963 resultados para PHAGOSOME MATURATION
PDI, a redox chaperone, is involved in host cell uptake of bacteria/viruses, phagosome formation, and vascular NADPH oxidase regulation. PDI involvement in phagocyte infection by parasites has been poorly explored. Here, we investigated the role of PDI in in vitro infection of J774 macrophages by amastigote and promastigote forms of the protozoan Leishmania chagasi and assessed whether PDI associates with the macrophage NADPH oxidase complex. Promastigote but not amastigote phagocytosis was inhibited significantly by macrophage incubation with thiol/PDI inhibitors DTNB, bacitracin, phenylarsine oxide, and neutralizing PDI antibody in a parasite redox-dependent way. Binding assays indicate that PDI preferentially mediates parasite internalization. Bref-A, an ER-Golgi-disrupting agent, prevented PDI concentration in an enriched macrophage membrane fraction and promoted a significant decrease in infection. Promastigote phagocytosis was increased further by macrophage overexpression of wild-type PDI and decreased upon transfection with an antisense PDI plasmid or PDI siRNA. At later stages of infection, PDI physically interacted with L. chagasi, as revealed by immunoprecipitation data. Promastigote uptake was inhibited consistently by macrophage preincubation with catalase. Additionally, loss-or gain-of-function experiments indicated that PMA-driven NADPH oxidase activation correlated directly with PDI expression levels. Close association between PDI and the p22phox NADPH oxidase subunit was shown by confocal colocalization and coimmunoprecipitation. These results provide evidence that PDI not only associates with phagocyte NADPH oxidase but also that PDI is crucial for efficient macrophage infection by L. chagasi. J. Leukoc. Biol. 86: 989-998; 2009.
Although the number of genes known to be associated with bovine spermatogenesis has increased in the past few years, regulation of this biological process remains poorly understood. Therefore, discovery of new male fertility genetic markers is of great value for assisted selection in commercially important cattle breeds, e.g., Nelore, that have delayed reproductive maturation and low fertility rates. The objective of the present study was to identify sequences associated with spermatogenesis that could be used as fertility markers. With RT-PCR, the following five transcripts preferentially expressed in adult testis were detected: TET(656) detected only in adult testis; TET(868) and TET(515) expressed preferentially in adult testis but also detected in fetal gonads of both sexes; and TET(456) and TET(262). expressed primarily in the testis, but also present in very low amounts in somatic tissues. Based on their homologies and expression profiles, we inferred that they had putative roles in spermatogenesis. Detection of sequences differentially expressed in testis, ovary, or both, was a useful approach for identifying new genes related to bovine spermatogenesis. The data reported here contributed to discovery of gene pathways involved in bovine spermatogenesis, with potential for prediction of fertility. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of low-intensity therapeutic ultrasound on the murine calcaneus tendon healing process. BACKGROUND: Therapeutic ultrasound promotes formation and maturation of scar tissue. METHODS: Calcaneus tendon tenotomy and tenorrhaphy was performed on 28 Wistar rats. After the procedure, the animals were randomly divided into 2 groups. The animals in the experimental group received a 5-minute ultrasound application, once a day, at a frequency of 1 MHz, a spatial average temporal average intensity of 0.1 W/cm(2), and a spatial average intensity of 0.52 W/cm(2) at a 16-Hz frequency pulse mode (duty cycle, 20%). Data for the injured side were normalized in relation to the data from the contralateral healthy calcaneus tendon (relative values). The animals in the control group received sham treatment. After a 28-day treatment period, the animals were sacrificed and their tendons surgically removed and subjected to mechanical stress testing. The parameters analyzed were cross-sectional area (mm(2)), ultimate load (N), tensile strength (MPa), and energy absorption (mJ). RESULTS: A significant difference between groups was found for the relative values of ultimate load and tensile strength. The mean +/- SD ultimate load of the control group was -3.5% +/- 32.2% compared to 33.3% +/- 26.8% for the experimental group (P = .005). The mean tensile strength of the control group was -47.7% +/- 19.5% compared to -28.1% +/- 24.1% for the experimental group (P = .019). No significant difference was found in cross-sectional area and energy absorption. CONCLUSION: Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound produced by a conventional therapeutic ultrasound unit can positively influence the calcaneus tendon healing process in rats. J Ort hop Sports Phys Ther 2011;41(7):526-531, Epub 2 February 2011. doi:10.2519/jospt.2011.3468
Context Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) studies in adults with bipolar disorder (BD) indicate altered white matter (WM) in the orbitomedial prefrontal cortex (OMPFC), potentially underlying abnormal prefrontal corticolimbic connectivity and mood dysregulatioin in BD. Objective: To use tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) to examine VVM skeleton (ie, the most compact whole-brain WM) in subjects with BD vs healthy control subjects. Design: Cross-sectional, case-control, whole-brain DTI using TBSS. Setting: University research institute. Participants: Fifty-six individuals, 31 having a DSM-IV diagnosis of BD type 1 (mean age, 35.9 years [age range, 24-52 years]) and 25 controls (mean age, 29.5 years [age range, 19-52 years]). Main Outcome Measures: Fractional anisotropy (FA) longitudinal and radial diffusivities in subjects with BD vs controls (covarying for age) and their relationships with clinical and demographic variables. Results: Subjects with BD vs controls had significantly greater FA (t > 3.0, P <=.05 corrected) in the left uncinate fasciculus (reduced radial diffusivity distally and increased longitudinal diffusivity centrally), left optic radiation (increased longitudinal diffusivity), and right anterothalamic radiation (no significant diffusivity change). Subjects with BD vs controls had significantly reduced FA (t > 3.0, P <=.05 corrected) in the right uncinate fasciculus (greater radial diffusivity). Among subjects with BD, significant negative correlations (P <.01) were found between age and FA in bilateral uncinate fasciculi and in the right anterothalamic radiation, as well as between medication load and FA in the left optic radiation. Decreased FA (P <.01) was observed in the left optic radiation and in the right anterothalamic radiation among subjects with BD taking vs those not taking mood stabilizers, as well as in the left optic radiation among depressed vs remitted subjects with BD. Subjects having BD with vs without lifetime alcohol or other drug abuse had significantly decreased FA in the left uncinate fasciculus. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to use TBSS to examine WM in subjects with BD. Subjects with BD vs controls showed greater WM FA in the left OMPFC that diminished with age and with alcohol or other drug abuse, as well as reduced WM FA in the right OMPFC. Mood stabilizers and depressed episode reduced WM FA in left-sided sensory visual processing regions among subjects with BD. Abnormal right vs left asymmetry in FA in OMPFC WM among subjects with BD, likely reflecting increased proportions of left-sided longitudinally aligned and right-sided obliquely aligned myelinated fibers, may represent a biologic mechanism for mood dysregulation in BD.
Background: Cadherins and integrins are important for maintenance of tissue integrity and in signal transduction during skin development. Distribution of these molecules in human skin development was investigated and associated with markers of differentiation, cytokeratins (CK) and involucrin (INV). Methods: Using immunohistochemistry expression of E- and P-cadherins, integrins beta-1 and -4, CK10, CK14 and INV was assessed in skin fragments of 10 human fetuses (gestational weeks ranged from 4 to 24, all weighing up to 500 g). Results: At initial phases of development, integrins beta-1 and -4 and E- and P-cadherins were present on epithelial cell membranes in all layers. CK14 and CK10 were expressed in all epithelial layers and INV weakly detected in the superficial layer. In more advanced stages, integrins were detected in all layers, but a marked polarized expression was seen in basal layer. E-cadherin was detected in all layers, but the cornified stratum and P-cadherin were observed in the lower layers. CK14 was expressed in basal layer, CK10 in suprabasal stratum and INV was observed in cornified layer. Conclusions: Cadherins and integrins are essential for skin development, being spatially and temporally regulated. Their expression is related with the expression of maturation markers of the epidermis.
Purpose: In this study we analyzed the role played by aerobic exercise training in the plasma lipoprotein profile, prebeta 1-HDL concentration, and in the in vitro HDL3 ability to remove cholesterol from macrophages and inhibit LDL oxidation in type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients and control subjects, in the fasting and postprandial states. Methods: Healthy controls (HTC, N = 11; 1 M/10 F) and subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DMT, N = 11; 3M/ 8F) were engaged in a 4-month aerobic training program, and compared with a group of sedentary subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DMS, N = 10; 4 M/6 F). All groups were submitted to an oral fat load test to analyze all parameters, both at the beginning of the investigation protocol (basal) and at the end of the study period (final). Results: Exercising did not modify body weight, BMI, plasma concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), glucose, insulin, or HOMA-IR, but it reduced the waist circumference. The HDL3 Composition did not change, and its ability to remove cell cholesterol was unaltered by aerobic training. In DMT but not in HTC, aerobic training improved 15% the HDL3 protective effect against LDL maximal oxidation rate in the fasting state, and reduced 24% the plasma prebeta 1-HDL concentration in the postprandial state, suggesting an enhanced prebeta 1-HDL conversion into larger, more mature HDL particles. In this regard, regular aerobic exercise enriched HDL2 with TG in the fasting and postprandial states in HTC and in the fasting phase in DMT. Conclusion: Our results show that aerobic exercise training in diabetes mellitus improves the HDL efficiency against LDL oxidation and favors HDL maturation. These findings were independent of changes in insulin resistance and of the rise of plasma HDL cholesterol concentration.
The human SFRS9/SRp30c belongs to the SR family of splicing regulators. Despite evidence that members of this protein family may be targeted by arginine methylation, this has yet to be experimentally addressed. In this study, we found that SFRS9 is a target for PRMT1-mediated arginine methylation in vitro, and that it is immunoprecipitated from HEK-293 lysates by antibodies that recognize both mono- and dimethylated arginines. We further observed that upon treatment with the methylation inhibitor Adox, the fluorescent EGFP-SFRS9 re-localizes to dot-like structures in the cell nucleus. In subsequent confocal analyses, we found that EGFP-SFRS9 localizes to nucleoli in Adox-treated cells. Our findings indicate the importance of arginine methylation for the subnuclear localization of SFRS9.
Legionella pneumophila, the etiological agent of Legionnaires disease, is known to trigger pore formation in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) by mechanisms dependent on the type IVB secretion system known as Dot/Icm. Here, we used several mutants of L. pneumophila in combination with knockout mice to assess the host and bacterial factors involved in pore formation in BMMs. We found that regardless of Dot/Icm activity, pore formation does not occur in BMMs deficient in caspase-1 and Nlrc4/Ipaf. Pore formation was temporally associated with interleukin-1 beta secretion and preceded host cell lysis and pyroptosis. Pore-forming ability was dependent on bacterial Dot/Icm but independent of several effector proteins, multiplication, and de novo protein synthesis. Flagellin, which is known to trigger the Nlrc4 inflammasome, was required for pore formation as flaA mutant bacteria failed to induce cell permeabilization. Accordingly, transfection of purified flagellin was sufficient to trigger pore formation independent of infection. By using 11 different Legionella species, we found robust pore formation in response to L. micdadei, L. bozemanii, L. gratiana, L. jordanis, and L. rubrilucens, and this trait correlated with flagellin expression by these species. Together, the results suggest that pore formation is neither L. pneumophila specific nor the result of membrane damage induced by Dot/Icm activity; instead, it is a highly coordinated host cell response dependent on host Nlrc4 and caspase-1 and on bacterial flagellin and type IV secretion system.
Small GTPase Rab is a member of a large family of Ras-related proteins, highly conserved in eukaryotic cells, and thought to regulate specific type(s) and/or specific step(s) in intracellular membrane trafficking. Given our interest in synaptic transmission, we addressed the possibility that Rab27 (a close isoform of Rab3) could be involved in cytosolic synaptic vesicle mobilization. Indeed, preterminal injection of a specific antibody against squid Rab27 (anti-sqRab27 antibody) combined with confocal microscopy demonstrated that Rab27 is present on squid synaptic vesicles. Electrophysiological study of injected synapses showed that the anti-sqRab27 antibody inhibited synaptic release in a stimulation-dependent manner without affecting presynaptic action potentials or inward Ca2+ current. This result was confirmed in in vitro synaptosomes by using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Thus, synaptosomal Ca2+-stimulated release of FM1-43 dye was greatly impaired by intraterminal anti-sqRab27 antibody. Ultrastructural analysis of the injected giant preterminal further showed a reduced number of docked synaptic vesicles and an increase in nondocked vesicular profiles distant from the active zone. These results, taken together, indicate that Rab27 is primarily involved in the maturation of recycled vesicles and/or their transport to the presynaptic active zone in the squid giant synapse.
OBJECTIVE: Investigate the effects of antenatal steroids and tracheal occlusion on pulmonary expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors in rats with nitrofen-induced congenital diaphragmatic hernia. STUDY DESIGN: Fetuses were exposed to nitrofen at embryonic day 9.5. Subgroups received dexamethasone or were operated on for tracheal occlusion, or received combined treatment. Morphologic variables were recorded. To analyze vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 expression, we performed Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Morphologic variables were analyzed by analysis of variance and immunohistochemistry by Kruskal-Wallis test. RESULTS: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia decreased body weight, total lung weight, and lung-to-body weight ratio. Tracheal occlusion increased total lung weight and lung-to-body weight ratio (P < .05). Fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia had reduced vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 expression, whereas steroids and tracheal occlusion increased their expression. Combined treatment increased expression of receptors, but had no additive effect. CONCLUSION: Vascular endothelial growth factor signaling disruption may be associated with pulmonary hypertension in congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Tracheal occlusion and steroids provide a pathway for restoring expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors.
Development of hypoxic areas occurs during infectious and inflammatory processes and dendritic cells (DCs) are involved in both innate and adaptive immunity in diseased tissues. Our group previously reported that macrophages exposed to hypoxia were infected with the intracellular parasite Leishmania amazonensis, but showed reduced susceptibility to the parasite. This study shows that although hypoxia did not alter human DC viability, it significantly altered phenotypic and functional characteristics. The expression of CD1a, CD80, and CD86 was significantly reduced in DCs exposed to hypoxia, whereas CD11c, CD14, CD123, CD49 and HLA-DR expression remained unaltered in DCs cultured in hypoxia or normoxia. DC secretion of IL-12p70, the bioactive interleukin-12 (IL-12), a cytokine produced in response to inflammatory mediators, was enhanced under hypoxia. In addition, phagocytic activity (Leishmania uptake) was not impaired under hypoxia, although this microenviroment induced infected DCs to reduce parasite survival, consequently controlling the infection rate. All these data support the notion that a hypoxic microenvironment promotes selective pressure on DCs to assume a phenotype characterized by pro-inflammatory and microbial activities in injured or inflamed tissues and contribute to the innate immune response.
The intracellular bacterium Legionella pneumophila induces a severe form of pneumonia called Legionnaires diseases, which is characterized by a strong neutrophil (NE) infiltrate to the lungs of infected individuals. Although the participation of pattern recognition receptors, such as Toll-like receptors, was recently demonstrated, there is no information on the role of nod-like receptors (NLRs) for bacterial recognition in vivo and for NE recruitment to the lungs. Here, we employed a murine model of Legionnaires disease to evaluate host and bacterial factors involved in NE recruitment to the mice lungs. We found that L. pneumophila type four secretion system, known as Dot/Icm, was required for NE recruitment as dot/icm mutants fail to trigger NE recruitment in a process independent of bacterial multiplication. By using mice deficient for Nod1, Nod2, and Rip2, we found that these receptors accounted for NE recruitment to the lungs of infected mice. In addition, Rip2-dependent responses were important for cytokine production and bacterial clearance. Collectively, these studies show that Nod1, Nod2, and Rip2 account for generation of innate immune responses in vivo, which are important for NE recruitment and bacterial clearance in a murine model of Legionnaires diseases. (C) 2010 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The objective of this article was to estimate quantitative differences for GAPDH transcripts and poly(A) mRNA: (i) between oocytes collected from cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) qualified morphologically as grades A and B; (ii) between grade A oocytes before and after in vitro maturation (IVM); and (iii) among in vitro-produced embryos at different developmental stages. To achieve this objective a new approach was developed to estimate differences between poly(A) mRNA when using small samples. The approach consisted of full-length cDNA amplification (acDNA) monitored by real-time PCR, in which the cDNA from half of an oocyte or embryo was used as a template. The GAPDH gene was amplified as a reverse transcription control and samples that were not positive for GAPDH transcripts were discarded. The fold differences between two samples were estimated using delta Ct and statistical analysis and were obtained using the pairwise fixed reallocation randomization test. It was found that the oocytes recovered from grade B COCs had quantitatively less poly(A) mRNA (p < 0.01) transcripts compared with grade A COCs (1 arbitrary unit expression rate). In the comparison with immature oocytes (I arbitrary unit expression rate), the quantity of poly(A) mRNA did not change during IVM, but declined following IVF and varied with embryo culture (p < 0.05). Amplification of cDNA by real-time PCR was an efficient method to estimate differences in the amount of poly(A) mRNA between oocytes and embryos. The results obtained from individual oocytes suggested an association between poly(A) mRNA abundance and different morphological qualities of oocytes from COCs. In addition, a poly(A) mRNA profile was characterized from oocytes undergoing IVM, fertilization and blastocyst heating.
To evaluate the meiotic spindle and chromosomal distribution of in vitro-matured oocytes from infertile nonobese women with PCOS and male or tubal causes of infertility (controls), and to compare in vitro maturation (IVM) rates between groups. Seventy four patients (26 with PCOS and 48 controls) undergoing stimulated cycles of oocyte retrieval for ICSI were selected prospectively. Thirteen PCOS patients and 27 controls had immature oocytes retrieved submitted to IVM. After IVM, oocytes showing extrusion of the first polar body were fixed and processed for evaluation of the meiotic spindle and chromosome distribution by immunofluorescence microscopy. There were no differences between PCOS and control groups with respect to IVM rates (50.0% and 42.9%, respectively) nor the percentage of meiotic abnormalities in metaphase II oocytes (35.3% and 25%, respectively). In vitro-matured oocytes obtained from stimulated cycles of nonobese PCOS did not have an increased ratio of meiotic abnormalities.
To review and discuss the pathophysiology and prevention strategies for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), which is a condition that may occur in up to 20% of the high risk women submitted to assisted reproductive technology cycles. The English language literature on these topics were reviewed through PubMed and discussed with emphasis on recent data. The role of estradiol, luteinizing hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), inflammatory mediators, the renin-angiotensin system and vascular endothelial growth factor is discussed in the pathophysiology of OHSS. In addition we consider the prevention strategies, including coasting, administration of albumin, renin-angiotensin system blockage, dopamine agonist administration, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory administration, GnRH antagonist protocols, reducing hCG dosage, replacement of hCG and in vitro maturation of oocytes (IVM). Among the many prevention strategies that have been discussed, the current evidence points to the replacement of hCG by GnRH agonists in antagonist cycles and the performance of IVM procedures as the safest approaches.