929 resultados para Reference stations
The broad objective of the present study is to present a synoptic picture of the distribution and abundance of fish eggs and the lmportant groups of fish larvae obtained off the SW coast of India. so as to delineate the spawning areas and seasones of the fish population. with special reference to the scombroid fishes. An attempt was also made to correlate the occurrence of certain categories of larvae and hydrographical factors like temperature and salinity. The present effort was a pioneering one in Indian waters. in as much as it involved systematic and seasonally repetitive collection of ichthyoplankton from a large stretch of our seas and mapping of their distribution and abudance.
The study is designed to gather, record, analyse and critically evaluate data on natural rubber production, consumption and marketing in Kerala. The scope of the study also covers the processing of natural rubber by rubber growers, especially small growers. Taking into consideration Kerala’s supremacy in natural rubber cultivation, a detailed study of marketing channels of natural rubber in Kerala, by giving special reference to co-operative rubber marketing has been given importance. Attempt has also been made to collect secondary data of the last 15 years
The small business has attracted very little attention of the historians in the ancient times, or public mind inspite of the fact that its impact on the various civilisations has been phenominal. Even in recent times economists considered the small firms as inappropriate, obselate and anacronistic as it cannot assimilate the full potential of technological change in the production system. But today everybody agrees that the small business has a definite role in shaping the human destiny and enhancing the quality of life in any society. In a developing country like India small firms are necessary to generate employment for millions, high standared of personal choice to consumers, provide competition and act as a check to monopoly power; further the small firms provide an important source of innovation and in turn it paves the way for entrepreneur development in the society. In many countries the small enterprises played a significant role in the growth and development of their economic system. Italy and Japan are quoted as classic examples . In India, too, with the abundance of labour and scarce capital resources small firms have been promoted and protected by the government. But one must say that the small firm owners/managers in India have been shy in developing a market orientation in themeselves. Due to this many firms failed and closed. The alarming rate of sickness among the small firms in India may be attributed to the lack of market driven/customer orientation approach among the owner/managers of small business. So the study on the market oreintation of the small firms has never been in the mind of marketing experts and academicians. Thus, an attempt is made to enquire into them systematically and scientifically. For the study, Trivandrum district in Kerala has been selected. The data for the study has been collected by the help of a schedule which has been prepared after consulting the relevant literature and after consultation with experts in the field, academicians and practising managers.
The report of the Steering Committee of the Kerala State Planning Board for the preparation of the VIII five Year Plan on Industry and Hiningzslisted several factors inhibiting and promoting growth of small industrial units. Kerala's educated manpower, the native intelligence of the Keralites best suited for taking up logic—based professions and availability of a Hell—developed and broad~based physical infrastructure particularly in the transport and communications sectors, are a few of the positive factors identified. On the negative side, may be mentioned high wage rates, preference on the part of the educated for white collar Jobs, lack of entrepreneurship, paucity of essential resources for industrial use, high density of population and the distance factor which places Kerala away from the major domestic markets. In this context, it would appear that the industrial co-operative movement could possibly play a vital role in accelerating-the momentum of small industrial development of Kerala which has a Health of highly educated and skilled manpower. However, in spite of the encouragement extended by the Government, the movement does not seem to have.been picking up in the modern small scale sector. The present study is an attempt to analyse the factors that have affected the performance of the industrial co—operatives in the small scale industrial sector of Kerala.
Systematic investigations on prevulcanization of NR latex with special reference to the influence of storage of latex and after-treatments of films, have been carried out. The other aspects studied include the effect of temperature on sulphur prevulcanization, the extent of crosslinking, tensile properties, stress relaxation characteristics, water absorption and leaching characteristics of prevulcanizcd latex films
In this study of workers of the two industrial units, it has been found that the women workers are more committed to the organization than the men workers. The organizational commitment has been a popular research topic among organizational sociologists, industrial psychologists and labour relations specialists. Much of the early research was directed on organizational commitment of men workers and studies on organizational commitment of women workers were less when compared to that of men workers. The results of this study is partially supported by the findings of Aranya and Jacobson (1975) who found that parental responsibility is linked with maintaining stable patterns of employment.
In the absence of entry barrier or regulatory restrictions, Non Banking Financial Companies frantically grew and accessed the public deposit without any regulatory control. The deposit of NBFCs grew from Rs. 41.9 crore in 1971 to 53116.0 crore in 1997. This growth was the result of a combined effect of increase in the number of NBFCs and increase in the amount of deposits. The deposits amazed as above was invested in various assets especially that in motor vehicles by these asset financing NBFCs. Various tactics were adopted by these NBFCs and their agents for recovering the receivable outstanding from such assets. Both central government and RBI were concerned about the protection of depositors‘ interest and various committees were set up to frame a comprehensive regulation for the functioning of these NBFCs.
The term 'organisation' is used in different contexts. In this study, organisation is considered as a 'socio—technical system. Alienation, as a term and as a theme, are found in many writings from very early times. But the concept and emphasis differ. The writers who have explained alienation includes theologians, philosophers, anthropologists, economists, political scientists, historians, psychologists and sociologists
The distribution of curing agents and fillers in the constituents of an elastomer blend is an important factor which determines the curing behaviour and vulcanizate properties of the blend. The distribution of curatives and fillers largely depends on the nature of elastomers. The curatives tend to migrate preferentially to the rubber of higher unsaturation and/or higher polarity, and reinforcing fillers tend to get distributed in the low viscosity phase, resulting in inferior mechanical properties of the blends. The thesis suggests several methods for improving mechanical properties of blends like NBR/butyl, NR/butyl, NBR/EPDM and NR/.
The present study focuses attention on the social phenomenon of environmental protection pressure groups in Kerala. A detailed historical background of environmental protection pressure groups at international and national scenes as background for this study .Emphirical studies of environmental protection pressure groups in Kerala with special reference to industrial pollution is dicussed in detail . The main objective of the study is to identify the factors that make pressure groups succeed or fail in achieving their set objectives.The factors include the structure and strategies of social pressure groups and the support they receive from the environment.
Coral Reefs are marine, biogenic, wave resistant carbonate structures, formed of the skeletal remains of hermatypic, or reef building organisms. The main reef builders are calcifying Rhodophytes, molluscs, sponges, polychaetes and Cnidarians. Among them, scleractinian corals and hydrocorallians are by far the most important contributors to the formation of reefs. Coral reefs cover approximately 600 thousand square kilometers of the earth's surface (Crossland fl a_1., 1991) which is about 2x106 square kilometres of tropical oceans.
The Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal are both highly dynamic ecosystems, due to the seasonally reversing monsoon winds, but the processes affecting the mesozooplankton community remain poorly understood. These are important basins exhibiting enhanced biological production as a result of upwelling, winter cooling and other episodic events such as eddies and gyres. Zooplankters are primarily the prey for almost all fish larvae. Seasonal changes in the biogeochemical processes can strongly affect zooplankton density and distribution, which in turn, strongly affect the larval growth, and consequently, the pelagic fish recruitment. It is clear that plankton biomass and biogeochemical fluxes are not in steady state. Acoustic data on mesozooplankton abundance suggests that they also exist in the mesopelagic zone. Earlier studies were confined only to the upper 200 m and hence the structure of mesozooplankton community in the deeper layers was not well known. Copepods are the dominant mesoplankton group, and therefore the majority of the studies were focused on them. The planktonic ostracods are the second major crustacean group and at times, their swarms can outnumber all other planktonic groups. The understanding of the community structure of the ostracods is essential to establish their role in the marine food web. Mesozooplankton is responsible for the vertical flux of organic matter produced by phytoplankton and is assumed to be equivalent to new production (Eppley & Peterson, 1979). Since the fate of newly produced organic matter depends upon their consumers, the zooplankton biomass must be estimated in size fractions or taxonomic components to understand the vertical flux of organic carbon. It is thus important to update our knowledge on different groups of zooplankton on the basis of seasonal and temporal distribution. The distribution in space and time is essential for modeling the carbon cycling that structure the marine ecosystems
The present study examines the type of NTMs, especially the quality regulations and safety standards encountered by the marine product exports of Kerala in its major import markets of the EU, the US and Japan. An analysis of whether the safety and quality standards prescribed by these developed countries on the imported fish and fishery products are purely based on risk assessment and scientific evidence or are they erected as disguised barriers to trade is attempted
Studies On Thermoplastic Elastomers With Special Reference To Triblock Copolymers And Nbr/Pvc Blends
Thermoplastic elastomers are a relatively new class of materials which compete with thermoset rubbers in some areas and thermoplastic materials in other areas. The main thrust of the present investigation is a comparative study’ on commercially .available triblock. styrene thermoplastic elastomers and those derived from blends of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber and poly(vinyl chloride). The styrene—based thermoplastic elastomers are gaining acceptance as a replacement for both natural and synthetic rubber‘ in many‘ applications. TPEs based on blends of elastomers and plastics ix: the fastest growing segment of the broad class of thermoplastic elastomers. Broad applicability and simple technology of production are the attractive features of this class of TPES. NBR/PVC thermoplastic elastomers were selected for this investigation due to the versatility of PVC, its number one position, low cost. ability to Ina compounded into various flexible and rigid form with good physical and chemical and weathering properties etc., which will be passed over to PVC blends especially NBR/PVC blends which are known to form miscible systems
Quaternary stratigraphy of the Kerala coast and the genetic aspects of the sediments are discussed. The age of limeshells, and peaty sediments determined by radio carbon dating have been used for reconstruction of sea level changes. Evolution of red sands occurring in some parts of the coastal tract of Kerala is also discussed, based on textural parameters and quartz grain morphology.