972 resultados para Place reinvention : northern perspectives
In recent years, the strategy for the control of schistosomiasis has placed increased emphasis on the role of health education, public information, and communication. This should, not only bring about specific changes in behavior aiming at disease prevention, but also stimulate participation of the community in health programs. Beyond this, it is desirable that both community members and researchers should seek better life conditions through a transformative social action. The present paper addresses these concerns; first, by critically reviewing some health education programs that were developed in Brazil, and, secondly, by analyzing and suggesting ways to improve this area.
Attempts to control schistosomiasis have hitherto involved the use of one or more of the following methods, either in isolation or in combination: (1) control of the intermediate host using molluscicides or biological methods; (2) basic sanitation and clean water supply; (3) health education; (4) individual or mass treatment; (5) protection of individuals in such a way as to prevent cercariae from penetrating the skin; (6) vaccine-based strategies against schistosomiasis. None of these methods is capable, on its own, of bringing about effective control of schistosomiasis, except in populations of a very limited size or under very special conditions. Molluscicides, besides expensive and toxic, have only a temporary effect. As for biological control, there is no effective method yet. Basic sanitation and clean water supply combined with health education potentially constitute the most effective approach, but only in the mid-to-long term. Mass treatment reduces morbidity, but does not control transmission. Protection of individuals has proved to be impracticable on a large scale. Vaccine-based strategies against schistosomiasis are still in the experimental stage. Experiments carried out in Brazil in the last 20 years have shown that mass treatment with single doses of oxamniquine or praziquantel can rapidly reduce levels of Shistosoma mansoni infection and morbidity in endemic areas. They have also shown that subsequent transmission and reinfection frequently occur in defined foci or "clusters", due to human contact with water, and in inverse proportion to the number and frequency of treatments carried out. On the basis of these experiments, the author suggests a multidisciplinary strategy for schistosomiasis control.
This book explores the perceptions of academic staff and representatives of institutional leadership about the changes in academic careers and academic work experienced in recent years. It emphasizes standardization and differentiation of academic career paths, impact of new forms of quality management on academic work, changes in recruitment, employment and working conditions, and academics' perceptions of their professional contexts. The book demonstrates a growing diversity within the academic profession and new professional roles inhabiting a space which is neither located in the core business of teaching and research nor at the top level management and leadership. The new higher education professionals tend to be important change agents within the higher education institutions not only fulfilling service and bridging functions but also streamlining academic work to make a contribution to the reputation and competitiveness of the institutions as a whole. Based on interviews with academic staff, this book explores the situation in eight European countries: Austria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Romania, and Switzerland.
AIM OF THE PAPER: Arouse the reflection with a fiction having a scientific appearance, presenting a late and unexpected complication of the universal inactivation of pathogens. CONCLUSION: Such a fiction story opens the debate on a series of fundamental questions that could be addressed during the paradigm shift that is expected by introducing universal pathogen inactivation of blood products.
The peace process in Northern Ireland demonstrates that new sovereignty formulas need to be explored in order to meet the demands of the populations and territories in conflict. The profound transformation of the classic symbolic elements of the nation-state within the context of the European Union has greatly contributed to the prospects for a resolution of this old conflict. Today’s discussions are focused on the search for instruments of shared sovereignty that are adapted to a complex and plural social reality. This new approach for finding a solution to the Irish conflict is particularly relevant to the Basque debate about formulating creative and modern solutions to similar conflicts over identity and sovereignty. The notion of shared sovereignty implemented in Northern Ireland –a formula for complex interdependent relations– is of significant relevance to the broader international community and is likely to become an increasingly potent and transcendent model for conflict resolution and peace building.
El procés de pau a Irlanda del Nord demostra que cal explorar noves fórmules de sobirania que prenguin en consideració les demandes dels pobles i territoris en conflicte. La profunda transformació dels elements simbòlics clàssics de l’estat-nació en el context de la Unió Europea ha contribuït enormement a les perspectives de resolució d’aquest vell conflicte. Els debats actuals se centren en la recerca de nous instruments de sobirania compartida adaptats a una realitat social complexa i plural. Aquest nou enfocament per trobar una solució al conflicte irlandès és particularment rellevant per al debat basc sobre la formulació de solucions creatives i modernes a problemes similars d’identitat i sobirania. La noció de sobirania compartida implementada a Irlanda del Nord –una fórmula per a relacions interdependents complexes– té una rellevància molt significativa per a la comunitat internacional i probablement es convertirà en un model cada vegada més potent i transcendent per a la resolució de conflictes i la construcció de la pau.
Faecal samples were obtained from 190 children, aged 0 to 5 years, admitted to a public hospital in Belém, Pará, Brazil. These patients were placed in a pediatric ward with 40 beds distributed in six rooms. Case were classified into three groups: (a) nosocomial: children who developed gastroenteritis 72 hr or later after admission; (b) community-acquired: patients admitted either with diarrhoea or who had diarrhoea within 72 hr following admission; (c) non-diarrhoeic: those children who had no diarrhoea three days before and three days after collection of formed faecal sample. Specimens were routinely processed for the presence of rotaviruses, bacteria and parasites. Rotaviruses were detected through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and subsequently serotyped/electrophoretyped. Rotaviruses were the most prevalent enteropathogens among nosocomial cases, accounting for 39 % (9/23) of diarrhoeal episodes; on the other hand, rotaviruses ocurred in 8.3 % (11/133) and 9 % (3/34) of community-acquired and non-diarrhoeic categories, respectively. Mixed infections involving rotavirus and Giardia intestinalis and rotavirus plus G. intestinalis and Entamoeba histolytica were detected in frequencies of 8.6 and 4.3 %, respectively, in the nosocomial group. The absence of bacterial pathogens in this category, and the unusual low prevalence of these agents in the other two groups may reflect the early and routine administration of antibiotics following admission to this hospital. Rotavirus serotype 2 prevailed over the other types, accounting for 77.8 % of isolates from nosocomial diarrhoeal episodes. In addition, at least five different genomic profiles could be observed, of which one displayed an unusual five-segment first RNA cluster. Dehydration was recorded in all cases of hospital-acquired, rotavirus-associated diarrhoea, whereas in only 57 % of nosocomial cases of other aetiology. It was also noted that nosocomial, rotavirus-associated diarrhoeal episodes occur earlier (7 days), following admission, if compared with those hospital-acquired cases of other aetiology (14 days).
La trace matérielle dispose d'un potentiel incomparable pour mettre en relation des indices et occupe souvent une place centrale lors du procès pénal (Ribaux et Margot, 2008). Au delà de son rôle élémentaire en tant qu'élément de preuve, la trace matérielle véhicule de nombreuses autres informations encore trop peu exploitées en matière d'investigation ou pour servir de base au renseignement criminel. C'est particulièrement le cas des liens chimiques découverts grâce au profilage physico-chimique de produits stupéfiants saisis par les autorités. Le but de ce travail est d'estimer l'apport de ces liens chimiques à la perception de la structure des réseaux criminels. Pour ce faire, nous nous appuyons sur des modèles d'analyse des réseaux sociaux (SNA, Social Network Analysis). Ces modèles sont toujours plus utilisés pour traiter des affaires qui relèvent de la criminalité organisée, notamment pour comprendre la structure et la dynamique de ces réseaux d'acteurs. L'analyse des réseaux sociaux (SNA) procède par le calcul de différents indicateurs pour mettre en évidence des éléments pertinents de leur structure et leurs acteurs clés. Par exemple, l'identification des vulnérabilités de l'organisation et des mécanismes mis en place par les acteurs pourra orienter les actions policières. Cette recherche se base sur une enquête concernant un réseau international de trafic de produits stupéfiants. En plus des autres informations d'enquête traditionnellement disponibles, des liens chimiques ont été mis en évidence par le profilage de l'héroïne saisie à différents endroits et périodes, puis utilisés par les enquêteurs. Cette recherche consiste à utiliser les indicateurs SNA pour évaluer l'influence de ces liens chimiques sur la structure de ce réseau construit à partir des autres indices. Les premiers résultats montrent que les liens chimiques sont cohérents avec les autres types de relations, et qu'ils tendent, à eux seuls, à mettre en évidence les positions centrales de certains acteurs clés. De plus, l'intégration de ces liens renforce les centralités de certains acteurs et permet ainsi de les considérer de manière plus centrale qu'ils ne l'étaient auparavant. Enfin, ces premiers résultats laissent entrevoir des perspectives intéressantes notamment au travers de la pondération de ces relations afin d'évaluer de manière plus globale l'apport du potentiel informatif de ce type de renseignement.
The South America-Antarctica plate system shows many oceanic accretionary systems and subduction zones that initiated and then stopped. To better apprehend the evolution of the system, geodynamic reconstructions (global) have been created from Jurassic (165 Ma) to present, following the techniques used at the University of Lausanne. However, additional synthetic magnetic anomalies were used to refine the geodynamics between 33 Ma and present. The reconstructions show the break up of Gondwana with oceanisation between South America (SAM) and Antarctica (ANT), together with the break off of `Andean' geodynamical units (GDUs). We propose that oceanisation occurs also east and south of the Scotian GDUs. Andean GDUs collide with other GDUs crossing the Pacific. The west coast of SAM and ANT undergo a subsequent collision with all those GDUs between 103 Ma and 84 Ma, and the Antarctic Peninsula also collides with Tierra del Fuego. The SAM-ANT plate boundary experienced a series of extension and shortening with large strike-slip component, culminating with intra-oceanic subduction leading to the presence of the `V-' and anomalies in the Weddell Sea. From 84 Ma, a transpressive collision takes place in the Scotia region, with active margin to the east. As subduction propagates northwards into an old and dense oceanic crust, slab roll-back initiates, giving rise to the western Scotia Sea and the Powell Basin opening. The Drake Passage opens. As the Scotian GDUs migrate eastwards, there is enough space for them to spread and allow a north-south divergence with a spreading axis acting simultaneously with the western Scotia ridge. Discovery Bank stops the migration of South Orkney and `collides with' the SAM-ANT spreading axis, while the northern Scotian GDUs are blocked against the Falkland Plateau and the North-East Georgia Rise. The western and central Scotia and the Powell Basin spreading axes must cease, and the ridge jumps to create the South Sandwich Islands Sea. The Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia region has always experienced mid-oceanic ridge subduction since 84 Ma. Slab window location is also presented (57-0 Ma), because of its important implication for heat flux and magmatism. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Three species of protistan and 22 species of metazoan parasites were obtained from a sample of 179 flatfish, (Paralichthys adspersus) taken-off Antofagasta, northern Chile. Prevalence of infection of seven parasites (Protista: 1, Copepoda: 2, Digenea: 1, Acantocephala: 1, Nematoda: 2) was significantly and positively correlated with host size. Host's sex do not seem to affect prevalence of infection, except for Nybelinia surmenicola, Capillaria sp. and Anisakis sp. (prevalence of infection significantly greater in males than females) and Philometra sp. (prevalence higher in females). Mean abundance is correlated with size in nine species (Protista: 1, Copepoda: 2, Digenea: 3, Acantocephala: 1, Nematoda: 2). Host's sex do not affect mean abundance, except for Cainocreadium sp. and Philometra sp.(mean abundance higher in females) and Nybelinia surmenicola, Capillaria sp. and Anisakis sp. (mean abundance higher in males).
Aquest projecte pretén incorporar a la titulació d’Enginyeria Tècnica en Química Industrial les competències transversals amb què hauran de comptar els futurs enginyers perquè entrin en el món laboral amb tots els requisits tècnics i competencials que requereixen els canvis dels models educatius (crèdits ECTS) i la canviant situació laboral en l’àmbit de la Unió Europea. La incorporació de competències transversals en les assignatures del pla d’estudis és un dels eixos bàsics plantejats en el Pla Estratègic 2005-2009 de l’Escola Universitària d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial d’Igualada. Aquest procés s’ha portat a terme en quatre fases: Disseny: Implicar els empresaris en el disseny de programes de formació que capacitin els estudiant en les competències que demana el mercat de treball. Presentació: Sensibilitzar els professors i els alumnes de la importància de desenvolupar competències transversals dins del marc actual i futur de l’ensenyament. Planificació de les assignatures: Portar a terme la incorporació de competències transversals de forma gradual des del primer curs i donar suport i formació a tot el professorat. Difusió: Divulgar la important transformació que s’està realitzant a l’Escola dins de l’àmbit de la nova implantació de competències transversals per formar als enginyers per tal de fer-los més competitius. Per a aconseguir l’adaptació de les assignatures del pla d’estudis a les noves directrius de l’EEES s’ha treballat des de dues vessants: a) introduint canvis metodològics en la forma d’impartir les assignatures per part del professorat per permetre la incorporació de competències transversals, com ara el treball en equip, a través de l’aprenentatge basat en projectes, i la competència lingüística en anglès, a partir de la introducció de l’anglès a l’aula, i b) adaptant al nou sistema la documentació associada a les matèries que s’imparteixen: guia docent, guies de les assignatures, etc.
Following the thalidomide tragedy, pharmacological research in pregnant women focused primarily on drug safety for the unborn child and remains only limited regarding the efficacy and safety of treatment for the mother. Significant physiological changes during pregnancy may yet affect the pharmacokinetics of drugs and thus compromise its efficacy and/or safety. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) would maximize the potential effectiveness of treatments, while minimizing the potential risk of toxicity for the mother and the fetus. At present, because of the lack of concentration-response relationship studies in pregnant women, TDM can rely only on individual assessment (based on an effective concentration before pregnancy) and remains reserved only to unexpected situations such as signs of toxicity or unexplained inefficiency.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Le cinquantenaire des Sources chrétiennes, qui a été célébré à Rome, Paris et Lyon en octobre, novembre et décembre 1993, a été l'occasion de faire une évaluation en profondeur de ce qui est en jeu dans la patrologie en cette fin du XXème siècle.