986 resultados para Plaque vulnérable


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A cárie secundária representa problema de saúde pública e socioeconômico no mundo. A restauração de dentes acometidos por cárie pode criar condições favoráveis à proliferação microbiana na superfície do material restaurador ou na interface dente/restauração, criando ambiente propício para o estabelecimento de cárie secundária. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade de retenção de placa bacteriana em cimentos de ionômero de vidro convencionais (Chelon-Fil e Vidrion R) e modificados por resina (Vitremer e Fuji II LC) e de resina composta híbrida (Z100), utilizada como controle. Nos testes de retenção de microrganismos, in situ, 12 voluntários utilizaram, por 7 dias, placa de Hawley contendo corpos-de-prova de todos os materiais. A seguir, os corpos-de-prova foram transferidos para tubos contendo 2,0 ml de Ringer-PRAS e os microrganismos presentes em sua superfície foram cultivados em placa com ágar-sangue e ágar Mitis Salivarius Bacitracina, os quais foram incubados, a 37ºC, em anaerobiose (90% N2, 10% CO2), por 10 e 2 dias, respectivamente. Os ionômeros modificados por resina retiveram quantidade de bactérias similar àquela mostrada pela resina testada. Os ionômeros modificados por resina também apresentaram menor número de estreptococos do grupo mutans do que a resina e os cimentos ionoméricos convencionais. Os ionômeros de vidro convencionais apresentaram menor número de estreptococos do grupo mutans que a resina, sendo que essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa.


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Os cimentos ionoméricos representam importante opção de material restaurador em Odontologia e sua adesão à estrutura dental, diminuindo a infiltração marginal, somada à liberação de flúor, inibindo o metabolismo de microrganismos acidogênicos e favorecendo a remineralização dental, podem diminuir a ocorrência de cárie secundária. A aplicação tópica de géis acidulados ou neutros contendo flúor tem sido largamente utilizada em Odontologia. No entanto, este procedimento pode afetar a integridade dos materiais restauradores, aumentando sua rugosidade e a retenção de placa bacteriana. Dessa forma, o presente estudo avaliou o período de tempo no qual o cimento ionomérico Vitremer mantém sua capacidade inibitória sobre Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 e a adesão dos mesmos sobre a superfície do material, bem como a influência da aplicação tópica de flúor acidulado e neutro sobre esses parâmetros microbiológicos e as características superficiais daquele material. Verificou-se que a atividade antimicrobiana do cimento ionomérico Vitremer se mantém por aproximadamente quatro dias e não é recuperada com o uso de flúor gel acidulado ou neutro. Observou-se, também, que Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 adere ao material restaurador testado sendo que a aplicação tópica de flúor não influenciou esta adesão. As características superficiais desses materiais não se alteraram com a aplicação dos géis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: Very limited information is available from in vivo studies about whether smoking and/or nicotine affect gingival tissues in the absence of plaque. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of the systemic administration of nicotine in the proliferation and counting of fibroblast-like cells in the gingival tissue of rats.Methods: Thirty adult male Wistar rats were randomly assigned into two groups to receive subcutaneous injections of a saline solution (control group = group C) or nicotine solution (group N; 3 mg/kg) twice a day. The animals were euthanized 37, 44, or 51 days after the first subcutaneous injection. Specimens were routinely processed for serial histologic sections. Five fields of view in the connective tissue adjacent to the gingival epithelium and above the alveolar bone crest of the maxillary first molar were selected for the counting of fibroblast-like cells. Data were statistically analyzed (P<0.05).Results: The intergroup analysis detected a lower number of fibroblast-like cells in group N compared to group C on days 37 (2.65 +/- 1.41 and 6.67 +/- 3.25, respectively), 44 (2.70 +/- 1.84 and 8.57 +/- 2.37, respectively), and 51(2.09 +/- 1.41 and 7.49 +/- 2.60, respectively) (P<0.05). The quantification of fibroblast-like cells showed no significant difference (P >0.05) in the intragroup analysis of control and nicotine throughout experimental periods. In the intergroup analysis, group N had reduced proliferating cell nuclear antigen positive fibroblasts compared to group C in all periods (P<0.05).Conclusion: The daily systemic administration of nicotine negatively affected, in vivo, the number and proliferation of fibroblast-like cells in the gingival tissue of rats. J Periodontol 2011;82:1206-1211.


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The peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF) is a common gingival growth usually arising from the interdental papilla. The anterior maxilla is the most common location of involvement. The etiology and pathogenesis of POF remains unknown. Some investigators consider it a neoplastic process, whereas others argue that it is a reactive process; in either case, the lesion is thought to arise from cells in the periodontal ligament. Trauma or local irritants, such as dental plaque, calculus, microorganisms, masticatory force, ill-fitting dentures, and poor quality restorations, have been implicated in the etiology of POF. The recommended treatment is the excisional biopsy; however, it can leave a defect if the procedure is not followed by a subepithelial connective tissue graft. The main objective of this article was to present a clinical case of excisional biopsy of a POF followed by a subepithelial connective tissue graft to correct the defect caused by the biopsy. The biopsy defect was satisfactorily repaired, and the lesion has not recurred after 6 years of follow-up.


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Gingival overgrowth (GO) may be related to the frequent use of certain medications, such as cyclosporin, phenytoin (PHT), and nifedipine, and is therefore denominated drug-induced GO. This article reports a case of a patient who with chronic periodontitis made use of PHT and presented generalized GO. A 30-year-old man with GO was referred to the clinic of the Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil. The complaint was poor aesthetics because of the GO. The patient had a medical history of a controlled epileptic state, and PHT was administered as an anticonvulsant medication. The clinical examination showed generalized edematous gingival tissues and presence of bacterial plaque and calculus on the surfaces of the teeth. The diagnosis was GO associated with PHT because no other risk factors were identified. Treatment consisted of meticulous oral hygiene instruction, scaling, root surface instrumentation, prophylaxis, and daily chlorhexidine mouth rinses. After this stage, periodontal surgery was performed, and histopathologic evaluation was made. The patient has been under control for 3 years after the periodontal surgery, and up to the present time, there has been no recurrence. It can be concluded that PHT associated with the presence of irritants favored gingival growth and that the association of nonsurgical and surgical periodontal therapies was effective in the treatment of GO. Besides, motivating the patient to maintain oral hygiene is a prerequisite for the maintenance of periodontal health.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar as opiniões e o conhecimento de concluintes do curso de Pedagogia da cidade de Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brasil, em 2009, sobre saúde bucal. Para tanto, foi utilizado um questionário semiestruturado, abordando as opiniões dos estudantes sobre educação em saúde bucal e seu conhecimento sobre aspectos relativos à cárie dentária, à odontologia preventiva e à odontologia na primeira infância. de um universo de 120 estudantes, 92 (76,6%) consentiram participar do estudo. Destes, 86,8% acadêmicos acham que o professor deve atuar como educador em saúde bucal e 92,4% consideram importante a sua integração com profissionais de saúde. Responderam corretamente sobre o conceito de placa bacteriana e cárie dentária, respectivamente, 9% e 34,8%. Sobre o surgimento da cárie e sobre a possibilidade de se ter dentes saudáveis a vida inteira, responderam corretamente 67% e 83,7%, respectivamente. Assim, os concluintes de Pedagogia têm opiniões positivas em relação à educação em saúde bucal; entretanto, o seu conhecimento sobre a temática abordada é insatisfatório, uma vez que eles serão futuros professores e formadores de opinião.


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This in situ study evaluated the interaction between caries and erosion processes. In the first phase, enamel specimens were subjected to erosion without dental plaque (EO) or to erosion with plaque (EP); in the second phase, they were subjected to erosion plus cariogenic challenge (EC) or cariogenic challenge (CO), both with plaque accumulation. Cross-sectional hardness data (10-330 mu m depth) were tested using ANOVA (alpha = 0.05). EO and EP showed surface softening to 10 mu m depth. CO and EC produced subsurface lesions, of similar depth (up to 220 mu m), with CO showing higher integrated loss of hardness than EC, indicating that cariogenic and erosive challenges did not have an additive effect. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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O fumo é considerado importante fator predisponente para muitas doenças, incluindo-se as periodontopatias. Desde que as doenças periodontais representam a inter-relação entre os fatores de virulência da microbiota subgengival sobre um hospedeiro susceptível, foi objetivo avaliar a freqüência de isolamento de três periodontopatógenos em indivíduos sadios e pacientes com doença periodontal, fumantes ou não, com níveis variados de higiene bucal; verificar a relação entre o número de microrganismos produtores de sulfeto de hidrogênio na placa subgengival de fumantes e não fumantes e sua condição clínica. Foram examinados 189 pacientes e indivíduos sadios, dos quais 60 foram selecionados para análise microbiológica. O índice de placa foi registrado de acordo com o índice de O'Leary e os espécimes de placa subgengival coletados e processados de acordo com SLOTS35 (1982). A identificação dos isolados foi obtida pelas suas características morfocelulares, morfocoloniais e bioquímico-fisiológicas. Verificou-se que a freqüência de isolamento dos bastonetes anaeróbios produtores de pigmento negro, Fusobacterium nucleatum e bactérias produtoras de sulfeto de hidrogênio foi similar entre fumantes e não fumantes, sendo mais elevada nos pacientes com doença periodontal. Já Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans foi isolado mais freqüentemente em sadios fumantes do que sadios não fumantes.


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Objectives: To evaluate the pulpo-dentin complex response to a dentin adhesive application in deep cavities performed in human teeth.Methods: Deep class V cavities were prepared on the buccal surface of 46 premolars. The remaining dentin of the axial wall received 10% phosphoric acid and dentin adhesive (group DA), or was protected before the acid and dentin adhesive application with calcium hydroxide cement (group CH). Half of the teeth, which received the acid application directly over the axial wall, were contaminated prior to the procedures with dental plaque collected from the patient's own teeth (group DAC). The plaque was placed on the dentin for 5 min and then the cavity was washed. All teeth were restored with a light-cured composite resin. The teeth were extracted after 7, 30 or 60 days and prepared according to normal histologic techniques. Serial sections were stained with WE, Masson's trichrome and Brown & Brenn technique for demonstration of bacteria.Results: the histopathologic evaluation showed that in groups DA and DAC, the inflammatory response was more evident than in group CH. Also, the intensity of the pulp reaction increased as the remaining dentin thickness decreased. There was no statistical difference in the inflammatory response between the groups DA and DAC.Conclusion: Based on the experimental conditions, we concluded that the All Bond 2 adhesive system, when applied on dentin in deep cavities, showed an acceptable biocompatibility. However, the intensity of the pulpo-dentin complex response depends on the remaining dentin thickness. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: This study compared three methods of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp. detection in the oral cavity: saliva swab (SS)-sample of stimulated saliva collected with swab; whole saliva (WS)-sample of 2 ml of stimulated saliva; and the dental plaque method (DP)-plaque sample of all dental surfaces.Methods: Thirty children were included in this study. In the first 15 children, the SS and WS methods were carried out before the dental plaque collection, and in the following 15, the sequence was inverted to evaluate possible interference of the methods sequence. The samples were diluted and inoculated in SB20 and Rogosa agar, respectively for S. mutans and Lactobacillus spp., at 37 degrees C for 48 h.Results: the results (cfu/mL) of S. mutans were analysed by the statistical Friedman's test. The levels of Lactobacillus spp. were analysed by descriptive statistics due to the high proportion of zero counts in the culture. In the first sequence of methods, the number of S. mutans counted for the SS method was inferior to DP and WS (P < 0.05), and the results for the WS and DP methods were similar. The detection of Lactobacillus spp. was observed just by the WS (100 %) and SS (14.3 %) methods. However, in the second experimental set the number of S. mutans detected by the DP method was similar to those of the SS and WS, however, the WS method showed higher values than SS (P < 0.05). A greater number of Lactobacillus spp. was detected by the WS method (100 %), followed by SS (55.5 %) and DP (33.3 %).Conclusions: the dental plaque collection and the sample of stimulated whole saliva presented similar results in the S. mutans count. The most suitable method to detect the Lactobacillus spp. level in the oral cavity is the stimulated whole saliva method. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)