971 resultados para Portal vein thrombosis
Portal web dedicat a la compra i venda de locals entre el socis de Comertia (Associació Catalana de l'Empresa Familiar de Comerç), mitjançant un procés de desenvolupament.
Analitza la usabilitat de la web del diari Segre, l'aplicació e-Segre i la plana web Cercle. Per realitzar aquest anàlisi s'han utilitzat dues tècniques: realització d'una avaluació heurística amb experts i realització de tests d'usuaris mitjançant l'Eye tracking. Tots aquests tests i avaluacions s'han dut a terme per poder arribar a una conclusió final.
Creació i administració d'un portal d'internet dedicat a la venda de productes del camp de qualitat, directament del propi camp a casa del client, sense passar per cap intermediari.
Els objectius de l'aplicació són: facilitar la feina a l'usuari que interactuï amb Microsoft Dynamics Ax, de manera que pugui navegar pel nostre portal sense cap complicació, garantir que l'usuari que està consultant la informació en un moment determinat, només pugui visualitzar informació referent al seu "rol", és a dir, que no es presenti la mateixa informació des del punt de vista del client que des del punt de vista d'un usuari intern, com per exemple podria ser un empleat, mostrar la informació de manera clara i concisa i realitzar gestions empresarials, depenent del perfil d'usuari, sense cap mena de complicació, com per exemple, poder realitzar una compra o poder realitzar qualsevol consulta.
S'ha dissenyat i implementat un portal web que a més de donar informació referent a l'establiment també oferirà serveis. Addicionalment a la consulta de tots els productes que ofereix l'establiment mitjançant la botiga virtual els clients podran realitzar les seves compres. A més s'ha dissenyat una interfície fàcil de gestionar per part dels usuaris administradors que en aquest cas seran els mateixos propietaris de l'establiment.
L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball és adaptar un portal web, ja existent, el de la Fira de Teatre de Tàrrega, a diferents famílies de dispositius mòbils. Aquesta adaptació es fa utilitzant la plataforma MyMobileWeb, basada en estàndards lliures. MyMobileWeb proporciona una solució al problema de la mobilitat i de l'heterogeneïtat de dispositius.
Ablation strategies for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) are associated with several potential complications. During electro-anatomic mapping of the left atrium (LA) before ablation, the ablation catheter was entrapped in the right inferior pulmonary vein (RIPV). After multiple unsuccessful gentle tractions, stronger maneuvers with rotation of the catheter slowly allowed its retrieval. Examination of the catheter showed a thin, translucent membrane covering its tip, suggesting complete stripping of a vein branch. Occlusion of the superior branch of the RIPV was confirmed by LA angiogram. During the following days, no pericardial effusion was noted, but the patient complained of light chest pain and mild hemoptysis, spontaneously resolving within 48 h. This case shows that catheter entrapment and mechanical disruption of a PV branch can be a rare potential complication of AF ablation. In this case, the outcome was spontaneously favorable and symptoms only included transient mild hemoptysis.
El projecte consistirà en la construcció d'un portal per la botiga de venda i lloguer de videojocs Lúdic de Lleida. La pàgina portarà incorporat un gestor de continguts que podrà fer servir l'administrador de la botiga per administrar els constinguts que es visualitzaran al portal.
El portal web és un excel·lent mitjà per poder informar sobre el funcionament d'una empresa. Aquest treball que he realitzat està encarat a una cooperativa agrícola, ja que jo tinc un gran interès en el sector agrari degut a la zona en que visc que és el Pla d'Urgell. El portal web que he realitzat està pensat perquè totes les persones interessades en tenir informació sobre la cooperativa hi puguin accedir . Aquest té accessos diferents. Un accés serà el d'una persona visitant que entra en el portal per obtenir informació, l'altre serà pels socis de la cooperativa, que podran consultar la quantitat de fruita que entren, i l'últim tipus d'accés serà el de l'administrador del portal, que aquest serà l'únic que podrà tenir control absolut del portal, com per exemple, donar d'alta a un soci, entre altres.
The late Variscan (275-278 Ma) Pribram uranium deposit is one of the largest known accumulations of uraniferous bitumens in hydrothermal veins. The deposit extends along the northwestern boundary of the Central Bohemian pluton (345-335 Ma) with low-grade metamorphosed Late Proterozoic and unmetamorphosed Cambrian rocks. From a net uranium production of 41,742 metric tons (t), more than 6,000 t were extracted from bitumen-uraninite ores during 43 years of exploration and mining. Three morphological varieties of solid bitumen are recognized: globular, asphaltlike, and cokelike. While the globular bitumen is uranium free, the other two types are uraniferous. The amount of bitumen in ore veins gradually decreases toward the contact with the plutonic body and increases with depth. Two types of bitumen microtextures are recognized using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy: amorphous and microporous, the former being less common in uraniferous samples. A lower Raman peak area ratio (1,360/1,575 cm(-1)) in mineralized bitumens (0.9) compared with uranium-free samples (2.0) indicates a lower degree of microtextural organization in the latter The H/C and O/C atomic ratios in uranium-free bitumens (0.9-1.1 and 0.09, respectively) are higher than those in mineralized samples (H/C = 0.3-0.8, O/C = 0.03-0.09). The chloroform extractable matter yield is Very low in uranium-free bitumens (0.30-0.35% of the total organic carbon,TOC) and decreases with uranium content increase. The extracted solid uraniferous bitumen infrared spectra show depletion in aliphatic CH2 and CH3 groups compared to uranium-free samples. The concentration of oxygen-bearing functional groups relative to aromatic bonds in the IR spectra of uranium-free and mineralized bitumen, however, do not differ significantly. C-13 NMR confirmed than the aromaticity of a uraniferous sample is higher (F-ar = 0.61) than in the uranium-free bitumen (F-ar = 0.51). Pyrolysates from uraniferous and nonuraniferous bitumens do not differ significantly, being predominantly cresol, alkylphenols, alkylbenzenes, and alkylnaphthalenes. The liquid pyrolysate yield decreases significantly with increasing uranium content. The delta(13)C Values of bulk uranium-free bitumens and low-grade uraniferous, asphaltlike bitumens range from -43.6 to 52.3 per mil. High-grade, cokelike, uraniferous bitumens are more C-13 depleted (54.5 to -58.4 parts per thousand). In contrast to the very light isotopic ratios of the high-grade uraniferous cokelike bitumen bulk carbon, the individual n-alkanes and isoprenoids (pristane and phytane) extracted from the same sample are significantly C-13 enriched. The isotopic composition of the C13-24 n-alkanes extracted from the high-grade uraniferous sample (delta(13)C = -28.0 to 32.6 parts per thousand) are heavier compared with the same compounds in a uranium-free sample (delta(13)C = 31.9 to 33.8 parts per thousand). It is proposed that the bitumen source was the isotopically light (delta(13)C = 35.8 to 30.2 parts per thousand) organic matter of the Upper Proterozoic host rocks that were pyrolyzed during intrusion of the Central Bohemian pluton. The C-13- depleted pyrolysates were mobilized from the innermost part of the contact-metamorphic aureole, accumulated in structural traps in less thermally influenced parts of the sedimentary complex and were later extracted by hydrothermal fluids. Bitumens at the Pribram deposit are younger than the main part of the uranium mineralization and were formed through water-washing and radiation-induced polymerization of both the gaseous and liquid pyrolysates. Direct evidence for pyrolysate reduction of uranium in the hydrothermal system is difficult to obtain as the chemical composition of the original organic fluid phase was modified during water-washing and radiolytic alteration. However, indirect evidence-e.g., higher O/C atomic ratios in uranium-free bitumens (0.1) relative to the Upper Proterozoic source rocks (0.02-0.05), isotopically very light carbon in associated whewellite (delta(13)C = 31.7 to -28.4 parts per thousand), and the striking absence of bitumens in the pre-uranium, hematite stage of the mineralization-indicates that oxidation of organic fluids may have contributed to lowering of aO(2) and uraninite precipitation.
In the era of antiretroviral therapies, the outcome of patients with chronic HIV infection has considerably changed and their prolonged survival allows the development of chronic liver diseases as a major cause of mortality. Although viral hepatitis, alcoholic and non alcoholic steatohepatitis account forthe majority of chronic liver damage in these patients, there is a growing number of cases with unexplained liver disease, many of which are associated with clinical manifestations of portal hypertension. Inthissituation, nodularregenerative hyperplasia is a frequent finding, characterized at histology by the presence of a nodular architecture in the absence of significant fibrosis, resulting from progressive obliteration of small portal veins. This article describes the clinical presentation, diagnostic aspects, pathogenic mechanisms, as well as the management of this emergent non cirrhotic liver disease in HIV-infected patients.
Purpose: Precise diagnosis of DVT of the legs is a challenging problem, not only in front of suspicion of PE, but also in all status of leg pain, warmth and swelling. Clinical diagnosis has a low accuracy and further investigations are mandatory in order to diagnose DVT. Amongst the possible investigations, US has a high specificity and a good NPV. However, many pathologies unrelated to the veins may mimic the signs and symptoms of DVT and have to be recognized in order to make the correct diagnosis. The purpose of this paper is to review the results of the US investigations of the legs performed in our Department during the last three years for a suspicion of DVT and describe alternative diagnoses mimicking DVT. Methods and materials: Through a RIS-based search, we retrospectively reviewed all the cases of US of the legs performed in our Department between January 2006 and December 2008 for a suspicion of DVT. We selected the cases of positive findings unrelated to the veins and illustrated these findings with characteristic images. Results: 419 US of the legs were performed between December 2006 and December 2008 for a suspicion of DVT. Among these, 75 were positive for DVT, and 79 for alternative diagnosis. The most common alternative diagnosis was edema of the legs (31%), followed by hematoma (23%). Other findings were Baker cysts (13%), cellulitis (10%) and lymphoceles (5%). Rare diagnoses were arterio-venous malformations, pseudoaneurysms, pelvic masses, necrosing fasciitis, intramuscular abscesses, subcutaneous seromas, sarcoma and ganglion cysts. Conclusion: A greater knowledge of the US appearance of the pathologies mimicking DVT may help to make the correct diagnosis, avoiding further expensive investigations or inappropriate anticoagulant therapy.
El proyecto puede dividirse en dos grandes partes, diseño de un portal deportivo y análisis de una herramienta Open Source para el desarrollo de portales web. El apartado de diseño cuenta con un club de atletismo que proporciona unos requerimientos y necesidades de cara a tener un problema real y no basado en especulaciones. Se ha diseñado tanto la base de datos como la estructura del portal y se tienen en cuenta las necesidades del cliente. La parte de análisis de una herramienta Open Source desglosa los módulos de esta, viendo que necesidades cubre cada uno y que pueden hacer, que tecnologías usan y que soluciones pueden dar al problema planteado.