915 resultados para Poetry of places.
Los alumnos de centros escolares de toda España y del Reino Unido se han unido para crear esta colección de originales poemas e ilustraciones. Su trabajo pone de manifiesto una profunda preocupación por el futuro de nuestro planeta. Forma parte del proyecto bilingüe iniciado por el British Council de España y el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia como parte de su proyecto bilingüe en escuelas estatales.
Para que una civilización pueda considerarse como tal, debe reunir todas ó algunas de estas características: una escritura desarrollada, un sistema de gobierno, una religión organizada y capacidad para construir edificios y monumentos a gran escala. Se describe el desarrollo de antiguas civilizaciones en varios continentes. En Asia: las culturas de Mesopotamia, del valle del Indo, de China, Japón y Camboya y los imperios persa e islámico. En Europa sobresalen: Creta, Micenas, Etruria, Grecia y Roma; en África: además de la gran civilización egipcia al norte, se encuentran otras al sur del Sahara. Y, por último, en América, civilizaciones desarrolladas en Estados Unidos, y las más importantes de los mayas en Centroamérica y de los pueblos andinos, al sur.
Antología de poesías pertenecientes a cien poetas de todo el mundo de habla inglesa. Es una introducción a una gran variedad de formas, estilos y contenidos de versos de los últimos cuatro siglos, desde el siglo XVI hasta la actualidad. Su contenido se adapta al estudio del CIE, IGCSE y al programa de estudios del nivel AS y nivel avanzado de literatura en inglés.
In this article I provide a critical account of the 'placing' of England's M1 motor-way. I start by critiquing Marc Auge's anthropological writings on 'non-places' which have provided a common point of reference for academics discussing spaces of travel, consumption and exchange in the contemporary world. I argue that Auge's ethnology of supermodernity results in a rather partial account of these sites, that he overstates the novelty of contemporary experiences of these spaces, and that he fails to acknowledge the heterogeneity and materiality of the social networks bound up with the production of non-places/places. I suggest that, rather than focusing on the presences and absences associated with the polarities of place and non-place, academics should examine the multiple, partial, dynamic and relational 'placings' which arise through the diverse performances and movements associated with travel, consumption and exchange. I then trace the topologies of England's M1 motorway, examining some of the different ways in which the motorway has been assembled, performed and placed over the past 45 years.
Much of the writing on urban regeneration in the UK has been focused on the types of urban spaces that have been created in city centres. Less has been written about the issue of when the benefits of regeneration could and should be delivered to a range of different interests, and the different time frames that exist in any development area. Different perceptions of time have been reflected in dominant development philosophies in the UK and elsewhere. The trickle-down agendas of the 1980s, for example, were criticised for their focus on the short-term time frames and needs of developers, often at the expense of those of local communities. The recent emergence of sustainability discourses, however, ostensibly changes the time focus of development and promotes a broader concern with new imagined futures. This paper draws on the example of development in Salford Quays, in the North West of England, to argue that more attention needs to be given to the politics of space-time in urban development processes. It begins by discussing the importance and relevance of this approach before turning to the case study and the ways in which the local politics of space-time has influenced development agendas and outcomes. The paper argues that such an approach harbours the potential for more progressive, far-reaching, and sustainable development agendas to be developed and implemented.