996 resultados para PACTO ARBITRAL
This report is the outcome of an internship that took place in Centro de Arbitragem Comercial da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa and its completion is an essential part of the path towards obtaining the Master’s Degree in Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. This report has been structured in two stages – firstly, the presentation of the Centro de Arbitragem Comercial, focusing on its field of expertise, organic structure, principles and advantages. Then, the description of the activities developed within the Secretariat over the several stages of the arbitration procedure – since the reception of the arbitration requirement in institutional proceedings, terms of reference in ad hoc procedures, through the monitoring of the arbitral tribunal sessions (preliminary hearings, submission of evidence and final allegations) and the notification of the arbitration award. The second stage of this report is related to the description of the functions and powers of the President of Centro de Arbitragem Comercial. Firstly, it defines those powers by analyzing the statutes and rules of proceedings of the Centro de Arbitragem, drawing comparisons between the above mention and the rules of proceedings of others arbitral institutional centres, some of them are international references. The report assesses and describes the presidential powers, such as: configuration and composition of the arbitral tribunal (including arbitrator’s replacements, excuses and refusals); deadline extensions; determination of procedural rules and decision-making on any procedural incidents which arise before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal; definition of arbitration costs and fees; joinder of parties and consolidation of proceedings admission; and appointment of an emergency arbitrator. Lastly, this report analyzes some decisions delivered by the President in the respective institutional procedures which took place in the Centre.
This dissertation analyzes how the current Constitution and the Brazilian law establish consumer protection, arbitration and access to justice. Following we try to demonstrate why arbitration is a method rarely used in the resolution of consumer disputes in Brazil. It also examines the doctrinal and jurisprudential aspects of the conflict between the Brazilian Arbitration Law (Law nº. 9.307/96), which allows the arbitration clause in contracts of adhesion, and the Consumer Protection Code (Law nº 8.078/90) that in article 51, VII, considers as abusive the arbitration clause. Furthermore, analyzes new proposed bills under scrutiny by the National Congress on the issue and identifies the causes, in the Brazilian legal system, hampering the use of arbitration in consumer relations. Concludes that there are no principle obstacles preventing consumer litigations to be settled by arbitration. High costs, mistrust, oppression, misinformation of consumers and non-participation of the State, being a totally private institute, are factors that generate distrust, suspicion, and have prevented the development of arbitration in consumer relations in Brazil.
This paper is the author’s Master’s Thesis. It aims to study the content of lexarbitri, i.e. the relevant law regarding international arbitration. Under both Portuguese law and UNCITRAL model law, the seat’s legal provisions shall be applied at all times. Contrarily, French and Swiss legislations allow parties and arbitrators to apply any arbitration law to international arbitration, whether the seat law or a foreign arbitration law. There is not a sole understanding towards the criteria to determine the legal provisions that shall govern international arbitration. Traditionally, the lexarbitri would correspond to the arbitration law of the seat of the arbitration. The territorialistcriteria remains in force under the majority of arbitration laws that the author has consulted.However, it has been criticized by several authorities in international arbitration, who suggest that the arbitration shall be governed by the law of the seat or of the place in which the award is to be enforcement, whichever better grants its enforcement – the cumulative doctrine; or the arbitration shall be governed by a set of provisions that make up the autonomous transnational legal, regardless of the legal provisions of the law of the seat – the transnational doctrine. The author intends to debate the three mentioned understandings regarding the lexarbitriand further explains why the territorialist criteria is the most adequate to the characteristics and demands of international arbitration, to the governing instruments in force and to the need for a useful award.
The main purpose of this report is to present the work developed during the curricular internship on the Commercial Arbitration Centre of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is structured in two parts. The first, in which i´ll present the CAC, its organic structure and its activities. In this part I will also show the work I´ve done during the internship, as well as i´m going to identified, and comment, the tasks performed. The second part presents a study on arbitration awards that aimed to determine the amount “split the baby awards”, that is to say those that condemn in (approximately) half of the request. In addition to these data, I collected from sentences other, such as the duration of the cases, the number of foreign persons in each process, the number of foreign arbitrators, the language of proceedings etc. What is expected with this paperwork is to be able to clarify, and make known, some aspects on Arbitration in Portugal, thus contributing to the strengthening of the role of the Arbitration and Arbitral Justice.
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito dos Contratos e da Empresa
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Administrativo
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito da União Europeia
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Tecnologia Educativa)
Mestrado em Economia Monetária e Financeira
La cuestión de las nacionalidades se ha reabierto en España al calor de las reformas de los Estatutos de Autonomía impulsadas por el gobierno socialista de José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero. Sin embargo, no todas las reformas emprendidas por las Comunidades Autónomas han reivindicado el mismo tratamiento identitario en sus Estatutos. Este trabajo pretende ofrecer alguna luz, desde la ciencia política, para explicar el diferente curso identitario que caracteriza a la Comunidad Valenciana en relación a otras comunidades, como es el caso de Cataluña o Andalucía. A tal fin se exponen los modelos de autopercepción identitaria y su distribución o anclaje entre los valencianos, junto con el análisis de la repercusión de esta dimensión en términos electorales. Esos datos permiten al autor sugerir algunas explicaciones sobre el pacto estatutario alcanzado en torno a la identidad de los valencianos y sobre el comportamiento de los principales actores políticos valencianos en el proceso de reforma estatutaria de 2006.
Documento publicado por el CEO-UAB como parte de la colección Working Papers, con el objetivo de identificar a los integrantes de la familia arbitral, en unos Juegos Olímpicos, y realizar una correcta selección de técnicos.
Este artículo trata el tema del ne bis in idem como garantía procesal penal dentro del sistema interamericano de protección de los derechos humanos. Haciendo referencia a los casos llevados ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, se presentan algunas reflexiones que fueron tomadas en consideración para la flexibilización del principio. Esta garantía se compara con el sistema del “double jeopardy” de la common law. Asimismo, se compara también con otros sistemas de protección de los derechos humanos, como el europeo, el del Tribunal Penal Internacional y el del Pacto de Derechos Civiles y Políticos de las Naciones Unidas. Finalmente, se destaca la importancia de la armonización de garantías del proceso penal en la discusión de conflictos jurisdiccionales. Este texto es producto de las reflexiones debatidas en el curso de postgrado de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de São Paulo, “As Garantias do Processo Penal no Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos”, 2008.
El Monestir Budista del Garraf presenta un Pla Executiu per a l’ampliació del monestir. Amb la finalitat de millorar l’eficiència energètica en el futur monestir, s’estima el consum en compliment amb alguns criteris del Decret d’Ecoeficiència. Posteriorment, es realitza una comparació del consum actual del sistema amb l’estimat, analitzant les dades de manera global i per subsistemes. Mitjançant la realització d’un inventari del consum actual, l’estimació del consum futur, l’eficiència energètica i els potencials de captació d’energies renovables, es realitza un estudi per la implantació d’energies renovables al monestir. Es realitzen i s’avaluen les propostes per tal d’augmentar l’estalvi energètic del monestir i disminuir l’impacte ambiental. Es realitza l’estudi de dos escenaris energètics: el cobriment del 20% de la demanda energètica amb energies renovables (Pacte d’Alcaldes) i l’abastiment complet del consum amb energies renovables. Valorant diferents criteris ambientals, socials i econòmics es recomanen propostes per la seva aplicació.
O ensaio reconsidera o processo de institucionalização do cuidar evidenciando a ordem própria desse fato mobilizado por essa interdição. Evidencia os efeitos desse processo na conformação do pacto identificatório profissional instituição, o arcabouço estrutural que lhe dá sustentação, identificando suas propriedades, assim como as possibilidades de criar um dispositivo de trabalho apto a promover o reencontro com a tarefa primária resignificada.
Este trabalho procura abordar o percurso da construção do Estado da Guiné-Bissau tendo como pressuposto os efeitos da colonização portuguesa na instalação do novo regime político oficialmente assumido a partir de 10 de Setembro de 1974. A análise em questão concentra-se simultaneamente na avaliação do comportamento político do PAIGC durante a primeira, segunda e terceira República. Nesse sentido, observa-se respectivamente a marca da transição do poder das mãos do colonizador às do PAIGC - que então representava uma aspiração binacional Guinéo-Caboverdiana -; o rompimento do pacto e o domínio de cada um sobre o seu território, e a adesão do país ao multipartidarismo. O propósito se insere na perspectiva de visualizar os cenários que influenciaram as frequentes alterações do poder constitucional e que obstaculizam a construção do Estado.