686 resultados para Potentiodynamic polarisation


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The lattice formulation of Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) has become a reliable tool providing an ab initio calculation of low-energy quantities. Despite numerous successes, systematic uncertainties, such as discretisation effects, finite-size effects, and contaminations from excited states, are inherent in any lattice calculation. Simulations with controlled systematic uncertainties and close to the physical pion mass have become state-of-the-art. We present such a calculation for various hadronic matrix elements using non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson fermions with two dynamical light quark flavours. The main topics covered in this thesis are the axial charge of the nucleon, the electro-magnetic form factors of the nucleon, and the leading hadronic contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Lattice simulations typically tend to underestimate the axial charge of the nucleon by 5 − 10%. We show that including excited state contaminations using the summed operator insertion method leads to agreement with the experimentally determined value. Further studies of systematic uncertainties reveal only small discretisation effects. For the electro-magnetic form factors of the nucleon, we see a similar contamination from excited states as for the axial charge. The electro-magnetic radii, extracted from a dipole fit to the momentum dependence of the form factors, show no indication of finite-size or cutoff effects. If we include excited states using the summed operator insertion method, we achieve better agreement with the radii from phenomenology. The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon can be measured and predicted to very high precision. The theoretical prediction of the anomalous magnetic moment receives contribution from strong, weak, and electro-magnetic interactions, where the hadronic contributions dominate the uncertainties. A persistent 3σ tension between the experimental determination and the theoretical calculation is found, which is considered to be an indication for physics beyond the Standard Model. We present a calculation of the connected part of the hadronic vacuum polarisation using lattice QCD. Partially twisted boundary conditions lead to a significant improvement of the vacuum polarisation in the region of small momentum transfer, which is crucial in the extraction of the hadronic vacuum polarisation.


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Im Jahr 1996 wurde die erste Aufnahme der menschlichen Lunge in einem Kernspintomographen unter Benutzung des hyperpolarisierten Edelgases ³He als Kontrastgas veröffentlicht. Es folgten zahlreiche medizinische Studien mit diesem neuen Lungenbildgebungsverfahren. Als Konsequenz aus dem steigenden Bedarf an hyperpolarisiertem ³He wurde am Institut für Physik der Universität Mainz ein ³He-Polarisator entwickelt, der die Versorgung dieser Studien mit polarisiertem Gas gewährleistet. Für den Fall jedoch, dass die Lungenbildgebung mit hyperpolarisiertem ³He in die medizinische Praxis übernommen wird, wären die Produktionskapazitäten der bestehenden Anlage nicht mehr ausreichend. Daher wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ein kompaktes System zum Polarisieren von ³He direkt am Einsatzort entwickelt, welches als eine Art Industrieprodukt in beliebiger Stückzahl nachgebaut werden kann. So steht nun ein kompakter, mobiler ³He Polarisator zur Verfügung, dessen Produktionsrate in der Größenordnung eines Standardliters (1 l, 1 bar, Raumtemperatur) pro Stunde bei einer Polarisation von > 60% liegt.


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Large-scale structures can be considered an interesting and useful "laboratory" to better investigate the Universe; in particular the filaments connecting clusters and superclusters of galaxies can be a powerful tool for this intent, since they are not virialised systems yet. The large structures in the Universe have been studied in different bands, in particular the present work takes into consideration the emission in the radio band. In the last years both compact and diffuse radio emission have been detected, revealing to be associated to single objects and clusters of galaxies respectively. The detection of these sources is important, because the radiation process is the synchrotron emission, which in turn is linked to the presence of a magnetic field: therefore studying these radio sources can help in investigating the magnetic field which permeates different portions of space. Furthermore, radio emission in optical filaments have been detected recently, opening new chances to further improve the understanding of structure formation. Filaments can be seen as the net which links clusters and superclusters. This work was made with the aim of investigating non-thermal properties in low-density regions, looking for possible filaments associated to the diffuse emission. The analysed sources are 0917+75, which is located at a redshift z = 0.125, and the double cluster system A399-A401, positioned at z = 0.071806 and z = 0.073664 respectively. Data were taken from VLA/JVLA observations, and reduced and calibrated with the package AIPS, following the standard procedure. Isocountour and polarisation maps were yielded, allowing to derive the main physical properties. Unfortunately, because of a low quality data for A399-A401, it was not possible to see any radio halo or bridge.


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This thesis is on loop-induced processes in theories with warped extra dimensions where the fermions and gauge bosons are allowed to propagate in the bulk, while the Higgs sector is localized on or near the infra-red brane. These so-called Randall-Sundrum (RS) models have the potential to simultaneously explain the hierarchy problem and address the question of what causes the large hierarchies in the fermion sector of the Standard Model (SM). The Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations of the bulk fields can significantly affect the loop-level processes considered in this thesis and, hence, could indirectly indicate the existence of warped extra dimensions. The analytical part of this thesis deals with the detailed calculation of three loop-induced processes in the RS models in question: the Higgs production process via gluon fusion, the Higgs decay into two photons, and the flavor-changing neutral current b → sγ. A comprehensive, five-dimensional (5D) analysis will show that the amplitudes of the Higgs processes can be expressed in terms of integrals over 5D propagators with the Higgs-boson profile along the extra dimension, which can be used for arbitrary models with a compact extra dimension. To this end, both the boson and fermion propagators in a warped 5D background are derived. It will be shown that the seemingly contradictory results for the gluon fusion amplitude in the literature can be traced back to two distinguishable, not smoothly-connected incarnations of the RS model. The investigation of the b → sγ transition is performed in the KK decomposed theory. It will be argued that summing up the entire KK tower leads to a finite result, which can be well approximated by a closed, analytical expression.rnIn the phenomenological part of this thesis, the analytic results of all relevant Higgs couplings in the RS models in question are compared with current and in particular future sensitivities of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the planned International Linear Collider. The latest LHC Higgs data is then used to exclude significant portions of the parameter space of each RS scenario. The analysis will demonstrate that especially the loop-induced Higgs couplings are sensitive to KK particles of the custodial RS model with masses in the multi tera-electronvolt range. Finally, the effect of the RS model on three flavor observables associated with the b → sγ transition are examined. In particular, we study the branching ratio of the inclusive decay B → X_s γ


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Seit seiner Entdeckung im Jahre 1978 wurden für hyperpolarisiertes (HP) 129Xe zahlreiche Anwendungen gefunden. Aufgrund seiner hohen Verstärkung von NMR-Signalen wird es dabei typischerweise für Tracer- und Oberflächenstudien verwendet. Im gasförmigen Zustand ist es ein interessantes, klinisches Kontrastmittel, welches für dynamische Lungen MRT genutzt oder auch in Blut oder lipophilen Flüssigkeiten gelöst werden kann. Weiterhin findet HP-Xe auch in der Grundlagenphysik in He-Xe Co-Magnetometern Verwendung, mit welchen z. B. das elektrische Dipolmoment von Xe bestimmt werden soll, oder es dient zur Überprüfung auf Lorentz-Invarianzen. Alle diese Anwendungen profitieren von einem hohen Polarisationsgrad (PXe), um hohe Signalstärken und lange Lagerzeiten zu erreichen. rnIn dieser Arbeit wurden zwei mobile Xe-Polarisatoren konstruiert: einer für Experimente in der Grundlagenphysik mit einer Produktionsrate von 400 mbar·l/h mit PXe ≈ 5%. Der zweite Xe-Polarisator wurde für medizinische Anwendungen entwickelt und soll 1 bar l/h mit PXe > 20% erzeugen. Der letztere wurde noch nicht getestet. Die Arbeitsbedingungen des Xe-Polarisators für Grundlagenphysik (Strömung des Gasgemischs, Temperatur, Druck und Konzentration von Xe) wurden variiert, um einen höchstmöglichen Polarisationsgrad zu erzielen. Die maximale Polarisation von 5,6 % wurde bei Verwendung eine Gasmischung von 1% Xe bei einem Durchfluss von 200 ml/min, einer Temperatur von 150°C und einem Gesamtdruck von 4 bar erreicht. rnWeiterhin muss HP-Xe auch effizient gelagert werden, um Polarisationsverluste zu minimieren. Das ist besonders für solche Anwendungen notwendig, welche an einem entfernten Standort durchgeführt werden sollen oder auch wenn lange Spinkohärenzeiten gefordert sind, z.B. bei He-Xe Co-Magnetometern. rnHierbei bestand bisher die größte Schwierigkeit darin, die Reproduzierbarkeit der gemessenen Lagerzeiten sicherzustellen. In dieser Arbeit konnte die Spin-Gitter-Relaxationszeit (T1) von HP-129Xe in unbeschichteten, Rb-freien, sphärischen Zellen aus Aluminiumsilikatglas (GE-180) signifikant verbessert werden. Die T1–Zeit wurde in einem selbstgebauten Niederfeld-NMR-System (2 mT) sowohl für reines HP-Xe als auch für HP-Xe in Mischungen mit N2, SF6 und CO2 bestimmt. Bei diesen Experimenten wurde die maximale Relaxationszeit für reines Xe (85% 129 Xe) bei (4,6 ± 0,1) h festgestellt. Dabei lagen die typischen Wand-Relaxationszeiten bei ca. 18 h für Glaszellen mit einem Durchmesser von 10 cm. Des Weiteren wurde herausgefunden, dass CO2 eine unerwartet hohe Effizienz bei der Verkürzung der Lebensdauer der Xe-Xe Moleküle zeigte und somit zu einer deutlichen Verlängerung der gesamten T1-Zeit genutzt werden kann. rnIm Verlauf vieler Experimente wurde durch wiederholte Messungen mit der gleichen Zelle, ein "Alterungsprozess“ bei der Wandrelaxation identifiziert und untersucht. Dieser Effekt könnte leicht rückgängig gemacht werden, indem die anfängliche Reinigungsprozedur wiederholt wurde. Auf diese Weise kann eine konstante Wandrelaxation sichergestellt werden, durch die sehr reproduzierbare T1-Messungen möglich werden. rnSchließlich wurde die maximale Relaxationszeit für HP-Xe mit natürlicher Häufigkeit in Mischungen mit SF6 bestimmt. Überraschenderweise war dieser Wert um ca. 75% niedriger als der Wert für Xenon, das zu 85% mit 129Xe angereichert war. Dieser Effekt wurde durch drei unabhängige Experimente bestätigt, da er nicht von der bestehenden Theorie der Xe-Relaxation ableitbar ist. rnDie Polarisation von HP-Xe, PXe, wird normalerweise durch den Vergleich der NMR-Signale des HP-Xe mit einer thermischen polarisierten Probe (z. B. 1H2O oder Xe) bestimmt. Dabei beinhaltet der Vergleich unterschiedlicher Messungen an verschiedenen Proben (unterschiedlicher Druck, Signalintensität und Messverfahren) viele experimentelle Unsicherheiten, welche sich oft nicht leicht bestimmen lassen. Eine einfache, genaue und kostengünstige Methode zur Bestimmung von PXe durch eine direkte Messung der makroskopischen Magnetisierung in einem statischen Magnetfeld vermeidet alle diese Unsicherheiten. Dieses Verfahren kann Polarisationen von > 2 % mit einer Genauigkeit von maximal 10% fast ohne Polarisationsverlust bestimmen. Zusätzlich kann diese Methode ohne weitere Änderungen auch für Bestimmungen des Polarisationsgrades anderer HP-Gase verwendet werden.rn


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Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung, Konstruktion und Untersuchung eines Magnetometers zur exakten und präzisen Messung schwacher Magnetfelder. Diese Art von Magnetometer eignet sich zur Anwendung in physikalischen hochpräzisions Experimenten wie zum Beispiel der Suche nach dem elektrischen Dipolmomentrndes Neutrons. Die Messmethode beruht auf der gleichzeitigen Detektion der freien Spin Präzession Kern-Spin polarisierten 3He Gases durch mehrere optisch gepumpte Cäsium Magnetometer. Es wird gezeigt, dass Cäsium Magnetometer eine zuverlässige und vielseitige Methode zur Messung der 3He Larmor Frequenz und eine komfortable Alternative zur Benutzung von SQUIDs für diesen Zweck darstellen. Ein Prototyp dieses Magnetometers wurde gebaut und seine Funktion in der magnetisch abgeschirmten Messkabine der Physikalisch Technischen Bundesanstalt untersucht. Die Sensitivität des Magnetometers in Abhängigkeitrnvon der Messdauer wurde experimentell untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass für kurze Messperioden (< 500s) Cramér-Rao limitierte Messungen möglich sind während die Sensitivität bei längeren Messungen durch die Stabilität des angelegten Magnetfeldes limitiert ist. Messungen eines 1 muT Magnetfeldes mit einer relative Genauigkeit von besser als 5x10^(-8) in 100s werden präsentiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Messgenauigkeit des Magnetometers durch die Zahl der zur Detektion der 3He Spin Präzession eingesetzten Cäsium Magnetometer skaliert werden kann. Prinzipiell ist dadurch eine Anpassung der Messgenauigkeit an jegliche experimentellen Bedürfnisse möglich. Es wird eine gradiometrische Messmethode vorgestellt, die es erlaubt den Einfluss periodischerrnmagnetischer Störungen auf dieMessung zu unterdrücken. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Sensitivität des kombinierten Magnetometers und den Betriebsparametern der Cäsium Magnetometer die zur Spin Detektion verwendet werden wird theoretisch untersucht und anwendungsspezifische Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Betriebsartenwerden diskutiert. Diese Zusammenhänge werden in einer Formel zusammengefasst die es erlaubt, die erwartete Sensitivität des Magnetometers zu berechnen. Diese Vorhersagen befinden sich in perfekter Übereinstimmung mit den experimentellen Daten. Die intrinsische Sensitivität des Magnetometer Prototyps wird auf Basis dieser Formel theoretisch bestimmt. Ausserdem wird die erwartete Sensitivität für die Anwendung im Rahmen des Experiments der nächsten Generation zur Bestimmung des elektrischenrnDipolmoments des Neutrons am Paul Scherrer Institut abgeschätzt. Des weiteren wird eine bequeme experimentelle Methode zur Messung des Polarisationsgrades und des Rabi Flip-Winkels der 3He Kernspin Polarisation vorgestellt. Letztere Messung ist sehr wichtig für die Anwendung in hochpräzisions Experimenten.


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The quantification of the structural properties of snow is traditionally based on model-based stereology. Model-based stereology requires assumptions about the shape of the investigated structure. Here, we show how the density, specific surface area, and grain boundary area can be measured using a design-based method, where no assumptions about structural properties are necessary. The stereological results were also compared to X-ray tomography to control the accuracy of the method. The specific surface area calculated with the stereological method was 19.8 ± 12.3% smaller than with X-ray tomography. For the density, the stereological method gave results that were 11.7 ± 12.1% larger than X-ray tomography. The statistical analysis of the estimates confirmed that the stereological method and the sampling used are accurate. This stereological method was successfully tested on artificially produced ice beads but also on several snow types. Combining stereology and polarisation microscopy provides a good estimate of grain boundary areas in ice beads and in natural snow, with some limitatio


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Bulgaria, Albania and Romania are all parliamentary republics with a president as head of state. Although the Albanian president is elected by Parliament, he is arguably the strongest of the three, both in terms of the powers allowed by the provisional constitution and of Mr. Berisha's political practice. The constitutional reform underway in the country will however change the status quo. In Bulgaria and Romania the presidents are elected directly by popular vote, but their powers are relatively small as compared to the democratic legitimisation implied by direct elections. Actual presidential powers should however be assessed with caution as some of them are set by law or interpretations of constitutional texts, rather than by the constitutions themselves. There is also variation in the degree to which the presidents in office have exploited their constitutional powers or taken their role as non-aligned political brokers seriously. Mr. Berisha, in particular, was in control of party politics throughout his presidency and was one of the most polarising influences on public opinion. The excessive political polarisation in all three countries has however its own logic and power. Thus Mr. Zhelev invariably supported the emergence of a political centre in Bulgaria, but this did not succeed and the policy was as damaging to his political career as the fight with would-be centrists was to Berisha's. Political practice in all three countries seems to need a presidential figure. This adds flexibility to a situation governed by hostile and mutually suspicious parties, stuck parliaments and weak or inexperienced governments. The presidents also command considerable influence on public opinion. Public opinion in Bulgaria, for example, largely supports the idea of greater power for the president, in contrast with the opinions of constitutionalists and other law-makers in the country. Under the legacy of the past, the people have a love-hate relationship with such paternalist figures. Presidents personalise politics in the public mind, but they can also become scapegoats for political failures.


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The present article describes and analyses youth criminality in the city of Rosario, Argentina between the years 2003-2006. Key actors’ understandings of and responses to the conflict were investigated by means of semi-structured interviews, observations, discourse analysis of policy documents, analysis of secondary data, and draw heavily on the experience of the author, a citizen and youth worker of Rosario. The actors examined were the police, the local government, young delinquents and youth organisations. Youth criminality is analysed from a conflict transformation approach using conflict analysis tools. Whereas, the provincial police understand the issue as a delinquency problem, other actors perceive it as an expression of a wider urban social conflict between those that are “included” and those that are “excluded” and as one of the negative effects of globalisation processes. The results suggest that police responses addressing only direct violence are ineffective, even contributing to increased tensions and polarisation, whereas strategies addressing cultural and structural violence are more suitable for this type of social urban conflict. Finally, recommendations for local youth policy are proposed to facilitate participation and inclusion of youth and as a tool for peaceful conflict transformation.


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The crystal structure of the resting state of cytochrome P450cam (CYP101), a heme thiolate protein, shows a cluster of six water molecules in the substrate binding pocket, one of which is coordinating to iron(III) as sixth ligand. The resting state is low-spin and changes to high-spin when substrate camphor binds and H2O is removed. In contrast to the protein, previously synthesised enzyme models such as H2O[BOND]FeIII(porph)(ArS−) were shown to be purely high-spin. Iron(S−)porphyrins with different distal sites mimicking proposed remote effects have been prepared and studied by cw-EPR. The results indicate that the low-spin of the resting state of P450cam is due to the fact that the water molecule coordinating to iron has an OH−-like character because of hydrogen bonding and polarisation of the water cluster, respectively.


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Insoluble residues of Late Cretaceous to Quaternary deep-sea samples from slope, trench, and oceanic plate sites south of Guatemala were examined, specifically for the distribution of clay minerals in the <2-µm fraction and of silt grains in the 20-63-µm fraction. Widespread "oceanic" particles (biogenic opal, rhyolitic glass) and their diagenetic products (smectite, clinoptilolite, heulandite) were distinguished from terrigenous material - illite, kaolinite, chlorite, plagioclase, quartz, and heavy minerals. The main results of this investigation are: (1) At Site 494 on the slope immediately adjacent to the trench, terrigenous supplies testify to a slope position of the whole sequence back to the Late Cretaceous. (2) At Site 495 on the Pacific Cocos Plate, "oceanic" and terrigenous sedimentation are clearly separated. Whereas the pelagic sedimentation prevailed in the early Miocene, terrigenous minerals appeared in the middle Miocene in the clay fraction, and in the early Pliocene in the coarse silt fraction. These terrigenous supplies are interpreted as having been transported by suspension clouds crossing the slope and even the trench. The alternative, however, an eolian transport, cannot be excluded.


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Heavy and light minerals were examined in 29 samples from Sites 494, 498, 499, 500, and 495 on the Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 67 Middle America Trench transect; these sites represent lower slope, trench, and oceanic crust environments off Guatemala. All samples are Quaternary except those from Hole 494A (Pliocene) and Hole 498A (Miocene). Heavy-mineral assemblages of the Quaternary sediments are characterized by an immature pyroxene-amphibole suite with small quantities of olivine and epidote. The Miocene sediments yielded an assemblage dominated by epidote and pyroxene but lacking olivine; the absence of olivine is attributed to selective removal of the most unstable components by intrastratal solution. Light-mineral assemblages of all samples are predominantly characterized by volcanic glass and plagioclase feldspar. The feldspar compositions are compatible with andesitic source rocks and frequently exhibit oscillatory zoning. The heavy- and light-mineral associations of these sediments suggest a proximal volcanic source, most probably the Neogene highland volcanic province of Guatemala. Sand-sized components from Site 495 are mainly biogenic skeletons and volcanic glass and, in one instance (Section 495-5-3), euhedral crystals of gypsum.


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A technique for onsite application of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry to samples from sediment cores aboard a research vessel was developed and tested. The method is sufficiently simple, precise, and fast to be used routinely for high-resolution analyses of depth profiles as well as surface samples. Analyses were performed with the compact high-performance energy-dispersive polarisation X-ray fluorescence (EDPXRF) analyser Spectro Xepos. Contents of the elements Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, K, Sr, Ba, Rb, Cu, Ni, Zn, P, S, Cl and Br were simultaneously determined on 200-225 samples of each core within 24 h of recovery. This study presents a description of the employed shipboard preparation and analysis technique, along with some example data. We show land-based datasets that support our decisions to use powder samples and to reduce the original measuring time for onboard analyses. We demonstrate how well the results from shipboard measurements for the various elements compare with the land-based findings. The onboard geochemical data enabled us to establish an element stratigraphy already during the cruise. Correlation of iron, calcium and silicon enrichment trends with an older reference core provided an age model for the newly retrieved cores. The Spectro Xepos instrument performed without any analytical and technical difficulties which could have been caused by rougher weather conditions or continuous movement and vibration of the research vessel. By now, this XRF technique has been applied during three RV Meteor cruises to approximately 5,000 Late Quaternary sediment samples from altogether 23 gravity cores, 25 multicorer cores and two box cores from the eastern South Atlantic off South Africa/Namibia and the eastern Atlantic off NW Africa.