743 resultados para Pre Service Courses


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This paper characterizes work accidents at Portuguese industrial cleaning companies, operating in the service sector, through the application of ESAW methodology. Data was codified based on the analysis of 748 accident claims to insurance companies (number of days lost 1 working day) in 3 large industrial cleaning companies for the period 2001-2003. Slipping and falling in the same level was the main deviation from the normal working process in the moment of the accident (in 25% of the accidents); uncoordinated movements was the second cause of accidents (14%); falls of persons to a lower level was the third cause of accidents (~10%), including falls from stairs (~7%) and falls from ladders and mobile ladders (~2%); globally, body movement under or with physical stress, including lifting, carrying, putting down, bending down, twisting, turning, trading badly, twisting leg or ankle and slipping without falling, were the cause in 17% of the accidents. Lower limbs were injured in ~25% of the accidents, hand and fingers in ~14%, the eye in ~4% and the back in ~9% of the accidents. An incidence rate of 3,580 accidents/100,000 employees was found to the sector (2003 data).


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the validity and reliability of an instrument that evaluates the structure of primary health care units for the treatment of tuberculosis.METHODS This cross-sectional study used simple random sampling and evaluated 1,037 health care professionals from five Brazilian municipalities (Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte; Cabedelo, state of Paraíba; Foz do Iguaçu, state of Parana; Sao José do Rio Preto, state of Sao Paulo, and Uberaba, state of Minas Gerais) in 2011. Structural indicators were identified and validated, considering different methods of organization of the health care system in the municipalities of different population sizes. Each structure represented the organization of health care services and contained the resources available for the execution of health care services: physical resources (equipment, consumables, and facilities); human resources (number and qualification); and resources for maintenance of the existing infrastructure and technology (deemed as the organization of health care services). The statistical analyses used in the validation process included reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis.RESULTS The validation process indicated the retention of five factors, with 85.9% of the total variance explained, internal consistency between 0.6460 and 0.7802, and quality of fit of the confirmatory factor analysis of 0.995 using the goodness-of-fit index. The retained factors comprised five structural indicators: professionals involved in the care of tuberculosis patients, training, access to recording instruments, availability of supplies, and coordination of health care services with other levels of care. Availability of supplies had the best performance and the lowest coefficient of variation among the services evaluated. The indicators of assessment of human resources and coordination with other levels of care had satisfactory performance, but the latter showed the highest coefficient of variation. The performance of the indicators “training” and “access to recording instruments” was inferior to that of other indicators.CONCLUSIONS The instrument showed feasibility of application and potential to assess the structure of primary health care units for the treatment of tuberculosis.


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Dissertation presented to obtain a Masters degree in Computer Science


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The objective of this study was to investigate an association between pre-harvest sugarcane burning and respiratory diseases in children under five years of age. The following data were collected in five schools in the city of Araraquara, SP, Southeastern Brazil, between March and June 2009: daily records of absences and the reasons stated for these absences, total concentration of suspended particulate matter (µg/m3), and air humidity. The relationship between the percentage of school absences due to respiratory problems and the concentration of particulate matter in March and from April to June presented a distinct behavior: absences increased alongside the increase in particulate matter concentration. The use of school absences as indicators of this relationship is an innovative approach.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify the factors that interfere with the access of adolescents and young people to childbirth care for in the Northeast region of Brazil. METHODS Cross-sectional study with 3,014 adolescents and young people admitted to the selected maternity wards to give birth in the Northeast region of Brazil. The sample design was probabilistic, in two stages: the first corresponded to the health establishments and the second to women who had recently given birth and their babies. The data was collected by means of interviews and consulting the hospital records, from pre-tested electronic form. Descriptive statistics were used for the univariate analysis, Pearson’s Chi-square test for the bivariate analysis and multiple logistic regressions for the multivariate analysis. Sociodemographic variables, obstetrical history, and birth care were analyzed. RESULTS Half of the adolescents and young people interviewed had not been given guidance on the location that they should go to when in labor, and among those who had, 23.5% did not give birth in the indicated health service. Furthermore, one third (33.3%) had to travel in search of assisted birth, and the majority (66.7%) of the postpartum women came to maternity by their own means. In the bivariate analysis, the variables marital status, paid work, health insurance, number of previous pregnancies, parity, city location, and type of health establishment showed a significant association (p < 0.20) with inadequate access to childbirth care. The multivariate analysis showed that married adolescents and young people (p < 0.015), with no health insurance (p < 0.002) and from the countryside (p < 0.001) were more likely to have inadequate access to childbirth care. CONCLUSIONS Adolescents and young women, married, without health insurance, and from the countryside are more likely to have inadequate access to birth care. The articulation between outpatient care and birth care can improve this access and, consequently, minimize the maternal and fetal risks that arise from a lack of systematic hospitalization planning.


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica


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Additional apple juice extraction with pulsed electric field pretreated apple cubes towards control samples is evaluated. Monopolar and bipolar shaped pulses are compared and their effect is studied with variation of electric field, pulse width and number of pulses. Variation of electric field strength is ranged from 100 V/cm to 1300 V/cm, pulse width from 20 mu s to 300 mu s and number of pulses from 10 to 200, at frequency of 200Hz. Two pulse trains separated by 1 second are applied to all samples. Bipolar pulses showed higher apple juice yields with all studied parameters. Calculation of specific energies consumed was assessed and a threshold where higher energy inputs do not increase juice yield is found for a number of used parameters. Qualitative parameters of total soluble matter (Brix) and absorbance at 390 nm wavelength were determined for each sample and results show that no substantial differences are found for PEF pre-treated and control samples.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Área de Especialização de Telecomunicações


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The corner stone of the interoperability of eLearning systems is the standard definition of learning objects. Nevertheless, for some domains this standard is insufficient to fully describe all the assets, especially when they are used as input for other eLearning services. On the other hand, a standard definition of learning objects in not enough to ensure interoperability among eLearning systems; they must also use a standard API to exchange learning objects. This paper presents the design and implementation of a service oriented repository of learning objects called crimsonHex. This repository is fully compliant with the existing interoperability standards and supports new definitions of learning objects for specialized domains. We illustrate this feature with the definition of programming problems as learning objects and its validation by the repository. This repository is also prepared to store usage data on learning objects to tailor the presentation order and adapt it to learner profiles.


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This work is a contribution to the e-Framework, arguably the most prominent e-learning framework today, and consists of the definition of a service for the automatic evaluation of programming exercises. This evaluation domain differs from trivial evaluations modelled by languages such as the IMS Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) specification. Complex evaluation domains justify the development of specialized evaluators that participate in several business processes. These business processes can combine other type of systems such as Programming Contest Management Systems, Learning Management Systems, Integrated Development Environments and Learning Object Repositories where programming exercises are stored as Learning Objects. This contribution describes the implementation approaches used, more precisely, behaviours & requests, use & interactions, applicable standards, interface definition and usage scenarios.


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The LMS plays an indisputable role in the majority of the eLearning environments. This eLearning system type is often used for presenting, solving and grading simple exercises. However, exercises from complex domains, such as computer programming, require heterogeneous systems such as evaluation engines, learning objects repositories and exercise resolution environments. The coordination of networks of such disparate systems is rather complex. This work presents a standard approach for the coordination of a network of eLearning systems supporting the resolution of exercises. The proposed approach use a pivot component embedded in the LMS with two roles: provide an exercise resolution environment and coordinate the communication between the LMS and other systems exposing their functions as web services. The integration of the pivot component with the LMS relies on the Learning Tools Interoperability. The validation of this approach is made through the integration of the component with LMSs from two vendors.


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É hoje largamente aceite que a promoção da relação profissional de saúde-paciente conduz ao incremento na qualidade dos cuidados de saúde. A investigação sobre os benefícios da comunicação eficaz levou mesmo alguns autores a considerar a comunicação como a ferramenta mais importante na prestação de saúde. Como consequência, desde o início dos anos 90, as escolas médicas, principalmente do mundo ocidental, têm aumentado o interesse no ensino de competências comunicacionais. Este trabalho partiu da pesquisa bibliografia realizada através da B-on. As palavras-chave utilizadas foram: comunicação profissional de saúde-doente, treino de competências comunicacionais, estudantes e saúde. A análise dos diversos programas de treino de competências comunicacionais, destinados a estudantes e profissionais de saúde permitiu constatar que existe uma enorme variabilidade e falta de consistência nos vários programas de treino atualmente disponíveis. A maioria dos estudos incluía informação insuficiente sobre as competências comunicacionais a ensinar aos participantes. Face à situação atual, são apontadas algumas diretrizes para o futuro do ensino destas competências ao nível do ensino pré e pós-graduado na área da saúde.


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This paper presents a tool called Petcha that acts as an automated Teaching Assistant in computer programming courses. The ultimate objective of Petcha is to increase the number of programming exercises effectively solved by students. Petcha meets this objective by helping both teachers to author programming exercises and students to solve them. It also coordinates a network of heterogeneous systems, integrating automatic program evaluators, learning management systems, learning object repositories and integrated programming environments. This paper presents the concept and the design of Petcha and sets this tool in a service oriented architecture for managing learning processes based on the automatic evaluation of programming exercises. The paper presents also a case study that validates the use of Petcha and of the proposed architecture.


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Pultruded products are being targeted by a growing demand due to its excellent mechanical properties and low chemical reactivity, ensuring a low level of maintenance operations and allowing an easier assembly operation process than equivalent steel bars. In order to improve the mechanical drawing process and solve some acoustic and thermal insulation problems, pultruded pipes of glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRF) can be filled with special products that increase their performance regarding the issues previously referred. The great challenge of this work was drawing a new equipment able to produce pultruded pipes filled with cork or polymeric pre-shaped bars as a continuous process. The project was carried out successfully and the new equipment was built and integrated in the pultrusion equipment already existing, allowing to obtain news products with higher added-value in the market, covering some needs previously identified in the field of civil construction.