998 resultados para Planar array


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The performance of a very low loss frequency selective surface (FSS) comprising two air spaced planar arrays of linear slot elements is reported. The beamsplitter generates a low loss passband response with a very sharp transmission roll-off with frequency. Simulated and measured results in the 30 GHz and 300 GHz wavebands are used to quantify the performance improvement compared to a conventional multilayer dielectrically backed conducting ring FSS. The paper also discusses the effect of the array dimensions on the passband width and filter roll-off rate.


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In this paper, we show how a self-tracking antenna array constructed using gimel /4 monopoles can be constructed, which is capable of receiving with gain over an entire 360 degrees azimuthal cut. It is also shown how the self-tacking receive unit can be used in conjunction with a self-phased transmitter so that self-steered spatially selective receive and transmit functions ran be formed simultaneously. The resulting array is capable of maintaining spatially selective receive and transmit functions to a roaming target without prior knowledge of its physical location.


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In this paper, by investigating the influence of source/drain extension region engineering (also known as gate-source/drain underlap) in nanoscale planar double gate (DG) SOI MOSFETs, we offer new insights into the design of future nanoscale gate-underlap DG devices to achieve ITRS projections for high performance (HP), low standby power (LSTP) and low operating power (LOP) logic technologies. The impact of high-kappa gate dielectric, silicon film thickness, together with parameters associated with the lateral source/drain doping profile, is investigated in detail. The results show that spacer width along with lateral straggle can not only effectively control short-channel effects, thus presenting low off-current in a gate underlap device, but can also be optimized to achieve lower intrinsic delay and higher on-off current ratio (I-on/I-off). Based on the investigation of on-current (I-on), off-current (I-off), I-on/I-off, intrinsic delay (tau), energy delay product and static power dissipation, we present design guidelines to select key device parameters to achieve ITRS projections. Using nominal gate lengths for different technologies, as recommended from ITRS specification, optimally designed gate-underlap DG MOSFETs with a spacer-to-straggle (s/sigma) ratio of 2.3 for HP/LOP and 3.2 for LSTP logic technologies will meet ITRS projection. However, a relatively narrow range of lateral straggle lying between 7 to 8 nm is recommended. A sensitivity analysis of intrinsic delay, on-current and off-current to important parameters allows a comparative analysis of the various design options and shows that gate workfunction appears to be the most crucial parameter in the design of DG devices for all three technologies. The impact of back gate misalignment on I-on, I-off and tau is also investigated for optimized underlap devices.


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A simple and original mechanism to control the polarisation of uniform hybrid waveguide-planar leaky-wave antennas is proposed. The operation is based on introducing simple modifications of the planar dimensions of the structure cross-section, which is shown to control the horizontal and vertical components of the radiated fields. The proposed antenna dispenses with the need for periodic elements, commonly used in flexible polarised leaky-wave antennas, and therefore significantly reduces the design complexity. Parametric curves have been obtained to assist in the simple and efficient design of the proposed antenna. The novel mechanism is illustrated by means of several antenna prototypes operating at 5.7 GHz, producing linear, elliptical and circular polarisations. Commercial three-dimensional Finite Element Method has been used for the simulations, and the results are validated with experimental testing.[br].


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A periodic finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) analysis is presented and applied for the first time in the study of a two-dimensional (2-D) leaky-wave planar antenna based on dipole frequency selective surfaces (FSSs). First, the effect of certain aspects of the FDTD modeling in the modal analysis of complex waves is studied in detail. Then, the FDTD model is used for the dispersion analysis of the antenna of interest. The calculated values of the leaky-wave attenuation constants suggest that, for an antenna of this type and moderate length, a significant amount of power reaches the edges of the antenna, and thus diffraction can play an important role. To test the validity of our dispersion analysis, measured radiation patterns of a fabricated prototype are presented and compared with those predicted by a leaky-wave approach based on the periodic FDTD results.


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Planar metarnaterial Surfaces with negative reflection phase values are proposed as ground planes in a high-gain resonant cavity antenna configuration. The antenna is formed by the metarnaterial ground plane (MGP) and a superimposed metallodielectric electromagnetic band gap (MEBG) array that acts as a partially reflective surface (PRS). A single dipole positioned between the PRS and the ground IS utilised as the excitation. Ray analysis is employed to describe the functioning of the antennas and to qualitatively predict the effect of the MGP oil the antenna performance. By employing MGPs with negative reflection phase values, the planar antenna profile is reduced to subwavelength values (less than lambda/6) whilst maintaining high directivity. Full-wave simulations have been carried out with commercially available software (Microstripes (TM)). The effect of the finite PRS size on the antenna radiation performance (directivity and sidelobe level) is studied. A prototype has been fabricated and tested experimentally in order to validate the predictions.


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The artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) and electromagnetic band gap (EBG) characteristics of planar periodic metallic arrays printed on grounded dielectric substrate are investigated. The currents induced on the arrays are presented for the first time and their study reveals two distinct resonance phenomena associated with these surfaces. A new technique is presented to tailor the spectral position of the AMC operation and the EBG. Square patch arrays with fixed element size and variable periodicities are employed as working examples to demonstrate the dependence of the spectral AMC and EBG characteristics on array parameters. It is revealed that as the array periodicity is increased, the AMC frequency is increased, while the EBG frequency is reduced. This is shown to occur due to the different nature of the resonance phenomena and the associated underlying physical mechanisms that produce the two effects. The effect of substrate thickness is also investigated. Full wave method of moments (MoM) has been employed for the derivation of the reflection characteristics, the currents and the dispersion relations. A uniplanar array with simultaneous AMC and EBG operation is demonstrated theoretically and experimentally.


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Periodically loaded dipole arrays printed on grounded dielectric substrate are shown to exhibit left-handed propagation properties. In an equivalent transmission line representation, lefthandedness emerges due to the excess series capacitance and shunt inductance. Based on this concept, the authors study the distribution of the modal fields and the variation of series capacitance and shunt inductance as the dipoles are loaded with stubs. Full wave dispersion curves that show the gradual transition from a right-handed to a left-handed medium upon periodically loading the dipoles with stubs are presented. An equivalent circuit is derived that matches to a very good extent the full wave result. The cell dimensions are a small fraction of the wavelength (),15), so the structure can be considered as an equivalent homogeneous surface. The structure is simple, readily scalable to higher frequencies and compatible with low-cost fabrication techniques.


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Planar periodic arrays of metallic elements printed on grounded dielectric substrates are presented to exhibit left-handed properties for surface wave propagation. The proposed structures dispense with the need for grounding vias and ease the implementation of uniplanar left-handed metamaterials at higher frequencies. A transmission line description is used for the initial design and interpretation of the left-handed property. A thorough study based on full wave simulations is carried out with regards to the effect of the element geometrical characteristics and the array periodicity to the properties of the artificial material. Dispersion curves are presented and studied. The distribution of the modal fields in the unit cell is also studied in order to provide an explanation of the material properties. The scalability of the proposed structures to infrared frequencies is demonstrated.


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Planar periodic metallic arrays behave as artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) surfaces when placed on a grounded dielectric substrate and they introduce a zero degrees reflection phase shift to incident waves. In this paper the AMC operation of single-layer arrays without vias is studied using a resonant cavity model and a new application to high-gain printed antennas is presented. A ray analysis is employed in order to give physical insight into the performance of AMCs and derive design guidelines. The bandwidth and center frequency of AMC surfaces are investigated using full-wave analysis and the qualitative predictions of the ray model are validated. Planar AMC surfaces are used for the first time as the ground plane in a high-gain microstrip patch antenna with a partially reflective surface as superstrate. A significant reduction of the antenna profile is achieved. A ray theory approach is employed in order to describe the functioning of the antenna and to predict the existence of quarter wavelength resonant cavities.


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An array-based approach is put forward to obtain insight into reactivity under mechanochemical solvent-free conditions. We describe a survey of sixty potential reactions between twelve metal salts MX2 {(M = Cu, X-2 = (OAc)(2), (HCO2)(2), (F3CCO2)(2), (acac)(2), (F(6)acac)(2), (NO3)(2), SO4; M = Ni, X-2 = (OAc)(2), (NO3)(2), SO4; M = Zn, X-2 (OAc)(2), (NO3)(2)} and five bridging organic ligands {isonicotinic acid (HINA), 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid (H2BDC), acetylenedicarboxylic acid (H(2)ADC), 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (H3BTC), 4,4'-bipyridyl (BIPY). Reaction conditions involved a ball mill, applied for 15 min at 30 Hz, without external heating. When examined by XRPD, forty of the combinations gave detectable reactions, thirty-eight with crystalline products. Of these, twenty-nine reactions were quantitative (consuming all of at least one reactant). Comparison of XRPD patterns with patterns simulated from single crystal X-ray diffraction data in the Cambridge Structural Database allowed structural identification of six products. Of particular interest are the microporous framework materials [Cu(INA)(2)] and [Cu-3(BTC)(2)] (HKUST-1) obtained by reaction of the corresponding carboxylic acids with copper acetate. Other non-porous polymers with 3-dimensional connectivity, [Ni(ADC)(H2O)(4)], or 1-dimensional connectivity, [Cu(acac)(2)(BIPY)] and [Cu(F6acac)(BIPY)] were also obtained. Reaction between zinc acetate and H2ADC gave a new product which had not previously been characterised by single-crystal X-ray crystallography, but whose XRPD pattern suggests that it is isostructural with the known nickel polymer [Ni(ADC)(H2O)(4)]. Two further isostructural nickel and zinc products were obtained in reactions between HINA and nickel nitrate and zinc nitrate. Trends observed within the array are discussed. Copper acetate and copper formate were the most effective starting materials for reaction with carboxylic acids, potentially related to the basicity of their anions and the solvating effects of the formic and acetic acid byproducts. Amongst the ligands there was a general negative corelation between melting point and reactivity. The issue of pore templating in microporous phases and the generation of new structures is also discussed in relation to the Cu(INA)(2), Cu-3(BTC)(2) and nickel nitrate-BIPY systems. Overall, the study suggests that mechanochemical reactivity between metal salts and organic ligands under solvent free conditions is remarkably general. Use of array-based approaches as demonstrated here is advocated a useful way to reveal underlying trends in reactivity under solvent free mechanochemical conditions and to highlight particular cases for more detailed study.


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A method for producing a retrodirective (self-tracking) antenna, which can also be operated as a phased (selectively pointed) array through the addition of a simple switching circuit and DC bias offset adjustment, is presented. Phase adjustment to individual antenna elements is shown to be readily carried out by a simple frequency pushing technique, applied to a PLL circuit, thus replacing the requirement for additional phase shifters. Practical results when applied to a ten-element array operating at 2.4 GHz are shown for both modes of operation.