710 resultados para Prematuridade : Interacao mae-bebe


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Die oktroyierte Verfassung vom 5. Dezember 1848 gewährleistet in hinlänglichem Maße die Teilnahme des Volks an Gesetzgebung und Regierung; alle Proteste dagegen sind verwerflich. Die Einrichtung zweier parlamentarischer Kammern ist von Vorteil, eine Rückkehr zum gesellschaftspolitischen status quo ante weder möglich noch anzustreben. Warnung vor der republikanischen Staatsform; der Begriff 'demokratische Monarchie' ist ein Widerspruch in sich selbst, wogegen die Begriffe Königtum und Freiheit sehr wohl vereinbar sind. Anerkennung der vollen Glaubens- und Bekenntnisfreiheit. Die Einheit Deutschlands ist ohne den Weiterbestand Preußens undenkbar


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Vorbesitzer: Freiherrlich Carl von Rothschild'sche Bibliothek Frankfurt am Main; Akzessionsnummer: x18722; Bemerkung: Maße ohne Passepartout


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Kognitive Interventionen haben sich bei der Behandlung von Schizophrenie als wirksam erwiesen und werden in nationalen Behandlungsleitlinien empfohlen. Viele Patienten mit Schizophrenie-Diagnose haben jedoch keinen Zugang zu ambulanten Psychotherapie-Plätzen nach stationären Klinikaufenthalten. Ein alternativer Zugangsweg zu kognitiven Interventionen sind Online- Selbsthilfe-Programme, welche sich bei anderen psychischen Störungen wie Depression und Angststörungen bereits als effektiv erwiesen haben. Im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie wird ein Symptom-orientiertes, KVT-basiertes Online-Selbsthilfe-Programm für Menschen mit Verfolgungsideen getestet. Das Programm besteht aus acht Einheiten und beinhaltet neben Psychose-bezogenen Inhalten (Störungsmodell, Rückfallprophylaxe, etc.) auch Einheiten zu Selbstwert, Umgang mit Sorgen und Schlafhygiene. Die TeilnehmerInnen werden wöchentlich von klinischen PsychologInnen per eMail kontaktiert (geleitete Selbsthilfe). Primäres Outcome-Maß ist das Ausmaß von Verfolgungswahn (Paranoia Checklist), sekundäre Outcome-Maße beinhalten Abbruchquoten, allgemeine Psychopathologie, Nebenwirkungen und Zufriedenheit. In die aktuell laufende Studie sollen insgesamt N=20 Teilnehmer eingeschlossen werden. Chancen und Einschränkungen von internet-basierter Selbsthilfe bei Psychose werden vor dem Hintergrund der vorläufigen Ergebnisse diskutiert.


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The hydroxylation of N- and O-methyl drugs and a polycyclic hydrocarbon has been demonstrated in microsomes prepared from two transplantable Morris hepatomas (i.e., 7288C. t.c. and 5123 t.c.(H). The hydroxylation rates of the drug benzphetamine and the polycyclic hydrocarbon benzo {(alpha)} pyrene by tumor microsomes were inducible 2 to 3-fold and 2-fold, respectively by pretreatment of rats with phenobarbital/hydrocortisone. Hepatoma 5123t.c.(h) microsomal hydroxylation activities were more inducible after these pretreatments than hepatoma 7288C.t.c. Two chemotherapeutic drugs (cyclophosphamide and isophosphamide) were shown to be mutagenic after activation by the tumor hemogenate with the TA100 strain of Salmonella typhimurium bacteria. NADPH-cytochrome P-450 was purified from phenobarbital/hydrocortisone treated rat hepatoma 5123t.c.(H) microsomes 353-fold with a specific activity 63.6 nmol of cytochrome c reduced per min per mg of protein. The purified enzyme, has an apparent molecular weight of 79,500 daltons, and contained an equal molar ratio of FMN and FAD, with a total flavin content of 16.4 nmol per mg of protein. The purified enzyme also catalyzed electron transfer to artificial electron acceptors with the K(,m) values of the hepatoma reductase similar to those of purified liver reductase. The K(,m) value of the hepatoma reductase (13 uM) for NADPH was similar to that of purified liver reductase (5.0 uM). In addition the purified hepatoma reductase was immunochemically similar to the liver reductase.^ Hepatoma cytochrome P-450, the hemeprotein component of the hepatoma microsomes of rats pretreated with phenobarbital/hydrocortisone. The resolution of the six forms was achieved by the DE-53 ion-exchange chromatography, and further purified by hydroxyapatite. The six different fractions that contained P-450 activity, had specific contents from 0.47 to 1.75 nmol of cytochrome P-450 per mg of protein, and indicated a 2 to 9-fold purification as compared to the original microsomes. In addition, difference spectra, molecular weights and immunological results suggest there are at least six different forms of cytochrome P-450 in hepatoma 5123 t.c.(H). ^


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Vorbesitzer: Gustav Heinrich Reutlinger


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Vorbesitzer: Georg Kloß


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Vorbesitzer: Stadtarchiv Frankfurt am Main


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Vorbesitzer: Georg Kloß


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Vorbesitzer: Johannes Münzenberger; Karmeliterkloster Frankfurt am Main


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Vorbesitzer: Johannes Münzenberger; Karmeliterkloster Frankfurt am Main


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Vorbesitzer: Stadtarchiv Frankfurt am Main (?)


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Gefordert werden: ein gesamtdeutsches Außenministerium, ein einheitliches Heer sowie eine Kriegsmarine, volle Bürgerrechte, ein Bundesgericht, Zollunion, Reichspost, eine einheitliche Wirtschafts- und Verkehrspolitik sowie einheitliche Währung, Maße und Gewichte


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Auf der Rückseite von Arthur Schopenhauers Hand: "Pater meus, circa quadragesimum vitae annum.A.S.";


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This study was designed to identify some of the factors related to patterns of physician visits to nursing home residents. The relationship of ten resident and organizational characteristics to patterns of physician visits was investigated through secondary analysis of data abstracted from the 1973-74 National Nursing Home Survey of the National Center for Health Statistics. The study sample was composed of 11,135 of the 19,013 nursing home residents who participated in the survey.^ The analytic results revealed that all ten variables had a statistically significant relationship to patterns of physician visits, mainly due to the large sample size. The degrees of association between the variables, measured by the Cramer's V statistic, ranged from moderate to very weak.^ Certification status of the nursing home under Medicare and/or Medicaid was shown to be most strongly related to patterns of physician visits, followed by primary source of payment for nursing home care, and residence prior to nursing home admission. Several variables thought to be related to patterns of physician visits were found to have a very weak relationship: age of the resident, marital status, length of stay, primary diagnosis, number of chronic conditions, activities of daily living status, and levels of care.^ In order to get a more precise picture of the relative influence of certification status and primary source of payment when the other variables were statistically controlled, these two variables were combined into a single variable. The results revealed that the combined effects of certification status and primary source of payment were sustained, regardless of differences in the residents' personal, utilization, and health status characteristics, and the levels of care that they received. The results also indicated that the five groups created by combining the two variables differed in patterns of physician visits. For example, private pay residents in intermediate care facilities (ICF's) and non-certified facilities were more likely to receive unscheduled visits than private pay residents in skilled nursing homes (SNH's), residents in SNH's supported by Medicare or Medicaid, and residents in ICF's supported by Medicaid. ^