732 resultados para Possession
Die Arbeit untersucht das seuchenartige Auftreten von Besessenheitsfällen in Annaberg (Erzgebirge) in den Jahren 1713-1720, die Auslöser der letzten Hexenprozesse in Kursachsen waren. Zeitgenössische Beobachter stritten intensiv, ob diese sogenannte „Annaberger Krankheit“ durch Zauberei verursacht oder eine psychosomatisch bedingte Massenerkrankung war. In Abkehr von dem Vorurteil, alle Betroffenen einer solchen Massenhysterie litten an derselben Erkrankung, werden diverse Krankengeschichten rekonstruiert. Indem sich dabei Elemente von Rollenspielen (Kinderhexen, Hysterie) und Betrug (Almosenerschleichung, Denunziationen, politisch motivierte Inszenierungen) finden, zeigt sich die wundersame „Krankheit“ als nicht pathologischer sondern sozialer Vorgang. rnAm dessen Beginn stand die Geburt der Interpretation, es gäbe eine außergewöhnliche Krankheit in der Stadt, wozu akzidentielle Ereignisse mehr beitrugen als auffällige Krankheitsfälle. Gerüchtbildung und politische Instrumentalisierung bildeten den Rahmen für den Einstieg von Nachahmern, die das fiktive Krankheitsbild in die Realität eines demonstrativen Schauspiel umsetzten. Dieser Mechanismus eines selbsterfüllenden Menetekels wird vor dem Hintergrund seiner kulturellen, sozialen, ökonomischen und historischen Bedingungen detailliert rekonstruiert.
Background As predicted by theory, traits associated with reproduction often evolve at a comparatively high speed. This is especially the case for courtship behaviour which plays a central role in reproductive isolation. On the other hand, courtship behavioural traits often involve morphological and behavioural adaptations in both sexes; this suggests that their evolution might be under severe constraints, for instance irreversibility of character loss. Here, we use a recently proposed method to retrieve data on a peculiar courtship behavioural trait, i.e. antennal coiling, for 56 species of diplazontine parasitoid wasps. On the basis of a well-resolved phylogeny, we reconstruct the evolutionary history of antennal coiling and associated morphological modifications to study the mode of evolution of this complex character system. Results Our study reveals a large variation in shape, location and ultra-structure of male-specific modifications on the antennae. As for antennal coiling, we find either single-coiling, double-coiling or the absence of coiling; each state is present in multiple genera. Using a model comparison approach, we show that the possession of antennal modifications is highly correlated with antennal coiling behaviour. Ancestral state reconstruction shows that both antennal modifications and antennal coiling are highly congruent with the molecular phylogeny, implying low levels of homoplasy and a comparatively low speed of evolution. Antennal coiling is lost on two independent occasions, and never reacquired. A zero rate of regaining antennal coiling is supported by maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Conclusions Our study provides the first comparative evidence for a tight correlation between male-specific antennal modifications and the use of the antennae during courtship. Antennal coiling in Diplazontinae evolved at a comparatively low rate, and was never reacquired in any of the studied taxa. This suggests that the loss of antennal coiling is irreversible on the timescale examined here, and therefore that evolutionary constraints have greatly influenced the evolution of antennal courtship in this group of parasitoid wasps. Further studies are needed to ascertain whether the loss of antennal coiling is irreversible on larger timescales, and whether evolutionary constraints have influenced courtship behavioural traits in a similar way in other groups.
Erzsebet Szalai (Hungary). The Hungarian Economic Elite after the Political Transition. Ms. Szalai is a research fellow in the Institute of Political Sciences in Budapest and worked on this project from July 1996 to June 1998. In the period following the political changes of 1989, the leading forces of the economic elite have gained increasing superiority over the political and cultural elites, with the clear ambition of putting the latter to their service. The power relations within the economic elite were characterised by "a war of all against all". The desire to gain precedence over others became an openly declared value. The formation of estates and the intensification of competition became embodied in a multitude of lobbies which cropped up to assert short-term interests. After the state socialist period, possession of at least two of the social, economic and cultural forms of capital is necessary to join one of the three segments of the elite: political, cultural or economic. What defines the ability of the members of the three elite groups to assert their interests is their ability to convert any of the three types of capital into another. That is to say, the basis on which they can retain and extend their position is "symbolic capital" as interpreted by Bourdieu. The concept of symbolic capital is useful for describing the power relations following the collapse of state socialist systems and societies. In the state-socialist system, the political, economic and cultural spheres are tightly interwoven, and this interpenetration slackens only slowly after the system's disintegration. A close institutional relationship between the three spheres continues to make it easier for power actors to convert social, economic and cultural capital from one type to another. Symbolic capital, or the easy transfer between the three spheres, in turn reproduces the institutional relationship, or more precisely, complicates the separation of the three spheres after the fall of state socialism.
Knowledge taught at schools, everyday skills and practical know-how. The relevancy of formation for local elites and the corporative self-government of Early Modern Switzerland Daniel Schläppi, Bern There were different kinds of rural elites in Early Modern Switzerland. The diverse parts of the country developed in very dissimilar ways politically and economically. Some regions were dominated by traditional types of agriculture. Some territories were ruled by major cities. In some of the rural Cantons like Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden, Glarus and Zug a political elite took control over generations and practiced a cultural lifestyle comparable to the famous aristocracies in cities like Bern, Basel, Freiburg, Luzern, Solothurn and Zurich. Intense proto-industrialization formed a completely different sort of elite with strong affinities to industry and trade in other regions. Meanwhile the habitants of the valley close-by stayed farmers like their ancestors (like in Appenzell). In the most conservative parts of the country mercenary business played an important role till the very end of the Ancien Regime and even furthermore. In summery the variety of historical circumstances caused heterogeneous elites all over. Such socio-political diversity provoked a variety of educational backgrounds. I an academic understanding of the term we know only little about literacy in local rural elites. But there is strong evidence that a lively culture of reading and story-telling existed. This means that even simple countrymen seem to have been in possession of some books. The organisation and capacity of the school system is subject of controversial discussions among up to date researchers. The state of research makes us suppose that the people designed to political careers learned their essential skills not only in school but also in everyday life or on the job. Based on the fact that every community and countless public corporations managed their affairs by their own it’s evident that the local elite’s key-players had a large repertoire of techniques and skills like writing, calculating, strategic thinking or knowledge of oral tradition, old usage or important rituals. Unfortunately the historical actors left not that many sources that would tell us precisely how knowledge and know-how were transferred in former times. Hardly any private account books or common correspondence have been conserved. But a huge bunch of sources that originate from corporative self-administration shows us that most local elites were well-educated and had the necessary skills anyway. Above all other sources like for instance the «Topographische Beschreibungen» (topographic descriptions) that were initiated by the «Ökonomische Gesellschaft» of Berne since the sixties of the 18th century provide an insight into pre-modern classrooms. More important information on the historical formation-reality can be gained by the autobiography of the famous poor peasant Ulrich Bräker (1735‒1798) or some of the novels by Albert Bitzius (1797‒1854, better known as Jeremias Gotthelf). The pedagogic writings by Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746‒1827) and the influences by his mentors Johann Rudolf Tschiffeli (1716‒1780) or Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg (1771‒1884) are quite illustrative as well.
Introduction Current empirical findings indicate that the efficiency of decision making (both for experts and near-experts) in simple situations is reduced under increased stress (Wilson, 2008). Explaining the phenomenon, the Attentional Control Theory (ACT, Eysenck et al., 2007) postulates an impairment of attentional processes resulting in a less efficient processing of visual information. From a practitioner’s perspective, it would be highly relevant to know whether this phenomenon can also be found in complex sport situations like in the game of football. Consequently, in the present study, decision making of football players was examined under regular vs. increased anxiety conditions. Methods 22 participants (11 experts and 11 near-experts) viewed 24 complex football situations (counterbalanced) in two anxiety conditions from the perspective of the last defender. They had to decide as fast and accurate as possible on the next action of the player in possession (options: shot on goal, dribble or pass to a designated team member) for equal numbers of trials in a near and far distance condition (based on the position of the player in possession). Anxiety was manipulated via a competitive environment, false feedback as well as ego threats. Decision time and accuracy, gaze behaviour (e.g., fixation duration on different locations) as well as state anxiety and mental effort were used as dependent variables and analysed with 2 (expertise) x 2 (distance) x 2 (anxiety) ANOVAs with repeated measures on the last two factors. Besides expertise differences, it was hypothesised that, based on ACT, increased anxiety reduces performance efficiency and impairs gaze behaviour. Results and Discussion Anxiety was manipulated successfully, indicated by higher ratings of state anxiety, F(1, 20) = 13.13, p < .01, ηp2 = .40. Besides expertise differences in decision making – experts responded faster, F(1, 20) = 11.32, p < .01, ηp2 = .36, and more accurate, F(1,20) = 23.93, p < .01, ηp2 = .55, than near-experts – decision time, F(1, 20) = 9.29, p < .01, ηp2 = .32, and mental effort, F(1, 20) = 7.33, p = .01, ηp2 = .27, increased for both groups in the high anxiety condition. This result confirms the ACT assumption that processing efficiency is reduced when being anxious. Replicating earlier findings, a significant expertise by distance interaction could be observed, F(1, 18) = 18.53, p < .01, ηp2 = .51), with experts fixating longer on the player in possession or the ball in the near distance and longer on other opponents, teammates and free space in the far distance condition. This shows that experts are able to adjust their gaze behaviour to affordances of displayed playing patterns. Additionally, a three way interaction was found, F(1, 18) = 7.37 p = .01, ηp2 = .29, revealing that experts utilised a reduced number of fixations in the far distance condition when being anxious indicating a reduced ability to pick up visual information. Since especially the visual search behaviour of experts was impaired, the ACT prediction that particularly top-down processes are affected by anxiety could be confirmed. Taken together, the results show that sports performance is negatively influenced by anxiety since longer response times, higher mental effort and inefficient visual search behaviour were observed. From a practitioner’s perspective, this finding might suggest preferring (implicit) perceptual cognitive training; however, this recommendation needs to be empirically supported in intervention studies. References: Eysenck, M. W., Derakshan, N., Santos, R., & Calvo, M. G. (2007). Anxiety and cognitive performance: Attentional control theory. Emotion, 7, 336-353. Wilson, M. (2008). From processing efficiency to attentional control: A mechanistic account of the anxiety-performance relationship. Int. Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1, 184-201.
The semantic role of beneficiary is usually conceptualized in very general terms, typically without an intensive definition of what can constitute a benefit in the particular construction under study. Among those accounts that have proposed to discuss benefaction as related to the notion(s) of surrogation, substituting, and/or deputing, Kittilä (2005) proposes a distinction between recipients, beneficiaries, and recipient-beneficiaries based on the binary features [reception] and [substitutive benefaction]; the recipient includes only reception (and the beneficiary only substitutive benefaction), whereas both features are relevant with recipient-beneficiaries. This paper proposes an alternative account (i) by defining benefaction proper in terms of a prototype related to possession (and thereby to reception) and a periphery, and (ii) by defining surrogation as a separate notion that can, but need not, coalesce with benefaction proper. Thus, the beneficiaries’ condition improves because they are relieved from having to carry out a given action themselves.
Kosrae, or ‘The Island of The Sleeping Lady’ as it is known to locals, is the most remote island of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), located in the western Pacific. FSM is an independent sovereign nation consisting of four state in total: Pohnpei, Chuuk, Yap and Kosrae. First claimed by the Spanish, who were forced to cede FSM to Germany in 1899. In 1914, the Japanese took military possession of the region resulting in considerable economic, social and political change for the islands’ inhabitants. By 1947 after WWII, the islands formed part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands commissioned by the UN and administered by the US. The FSM became an independent nation in 1986 while still retaining affiliation with the US under a ‘Compact of Free Association’ encouraging the officiating of English as a language of FSM, alongside local languages. Here I examine the presence and uses of English in Kosrae with reference to these socio-historical influences. First, I discuss the extralinguistic factors which have shaped the English that is currently found on Kosrae. Secondly, I assess the use of English in this community in light of Schneider’s (2007) ‘Dynamic Model’. Finally, an overview of the salient linguistic characteristics of Kosraean English, based on data collected in informal conversations on the island, will be presented. The overall objective is to present a socio-historical, political and linguistic description of a hitherto unexamined English emerging in a postcolonial environment. Schneider, E. (2007). Postcolonial Englishes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Research Interests: Global Englishes
Several theories assume that successful team coordination is partly based on knowledge that helps anticipating individual contributions necessary in a situational task. It has been argued that a more ecological perspective needs to be considered in contexts evolving dynamically and unpredictably. In football, defensive plays are usually coordinated according to strategic concepts spanning all members and large areas of the playfield. On the other hand, fewer people are involved in offensive plays as these are less projectable and strongly constrained by ecological characteristics. The aim of this study is to test the effects of ecological constraints and player knowledge on decision making in offensive game scenarios. It is hypothesized that both knowledge about team members and situational constraints will influence decisional processes. Effects of situational constraints are expected to be of higher magnitude. Two teams playing in the fourth league of the Swiss Football Federation participate in the study. Forty customized game scenarios were developed based on the coaches’ information about player positions and game strategies. Each player was shown in ball possession four times. Participants were asked to take the perspective of the player on the ball and to choose a passing destination and a recipient. Participants then rated domain specific strengths (e.g., technical skills, game intelligence) of each of their teammates. Multilevel models for categorical dependent variables (team members) will be specified. Player knowledge (rated skills) and ecological constraints (operationalized as each players’ proximity and availability for ball reception) are included as predictor variables. Data are currently being collected. Results will yield effects of parameters that are stable across situations as well as of variable parameters that are bound to situational context. These will enable insight into the degree to which ecological constraints and more enduring team knowledge are involved in decisional processes aimed at coordinating interpersonal action.
Introduction: According to the ecological view, coordination establishes byvirtueof social context. Affordances thought of as situational opportunities to interact are assumed to represent the guiding principles underlying decisions involved in interpersonal coordination. It’s generally agreed that affordances are not an objective part of the (social) environment but that they depend on the constructive perception of involved subjects. Theory and empirical data hold that cognitive operations enabling domain-specific efficacy beliefs are involved in the perception of affordances. The aim of the present study was to test the effects of these cognitive concepts in the subjective construction of local affordances and their influence on decision making in football. Methods: 71 football players (M = 24.3 years, SD = 3.3, 21 % women) from different divisions participated in the study. Participants were presented scenarios of offensive game situations. They were asked to take the perspective of the person on the ball and to indicate where they would pass the ball from within each situation. The participants stated their decisions in two conditions with different game score (1:0 vs. 0:1). The playing fields of all scenarios were then divided into ten zones. For each zone, participants were asked to rate their confidence in being able to pass the ball there (self-efficacy), the likelihood of the group staying in ball possession if the ball were passed into the zone (group-efficacy I), the likelihood of the ball being covered safely by a team member (pass control / group-efficacy II), and whether a pass would establish a better initial position to attack the opponents’ goal (offensive convenience). Answers were reported on visual analog scales ranging from 1 to 10. Data were analyzed specifying general linear models for binomially distributed data (Mplus). Maximum likelihood with non-normality robust standard errors was chosen to estimate parameters. Results: Analyses showed that zone- and domain-specific efficacy beliefs significantly affected passing decisions. Because of collinearity with self-efficacy and group-efficacy I, group-efficacy II was excluded from the models to ease interpretation of the results. Generally, zones with high values in the subjective ratings had a higher probability to be chosen as passing destination (βself-efficacy = 0.133, p < .001, OR = 1.142; βgroup-efficacy I = 0.128, p < .001, OR = 1.137; βoffensive convenience = 0.057, p < .01, OR = 1.059). There were, however, characteristic differences in the two score conditions. While group-efficacy I was the only significant predictor in condition 1 (βgroup-efficacy I = 0.379, p < .001), only self-efficacy and offensive convenience contributed to passing decisions in condition 2 (βself-efficacy = 0.135, p < .01; βoffensive convenience = 0.120, p < .001). Discussion: The results indicate that subjectively distinct attributes projected to playfield zones affect passing decisions. The study proposes a probabilistic alternative to Lewin’s (1951) hodological and deterministic field theory and enables insight into how dimensions of the psychological landscape afford passing behavior. Being part of a team, this psychological landscape is not only constituted by probabilities that refer to the potential and consequences of individual behavior, but also to that of the group system of which individuals are part of. Hence, in regulating action decisions in group settings, informers are extended to aspects referring to the group-level. References: Lewin, K. (1951). In D. Cartwright (Ed.), Field theory in social sciences: Selected theoretical papers by Kurt Lewin. New York: Harper & Brothers.
Streptococcus pneumoniaebacteria can be characterized into over 90 serotypes according to the composition of their polysaccharide capsules. Some serotypes are common in nasopharyngeal carriage whereas others are associated with invasive disease, but when carriage serotypes do invade disease is often particularly severe. It is unknown whether disease severity is due directly to the capsule type or to other virulence factors. Here, we used a clinical pneumococcal isolate and its capsule-switch mutants to determine the effect of capsule, in isolation from the genetic background, on severity of meningitis in an infant rat model. We found that possession of a capsule was essential for causing meningitis. Serotype 6B caused significantly more mortality than 7F and this correlated with increased capsule thickness in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), a stronger inflammatory cytokine response in the CSF and ultimately more cortical brain damage. We conclude that capsule type has a direct effect on meningitis severity. This is an important consideration in the current era of vaccination targeting a subset of capsule types that causes serotype replacement.
Aim The usual hypothesis about the relationship between niche breadth and range size posits that species with the capacity to use a wider range of resources or to tolerate a greater range of environmental conditions should be more widespread. In plants, broader niches are often hypothesized to be due to pronounced phenotypic plasticity, and more plastic species are therefore predicted to be more common. We examined the relationship between the magnitude of phenotypic plasticity in five functional traits, mainly related to leaves, and several measures of abundance in 105 Central European grassland species. We further tested whether mean values of traits, rather than their plasticity, better explain the commonness of species, possibly because they are pre-adapted to exploiting the most common resources. Location Central Europe. Methods In a multispecies experiment with 105 species we measured leaf thickness, leaf greenness, specific leaf area, leaf dry matter content and plant height, and the plasticity of these traits in response to fertilization, waterlogging and shading. For the same species we also obtained five measures of commonness, ranging from plot-level abundance to range size in Europe. We then examined whether these measures of commonness were associated with the magnitude of phenotypic plasticity, expressed as composite plasticity of all traits across the experimental treatments. We further estimated the relative importance of trait plasticity and trait means for abundance and geographical range size. Results More abundant species were less plastic. This negative relationship was fairly consistent across several spatial scales of commonness, but it was weak. Indeed, compared with trait means, plasticity was relatively unimportant for explaining differences in species commonness. Main conclusions Our results do not indicate that larger phenotypic plasticity of leaf morphological traits enhances species abundance. Furthermore, possession of a particular trait value, rather than of trait plasticity, is a more important determinant of species commonness.
Since its introduction into the United States in the 1980s, crack cocaine has been a harsh epidemic that has taken its toll on a countless number of people. This highly addictive, cheap and readily available drug of abuse has permeated many demographic sectors, mostly in low income, lesser educated, and urban communities. This epidemic of crack cocaine use in inner city areas across the Unites States has been described as an expression of economic marginality and “social suffering” coupled with the local and international forces of drug market economies (Agar 2003). As crack cocaine is a derivative of cocaine, it utilizes the psychoactive component of the drug, but delivers it in a much stronger, quicker, and more addictive fashion. This, coupled with its ready availability and cheap price has allowed for users to not only become very addicted very quickly, but to be subject to the stringent and sometimes unequal or inconsistent punishments for possession and distribution of crack-cocaine. ^ There are many public health and social ramifications from the abuse of crack-cocaine, and these epidemics appear to target low income and minority groups. Public health issues relating to the physical, mental, and economic strain will be addressed, as well as the direct and indirect effects of the punishments that come as a result of the disparity in penalties for cocaine and crack-cocaine possession and distribution. ^ Three new policies have recently been introduced into the United Stated Congress that actively address the disparity in sentencing for drug and criminal activities. They are, (1) Powder-Crack Cocaine Penalty Equalization Act of 2009, (HR 18, 111th Cong. 2009), (2) The Drug Sentencing Reform and Cocaine Kingpin Trafficking Act of 2009, (HR 265, 111th Cong. 2009) and (3) The Justice Integrity Act of 2009, (111th Cong. 2009). ^ Although they have only been initiated, if passed, they have potential to not only eliminate the crack-cocaine disparity, but to enact laws that help those affected by this epidemic. The final and overarching goal of this paper is to analyze and ultimately choose the ideal policy that would not only eliminate the cocaine and crack disparity regardless of current or future state statutes, but will provide the best method of rehabilitation, prevention, and justice. ^
The occurrence of group G streptococci in cats and evaluation of the recovered organisms as potential human pathogens was investigated. Throat swabs were obtained from 89 cats (47 males and 42 females) and vaginal swabs from 39 female cats. Eighty-three of the examined cats were housed in individual cages at a University Animal Care Facility. Six cats, 2 mature males, 2 mature females and 2 young females were family pets in a rural area. Beta-hemolytic streptococci were recovered from 33 (37%) of the 89 cat throats cultured, and 27 (30.3%) were identified as group G. More males (34%) than females (24%) had throat cultures positive for group G. From the 39 vaginal cultures examined, 24 (61.5%) contained beta-hemolytic streptococci and 23 (58.9%) were identified as group G streptococci. Streptococci were not recovered from the vaginal cultures of the 5 females under 6 months of age.^ Thirty one group G streptococci isolated from cats were compared with 37 isolates of group G obtained from humans (health status or site of origin unknown). More group G cat isolates (81%) produced deoxyribonuclease (DNase) than did the human isolates (36%). The proportion of cat throat and vaginal isolates producing DNase was the same. Production of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide glycohydrolase (NADase) by group G isolates of human origin was 70%, cat throat isolates 53% and cat vaginal isolates 37%. The Serum Opacity Factor was present in 73% of the cat throat isolates of group G, 43.7% of the cat vaginal isolates and 58.6% of the human isolates. Possession of an anti-phagocytic factor (M protein like substance) demonstrated by the ability to multiply in fresh human blood was greater in the group G from cat throats (46.7%) than from cat vagina (37.5%) or from the human isolates (13.5%). Many of the biochemical characteristics of the group G streptococci of cat origin were more similar to the biochemical characteristics of group A streptococci, than to the characteristics of group G of human origin. The group G streptococci, found in a large number of cats, could be potential human pathogens, as their physiological and biological characteristics are very similar to those of group A, a known human pathogen. ^
A partir de la lectura del romance "La santa de las travesías" de Julio Fernández Peláez, se pretende analizar cómo distintos aspectos del personaje histórico Martina Chapanay evolucionan hacia lo legendario conviertiéndola de bandolera en protectora y benefactora de la zona de la Lagunas de Guanacache. La biografía novelada de Mabel Pagano, Martina la montonera del Zonda brinda importantes datos históricos que permiten seguir el itinerario de la protagonista para lograr la conversión. Este cambio puede analizarse en tres momentos complementarios entre sí: en el primero la protagonista aparece como profunda conocedora de la región cuyana, en el segundo se presenta a Martina como bandolera y jefa de un grupo de salteadores, y en el tercer momento el pueblo ve en ella la posesión de dones misteriosos que le confieren una autoridad sobrenatural. La historia y las tradiciones se mezclan en la memoria popular para crear este personaje de leyenda.
La educación en la Argentina está articulada bajo criterios sociales establecidos pero que son básicamente arbitrarios y sustentados en supuestos no demostrados que afirman que el conocimiento se construye a partir de ciertos contenidos y no de otros. Dichos criterios no han variado mayormente durante las últimas décadas y siguen utilizándose como plataforma inicial a partir de los cuales se articula la educación posterior del educando. Los sistemas de educación superior en América Latina sufren una crisis a raíz de la creciente internacionalización de las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación e información y de los reclamos de inclusión social de los sectores marginados, entre otras razones. Las tecnologías de compresión digital dan origen a un modelo educativo "en red" caracterizado por un funcionamiento no presencial, mediante el cual se produce la transformación del rol de la Universidad, como centro de descubrimiento y posesión del conocimiento, para convertirse en apenas una intermediaria en la búsqueda del saber y la información. Esta nueva modalidad de educación crece en la medida en que puede cubrir una demanda social de educación superior insatisfecha, conformada básicamente por adultos que trabajan, estudiantes de zonas alejadas de los centros educativos, extranjeros que carecen de opciones educativas y alumnos globalizados. Por ello, la educación virtual nace como una nueva respuesta a viejas demandas. La construcción de una sociedad planetaria y la convivencia del multiculturalismo, además de representar la expresión de sociedades abiertas, que quizás no dispongan de bases comunes de cohesión nacional, debe ser parte de un nuevo proyecto de solidaridad y confraternidad mundial.Resulta sumamente importante que las Universidades de América Latina defiendan su participación como tales en los mercados regionales mediante la adquisición de mayor flexibilidad, actualización y excelencia, para erigirse de esta manera como una opción comparativamente válida. Asimismo, creemos que la educación, entendida como todo el corpus del conocimiento que tiene una persona, no se construye de manera arbitraria sino, por el contrario, de manera selectiva de acuerdo a las posibilidades del educando; y es precisamente sobre la base de esta pormenorizada elección el sustento sobre el cual el alumno llega posteriormente a desarrollos intelectuales superiores. El objetivo del presente trabajo se centra en mostrar la importancia de índole social y política que tienen la flexibilización y la personalización en el currículum de estudios universitarios, al momento de observar el resultado final del ejercicio profesional del graduado. Desde este punto de vista, es fundamental que la elección de los contenidos del plan de estudios de la carrera universitaria estén a cargo del educando, con la dirección de una unidad académica, especialmente en relación con lo que hoy se conoce como "aprendizaje justo a tiempo". Dicho en otras palabras, solamente cuando el educando trasciende ese fundamento institucional e inicial de conocimientos para abrevar en otras fuentes, como las Artes, la Religión, la Filosofía, etc., puede relacionar y comparar conocimientos diferentes entre sí, pero cuya elección obedece fundamentalmente a criterios personales y no meramente institucionales