987 resultados para QINGHAI-TIBETAN PLATEAU


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The minimum spanning tree algorithm is used to classify two sets of planktonic copepod samples. This algorithm links the samples the distance of which is minimum, without doing a loop, so that the sum of the segment lengths is minimum. The authors estimated the distance between samples by 2 different ways: by a coefficient of association the Jaccard's index - and by the x2 distance. Jaccard's index is not retained but the use of the x2 distance allows comparison with the 'analyse factorielle des correspondances'. The results are discussed from an ecological point of view.


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The authors give a picture of the average seasonal hydrographic situations over the Ivorian continental shelf using data provided by 26 cruises carried out from July 1969 to January 1972. They study meteorological conditions and the mechanism of setting of different types of hydrographic seasons defined as follows: a cold period related to an upwelling created by winds July to earlier October and a warm period divided in 2 parts in relation with haline variations: a low salinity period in November and December, and a high salinity period from January to May; this one sometimes cut off by short-timed drops in the temperature. Then precisions are given about seasonal and geographical variations using space-time diagrams: last, depth and intensity of the thermocline are examined.


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21 surveys over the whole Ivorian continental shelf lead to a description of the phytoplankton repartition according to the different seasons: great and small cold seasons, discharge seasons, and warm seasons. Yearly means of surface cells concentrations range from 1000 to 30000 cells per liter, corresponding to a daily production of 386 to 1166 mg C/m2, according to regression analysis. These values make Côte d'Ivoire a rather rich region, which is subjected to wide standing crop variations.


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Three years of weekly sampling from a coastal station and 29 monthly cruises over the whole continental shelf were studied for zooplankton quantitative variation. Settled volumes were preferred to displacement volumes. At the coastal station, near Abidjan, a negative correlation was found between the log2 of zooplankton volume and the preceding fortnight temperature. On the whole shelf, the differences between the 6 considered areas were tested by the variance analysis. There were significative differences in shallow waters only (20 m). During the main cold season, the upwelling of Tabou causes a very important enrichment 30 to 60 nautical miles to the east. Eastwards the plankton drifts and decreases in abundance. The zooplankton maximum is not always inshore, but often in the middle of the shelf and sometimes over the slope. During the little cold season the enrichments caused by coastal upwelling are less abundant and restricted to smaller areas. During the warm season, the waters are uniformly poor. During the cold season, over the 60m depths, the zooplankton maximum lies between 10 and 20 m and seems to sink in deeper waters. In warm season the vertical repartition is rather homogeneous in the first 40 meters. The diel vertical migrations show a very consistent rhythm, varying with the season.


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An attempt was made to calculate zooplankton production from weights and settled volumes and from the life cycle of some copepods. Biomass data were recorded during several years from 24 monthly cruises and from a coastal station sampled biweekly. Dry weight data were directly measured or were calculated from the settled volumes using a linear regression. They range, on an average, from 0.965 to 5.56 g m-2 day-1 from the shore line to the edge of the continental shelf. The mean life-span of the cohorts of 12 species of copepods is about 20 days. It is assumed that only 1 spawn occurs per generation-time and that the standing stock is turned-over during the life span of a cohort. The production ranges from 48.2 to 278 mg dry weight m-2 day-1 or 17.9 to 103 mg C m-2 day-1, according to the depth of the studied areas. One third of carnivorous production occurs among the copepods. So, it is assumed that the herbivorous and omnivorous production is about 2/3 of the total zooplanktonic production. This would be a more accurate estimate of secondary production. The standing stock of zooplankton and fishes are in the same order of magnitude; the ratio zooplanktonic production/total fishery is 0.8%.


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Several 'analyses factorielles des correspondences' were used with the numerical data of planktonic copepods issued from a 1 year sampling programme at different stations of the Ivorian shelf. The main results were the following: (1) 'Ecological seasons' approximately corresponding to hydrological seasons may be defined for planktonic populations. (2) Each 'season' is characterized by one group of species, whose maximum abundance occurs in this period. (3) The same definition of ecological season is obtained whether all species present are used or whether only the most important ones are used. (4) The first principal axes may be interpreted as temperature and salinity or as the station's distance from shore.


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The sagittal otoliths of bluespot jobfish (Pristipomoides flamentosus) from the Mahe Plateau, Seychelles, were examined for growth rings using light microscopy. Banding with putative annual and monthly frequency were observed. Consistent age estimates were derived from each of the two patterns. The resulting length-at-age data were use t estimate the parameters K and t sub(0), viz: K=0.33, t sub(0) = 0.16 for males and K = 0.36, t sub(0) = 0.06 for females (using von Bertalanffy plots). Possible causes of the banding are discussed.