979 resultados para Periapical periodontitis
Background and Objective: Although certain serotypes of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans are associated more with aggressive periodontitis than are other serotypes, the correlation between distinct lineages and virulence traits in this species is poorly understood. This study aimed to evaluate the polymorphism of genes encoding putative virulence factors of clinical isolates, and to correlate these findings with A. actinomycetemcomitans serotypes, genotypes and periodontal status of the hosts. Material and Methods: Twenty-six clinical isolates from diverse geographic populations with different periodontal conditions were evaluated. Genotyping was performed using pulse-field gel electrophoresis. Polymorphisms in the genes encoding leukotoxin, Aae, ApaH and determinants for serotype-specific O polysaccharide were investigated. Results: The isolates were classified into serotypes a-f, and exhibited three apaH genotypes, five aae alleles and 25 macrorestriction profiles. Two serotype b isolates (7.7%), obtained from Brazilian patients with aggressive periodontitis, were associated with the highly leukotoxic genotype; these isolates showed identical fingerprint patterns and aae and apaH genotypes. Serotype c, obtained from various periodontal conditions, was the most prevalent among Brazilian isolates, and isolates were distributed in two aae alleles, but formed a genetically distinct group based on apaH analysis. Cluster analysis showed a close relationship between fingerprinting genotypes and serotypes/apaH genotypes, but not with aae genotypes. Conclusion: Apart from the deletion in the ltx promoter region, no disease-associated markers were identified. Non-JP2-like strains recovered from individuals with periodontal disease exhibited considerable genetic variation regarding aae/apaH genotypes, serotypes and XhoI DNA fingerprints.
Parodontit är en kronisk inflammatorisk sjukdom, som orsakas av patogena bakterier som fäster på tändernas ytor, där de bildar plack. Sjukdomen kan förebyggas genom god munhygien. Syftet med studien var att beskriva och jämföra parodontit relateradkunskap och dess relation till munhygiensvanor hos patienter före och 1-år efter icke kirurgisk parodontal behandling utförd av tandhygienist samt jämföra om det föreligger någon skillnad i kunskap efter behandling mellan två olika munhälsoundervisningsprogram. Ett ytterligare syfte var att beskriva om det föreligger någon skillnad i kunskap om parodontit med avseende på ålder, kön och utbildningsnivå. Studien var en beskrivande, jämförande studie med kvantitativ ansats och en del av en experimentell tvågruppsstudie.Urvalet bestod av 113 individer, 60 kvinnor och 53 män, i åldern 20-65 år som var remitteras till en specialistklinik i parodontologi. Av de 113 studiedeltagarna randomiserades 57 personer till ett individuell skräddarsydd munhälsoundervisningsprogram och 56 personer till ett standardiserat munhälsoundervisningsprogram. Ett frågeformulär med 11 påståenden gällande kunskap om parodontit och ett påstående om tandborstfrekvens samt ett påstående om approximalrengörning användes.Resultatet visade att patienterna hade mer kunskap efter icke kirurgisk parodontal behandling, men det fanns ingen skillnad mellan undervisningsprogrammen. Inget samband påvisades mellan kunskap om parodontit och utbildningsnivå, kön och ålder. Studien visar att både individuellt skräddarsydd munhälsoundervisning och standard munhälsoundervisning ledar till en ökad kunskap om parodontit mellan deltagarna.
A lesão inflamatória periapical é uma patologia bastante frequente, sendo na maioria dos casos, consequência da cárie dental. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar as populações linfocitárias CD8+ e CD20+ em lesões inflamatórias periapicais crônicas. Foram utilizadas 90 lesões inflamatórias periapicais. Através da técnica de imunohistoquímica pelo método da estreptoavidina-biotina, utilizou-se os marcadores CD8 e CD20 para identificação dos linfócitos T citotóxicos/supressores e linfócitos B, respectivamente. A contagem das células foi feita em 3 campos microscópicos da lâmina, mantendo-se um aumento de 400 vezes. A média da contagem das células CD8+ foi de 7,72 células para os cistos inflamatórios, enquanto que nos grupos cisto abscedado e abscesso crônico foi 11,25 e 11,62, respectivamente, com diferença estatisticamente significante. A média da contagem das células CD20+ foi 12,19; 11,06 e 12,91 células nos cistos abscedados, cistos inflamatórios e abscessos crônicos, respectivamente, sem diferença estatisticamente significante. As lesões inflamatórias periapicais supuradas apresentaram número maior de linfócitos CD8+ do que as lesões não supuradas e; a presença de supuração e proliferação epitelial nas lesões não interferiu na quantidade de linfócitos CD20+ presentes.
Para avaliar, in vitro, o desempenho diagnóstico de imagens radiografadas convencionais digitalizadas através da obtenção de medidas de cmprimento radicular, da comparação de pares de imagens e da subtração digital em dentes submetidos a reabsorções radiculares externas apicais e à movimentação ortodôntica simulada, 28 incisivos centrais superiores, em cujas coroas foi colado um bracket, tiveram seu comprometimento radicular medido através de paquímetro digital e foram radiografados associados e um simulador de tecidos ósseo e moles, como auxílio de posicionadores individualizados, pela técnica periapical da bissetriz. Os dentes foram novamente medidos e radiografados após desgastes apicais seqüênciais de aproximadamente 0,5 m (R1) e 1 nn(R2), variando sua inclinação no sentido vestibulo-palatno (0º, 5º, 10º e 15º). As radiografias foram digitalizadas e submetidas incialmente à análise quantitativa do comprimento dentário, através de régua eletrônica. Após, pares de imagens do mesmo dente (inicial x inclinação) foram exibidos, em monitor, a um observador, que as avaliou quanto à presença ou à ausência de imagem compatível com reabsorção apical, atribuindo-lhes escores de 1 a 5. As imagens resultantes da subtração dos mesmos pares de radiografias foram avaliados pelos mesmos critérios. As medidas lineares de comprimento radicular foram reprodutíveis (r = 0,93), diferindo significativamente entre as duas etapas de reabsorção (R1: 0,59 0,19 mm; R2:1,14 0,37 mm) porém não diferindo significativamente em função da inclinação do dente. A avaliação de pares de imagens apresentou correlaçao média (r = 0,46) quando repetida em 20% da amostra, não apresentando diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos escores atribuídos às imagens de acordo coma inclinação dos dentes (Teste não paramétrico de Friedman, R1:p = 0,704 e R2:p = 0,508). A avaliação por subtração digital de imagens apresentou correlação média (r = 0,485) quando repetida em 20% da amostra, não diferiu significativamente (Teste não paramétrico de Friedman), em ambas as etapas de reabsorção, apenas para as inclinações 0º e 5º. Tais resultados permitem concluir que os rescursos testados tiveram desempenhos diferentes de Reabsorções Radiculares Externas Apicais (RREA) simuladas, pois os valores médios das medidas de comprimento do dente, para cada nível de reabsorção, não variaram, significativamente em função da inclinação do mesmo, permitindo a identificação e quantificação da RREA, na comparação de pares de imagens exibidas lado a lado na telado computador, os escores atribuídos também não variam signficativamente para as diferentes inclinaçãoes, permitindo a identificação da RREA; e, na avaliação qulitativa de imagens de subtração, os escores atribuídos permitiram a identificação da RREA apenas quando os dentes foram inclinados em até 5º.
Esta dissertação é apresentada sob a forma de quatro artigos. O artigo I avaliou a concordância e a acurácia no diagnóstico da situação do periápice de molares e prémolares inferiores portadores ou não de patologia periapical. Quarenta radiografias periapicais foram selecionadas, vinte de dentes com vitalidade pulpar e sem radiolucências periapicais e vinte de dentes com necrose pulpar. As radiografias foram digitalizadas em scanner no modo 8 bits, 300 dpi e armazenadas no formato JPEG 12. As imagens digitalizadas foram apresentadas no formato de slides com fundo preto no programa PowerPoint, sendo projetadas em equipamento multimídia para dois grupos de dez observadores, estudantes de pós-graduação de uma mesma instituição de ensino, simultaneamente, com repetição de 20% dos casos. Os observadores apresentaram ampla variação do percentual de concordância entre diagnósticos repetidos, contudo, quando agrupados por especialidade, endodontistas e radiologistas apresentaram percentuais de concordância de 62,50 e 66,25%, respectivamente. Na análise da concordância interobservadores, ambos os grupos apresentaram desempenho semelhante, sendo este superior entre os alunos de radiologia (Kendall´s W= 0,816 e 0,662 respectivamente). Em relação à especificidade, observou-se desempenho idêntico para os dois grupos (70 a 95%), contudo os alunos de radiologia apresentaram sensibilidade ligeiramente superior (70 a 95%). O artigo II verificou, in vitro, se é possível medir com confiabilidade, utilizando a tomografia computadorizada, a distância entre as corticais ósseas e os ápices dentários de molares e pré-molares em mandíbulas humanas secas, além de determinar a relação de proximidade, dos dois grupos, com as corticais. As imagens das peças ósseas foram obtidas por tomografia computadorizada. A partir delas mensurações foram realizadas, por quatro observadores, três não calibrados (A, B e C) e um calibrado (D). A concordância interexaminador, para os observadores A, B e C, assim como a intra para o observador D foram calculadas por meio do Teste de Concordância de Kendall. A partir das médias geradas (observador D) foi calculada a comparação entre os grupos de ápices e as medidas, utilizando os Testes Não-Paramétricos de Kruskal Wallis e Wilcoxon, ambos com a=5%. Uma boa concordância tanto inter quanto intra-examinador foi observada. A tomografia computadorizada mostrou-se reprodutível para a obtenção da distância entre os ápices dentários e as corticais ósseas, tanto na avaliação inter quanto intra-observador. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas quanto á posição dos ápices de raízes de pré-molares e de molares, contudo os prémolares apresentaram seus ápices significativamente mais próximos da cortical vestibular do que da lingual. O artigo III avaliou o desempenho diagnóstico de radiografias periapicais em diferentes estágios de perda óssea (leve, moderada e severa), digitalmente simulada na região apical. A partir de radiografias trinta ápices dentários de pré-molares e molares inferiores sem radiolucências foram selecionados. As radiografias foram digitalizadas em scanner no modo 8 bits, 300 dpi e armazenadas no formato JPEG 12. Na imagem inicial (original) os sítios apicais selecionados foram demarcados por um quadrado, as mesmas foram digitalmente reproduzidas seis vezes e numeradas em ordem crescente, formando sete conjuntos. A perda óssea foi digitalmente simulada com as ferramentas lápis (modelo mecânico) e spray (modelo químico), com tinta preta, em intensidade de 3%, 5% e 8%. Os pares de imagens (inicial e experimental) e subtrações foram avaliados por três observadores, com repetição de 20% dos casos. O Coeficiente de Correlação de Spearman e o Teste Não Paramétrico de Wilcoxon mostraram uma boa concordância entre a primeira e a segunda medida para os dois modelos, com exceção de um observador. Através da análise das curvas ROC (p> 0,05) observou-se diferença significativa entre os métodos para ambos os modelos nas intensidades de 3% e 5%. Não houve diferença significativa para a intensidade de 8%. A subtração digital qualitativa mostrou desempenho significativamente melhor do que a avaliação de pares de radiografias para ambos os modelos de reabsorção simulada nas intensidades leve e moderada. O artigo IV avaliou, in vitro, os diagnósticos obtidos de pares de radiografias, subtração radiográfica de imagens digitais diretas e digitalizadas em defeitos ósseos periapicais incipientes criados por aplicação de solução ácida. Em quarenta sítios apicais de mandíbulas humanas secas foram criados defeitos ósseos, por meio da aplicação de ácido perclórico 70%, nos tempos 6, 10, 24, 48 e 54 horas. As radiografias convencionais e as imagens digitais diretas foram obtidas duas vezes no tempo zero e, seqüencialmente, antes de cada nova aplicação de ácido. As incidências foram padronizadas fixando os elementos geométricos. As radiografias foram digitalizadas em scanner no modo 8 bits, 300 dpi e armazenadas, assim como as digitais diretas, no formato TIFF. O programa Imagelab foi utilizado para a subtração das imagens digitais indiretas e diretas. A subtração radiográfica das imagens digitalizadas e os pares de imagem digital foram avaliados por um observador experiente, sendo 20% repetidas durante o exame. A análise quantitativa da subtração radiográfica de imagens diretas foi realizada no programa ImageTool. Os resultados das análises qualitativa e quantitativa foram avaliados por meio da ANOVA, sendo a primeira complementada pelo Teste de Comparações Múltiplas Dunnett T3 e a segunda pelo Teste de Tukey, ambos com a=5%. O observador apresentou coeficiente de Kappa = 0,739 para subtração e 0,788 para os pares de imagem. No tempo 0 houve acerto de diagnóstico em 100 e 90% dos casos para subtração e pares de imagem, respectivamente. Nos tempo 6 e 10/24 foram identificadas, para subtração, alterações em 20 e 25% dos casos e para os pares de imagem em 2,5 e 10% dos casos. A proporção de acertos aumentou significativamente nos tempos 48 e 54 horas, tanto para subtração – 80 e 82,5% – quanto para os pares de imagem – 47,5 e 52,5%. A ANOVA evidenciou diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as áreas controle nos tempos 0/6 e 48/54. Comparando áreas teste e controle, observou-se que aquela apresentou valores médios de densidade óptica significativamente menores nos tempos 24, 48 e 54. Conclui-se que tanto a avaliação qualitativa como a quantitativa de imagens de subtração apresentaram melhor desempenho que a avaliação dos pares de imagem na detecção de defeitos incipientes no periápice.
O corte ou desgaste dos dentes dos leitões recém nascidos é uma prática comum na suinocultura, com o objetivo de reduzir lesões cutâneas na face dos leitões e no aparelho mamário das matrizes. Para avaliação da presença de lesões dentárias, foram analisados após eutanásia 280 animais que apresentavam sinais clínicos de definhamento (refugagem) compatíveis com uma forma de infecção por circovírus (síndrome da refugagem multissistêmica). Entre esses, 58 leitões (21%) apresentaram ao menos um abscesso periapical (total de 70 abscessos), onde: 3os incisivos superiores, 3os incisivos inferiores, caninos superiores e caninos inferiores foram respectivamente responsáveis por 31%, 23%, 6%, e 33% dos abscessos. Outros dentes foram responsáveis por 7% do total de abscessos. A prevalência de abscessos predominantemente nos dentes 3os incisivos e caninos inferiores sugere que estes dentes sofreram maior área de corte/desgaste, refletindo em superior prevalência de abscessos periapicais. Dentre as bactérias classificadas, o Streptococcus sp. foi a mais isolada (21,48% dos isolados em aerobiose e 27,7% em anaerobiose). Houve um isolamento significativamente maior de bactérias corineformes em atmosfera anaeróbica, quando comparado com isolamentos em aerobiose. Houve preponderância de isolamentos de bactérias Gram positivas. Através de um experimento a campo em granja de produção de leitões, foram avaliados 7 tipos de manejos dentários, medindo a influência dos mesmos na variável ganho de peso na maternidade e creche. Nenhuma entre as técnicas avaliadas mostrou diferença estatisticamente significativa.
Background and Aims: There is little information about the epidemiology and risk factors of periodontal diseases in Latin America in general, and Brazil in particular. The principal aims of this study were to: 1) describe the prevalence and severity of periodontal attachment loss and gingival recession, and to assess the contribution of demographic, behavioral, and environmental exposures to the occurrence of periodontal disease outcomes in a sample representative of the urban population in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in south Brazil; and 2) report the epidemiology and risk indicators of aggressive periodontitis in this population. Methods: A representative sample consisting of 1,586 subjects 14-103 years of age (mean 38 y) and comprising 45.3% males and 54.7% females was selected using a multi-stage, probability, cluster sampling strategy. The subjects were interviewed using a structured questionnaire and underwent a full-mouth, six sites per tooth clinical examination in a mobile examination center. Results: Moderate and severe clinical attachment loss and gingival recession were widespread among adults in this population. The prevalence and extent of attachment loss ³5 and ³7 mm were 79% and 52% subjects, and 36% and 16% teeth; and for gingival recession ³3 mm and ³5 mm were 52% and 22% subjects, and 17% and 6% teeth, respectively. Aggressive periodontitis was diagnosed in 5.5% of subjects, which is significantly higher than the reported prevalence in most other populations. Among the main risk indicators for chronic as well as aggressive destructive periodontal diseases were: older age, low socioeconomic status, dental calculus, and smoking. Cigarette smoking accounted for an important part of periodontal disease burden, particularly in adults, and should be considered an important target in any prevention strategy aimed at reducing the burden of periodontal diseases. Partial recording methods consistently underestimated the prevalence of attachment loss in the population, and the extent of underestimation was dependent on the type of system used and the threshold of attachment loss. Conclusions: Destructive periodontal diseases are prevalent in this Brazilian population. Suitable disease prevention and health promotion programs should be established to improve the periodontal health in this population.
Objective- Convinced that periodontium, many times, can show alterations in human health, the aim of these studies was to investigate the periodontal situation in patients with endocrine-metabolic disorders such as, Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and acromegaly. Methods- Eight patients with Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome, 16 acromegalics, 30 hypothyroids, 30 hyperthyroids, and a control group with 35 patients were evaluated. Clinical attachment loss, probing depth, gingival bleeding index, gingival overgrowth and Index of Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth were measured in each patient. All ethical aspects were rigidly observed, being the study conducted after its approval by the University of Fortaleza Research Ethics Committee. Results- The presence of periodontitis was marked in hyperthyroids and in patients with Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome. Hypothyroids showed not much presence of periodontitis, while all acromegalics presented absence of periodontitis. Conclusions- The protective effect of periodontitis in acromegalic patients is a new finding, whose mechanisms are not yet clear, but may be related to the anabolic effects of growth hormone. The presence of periodontitis in Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome may occur due the early onset of diabetes. In hyperthyroids, the high prevalence of periodontitis could be linked to thyroid hormones effects on bone, explaining also the minor prevalence in hypothyroids
This research aimed at evaluating oral health education activities for Periodontitis carriers, emphasizing the motivation for self-care and understanding the cultural aspects involved. This was a qualitative and quantitative study. Based on the qualitative referential, 20 interviews were done, in which differences between scientific and popular explicative models of the health-illness process were verified, besides the increased knowledge and motivation in relation to the use of preventive measures and also the fails in the understanding of the chronic character of periodontitis, enhancing frustration and guilty feelings in the patients. Two groups were structured: intervention and control. The intervention group was submitted to clinical attendance and education activities, while the control group undergone the traditional clinical attendance only. The sample consisted of 51 participants of intervention group and 47 of control group. Structured interviews were conducted at the beginning and at the end of the treatment in order to evaluate the knowledge and motivation for self-care in both groups. For comparison between the previous and post moments in both groups, there were applied McNemar tests with a probability of p < 0.05. In intervention group there was an increase in knowledge related to the name, the causes and related factors of the disease (p < 0.05). In control group there wasn t a rise in the understanding of the diseases chronic character, unlike in intervention group. However, in what concerns self-care, a greatest frequency in medium and high scores was observed in both groups. By this study, it is conclude that there is a common sense knowledge about the importance of preventive techniques and poor oral health as causing periodontitis; clinical interventions for bearers of chronic Periodontitis do not add values to the patients, regarding the illness, its causes and its chronic character; popular beliefs stay in their imagination, and the patients have a increased motivational capacity for self-care
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Formulations containing poloxamer 407 (P407), carbopol 934P (C934P), and propolis extract (PE) were designed for the treatment of periodontal disease. Gelation temperature, in vitro drug release, rheology, hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness, mucoadhesion, and syringeability of formulations were determined. Propolis release from formulations was controlled by the phenomenon of relaxation of polymer chains. Formulations exhibited pseudoplastic flow and low degrees of thixotropy or rheopexy. In most samples, increasing the concentration of C934P content significantly increased storage modulus (G'), loss modulus (G ''), and dynamic viscosity (n') at 5 degrees C, G '' exceeded G'. At 25 and 37 degrees C, n' of each formulation depended on the oscillatory frequency. Formulations showed thermoresponsive behavior, existing as a liquid at room temperature and gel at 34-37 degrees C. Increasing the C934P content or temperature significantly increased formulation hardness, compressibility, and adhesiveness. The greatest mucoadhesion was noted in the formulation containing 15% P407 (w/w) and 0.25% C934P (w/w). The work of syringeability values of all formulations were similar and very desirable with regard to ease of administration. The data obtained in these formulations indicate a potentially useful role in the treatment of periodontitis and suggest they are worthy of clinical evaluation. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Periodontal infections consist of a group of inflammatory conditions caused by microorganisms that colonize the tooth surface through the formation of dental biofilm. Chronic infections such as periodontitis have been associated to the development and progression of atherosclerosis. AIM: Detect cultivatable and non-cultivatable periodontopathogenic bacteria in atheromatous plaques; search for factors associated to the presence of these bacteria in the atheromatous plaques and characterize the presence of cultivatable and non-cultivatable bacteria in these plaques. METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was performed with a sample of 30 patients diagnosed with atherosclerosis in the carotid, coronary or femoral arteries and surgically treated with angioplasty and stent implant, bypass or endarterectomy. The plaques were collected during surgery and analyzed using the PCR molecular technique for the presence of the DNA of the cultivatable bacteria Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola and of the non-cultivatable Synergistes phylotypes. The patients were examined in the infirmary, after the surgery, where they also responded to a questionnaire aimed at determining factors associated to the presence of periodontopathogenic bacteria in the atheromatous plaques. RESULTS: All patients with tooth (66,7%) possessed disease periodontal, being 95% severe and 65% widespread. No periodontopathogenic bacteria were found in the atheromatous plaques. However, four samples (13.3%) were positive for the presence of bacteria. Of these, three participants were dentate, being two carriers of widespread severe chronic periodontite and one of located severe chronic periodontitis. None of them told the accomplishment of procedures associated to possible bacteremia episodes, as treatment endodontic, extraction the last six months or some procedure surgical dental. CONCLUSION: The periodontopathogenic bacteria studied were not found in the atheromatous plaques, making it impossible to establish the prevalence of these pathogens or the factors associated to their presence in plaques, the detection of positive samples for bacteria suggests that other periodontal and non-periodontal pathogens be studied in an attempt at discovering the association or not between periodontal disease and/or others infections and atherosclerosis, from the presence of these bacteria in atheromas
Objective: To evaluate the degree of users satisfaction and technical quality of endodontic treatment in specialized dental clinics (CEO) of Grande Natal / RN between 2006 and 2008. Methodology: evaluated 282 endodontically treated teeth in CEOs through clinical and radiographic examinations. A questionnaire about the clinical condition of the tooth, evaluation of care and satisfaction with treatment was applied. Data on pre-and trans-operative were noted by the patient's clinical record. Endodontically treated teeth were examined by a specialist in endodontics, which compared with previous radiographs and current ones. The collected datas were presented descriptively by absolute numbers, percentages, averages. To determine the association between the independent and dependent variables was carried out through the bivariate association test Chi-square and Fisher exact test. Results: 79.8% presented with radiographic normal and 84.4% without pain symptoms. 8.2% of the teeth were fractured and 3.2% extracted. The persistence of the periapical lesion was associated with initial periapical status (p <0.05). 91.5% of patients are satisfied with the outcome of treatment. Such satisfaction is associated with absence of pain and an adequate esthetic tooth position (p <0.05). Conclusion: endodontic treatment in specialized dental clinics have an adequate technical quality, resulting in the success of endodontic therapy performed in these centers and that users are satisfied with the treatment
The aim of this study was determine the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus spp. from patients with periodontal disease and periodontally healthy, correlate them with factors to host, local environment and traits of the diseases. To this, thirty adults from 19 to 55 years old were selected. They had not periodontal treatment and no antibiotic or antimicrobial was administered during three previous months. From these individuals, sites periodontally healthy, with chronic gingivitis and/or periodontitis were analyzed. Eighteen subgingival dental biofilm samples were collected through sterile paper points being six from each tooth randomly selected, representing conditions mentioned. They were transported to Oral Microbiology laboratory, plated onto Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA) and incubated at 370C in air for 48 h. Staphylococcus spp. were identified by colonial morphology, Gram stain, catalase reaction, susceptibility to bacitracin and coagulase activity. After identification, strains were submitted to the antibiotic susceptibility test with 12 antimicrobials, based on Kirby-Bauer technique. To establish the relation between coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CSN) presence and their infection levels and host factors, local environment and traits of diseases were used Chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests to a confidence level of 95%. 86,7% subjects harbored CSN in 11,7% periodontal sites. These prevalence were 12,1% in healthy sites, 11,7% in chronic gingivitis, 13,5% in slight chronic periodontitis, 6,75% in moderate chronic periodontitis and in sites with advance chronic periodontitis was not isolated CSN, without difference among them (p = 0,672). There was no significant difference to presence and infection levels of CSN as related to host factors, local environm ent and traits of the diseases. Amongst the 74 samples of CSN isolated, the biggest resistance was observed to penicillin (55,4%), erythromycin (32,4%), tetracycline (12,16%) and clindamycin (9,4%). 5,3% of the isolates were resistant to oxacilin and methicillin. No resistance was observed to ciprofloxacin, rifampicin and vancomycin. It was concluded that staphylococci are found in low numbers in healthy or sick periodontal sites in a similar ratio. However, a trend was observed to a reduction in staphylococci occurrence toward more advanced stages of the disease. This low prevalence was not related to any variables analyzed. Susceptibility profile to antibiotics demonstrates a raised resistance to penicillin and a low one to methicillin. To erythromycin, tetracycline and clindamycin was observed a significant resistance
INTRODUCTION: The high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) constitutes an inflammatory mediator used as predictor of cardiovascular risk that comes being researched as indicative relation factor between cardiovascular and periodontal diseases. PROPOSITION: To compare serumals levels of C-reactive protein between patients with and without generalized severe chronic periodontitis. METHODOLOGY: A seccional study was realized using a sample with 62 patients, being 31 participants carriers of periodontal diseases (Group I) and 31 without periodontal diseases (Group II), grouped to the pairs by age and sex. As inclusion criterio were selected patients with diagnosis of generalized severe chronic periodontitis, being preculeds, individuals which presented systemic disease, recent infection history, historical of CVA or stroke, smokers, pregnants and lactants. The research consisted of two stages, a clinc and other biochemist. The clinical stage is constituted of periodontal examination and the biochemist stage, of the peripheral blood collection for determination hsCRP levels and a hemogram to inquire any panel which could suggest infectious and/or inflammatory process. RESULTS: Periodontal disease group presented a average of 0,36mg/dL, while the group without disease presented 0,17 mg/dL, do not existing significant difference statistically between the averages (p = 0,061). The cardiovascular risk for the group I was classified high for 27,6% of participants and low for 72,4% of them. In the group II, 6,45% presented high risk e 93,5% low risk, being this significant relation statistically gotten for Fisher s Test (p = 0,042) presenting OR = 5,33; IC = 95% (1,02 27,4). The independets variables reseacred do not presented significant association statistically with the levels of hsCRP. CONCLUSION: The study indicated that despite of carriers patients of periodontal diseases do not present differents serumals levels of hsCRP from the other group, the periodontal disease was considered as risk factor for hsCRP plasmatic levels elevation