterráneas. Según ellas, las aguas se consideran en buen estado químico si: • la concentración medida o prevista de nitratos no supera los 50 mg/l y la de ingredientes activos de plaguicidas, de sus metabolitos y de los productos de reacción no supera el 0,1 μg/l (0,5 μg/l para el total de los plaguicidas medidos) • la concentración de determinadas sustancias de riesgo es inferior al valor umbral fijado por los Estados miembros; se trata, como mínimo, del amonio, arsénico, cadmio, cloruro, plomo, mercurio, sulfatos, tricloroetileno y tetracloroetileno • la concentración de cualquier otro contaminante se ajusta a la definición de buen estado químico enunciada en el anexo V de la Directiva marco sobre la política de aguas • en caso de superarse el valor correspondiente a una norma de calidad o a un valor umbral, una investigación confirma, entre otros puntos, la falta de riesgo significativo para el medio ambiente. Analizar el comportamiento estadístico de los datos procedentes de la red de seguimiento y control puede resultar considerablemente complejo, debido al sesgo positivo que suelen presentar dichos datos y a su distribución asimétrica, debido a la existencia de valores anómalos y diferentes tipos de suelos y mezclas de contaminantes. Además, la distribución de determinados componentes en el agua subterránea puede presentar concentraciones por debajo del límite de detección o no ser estacionaria debida a la existencia de tendencias lineales o estacionales. En el primer caso es necesario realizar estimaciones de esos valores desconocidos, mediante procedimientos que varían en función del porcentaje de valores por debajo del límite de detección y el número de límites de detección aplicables. En el segundo caso es necesario eliminar las tendencias de forma previa a la realización de contrastes de hipótesis sobre los residuos. Con esta tesis se ha pretendido establecer las bases estadísticas para el análisis riguroso de los datos de las redes de calidad con objeto de realizar la evaluación del estado químico de las masas de agua subterránea para la determinación de tendencias al aumento en la concentración de contaminantes y para la detección de empeoramientos significativos, tanto en los casos que se ha fijado un estándar de calidad por el organismo medioambiental competente como en aquéllos que no ha sido así. Para diseñar una metodología que permita contemplar la variedad de casos existentes, se han analizado los datos de la Red Oficial de Seguimiento y Control del Estado Químico de las Aguas Subterráneas del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (Magrama). A continuación, y dado que los Planes Hidrológicos de Cuenca son la herramienta básica de las Directivas, se ha seleccionado la Cuenca del Júcar, dada su designación como cuenca piloto en la estrategia de implementación común (CIS) de la Comisión Europea. El objetivo principal de los grupos de trabajo creados para ello se dirigió a implementar la Directiva Derivada de Agua Subterráneas y los elementos de la Directiva Marco del Agua relacionadas, en especial la toma de datos en los puntos de control y la preparación del primer Plan de Gestión de Cuencas Hidrográficas. Dada la extensión de la zona y con objeto de analizar una masa de agua subterránea (definida como la unidad de gestión en las Directivas), se ha seleccionado una zona piloto (Plana de Vinaroz Peñiscola) en la que se han aplicado los procedimientos desarrollados con objeto de determinar el estado químico de dicha masa. Los datos examinados no contienen en general valores de concentración de contaminantes asociados a fuentes puntuales, por lo que para la realización del estudio se han seleccionado valores de concentración de los datos más comunes, es decir, nitratos y cloruros. La estrategia diseñada combina el análisis de tendencias con la elaboración de intervalos de confianza cuando existe un estándar de calidad e intervalos de predicción cuando no existe o se ha superado dicho estándar. De forma análoga se ha procedido en el caso de los valores por debajo del límite de detección, tomando los valores disponibles en la zona piloto de la Plana de Sagunto y simulando diferentes grados de censura con objeto de comparar los resultados obtenidos con los intervalos producidos de los datos reales y verificar de esta forma la eficacia del método. El resultado final es una metodología general que integra los casos existentes y permite definir el estado químico de una masa de agua subterránea, verificar la existencia de impactos significativos en la calidad del agua subterránea y evaluar la efectividad de los planes de medidas adoptados en el marco del Plan Hidrológico de Cuenca. ABSTRACT Groundwater protection is a priority of the EU environmental policy. As a result, it has established a framework for prevention and control of pollution, which includes provisions for assessing the chemical status of waters and reducing the presence of contaminants in it. The measures include: • criteria for assessing the chemical status of groundwater bodies • criteria for identifying significant upward trends and sustained concentrations of contaminants and define starting points for reversal of such trends • preventing and limiting indirect discharges of pollutants as a result of percolation through soil or subsoil. The basic tools for the development of such policies are the Water Framework Directive and Groundwater Daughter Directive. According to them, the groundwater bodies are considered in good status if: • measured or predicted concentration of nitrate does not exceed 50 mg / l and the active ingredients of pesticides, their metabolites and reaction products do not exceed 0.1 mg / l (0.5 mg / l for total of pesticides measured) • the concentration of certain hazardous substances is below the threshold set by the Member States concerned, at least, of ammonium, arsenic, cadmium, chloride, lead, mercury, sulphates, trichloroethylene and tetrachlorethylene • the concentration of other contaminants fits the definition of good chemical status set out in Annex V of the Framework Directive on water policy • If the value corresponding to a quality standard or a threshold value is exceeded, an investigation confirms, among other things, the lack of significant risk to the environment. Analyzing the statistical behaviour of the data from the monitoring networks may be considerably complex due to the positive bias which often presents such information and its asymmetrical distribution, due to the existence of outliers and different soil types and mixtures of pollutants. Furthermore, the distribution of certain components in groundwater may have concentrations below the detection limit or may not be stationary due to the existence of linear or seasonal trends. In the first case it is necessary to estimate these unknown values, through procedures that vary according to the percentage of values below the limit of detection and the number of applicable limits of detection. In the second case removing trends is needed before conducting hypothesis tests on residuals. This PhD thesis has intended to establish the statistical basis for the rigorous analysis of data quality networks in order to conduct the evaluation of the chemical status of groundwater bodies for determining upward and sustained trends in pollutant concentrations and for the detection of significant deterioration in cases in which an environmental standard has been set by the relevant environmental agency and those that have not. Aiming to design a comprehensive methodology to include the whole range of cases, data from the Groundwater Official Monitoring and Control Network of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Magrama) have been analysed. Then, since River Basin Management Plans are the basic tool of the Directives, the Júcar river Basin has been selected. The main reason is its designation as a pilot basin in the common implementation strategy (CIS) of the European Commission. The main objective of the ad hoc working groups is to implement the Daughter Ground Water Directive and elements of the Water Framework Directive related to groundwater, especially the data collection at control stations and the preparation of the first River Basin Management Plan. Given the size of the area and in order to analyze a groundwater body (defined as the management unit in the Directives), Plana de Vinaroz Peñíscola has been selected as pilot area. Procedures developed to determine the chemical status of that body have been then applied. The data examined do not generally contain pollutant concentration values associated with point sources, so for the study concentration values of the most common data, i.e., nitrates and chlorides have been selected. The designed strategy combines trend analysis with the development of confidence intervals when there is a standard of quality and prediction intervals when there is not or the standard has been exceeded. Similarly we have proceeded in the case of values below the detection limit, taking the available values in Plana de Sagunto pilot area and simulating different degrees of censoring in order to compare the results obtained with the intervals achieved from the actual data and verify in this way the effectiveness of the method. The end result is a general methodology that integrates existing cases to define the chemical status of a groundwater body, verify the existence of significant impacts on groundwater quality and evaluate the effectiveness of the action plans adopted in the framework of the River Basin Management Plan.
Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) have become more and more important in ocean exploration applications, such as ocean monitoring, pollution detection, ocean resource management, underwater device maintenance, etc. In underwater acoustic sensor networks, since the routing protocol guarantees reliable and effective data transmission from the source node to the destination node, routing protocol design is an attractive topic for researchers. There are many routing algorithms have been proposed in recent years. To present the current state of development of UASN routing protocols, we review herein the UASN routing protocol designs reported in recent years. In this paper, all the routing protocols have been classified into different groups according to their characteristics and routing algorithms, such as the non-cross-layer design routing protocol, the traditional cross-layer design routing protocol, and the intelligent algorithm based routing protocol. This is also the first paper that introduces intelligent algorithm-based UASN routing protocols. In addition, in this paper, we investigate the development trends of UASN routing protocols, which can provide researchers with clear and direct insights for further research.
This Capstone represents a qualitative analysis of survey responses concerning river recreation management policies and techniques in the Western United States. Respondents were asked about management topics including permits and fees, monitoring, enforcement, resource management, recreational experience, and current and future demand for whitewater rafting. Responses with consistent results include those for questions concerning permits for commercial uses, justification of fees, and enforcement, while responses with variation in results were received for questions concerning permits for private uses, agency self-sufficiency, monitoring, and use capacity. Most respondents do not expect a significant increased demand for commercial or private boating in the next five years. Respondents that do expect an increase do not see a need for additional commercial outfitters.
Information technologies (IT) currently represent 2% of CO2 emissions. In recent years, a wide variety of IT solutions have been proposed, focused on increasing the energy efficiency of network data centers. Monitoring is one of the fundamental pillars of these systems, providing the information necessary for adequate decision making. However, today’s monitoring systems (MSs) are partial, specific and highly coupled solutions. This study proposes a model for monitoring data centers that serves as a basis for energy saving systems, offered as a value-added service embedded in a device with low cost and power consumption. The proposal is general in nature, comprehensive, scalable and focused on heterogeneous environments, and it allows quick adaptation to the needs of changing and dynamic environments. Further, a prototype of the system has been implemented in several devices, which has allowed validation of the proposal in addition to identification of the minimum hardware profile required to support the model.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have shown wide applicability to many fields including monitoring of environmental, civil, and industrial settings. WSNs however are resource constrained by many competing factors that span their hardware, software, and networking. One of the central resource constrains is the charge consumption of WSN nodes. With finite energy supplies, low charge consumption is needed to ensure long lifetimes and success of WSNs. This thesis details the design of a power system to support long-term operation of WSNs. The power system’s development occurs in parallel with a custom WSN from the Queen’s MEMS Lab (QML-WSN), with the goal of supporting a 1+ year lifetime without sacrificing functionality. The final power system design utilizes a TPS62740 DC-DC converter with AA alkaline batteries to efficiently supply the nodes while providing battery monitoring functionality and an expansion slot for future development. Testing tools for measuring current draw and charge consumption were created along with analysis and processing software. Through their use charge consumption of the power system was drastically lowered and issues in QML-WSN were identified and resolved including the proper shutdown of accelerometers, and incorrect microcontroller unit (MCU) power pin connection. Controlled current profiling revealed unexpected behaviour of nodes and detailed current-voltage relationships. These relationships were utilized with a lifetime projection model to estimate a lifetime between 521-551 days, depending on the mode of operation. The power system and QML-WSN were tested over a long term trial lasting 272+ days in an industrial testbed to monitor an air compressor pump. Environmental factors were found to influence the behaviour of nodes leading to increased charge consumption, while a node in an office setting was still operating at the conclusion of the trail. This agrees with the lifetime projection and gives a strong indication that a 1+ year lifetime is achievable. Additionally, a light-weight charge consumption model was developed which allows charge consumption information of nodes in a distributed WSN to be monitored. This model was tested in a laboratory setting demonstrating +95% accuracy for high packet reception rate WSNs across varying data rates, battery supply capacities, and runtimes up to full battery depletion.
Mode of access: Internet.
Bibliography: p. 37.
"February 1988"--Cover.