956 resultados para Ovine Fetus
Propôs-se avaliar os parâmetros de qualidade pH, cor, perda de peso por cozimento (PPC) e força de cisalhamento (FC) no músculo Longissimus dorsi (LD) e Semimembranosus (SM) de 13 cordeiros machos e 14 fêmeas Santa Inês puro (SI x SI) e o mesmo número de animais Texel x Santa Inês (T x SI), abatidos com 15, 25, 35 e 45 kg PV. A carcaça foi resfriada por 24 horas a 2ºC, realizando-se, durante este período, as medidas de pH. Retiraram-se os músculos LD e SM para as análises de cor, PPC e FC. Utilizou-se um DIC, fatorial 2x2x4, e as médias foram analisadas pelo Proc GLM do programa estatístico SAS. As medidas de pH foram analisadas em parcela subdividida. A queda do pH no LD e SM foi mais acentuada para os animais mais leves. A carne das fêmeas T x SI apresentou pH final maior que a dos machos e cordeiros SI x SI. A luminosidade diminuiu e a intensidade da cor vermelha elevou-se com o aumento do peso de abate. A carne dos machos e dos cordeiros SI x SI apresentou coloração mais vermelha e menos luminosa no LD e SM. A PPC foi menor na carne dos cordeiros mais pesados; no músculo LD, dos machos houve menor perda de água que nos das fêmeas. Os machos tiveram carne mais dura e, com o aumento do peso de abate, houve diminuição de FC, sendo maior para o T x SI para o músculo LD e Santa Inês puro para o músculo SM.
O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da suplementação da ovelha 30 dias antes do parto, da idade à desmama (45 ou 60 dias) dos cordeiros e do sistema de terminação (em confinamento dieta total ou feno) ou a pasto sobre o perfil de ácidos graxos do músculo Triceps brachii de cordeiros machos não-castrados. O animais foram abatidos com 30 kg de peso corporal ou aos 150 dias de idade. Os cordeiros terminados em confinamento alimentados com feno foram abatidos pela idade e os demais pelo peso corporal. Os teores dos ácidos graxos C15:0, C16:0, C17:0, C16:1, C18:1 e C18:3 no músculo diferiram entre os sistemas de terminação dos cordeiros. O músculo dos cordeiros alimentados com dieta completa apresentou maiores valores de C16:0, C16:1 e C18:1, enquanto o músculo daqueles alimentados com feno e em pastagem apresentou maiores teores de C18:3. A dieta alterou o perfil de ácidos graxos no músculo dos cordeiros. A suplementação das ovelhas 30 dias antes do parto e a idade a desmama não afetaram o perfil de ácidos graxos.
BACKGROUND: Vascular cells express different phenotypes in adult and fetal vessels, and the extracellular matrix they synthesize should reflect these differences. Alterations of vascular proteoglycan/glycosaminoglycan is verified in disorders such as hypertension and diabetes, and when occurring during pregnancy, they bring about structural changes to fetal vessels that often lead to impaired fetus growth. Yet there is little data about the extracellular matrix of an important human fetal vessel, the umbilical artery.EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: This study involved the biochemical characterization of the extracellular matrix of normal umbilical arteries, umbilical arteries from complicated pregnancies (maternal hypertension and diabetes and intrauterine growth retardation syndrome), and, for purpose of comparison, normal adult arteries (aorta and iliac and pulmonary arteries). Although the collagen types I:III ratio was determined in some cases, emphasis was placed on analysis of glycosaminoglycans.RESULTS: Normal umbilical arteries differ from normal adult arteries in that they contain greater concentrations of hyaluronic acid and lesser concentrations of heparan sulfate and chondroitin 4-and 6-sulfate. The umbilical artery also differs from adult arteries in the disaccharide composition of its chondroitin and heparan sulfates and in the molecular weight of this latter glycosaminoglycan. The glycosaminoglycan distribution in umbilical arteries derived from complicated pregnancies is roughly similar to that of controls. However, total glycosaminoglycan and collagen were significantly reduced, and the collagen I:III ratio was increased in the umbilical arteries from hypertension-complicated pregnancies.CONCLUSIONS: the glycosaminoglycan composition of the normal umbilical artery, a fully differentiated tissue, differs in many aspects from that of normal adult arteries. of the cases of complicated pregnancies studied, the extracellular matrix of umbilical arteries was altered only in maternal hypertension. The changes, notably a mild fibrosis, were not very pronounced and should not impair hemodynamic properties of the vessel.
Tibia segmental defect healing in sheep were clinically, radiographically and histologically evaluated. Twelve young sheep aged four to five months were divided into two groups, G1 and G2. A 3.5 cm long segmental defect was created in the right tibial diaphysis with maintenance of the periosteum. The bone defects in both groups were stabilized with a bone plate combined with a titanium cage. In G1 the cage was filled with pieces of autologous cortical bone graft. In G2 it was filled with a composite biomaterial which consisted of inorganic bovine bone, demineralized bovine bone, a pool of bovine bone morphogenetic proteins bound to absorbable ultra-thin powdered hydroxyapatiteand bone-derived denaturized collagen. Except for one G1 animal, all of them showed normal limb function 60 days after surgery. Radiographic examination showed initial formation of periosteal callus in both groups at osteo-tomy sites, over the plate or cage 15 days postoperatively. At 60 and 90 days callus remodeling occurred. Histological and morphometric analysis at 90 days after surgery showed that the quantity of implanted materials in G1 and G2 were similar, and the quantity of new bone formation was less (p = 0.0048) and more immature in G1 than G2, occupying 51 +/- 3.46% and 62 +/- 6.26% of the cage space, respectively. These results suggest that the composite biomaterial tested was a good alternative to autologous cartical bone graft in this experimental ovine tibial defect. However, additional evaluation is warranted prior to its clinical usage.
Background: It is known that amino acid oxidation is increased in tumor-bearing rat muscles and that leucine is an important ketogenic amino acid that provides energy to the skeletal muscle.Methods: To evaluate the effects of a leucine supplemented diet on the intestinal absorption alterations produced by Walker 256, growing pregnant rats were distributed into six groups. Three pregnant groups received a normal protein diet (18% protein):pregnant (N), tumor-bearing (WN), pair-fed rats (Np). Three other pregnant groups were fed a diet supplemented with 3% leucine (15% protein plus 3% leucine):leucine (L), tumor-bearing (WL) and pair-fed with leucine (Lp). Non pregnant rats (C), which received a normal protein diet, were used as a control group. After 20 days, the animals were submitted to intestinal perfusion to measure leucine, methionine and glucose absorption.Results: Tumor-bearing pregnant rats showed impairment in food intake, body weight gain and muscle protein content, which were less accentuated in WL than in WN rats. These metabolic changes led to reduction in both fetal and tumor development. Leucine absorption slightly increased in WN group. In spite of having a significant decrease in leucine and methionine absorption compared to L, the WL group has shown a higher absorption rate of methionine than WN group, probably due to the ingestion of the leucine supplemented diet inducing this amino acid uptake. Glucose absorption was reduced in both tumor-bearing groups.Conclusions: Leucine supplementation during pregnancy in tumor-bearing rats promoted high leucine absorption, increasing the availability of the amino acid for neoplasic cells and, mainly, for fetus and host utilization. This may have contributed to the better preservation of body weight gain, food intake and muscle protein observed in the supplemented rats in relation to the non-supplemented ones.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a dimorphic fungus presenting specific steroid hormone receptors, both in the yeast and mycelial forms and estrogen inhibits the transition from mycelium to yeast. In the acute phase, the disease occurs with equal frequency in both sexes but in adults, females are spared. Placental fungal infection has been reported, but references to fetal infection have not been confirmed. We used 78 Syrian female hamsters divided into 3 groups: GI consisted of 30 infected mated females, GII of 20 infected unmated females and GIII of 28 uninfected mated females. Animals of group I were mated 4 weeks after infection and half of them were submitted to cesarean section on day 15 after successful mating; the other half was maintained and submitted to cesarean section and sacrificed 14 weeks after infection. Half of the animals of group II were sacrificed seven weeks and the other half 14 weeks after infection. Uninfected animals of group III were treated the same as the animals of group I. The animals were infected with strain 18 of P. brasiliensis by the intracardiac route. We evaluated the disease by the volume of granulomas in different organs, number of fungi in liver and spleen and the immunologic responses [ELISA, Double Immunodifusion (DID), Delayed Hypersensitivity Skin Test (DHT) and Macrophage Migration Inhibition (MMI)]. We studied the infection through the gestation by evaluation of the abortions, morphologic and clinic examinations of the fetuses. Our results showed that the infection did not transfer to the fetus through the placenta, but the number of abortions was larger among infected females. The newborns of GI females were smaller, weighed less and showed little vitality. The disease was more severe and disseminated in infected mated females, especially in the second sacrifice 14 weeks after inoculation, when the total volume of granulomas in them (56.3 mm) was much greater than in the infected unmated females (12 mm).
Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLAs) comprise a family of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid. The main form of CLA, cis-9, trans-11-C18:2 show positive effects in cancer prevention and treatment. The major dietary sources of these fatty acids are derived from ruminant animals, in particular dairy products. In these animals, the endogenous synthesis mainly occurs in mammary gland by the action of enzyme Stearoyl CoA Desaturase (SCD). Different levels of expression and activity of SCD in mammary gland can explain partially the variation of CLA levels in fat milk. Considering a great fat concentration in bubaline milk and the benefit of a high and positive correlation between fat milk and CLA production, this study was carried on with the intention of sequencing and characterizing part of the gene that codifies SCD in buffaloes. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples of lactating bubaline which begins to the breed Murrah. After the (acho que nao precisa desse the) extractions, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) reactions were made by using primers Z (sic) (sic) D1 and E1 (sic) (sic) F1. The fragments obtained in PCR were cloned into T vectors and transformed in competent cells DH10B line. After this, three samples of each fragment were sequenced from 5' and 3' extremities using a BigDye kit in an automatic sequencer. Sequences were edited in a consensus of each fragment and were submitted to BLAST-n / NCBI for similarity comparisions among other species. The sequence obtained with Z (sic) (sic) D1 primers shows 938 bp enclosing exons 1 and 2 and intron 1. The primers E1 (sic) (sic) F1 show 70 bp corresponding to exon 3 of bubaline SCD gene. Similarities were obtained between 85% and 97% among bubaline sequences and sequences of SCD gene described in human, mouse, rat, swine, bovine, caprine and ovine species. This study has permitted the identification and partial characterization of SCD codifing region in Bubalus bubalis specie.
Los efectos de la prostaglandina (PGF2α) vs CIDR y eCG (gonadotrofina coriónica equina) en la dinámica de la población folicular y su relación con las concentraciones plasmáticas de P4 fueron investigadas en ovejas cíclicas. Fueron utilizadas 14 hembras ovinas de la raza Bergamascia; el Grupo 1 (Gl) se sometió a dos aplicaciones de PGF2α, y, el Grupo 2 (G2) tratado con CIDR durante 14 días siendo que, en el momento de su retirada, se administraron 500 UI de eCG. La dinámica folicular ovárica fue monitoreada por medio de ecógrafo. Se monitorearon todos los folículos ≥ mm y se gráfico su posición diariamente, observándose el desarrollo individual folicular. Desde el día anterior a la aplicación de la segunda dosis de PGF2α, (Gl) y desde la administración de eCG (G2) hasta el décimo día del ciclo estral se colectaron muestras de sangre para el análisis de P4. Hubo diferencia significativa (P<0,001) en las concentraciones plasmáticas de P4 entre los tratamientos. La sincronización del estro y ovulación utilizando CIDR + 500 UI de eCG, incrementó la cantidad de folículos reclutados, además de aumentar el diámetro máximo y la tasa de crecimiento de los folículos grandes en la primera onda folicular. En consideración a los resultados se puede concluir que la sincronización del estro y de la ovulación en hembras ovinas, utilizando el CIDR y 500 UI de eCG, incrementa la cantidad de folículos reclutados, además de aumentar el diámetro máximo y la tasa de crecimiento de los folículos grandes. La asociación CIDR+500 UI de eCG provoca aumentos significativos en las concentraciones plasmáticas de progesterona (P4) al inicio de la fase luteal en hembras ovinas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Barreto R.S.N., Miglino M.A., Meirelles F.V., Visintin J.A., Silva S.M., Burioli K.C., Fonseca R., Bertan C., Assis Neto A.C. & Pereira F.T.V. 2009. [Characterization of the caruncular fusion in gestations of natural and cloned bovine conceptuses.] Caracterizacao da fusao caruncular ern gestacoes naturais e de conceptos bovinos clonados. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 29(10):779-787. Laboratorio de Morfofisiologia da Placenta e Embriao, Faculdade de Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, SP294 Km 651, Dracena, SP 17900-000, Brazil. E-mail: fverechia@dracena.unesp.brThe objective of the study was to compare the characteristics of the caruncular fusion in gestations of non-cloned and cloned conceptuses. The non-cloned conceptuses were divided according to the gestation period: Group 1 (2 to 3 months; n=9),II (4 to 6; n=9); III (7 to 8; n=10) and IV (9 n=7). The cloned conceptuses formed the Group V: 9 months; n=4. The caruncles were observed macroscopically (number and dimensions: length, width and height), microscopically and submitted to statistical analysis (5% of significance). We observed three types of macroscopic caruncular fusions: oval (morphologically normal); two united adjacent caruncles and the lobulated type, characterized by regions with several united caruncles presenting a false fusion or deformation of the caruncular parenchyma. The length of the caruncles was 1.55 +/- 0.57; 2.45 +/- 0.55; 4.66 +/- 2.0 and 5.72 +/- 1.90cm for the groups 1, 11, 111, IV respectively. As for the height, the caruncles presented a lineal growth during the gestation: 0.40 +/- 0.15; 0.57 +/- 0.21; 1.0 +/- 0.48 and 1.80 +/- 0.91cm, for the respective groups 1, 11, 111 and IV. The width of the caruncles was similar between the groups I and 11 (0.97 +/- 0.30 e 1.42 +/- 0.71 cm) and the groups III and IV (2.68 +/- 1.22 and 3.52 +/- 1.16cm). When the group V was compared to the IV, the caruncles of the group V presented a larger length (5.72 +/- 1.90 vs. 7.88 +/-.13cm) and width (3.52 +/- 1.16 vs. 4.93 +/- 1.46cm), however they were similar in height (1.80 +/- 0.91 and 2.25 +/- 0.67cm). We verified that in gestations of cloned conceptuses the caruncles presented a larger development than in gestations of non-cloned conceptuses. The fusioned caruncles presented measurements statistically similar to the isolated ones in all the parameters and groups. Under light microscopy, we observed the formation of a stromal axis from the basis of the caruncle to the apex of the fusional fissure, with the histological constitution similar to the endometrial stroma. Three microscopic shapes were also unpublished defined: true fusion with a single axis evident below the fusional fissure; pseudofusion with a double axis in H shape and false fusion with absence of the axis. The first two formats were associated to the oval and lobulated caruncles and the last one to the false fusion with deformation of the caruncle parenchyma. The fusional axis increased in size along the gestation among the groups I, II, III and IV. The group V presented a larger length and width of the axis when compared to the group IV. Thus, in gestations of cloned conceptuses a destruction of the lateral epithelium of the caruncles is associated to an incompetence in the maternal-fetal interdigitation, that compromises the cotyledonary fusion. We suggest that, in gestations derived of cloned conceptuses, the increase of the size of the caruncular fusions is possibly associated to a compensatory mechanism for the metabolic exchanges between mother and fetus, in reason of the smallest number of isolated caruncles.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Birth weight and placental weight of 566 newborns were determined. The newborns were classified by birth weight and gestational age in seven groups: term, preterm and postterm newborns with weight appropriate for gestational age; term and postterm newborns small for gestational age; term and preterm newborns large for gestational age. The differences in the mean placental weight in the preterm, term and postterm newborns with weight appropriate for gestational age were not significant. After 34 weeks of gestation there was little increase in placental weight. The mean placental weight of newborns large for gestational age was significantly different from that of term newborns appropriate for gestational age. In the term and postterm newborns small for gestational age the mean placental weight was significantly different from term and postterm newborns appropriate for gestational age. These findings suggest that newborns with an appropriate intrauterine growth have little increase in placental weight in the gestational period. Gestational age is not an important factor in determining placental weight in this period. Nutrition is important for placental growth-retarded infants have small placentas and large-for-date infants have large placental weight.