1000 resultados para RB32-270
Avaliou-se o efeito do esterco de curral curtido na adubação de formação do pomar de tangerineira 'Poncã' (Citrus reticulata, Blanco), comparando com a adubação química convencional. O experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda Experimental São Manuel da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da UNESP, Câmpus de Botucatu-SP. Os tratamentos foram aplicados na adubação de formação do pomar durante dois anos. No primeiro ano, utilizaram-se 7,5; 15,0; 22,5 e 30,0 kg planta-1 de esterco de curral curtido e 400 g planta-1 de sulfato de amônio. Na adubação de formação do segundo ano, as doses de esterco de curral foram 15,0; 22,5; 30,0 e 37,5 kg planta-1 e 800 g planta-1 de sulfato de amônio. Nos dois anos, a adubação foi parcelada em três aplicações. Realizaram-se as avaliações aos 30; 150 e 270 dias após a última parcela de adubação do segundo ano, determinando-se: altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, volume, projeção e circunferência da copa. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em parcelas subdivididas no tempo, e 3 repetições, sendo as parcelas representadas pela adubação e as subparcelas pelas épocas de avaliação. Verificou-se que, na média das avaliações, houve aumento linear das características avaliadas com o incremento das doses de esterco de curral curtido. Não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos com adubo orgânico e químico.
The effect of age at the first mating and herd size were evaluated in the reference Spanish Databank (BDporc) of 37 698 sows born between 1991 and 1995 and with individual lifetime records. The data included dates of births at entrance and culling, first mating, repetitive mating and conception, first farrowing and weaning records. Individual records were validated before the analysis by screening them through a tolerance “filter” in order to eliminate the extreme values from the analysis. The total database of the sows was classified in 7 classes according to age at the first mating (< 210, 210–220, 221–230, 231–240, 241–250, 251–270, and > 270 days) and in 6 classes of herd size (< 200, 200–300, 301–400, 401–600, 601–800, and > 800 sows). The total number of litters and number of weaned piglets obtained from each sow during the lifetime production were significantly (P < 0.05) greater for gilts between 221 and 240 d of age at the first mating. There was a significant (P < 0.001) effect of the herd size on the reproductive performance of the sow, and the best performance was obtained with herds with 401 to 600 sows compared to < 200 or > 800 sow-herds. Furthermore, a significant (P < 0.001) interaction between age at the first mating and herd size was detected and can be associated with a particular pattern for the herd size class 401–600 sows with the best performances obtained for the sows first mated at less than 200 days. For the other herd sizes, the results indicated that sows mated for the first time at the right age, 221–240 days, are more productive, both in the number and size of the parities throughout lifetime production.
Con objeto de buscar información para un mejor control de Oxalis latifolia Kunth, se ha estudiado el efecto que presentan la temperatura y la humedad sobre la activación de sus bulbos, tanto en la forma común como en la forma Cornwall de la misma. Los bulbos de la mala hierba se mantuvieron en un refrigerador a +4°C durante 13, 20, 27, 41, 48 y 55 días. Se sacaron tres grupos de 30 bulbos de cada forma en cada fecha de muestreo y se colocaron a 21°C; 15 de ellos se mantuvieron en condiciones de sequía —no se regaron— y otros 15 en condiciones de humedad —añadiendo el agua necesaria—. Los resultados muestran que la activación ocurre durante un período prolongado de tiempo en ambas formas, tanto en seco como en húmedo. También se observó que los bulbos secos se activaron antes que los húmedos y los de la forma común antes que los Cornwall. Se observaron dos patrones de activación: los bulbos secos de la forma común generalmente presentaron una activación que sigue un patrón logarítmico, mientras que sus bulbos humedecidos mostraron una tendencia linear; los bulbos Cornwall se activaron con una tendencia exponencial en la mayoría de los casos. El tiempo medio requerido para la activación después del almacenamiento en frío fue constante en la forma común, sin embargo la activación de Cornwall fue más rápida cuanto más tiempo permanecieron almacenados en frío.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as mudanças físicas e fisiológicas ocorridas durante o desenvolvimento de frutos e sementes de tamarindo. Foram selecionadas árvores de um pomar localizado na Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Sousa-PB, com 50% das inflorescências em antese, cujos ramos, contendo flores abertas, foram marcados, e as colheitas realizadas aos 20; 40; 70; 100; 130; 160; 190; 220; 250; 270 e 280 dias após a antese. A cada colheita, os frutos e as sementes foram submetidos às seguintes avaliações: comprimento, largura e espessura dos frutos e sementes (cm); massa da matéria seca dos frutos e sementes (g); teor de água das sementes (%); teste de germinação (%). As plantas de tamarindo levaram aproximadamente 280 dias após a antese para completar o ciclo desde a floração até a colheita, período representado pelo crescimento, maturação e o amadurecimento dos frutos. O crescimento dos frutos de tamarindo pode ser descrito por um modelo sigmoidal simples. A maturação fisiológica dos frutos de tamarindo ocorreu no período entre 270 e 280 dias após a antese, coincidindo com o desprendimento natural da planta-mãe e a maturação das sementes, aos 277 dias após a antese.
Líder mundial, a citricultura brasileira compreende aproximadamente 270 milhões de plantas, distribuídas em mais de 900 mil ha. Vulnerável, devido ao uso excessivo do limoeiro 'Cravo' (Citrus limonia) na sustentação de seus pomares, exige urgência em um programa de diversificação de porta-enxertos. Nesse sentido, a Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical vem executando, no Recôncavo Baiano, um programa de hibridações visando a criar novas variedades, principalmente porta-enxertos, adaptadas a diferentes regiões geográficas do País, com ênfase no Nordeste. Considerando os caracteres altura da planta e diâmetro do caule, foram analisados 554 seedlings (plantas oriundas de sementes ou pés-francos) híbridos, dentro de 38 progênies obtidas de cruzamentos envolvendo Citrus e gêneros afins, com destaque para Poncirus. Os híbridos foram levados a campo entre agosto de 1995 e julho de 2000, em conformidade com as épocas de suas obtenções. O citrangeiro (C. sinensis x P. trifoliata) 'Argentina' destacou-se como importante parental masculino na produção de híbridos. As tangerineiras 'Sunki (C. sunki) Comum', 'Sunki da Flórida', 'King' (C. nobilis), 'Clementina (C. clementina) de Nules' e 'Clementina Palazelli' podem dar formação a progênies vigorosas. Seedlings híbridos de 'Sunki' e 'King' podem ser tão ou mais vigorosos que seedlings nucelares dessas tangerineiras.
El tren de alta velocidad (TAV) está viviendo un auge importante en España. Ello implica una transformación territorial como resultado de una modificación del comportamiento de los viajeros debido a una mejora en el transporte ferroviario interurbano. En este contexto hay un elemento que ha obtenido una atención insuficiente. Se trata del acceso a la estación como parte fundamental del viaje puerta-a-puerta. Para hacer frente a la carencia de datos estadísticos sobre este aspecto, hemos realizado una encuesta a los viajeros de alta velocidad en la línea Madrid – Barcelona, que ayuda responder a la pregunta: ¿Cómo llega el viajero a la estación? Es imprescindible conocer este aspecto para planificar y realizar actuaciones de mejora intermodal adecuadas. Los resultados muestran que el acceso en vehículo privado es preponderante y que existe la necesidad de ofrecer más alternativas atractivas para acceder a las estaciones. Se concluye además que las estaciones centrales son preferibles, ya que generan una movilidad más sostenible.
Urbano Fos fue uno de los mejores representantes del Barroco valenciano. En este estudio atribuimos a su pincel un lienzo inédito de gran calidad. Se trata de una magnífica representación de San Pascual Bailón. Con nuestra investigación hemos demostrado sus filiaciones técnico-artísticas y resaltado aquellos aspectos por los que se popularizó su pintura.
Tukhulmissa : Painettu M. G. Lundbergin Kirja-pajassa 1831
Amsterdam 1595
Tässä diplomityössä selvitetään teollisen mittakaavan merituulipuistojen taloudellisia ja osin myös teknisiä rakentamisedellytyksiä Kokkolan seudun rannikolla. Lisäksi työssä tarkastellaan erilaisten tukitoimien vaikutusta tuulivoiman kannattavuuteen sekä selvitetään lyhyesti merituulivoiman hallinnollisia ja oikeudellisia edellytyksiä. Esimerkkikohteina tarkastellaan viittä Kokkolan edustalle suunniteltua merituulipuistoa, joiden tehot ovat 20 – 100 MW ja yksikkökoot 1,8 – 5 MW. Tuulipuistojen tuuliolot on arvioitu läheisten mittauspisteiden tietojen perusteella ja niiden pohjalta on laskettu puistojen energiantuotto. Tuulivoimaloiden huipunkäyttöajoiksi on saatu noin 2400 – 2500 h/a. Puistojen investointikustannukset ovat noin 6 500 –10 200 mk/kW: itse turbiinin lisäksi suurimpia kustannuseriä ovat perustukset ja sähköverkkoliitäntä. Vuosittaisten käyttö- ja kunnossapitokustannusten suuruudeksi on arvioitu noin 3 % investointikustannuksista. Kannattavuustarkastelut on suoritettu 5 % laskentakorolla ja 25 vuoden pitoajalle. Tuotantokustannukset ovat ilman tukia noin 27 – 38 p/kWh. Kun sähkön hintana on 150 mk/MWh, ei taloudellista kannattavuutta voida saavuttaa edes nykyisin käytössä olevan investointi- ja tuotantotuen avulla. Tuulisähköstä saatava mahdollinen ”vihreän sähkön lisä” tai päästökaupan aloittaminen voisivat mahdollistaa tuulivoiman taloudellisen kannattavuuden myös silloin, kun sähkön hintataso on matala. Kannattavuutta voitaisiin parantaa myös tukijärjestelmällä, joka painottaa nykyistä enemmän tuotantoa.
The age of erythrocyte concentrates (EC) in transfusion medicine and the adverse outcomes when transfusing long-term-stored EC are highly controversial issues. Whereas the definition of a short-term-stored EC or a long-term-stored EC is unclear in clinical trials, data based on in vitro storage assays can help defining a limit in addition of the expiration date. The present review merges together these data in order to highlight an EC age cut-off and points out potential misleading consideration. The analysis of in vitro data highlights the presence of reversible and irreversible storage lesions and demonstrates that red blood cells (RBC) exhibit two limits during storage: one around 2 weeks and another one around 4 weeks of storage. Of particular importance, the first lesions to appear, i.e. the reversible ones, are per se reversible once transfused, whereas the irreversible lesions are not. In clinical trials, the EC age cut-off for short-term storage is in general fewer than 14 days (11 ± 4 days) and more disperse for long-term-stored EC (17 ± 13 days), regardless the clinical outcomes. Taking together, EC age cut-off in clinical trials does not totally fall into line of in vitro aging data, whereas it is the key criteria in clinical studies. Long-term-stored EC considered in clinical trials are not probably old enough to answer the question: "Does transfusion of long-term-stored EC (older than 4 weeks) result in worse clinical outcomes?" Depending on ethical concerns and clinical practices, older EC than currently assayed in clinical trials should have to be considered. These two worlds trying to understand the aging of erythrocytes and the impact on patients do not seem to speak the same language.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da adubação nitrogenada e de um análogo de brassinosteroide no crescimento e na nutrição de mudas provenientes do seccionamento do caule do abacaxizeiro 'Smooth Cayenne'. O experimento foi conduzido no delineamento em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 3x4, sendo foram avaliados três doses de N (5; 10 e 15 g L-1), utilizando ureia como fonte, e quatro doses de um análogo de brassinosteroide (0; 0,5; 0,75 e 1,0 mg L-1), com quatro repetições. Cada parcela experimental foi composta por 20 secções de caule. Aos 270 dias após o plantio das secções, as mudas foram colhidas e avaliadas em relação ao comprimento, diâmetro, número de folhas e à área foliar. Em seguida, as mudas foram colocadas para secar em estufa a 70ºC, para a obtenção da massa seca e análise nutricional do tecido foliar, em que se avaliaram os teores de N, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Cu, Zn e Mn. O análogo de brassinosteroide promoveu incremento em todas as características de crescimento vegetativo da parte aérea das mudas de abacaxizeiro avaliadas, além de proporcionar maior teor de nitrogênio na parte aérea das mudas. A adubação nitrogenada apenas resultou em pequeno aumento do comprimento e diâmetro das mudas e não afetou o número de folhas, a área foliar, a massa seca e o estado nutricional das mudas.
The reversal of congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is a relatively recent phenomenon that has gained increasing attention over the past 10 years. Yet to date, only one prospective study has been conducted estimating that 10% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2%-18%) of cases undergo reversal. [1] Other retrospective studies have reported rates in the range of 5%-8% [2],[3] and a recent study showed 44/308 (14%, 95% CI: 11%-19%) CHH patients underwent reversal. [4] Moreover, a time-to-event analysis in this large cohort revealed a lifetime reversal incidence of 22%. The article by Mao and colleagues presented in this issue is a meaningful contribution to our understanding of reversal as it examines the largest retrospective cohort to date. [5] Interestingly, they report the rate of reversal as 5% (95% CI: 3%-8%) in this Chinese cohort. It is difficult to reconcile the discrepancies in rates of reversibility and direct comparisons are hampered by the variable definitions employed. Using a novel definition for reversal (i.e, either endogenous testosterone (T) >270 ng dl−1 , serum T gradually increasing above 150 ng dl−1 with increased testicular volume, or normal spontaneous sperm production/normal erectile function/ejaculation), Mao and colleagues posit that testicular size and triptorelin-stimulated LH levels are reliable predictive factors for reversal. However, these cannot be considered as hard and fast rules for predicting reversal as the groups intersect - akin to the overlap observed between CHH patients and those with delayed puberty. Indeed, the fact that approximately half (44%, 95% CI: 25%-66%) of the reversal patients in the study by Mao et al.[5] were diagnosed between 17 and 19 years of age, underscores the challenge in differentiating CHH from extreme normal variants of puberty. This study further lends credence the recently reported observations that reversals may relapse. [4],[6] The notion that reversal may not be lasting highlights the vulnerability of the reproductive axis among CHH patients. While the mechanism(s) for relapse are unclear, it seems plausible that environmental, metabolic or psychiatric stressors could contribute. The factors that Mao and colleagues identify as significantly different in cases of reversal, were not informative for identifying those cases that relapsed back to a hypogonadal state. Notably, reversal has been reported in probands harboring mutations in genes underlying CHH. [1],[3],[4],[6] Unfortunately, comprehensive genetic screening on the Chinese cohort is not available. The reversal phenomenon is fascinating for its glimpse into the plasticity of the neuroendocrine control of reproduction. Future directions will almost certainly include investigation of specific genetic signatures and novel biomarkers for predicting reversal (and relapse). Yet CHH is a rare condition and to fully elucidate the biology of reversible CHH, it will be important to harmonize definitions of what constitutes a reversal, carefully phenotype patients and chart the natural history of their CHH. In this way, this unique human disease model may offer further insights into the control of human reproduction and provide opportunities to translate discoveries into enhanced approaches to improve the care and quality of life for these patients.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with significantly increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Fluid overload may promote obstructive sleep apnea in patients with ESRD through an overnight fluid shift from the legs to the neck soft tissues. Body fluid shift and severity of obstructive sleep apnea before and after hemodialysis were compared in patients with ESRD. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: Seventeen patients with hemodialysis and moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea were included. Polysomnographies were performed the night before and after hemodialysis to assess obstructive sleep apnea, and bioimpedance was used to measure fluid overload and leg fluid volume. RESULTS: The mean overnight rostral fluid shift was 1.27±0.41 L prehemodialysis; it correlated positively with fluid overload volume (r=0.39; P=0.02) and was significantly lower posthemodialysis (0.78±0.38 L; P<0.001). There was no significant difference in the mean obstructive apnea-hypopnea index before and after hemodialysis (46.8±22.0 versus 42.1±18.6 per hour; P=0.21), but obstructive apnea-hypopnea index was significantly lower posthemodialysis (-10.1±10.8 per hour) in the group of 12 patients, with a concomitant reduction of fluid overload compared with participants without change in fluid overload (obstructive apnea-hypopnea index +8.2±16.1 per hour; P<0.01). A lower fluid overload after hemodialysis was significantly correlated (r=0.49; P=0.04) with a lower obstructive apnea-hypopnea index. Fluid overload-assessed by bioimpedance-was the best predictor of the change in obstructive apnea-hypopnea index observed after hemodialysis (standardized r=-0.68; P=0.01) in multivariate regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Fluid overload influences overnight rostral fluid shift and obstructive sleep apnea severity in patients with ESRD undergoing intermittent hemodialysis. Although no benefit of hemodialysis on obstructive sleep apnea severity was observed in the whole group, the change in obstructive apnea-hypopnea index was significantly correlated with the change in fluid overload after hemodialysis. Moreover, the subgroup with lower fluid overload posthemodialysis showed a significantly lower obstructive sleep apnea severity, which provides a strong incentive to further study whether optimizing fluid status in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and ESRD will improve the obstructive apnea-hypopnea index.
BACKGROUND: Pancreaticoduodenectomies (PD) still have a substantial mortality rate. Recently, different scores have been published to predict the mortality risk pre-operatively after PD. This retrospective study was designed to perform an external assessment of an Early Mortality Risk Score (EMRS). METHODS: From 2000 to 2012, all PD cases performed at our institution were documented. Only patients treated for pancreatic head adenocarcinomas were included. Survival time and EMRS (based on age, tumour size, tumour differentiation and comorbidities) were calculated for every patient. Relative risks (RR) of early death 9 and 12 months after PD were then calculated. RESULTS: Of 270 PD for various aetiologies, 120 PD for adenocarcinomas were included. The median follow-up was 37 months, and the overall median survival was 19 months. EMRS of 4 showed a mortality RR of 5.1 at 9 months (P = 0.048) and of 4.5 at 12 months (P = 0.020). CONCLUSIONS: EMRS of 4 is a predictor of tumour-related mortality at 9 and 12 months after PD for adenocarcinoma. The EMRS was externally assessed in our patient cohort and can be implemented in clinical practice. Clinical implications of this score still need to be studied.