989 resultados para Pay-tv market


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In this paper the impact of different types of competences in the labor market for college graduates is investigated. We use two waves of a new data set of Catalan college graduates interviewed three years after graduation. We use wages equation to calculate the payoff to management, communication, specific and instrumental competences. By far, management competences are those which command a higher pay-off. This positive pay-off seems to be independent of individuals’ cognitive capacities. We show that most of the individual endowment in management competences is developed in the workplace. However, a strong background of theoretical knowledge (developed in the class room) helps a great deal to accumulate working related competences and, hence, has a large indirect pay-off.


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Partiendo de una muestra compuesta por más de 19.000 titulados universitarios encuestados en 2008 y 2011, 3 años y medio después de haber finalizado sus estudios, obtenemos que la incidencia de la sobreeducación femenina está por debajo de la masculina. Con la sobrecualificación los resultados son similares. Las estimaciones de las ecuaciones salariales indican que el desajuste educativo y competencial generan una importante reducción de los ingresos para ambos sexos. La penalización a la sobreeducación es mayor para las tituladas. En cambio, se observa que la pérdida de ingresos causada por la sobrecualificación en las competencias de gestión es mayor para los hombres. El efecto de la sobrecualificación en sus niveles más elevados llega a equilibrar el impacto más favorable de la sobreeducación masculina. Los resultados obtenidos no se pueden explicar a través de la segmentación del mercado laboral de los graduados, ni tampoco a partir de la preferencia femenina por condiciones laborales a las cuales otorgan atributos positivos. En cambio, no es posible rechazar la existencia de discriminación hacia las egresadas. Tampoco es posible descartar que las asimetrías en el impacto de los desajustes estén causadas por una concepción distinta del fenómeno de la sobreeducación por parte de hombres y mujeres.


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The aim of this paper is to measure the returns to human capital. We use a unique data set consisting of matched employer-employee information. Data on individuals' human capital include a set of 26 competences that capture the utilization of workers' skills in a very detailed way. Thus, we can expand the concept of human capital and discuss the type of skills that are more productive in the workplace and, hence, generate a higher payoff for the workers. The rich information on firm's and workplace characteristics allows us to introduce a broad range of controls and to improve previous research in this field. This paper gives evidence that the returns to generic competences differ depending on the position of the worker in the firm. Only numeracy skills are reward independent of the occupational status of the worker. The level of technology used by the firm in the production process does not directly increase workers’ pay, but it influences the pay-off to some of the competences. JEL Classification: J24, J31


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Response to the Office of Fair Trading on the Care Home Market


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Voting is fundamental for democracy, however, this decisive democratic act requires quite an effort. Decision making at elections depends largely on the interest to gather information about candidates and parties, the effort to process the information at hand and the motivation to reach a vote choice. Especially in electoral systems with highly fragmented party systems and hundreds of candidates running for office, the process of decision making in the pre‐election sphere is highly demanding. In the age of information and communication technologies, new possibilities for gathering and processing such information are available. Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) provide guidance to voters prior to the act of voting and assist voters in choosing between different candidates and parties on the basis of issue congruence. Meanwhile widely used all over the world, scientific inquiry into the effect of such tools on electoral behavior is ongoing. This paper adds to the current debate by focusing on whether the popularity of candidates on the Swiss VAA smartvote eventually paid off at the 2007 Swiss federal elections and whether there is a direct link between the performance of a candidate on the tool and his or her electoral performance.


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This report aims to provide a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the situation. The three categories of professionals covered are Chartered Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech and Language Therapists Download the Report here


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Independent Report to the Minister for Health and Health Insurance Council Click here to download PDF 179KB  


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This report was prepared independently by Mr McLoughlin with the insurers support, for consideration by the Minister for Health and the insurers.  All parties were very conscious of the importance of respecting competition law when dealing with issues such as prices and costs. The Phase 1 report contains 32 recommendations under 9 headings as follows: Most of the recommendations in the Phase 1 report could be implemented on an administrative basis, while a small number, if adopted, would require legislation. Some of the key recommendations to drive down costs are can be summarised as follows: Controlling costs in private health insurance Care settings and use of resources Age structure of the market Clinical audit and utilisation management Industry approach to private psychiatry Fraud, waste and abuse Chronic disease management Claims processing Admission and discharge procedures and processes. Most of the recommendations in the Phase 1 report could be implemented on an administrative basis, while a small number, if adopted, would require legislation.


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Provision for risk equalisation was first made in the Health Insurance Act, 1994, section 12 of which empowered the Minister to prescribe a scheme for risk equalisation. A Risk Equalsiation Scheme was introduced in 2003. In December 2005, the Minister decided, on the Authorityâ?Ts recommendation, which referred to risks now materialising, to commence risk equalisation payments under the Scheme as from 1 January 2006, but in the event the relevant legislation was overturned by the Courts in 2008. Download document here


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5.11.2014 This report was prepared independently by Mr McLoughlin with the support of the health insurers, and the Health Insurance Authority, for consideration by the Minister for Health and the insurers.  All parties were very conscious of the importance of respecting competition law when dealing with issues such as prices and costs. The work of the Group has been conducted in two phases, with the first phase report published on 26 December 2013. The Phase 1 report sets out the context, establishment, membership and terms of reference for both phases of the Groups work.  The report also outlines the legislative provisions for private health insurance in Ireland, the objectives of both phases of the review and the approach and methodology followed. Phase 2 of the process focused on the compilation and analysis by the Health Insurance Authority (HIA) of claims data to assess the cost drivers for health insurance, the effects of medical technology and innovations on costs, and claims processing issues.The report and submissions from relevant stakeholders which were examined and considered under the Phase 2 Review can be downloaded below. Download the Review of Measures to Reduce Costs in the Private Health Insurance Market 2014 -  Independent Report to the Minister for Health and Health Insurance Council here. Submissions received HSE Submission to Pat McLoughlin, Chair of Review Group IHAI submission 11 April 2014 IHCA submission to Chair 1 May 2014 Insurance Ireland submission Society of Actuaries in Ireland submission St. Patricks Mental Health Services submission April 2014 St John of Gods Submission       ÂÂ