986 resultados para Raw material quality
This thesis is done as a part of the NEOCARBON project. The aim of NEOCARBON project is to study a fully renewable energy system utilizing Power-to-Gas or Power-to-Liquid technology for energy storage. Power-to-Gas consists of two main operations: Hydrogen production via electrolysis and methane production via methanation. Methanation requires carbon dioxide and hydrogen as a raw material. This thesis studies the potential carbon dioxide sources within Finland. The different sources are ranked using the cost and energy penalty of the carbon capture, carbon biogenity and compatibility with Power-to-Gas. It can be concluded that in Finland there exists enough CO2 point sources to provide national PtG system with sufficient amounts of carbon. Pulp and paper industry is single largest producer of biogenic CO2 in Finland. It is possible to obtain single unit capable of grid balancing operations and energy transformations via Power-to-Gas and Gas-to-Power by coupling biogas plants with biomethanation and CHP units.
One third of the world's fishing produce is not directly used for human consumption. Instead, it is used for making animal food or is wasted as residue. It would be ideal to use the raw material thoroughly and to recover by-products, preventing the generation of residues. With the objectives of increasing the income and the production of the industry, as well as minimizing environmental and health problems from fish residue, chemical silage from Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) processing residues was developed after homogenization and acidification of the biomass with 3% formic acid: propionic, 1:1, addition of antioxidant BHT and maintenance of pH at approximately 4.0. Analyses to determine the moisture, protein, lipids and ash were carried out. The amino acids were examined in an auto analyzer after acid hydrolysis, except for the tryptophan which was determined through colorimetry. The tilapia silage presented contents that were similar to or higher than the FAO standards for all essential amino acids, except for the tryptophan. The highest values found were for glutamic acid, lysine and leucine. The results indicate a potential use of the silage prepared from the Nile tilapia processing residue as a protein source in the manufacturing of fish food.
Wood-based bioprocesses present one of the fields of interest with the most potential in the circular economy. Expanding the use of wood raw material in sustainable industrial processes is acknowledged on both a global and a regional scale. This thesis concerns the application of a capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) method with the aim of monitoring wood-based bioprocesses. The range of detectable carbohydrate compounds is expanded to furfural and polydatin in aquatic matrices. The experimental portion has been conducted on a laboratory scale with samples imitating process samples. This thesis presents a novel strategy for the uncertainty evaluation via in-house validation. The focus of the work is on the uncertainty factors of the CZE method. The CZE equipment is sensitive to ambient conditions. Therefore, a proper validation is essential for robust application. This thesis introduces a tool for process monitoring of modern bioprocesses. As a result, it is concluded that the applied CZE method provides additional results to the analysed samples and that the profiling approach is suitable for detecting changes in process samples. The CZE method shows significant potential in process monitoring because of the capability of simultaneously detecting carbohydrate-related compound clusters. The clusters can be used as summary terms, indicating process variation and drift.
The objective of this work was to analyze the fatty acid composition and nutrient potential of flour made from tilapia heads, which are normally discarded during the filleting operation. Significant differences were found between the proximate composition (moisture, ash, protein and total lipids) of the in natura tilapia and the flour, due to the drying process. The predominant fatty acids in the heads (in natura and in the flour) were palmitic acid (1,999 mg.100 g-1 and 7,699 mg.100 g-1, respectively), oleic acid (3,128 mg.100 g-1 and 11,447 mg.100g-1, respectively), and linoleic acid (1,018 mg.100 g-1 and 3,784 mg.100 g-1, respectively). The results lead us to conclude that tilapia head flour offers high levels of protein (38.41%), total lipids (35.46%), and ash (minerals) (19.38%). The content of omega-3 (731 mg.100 g-1) were proved to be satisfactory. Also, n-6/n-3 ratio was 6.15 and PUFA/SFA ratio was 0.47, which are in agreement with the recommended levels. Thus, tilapia heads can be used as a low-cost raw material for food fit for human consumption.
Limonene is a monoterpene obtained in large amounts from essential oils and is used as a raw material for the synthesis of flavors and fine chemicals. Several pathways or routes for the microbial degradation of limonene making use of the cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases have been described. In this study, we present a fermentative screening of microorganisms in order to verify their ability to perform the desirable conversion. In parallel, the PCR technique was used to select the microorganisms that contain the limC gene, which is responsible for the conversion of carveol to carvone. The microorganisms selected by PCR were not able to bioconvert limonene. From this result, we can suppose that these strains do not have the gene that codifies the enzyme responsible for the transformation of limonene into carveol. The results obtained in the fermentative screening showed that 4 microorganisms were able to bioconvert limonene into carveol. In addition, the amplification results showed the presence of fragments of 800 pb, expected for the limC gene. Therefore, the results obtained in the bioconversion and evaluation of the limC gene did not allow a correlation showing that these strains do not contain all the enzymes responsible for the conversion of limonene to carvone.
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of process parameters and Passion Fruit Fiber (PFF) addition on the Glycemic Index (GI) of an extruded breakfast cereal. A 2³ Central Composite Rotational Design (CCRD) was used, with the following independent variables: raw material moisture content (18-28%), 2nd and 3rd barrel zone temperatures (120-160 ºC), and PFF (0-30%). Raw materials (organic corn flour and organic PFF) were characterized as to their proximate composition, particle size, and in vitro GI. The extrudates were characterized as to their in vitro GI. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were used to analyze the results. Corn flour and PFF presented 8.55 and 7.63% protein, 2.61 and 0.60% fat, 0.52 and 6.17% ash, 78.77 and 78.86% carbohydrates (3 and 64% total dietary fiber), respectively. The corn flour particle size distribution was homogeneous, while PFF presented a heterogeneous particle size distribution. Corn flour and PFF presented values of GI of 48 and 45, respectively. When using RSM, no effect of the variables was observed in the GI of the extrudates (average value of 48.41), but PCA showed that the GI tended to be lower when processing at lower temperatures (<128 ºC) and at higher temperatures (>158 ºC). When compared to white bread, the extrudates showed a reduction of the GI of up to 50%, and could be considered an interesting alternative in weight and glycemia control diets.
Cassava starch is a valued raw material for producing many kinds of modified starches for food applications. Its physicochemical properties, as well as its availability, have made it an interesting and challenging ingredient for the food industry. In the present work, food grade modified cassava starches were purchased from producers and analyzed for selected physicochemical characteristics. Samples of sour cassava starch were included, as well as one sample of native cassava starch. Results showed that almost all modified starches were resistant to syneresis, produced pastes more stable to stirred cooking, and some of them were difficult to cook. The sour cassava starches presented high acidity and resulted in clear and unstable pastes during stirred cooking, susceptible to syneresis.
The chemical composition of apple juices may be used to discriminate between the varieties for consumption and those for raw material. Fuji and Gala have a chemical pattern that can be used for this classification. Multivariate methods correlate independent continuous chemical descriptors with the categorical apple variety. Three main descriptors of apple juice were selected: malic acid, total reducing sugar and total phenolic compounds. A chemometric approach, employing PCA and SIMCA, was used to classify apple juice samples. PCA was performed with 24 juices from Fuji and Gala, and SIMCA, with 15 juices. The exploratory and predictive models recognized 88% and 64%, respectively, as belonging to a mixed domain. The apple juice from commercial fruits shows a pattern related to cv. Fuji and Gala with boundaries from 0.18 to 0.389 g.100 mL-1 (malic acid), from 8.65 to 15.18 g.100 mL-1 (total reducing sugar) and from 100 to 400 mg.L-1 (total phenolic compounds), but such boundaries were slightly shorter in the remaining set of commercial apple juices, specifically from 0.16 to 0.36 g.100 mL-1, from 9.25 to 15.5 g.100 mL-1 and from 180 to 606 mg.L-1 for acidity, reducing sugar and phenolic compounds, respectively, representing the acid, sweet and bitter tastes.
In Brazil, several little economically explored fruits have good potential as raw material for the agro-industry. This study aimed to produce and determine the physical-chemical and sensory characteristics of light jambolan jelly. This fruit has intense purple color, which gave the jellies - both standard and light - a quite attractive visual aspect. The light jellies exhibited similar physical-chemical characteristics to the ones developed through the conventional method and; with the proportion of sweeteners used, the caloric values of the formulations were reduced to the range of 41 to 53%, attending the requirements of the Brazilian legislation for this type of product. The sensory profile obtained for the 4 light formulations developed, clearly showed the tasters' preference for the jelly elaborated with the association of cyclamate and saccharin. Thus, the results revealed good perspectives for the application of this fruit in the food industry.
The demand for low-fat beef products has led the food industry to use fat substitutes such as modified starch. About 14% of broken rice is generated during processing. Nevertheless, this by-product contains high levels of starch; being therefore, great raw material for fat substitution. This study evaluated the applicability of chemically and physically modified broken rice starch as fat substitute in sausages. Extruded and phosphorylated broken rice was used in low-fat sausage formulation. All low-fat sausages presented about 55% reduction in the fat content and around 28% reduction in the total caloric value. Fat replacement with phosphorylated and extruded broken rice starch increased the texture acceptability of low-fat sausages, when compared to low-fat sausages with no modified broken rice. Results suggest that modified broken rice can be used as fat substitute in sausage formulations, yielding lower caloric value products with acceptable sensory characteristics.
This study aimed to develop sensory acceptable, high nutritional value fish crackers that could be kept at room temperature for 180 days. Minced fish of different low-value species was the raw material employed to produce two types of fish crackers: a) the traditional keropok cracker, which was expanded by deep frying; and b) a low-fat fish cracker, expanded by microwave cooking. The protein content of the fried fish crackers (FFCs) and that of the microwaved fish crackers (MFCs) were high (10.86 and 14.70%, respectively). The essential amino acid contents of the two types of fish cracker were above the FAO requirements for adults, and the lysine content was above the requirements for children. Sensory analysis, performed by adult panelists, resulted in a general level of acceptability of 90% for the MFCs and of 97% for the FFCs. Vacuum packaging maintained microbiological and physicochemical properties for a storage period of 180 days at room temperature.
Tempeh is a food obtained by fermentation of soybean grains by the fungus Rizophus oligosporus. It is a traditional Indonesian food that presents benefits for human health protecting against diarrhea and chronic diseases. Tempeh processing includes dehulling, cooking, inoculation, and fermentation. In this study, chemical characteristics of tempeh prepared with soybean cultivars specially developed for human consumption (BRS 216, BRS 232, BRS 257, and BRS 267) were investigated. Soybean grains and tempeh obtained from these cultivars were analyzed for oil, protein, antinutrional factors, and isoflavone content. Cultivar BRS 216 presented the highest protein content in the grains (36.81%) and in tempeh (51.99%). On average, the protein content in tempeh increased 16% in relation to that of soybean grains. Isoflavone content was higher in the grains than in tempeh with significant differences among the cultivars. However, the aglycones content increased about 50% in tempeh (49.00 mg.100 g-1 on average) compared to that of raw material (soybean grains - 21.49 mg.100 g-1, on average). The content of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KSTI) reduced 83% in tempeh, on average, as compared to the value found in the grains. Phytic acid content was similar in both tempeh and the grains.
A cassava-based puffed snack was produced using a single screw extruder to determine the effect of the raw material composition (cassava leaf flour and moisture) and the process parameters (extrusion temperature and screw speed) on the physical characteristics of an extruded-expanded snack. A central composite rotational design, including four factors with 30 treatments, was used with the following as dependent variables: expansion index, specific volume, water solubility index, water absorption index, color (L*, a*, b*), and hardness. Under conditions of low moisture content (12 to 14%), low percentage of cassava leaf flour (2 to 4%), and intermediate conditions of extrusion temperature (100°C) and screw speed (230rpm), it was possible to obtain puffed snack products with desirable characteristics.
Nile tilapia is one of the major fish species cultivated worldwide and in Brazil. The tilapia fillet yield is between 30-35%, thus around 70% of waste is generated. A portion of this waste can be used to obtain minced fish, and the resulting product can be used as meat raw material to prepare fish snacks. The aim of this study was to produce fish snacks containing different inclusion levels (20, 30, and 40%) of minced fish obtained from Nile tilapia processing waste and evaluate their physicochemical characteristics and sensory acceptance. Protein content, ash, water activity, and hardness increased with increasing inclusion of minced fish. The scores obtained in the sensory evaluation were: flavor acceptance (from 7.2 to 5.7), texture (from 7.4 to 5.3), overall acceptance (from 7.1 to 5.9), and willingness to purchase (from 4.0 to 3.1). This study demonstrates that the inclusion of 20 to 40% of minced fish of Nile tilapia in snacks is well accepted and improves their nutritional value without affecting the physicochemical properties.
Recent studies have shown the beneficial effect of peptides, an unexploited source could be Phaseolus lunatus being an important raw material for those functional products in order to improve their utilization. In addition to improve the beneficial effect of bioactive peptides the microencapsulation could be a way to protect the peptides against the environment to which they are exposed. P. lunatus protein fraction (<10 kDa of weight) was encapsulated using a blend of carboxymethylated flamboyant gum (CFG) and sodium alginate (SA) at different concentrations of CaCl2 and hardening times. After in vitro digestion of microcapsules the residual activity, in the intestinal system, both inhibition of agiotensin-converting enzyme (I-ACE) and antioxidant activity obtained were in a range of 0.019-0.136 mg/mL and 570.64-813.54 mM of TEAC respectively. The microencapsulation employed CFG/SA blends could be used controlled delivery of peptide fractions with potential use as a nutraceutical or therapeutic agents.