1000 resultados para Raft Process


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Process Modeling is a widely used concept for understanding, documenting and also redesigning the operations of organizations. The validation and usage of process models is however affected by the fact that only business analysts fully understand them in detail. This is in particular a problem because they are typically not domain experts. In this paper, we investigate in how far the concept of verbalization can be adapted from object-role modeling to process models. To this end, we define an approach which automatically transforms BPMN process models into natural language texts and combines different techniques from linguistics and graph decomposition in a flexible and accurate manner. The evaluation of the technique is based on a prototypical implementation and involves a test set of 53 BPMN process models showing that natural language texts can be generated in a reliable fashion.


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This article studies the problem of transforming a process model with an arbitrary topology into an equivalent well-structured process model. While this problem has received significant attention, there is still no full characterization of the class of unstructured process models that can be transformed into well-structured ones, nor an automated method for structuring any process model that belongs to this class. This article fills this gap in the context of acyclic process models. The article defines a necessary and sufficient condition for an unstructured acyclic process model to have an equivalent well-structured process model under fully concurrent bisimulation, as well as a complete structuring method. The method has been implemented as a tool that takes process models captured in the BPMN and EPC notations as input. The article also reports on an empirical evaluation of the structuring method using a repository of process models from commercial practice.


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Determining similarity between business process models has recently gained interest in the business process management community. So far similarity was addressed separately either at semantic or structural aspect of process models. Also, most of the contributions that measure similarity of process models assume an ideal case when process models are enriched with semantics - a description of meaning of process model elements. However, in real life this results in a heavy human effort consuming pre-processing phase which is often not feasible. In this paper we propose an automated approach for querying a business process model repository for structurally and semantically relevant models. Similar to the search on the Internet, a user formulates a BPMN-Q query and as a result receives a list of process models ordered by relevance to the query. We provide a business process model search engine implementation for evaluation of the proposed approach.


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A BPMN model is well-structured if splits and joins are always paired into single-entry-single-exit blocks. Well-structuredness is often a desirable property as it promotes readability and makes models easier to analyze. However, many process models found in practice are not well-structured, and it is not always feasible or even desirable to restrict process modelers to produce only well-structured models. Also, not all processes can be captured as well-structured process models. An alternative to forcing modelers to produce well-structured models, is to automatically transform unstructured models into well-structured ones when needed and possible. This talk reviews existing results on automatic transformation of unstructured process models into structured ones.


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Recently, a new approach for structuring acyclic process models has been introduced. The algorithm is based on a transformation between the Refined Process Structure Tree (RPST) of a control flow graph and the Modular Decomposition Tree (MDT) of ordering relations. In this paper, an extension of the algorithm is presented that allows to partially structure process models in the case when a process model cannot be structured completely. We distinguish four different types of unstructuredness of process models and show that only two are possible in practice. For one of these two types of unstructuredness an algorithm is proposed that returns the maximally structured representation of a process model.


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Process models specify behavioral aspects by describing ordering constraints between tasks which must be accomplished to achieve envisioned goals. Tasks usually exchange information by means of data objects, i.e., by writing information to and reading information from data objects. A data object can be characterized by its states and allowed state transitions. In this paper, we propose a notion which checks conformance of a process model with respect to data objects that its tasks access. This new notion can be used to tell whether in every execution of a process model each time a task needs to access a data object in a particular state, it is ensured that the data object is in the expected state or can reach the expected state and, hence, the process model can achieve its goals.


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Software engineers constantly deal with problems of designing, analyzing, and improving process specifications, e.g., source code, service compositions, or process models. Process specifications are abstractions of behavior observed or intended to be implemented in reality which result from creative engineering practice. Usually, process specifications are formalized as directed graphs in which edges capture temporal relations between decisions, synchronization points, and work activities. Every process specification is a compromise between two points: On the one hand engineers strive to operate with less modeling constructs which conceal irrelevant details, while on the other hand the details are required to achieve the desired level of customization for envisioned process scenarios. In our research, we approach the problem of varying abstraction levels of process specifications. Formally, developed abstraction mechanisms exploit the structure of a process specification and allow the generalization of low-level details into concepts of a higher abstraction level. The reverse procedure can be addressed as process specialization.


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This paper addresses the problem of transforming a process model with an arbitrary topology into an equivalent well-structured process model. While this problem has received significant attention, there is still no full characterization of the class of unstructured process models that can be transformed into well-structured ones, nor an automated method to structure any process model that belongs to this class. This paper fills this gap in the context of acyclic process models. The paper defines a necessary and sufficient condition for an unstructured process model to have an equivalent structured model under fully concurrent bisimulation, as well as a complete structuring method.


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Process models define allowed process execution scenarios. The models are usually depicted as directed graphs, with gateway nodes regulating the control flow routing logic and with edges specifying the execution order constraints between tasks. While arbitrarily structured control flow patterns in process models complicate model analysis, they also permit creativity and full expressiveness when capturing non-trivial process scenarios. This paper gives a classification of arbitrarily structured process models based on the hierarchical process model decomposition technique. We identify a structural class of models consisting of block structured patterns which, when combined, define complex execution scenarios spanning across the individual patterns. We show that complex behavior can be localized by examining structural relations of loops in hidden unstructured regions of control flow. The correctness of the behavior of process models within these regions can be validated in linear time. These observations allow us to suggest techniques for transforming hidden unstructured regions into block-structured ones.


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In order to execute, study, or improve operating procedures, companies document them as business process models. Often, business process analysts capture every single exception handling or alternative task handling scenario within a model. Such a tendency results in large process specifications. The core process logic becomes hidden in numerous modeling constructs. To fulfill different tasks, companies develop several model variants of the same business process at different abstraction levels. Afterwards, maintenance of such model groups involves a lot of synchronization effort and is erroneous. We propose an abstraction technique that allows generalization of process models. Business process model abstraction assumes a detailed model of a process to be available and derives coarse-grained models from it. The task of abstraction is to tell significant model elements from insignificant ones and to reduce the latter. We propose to learn insignificant process elements from supplementary model information, e.g., task execution time or frequency of task occurrence. Finally, we discuss a mechanism for user control of the model abstraction level – an abstraction slider.


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Real world business process models may consist of hundreds of elements and have sophisticated structure. Although there are tasks where such models are valuable and appreciated, in general complexity has a negative influence on model comprehension and analysis. Thus, means for managing the complexity of process models are needed. One approach is abstraction of business process models-creation of a process model which preserves the main features of the initial elaborate process model, but leaves out insignificant details. In this paper we study the structural aspects of process model abstraction and introduce an abstraction approach based on process structure trees (PST). The developed approach assures that the abstracted process model preserves the ordering constraints of the initial model. It surpasses pattern-based process model abstraction approaches, allowing to handle graph-structured process models of arbitrary structure. We also provide an evaluation of the proposed approach.


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Companies use business process models to represent their working procedures in order to deploy services to markets, to analyze them, and to improve upon them. Competitive markets necessitate complex procedures, which lead to large process specifications with sophisticated structures. Real world process models can often incorporate hundreds of modeling constructs. While a large degree of detail complicates the comprehension of the processes, it is essential to many analysis tasks. This paper presents a technique to abstract, i.e., to simplify process models. Given a detailed model, we introduce abstraction rules which generalize process fragments in order to bring the model to a higher abstraction level. The approach is suited for the abstraction of large process specifications in order to aid model comprehension as well as decomposing problems of process model analysis. The work is based on process structure trees that have recently been introduced to the field of business process management.


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Process models provide companies efficient means for managing their business processes. Tasks where process models are employed are different by nature and require models of various abstraction levels. However, maintaining several models of one business process involves a lot of synchronization effort and is erroneous. Business process model abstraction assumes a detailed model of a process to be available and derives coarse grained models from it. The task of abstraction is to tell significant model elements from insignificant ones and to reduce the latter. In this paper we argue that process model abstraction can be driven by different abstraction criteria. Criterion choice depends on a task which abstraction facilitates. We propose an abstraction slider - a mechanism that allows user control of the model abstraction level. We discuss examples of combining the slider with different abstraction criteria and sets of process model transformation rules.


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A business process is often modeled using some kind of a directed flow graph, which we call a workflow graph. The Refined Process Structure Tree (RPST) is a technique for workflow graph parsing, i.e., for discovering the structure of a workflow graph, which has various applications. In this paper, we provide two improvements to the RPST. First, we propose an alternative way to compute the RPST that is simpler than the one developed originally. In particular, the computation reduces to constructing the tree of the triconnected components of a workflow graph in the special case when every node has at most one incoming or at most one outgoing edge. Such graphs occur frequently in applications. Secondly, we extend the applicability of the RPST. Originally, the RPST was applicable only to graphs with a single source and single sink such that the completed version of the graph is biconnected. We lift both restrictions. Therefore, the RPST is then applicable to arbitrary directed graphs such that every node is on a path from some source to some sink. This includes graphs with multiple sources and/or sinks and disconnected graphs.


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Businesses document their operational processes as process models. The common practice is to represent process models as directed graphs. The nodes of a process graph represent activities and directed edges constitute activity ordering constraints. A flexible process graph modeling approach proposes to generalize process graph structure to a hypergraph. Obtained process structure aims at formalization of ad-hoc process control flow. In this paper we discuss aspects relevant to concurrent execution of process activities in a collaborative manner organized as a flexible process graph. We provide a real world flexible process scenario to illustrate the approach.