930 resultados para Railway operations
Guia de procedimientos y operaciones comerciales de Suriname sobre el regimen de importaciones y exportaciones, tratados multilaterales y acuerdos de integracion, ferias nacionales e internacionales. Incluye lista de organismos que intervienen directamente en el comercio exterior.
Guia de procedimientos y operaciones comerciales de Trinidad y Tabago sobre el regimen de importaciones y exportaciones, tratados multilaterales y acuerdos de integracion, ferias nacionales e internacionales. Incluye lista de organismos que intervienen directamente en el comercio exterior.
Includes bibliography
Resume los aspectos principales del Convenio de Lome relacionados con el comercio entre la Comunidad Economica Europea y los paises de Africa, Caribe y Pacifico (ACP).
Contiene los acuerdos del Mercado Comun del Caribe Oriental sobre el regimen de importaciones y exportaciones, y politicas de desarrollo, monetarias y fiscal entre los paises miembros.
This edition of the Bulletin highlights sections of a recent study carried out by the Transport Unit of ECLAC on behalf of the Institute for Latin American Integration (INTAL) entitled Physical Integration of Mercosur-Bolivia- Chile-Peru: the potential contribution of the railway systems. One of the conclusions stresses the need for the railway and other companies involved in the construction of any major project to sign formal agreements relating to the allocation of freight, track utilization fees and other factors on which operation of the railway to be constructed will depend.
The purpose of this FAL Bulletin is to provide a comprehensive analysis of safety and security in road freight operations.
This issue of the Bulletin introduces the reader to the Latin American Metro and Subway Association (ALAMYS), which throughout its 15-year history has supported a variety of initiatives aimed at improving the quality of services provided by urban mass transit railway systems.At its most recent general assembly, held in Madrid, Spain, in December 2000, ALAMYS set up several technical committees to improve its operational efficiency so that it can progress as an organization and achieve its goals.This article was written by Aurelio Rojo Garrido, arojo@mail.metromadrid.es, current secretary general of ALAMYS and operations manager of Metro de Madrid, S.A.