954 resultados para Osseous metastasis


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The sentinel or tumor-draining lymph node (tdLN) serves as a metastatic niche for many solid tumors and is altered via tumor-derived factors that support tumor progression and metastasis. tdLNs are often removed surgically, and therapeutic vaccines against tumor antigens are typically administered systemically or in non-tumor-associated sites. Although the tdLN is immune-suppressed, it is also antigen experienced through drainage of tumor-associated antigens (TAA), so we asked whether therapeutic vaccines targeting the tdLN would be more or less effective than those targeting the non-tdLN. Using LN-targeting nanoparticle (NP)-conjugate vaccines consisting of TAA-NP and CpG-NP, we compared delivery to the tdLN versus non-tdLN in two different cancer models, E.G7-OVA lymphoma (expressing the nonendogenous TAA ovalbumin) and B16-F10 melanoma. Surprisingly, despite the immune-suppressed state of the tdLN, tdLN-targeting vaccination induced substantially stronger cytotoxic CD8+ T-cell responses, both locally and systemically, than non-tdLN-targeting vaccination, leading to enhanced tumor regression and host survival. This improved tumor regression correlated with a shift in the tumor-infiltrating leukocyte repertoire toward a less suppressive and more immunogenic balance. Nanoparticle coupling of adjuvant and antigen was required for effective tdLN targeting, as nanoparticle coupling dramatically increased the delivery of antigen and adjuvant to LN-resident antigen-presenting cells, thereby increasing therapeutic efficacy. This work highlights the tdLN as a target for cancer immunotherapy and shows how its antigen-experienced but immune-suppressed state can be reprogrammed with a targeted vaccine yielding antitumor immunity.


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The EORTC 22881-10882 trial in 5178 conservatively treated early breast cancer patients showed that a 16 Gy boost dose significantly improved local control, but increased the risk of breast fibrosis. To investigate predictors for the long-term risk of fibrosis, Cox regression models of the time to moderate or severe fibrosis were developed on a random set of 1797 patients with and 1827 patients without a boost, and validated in the remaining set. The median follow-up was 10.7 years. The risk of fibrosis significantly increased (P<0.01) with increasing maximum whole breast irradiation (WBI) dose and with concomitant chemotherapy, but was independent of age. In the boost arm, the risk further increased (P<0.01) if patients had post-operative breast oedema or haematoma, but it decreased (P<0.01) if WBI was given with >6 MV photons. The c-index was around 0.62. Nomograms with these factors are proposed to forecast the long-term risk of moderate or severe fibrosis.


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Tumor angiogenesis is an essential step in tumor progression and metastasis formation. Suppression of tumor angiogenesis results in the inhibition of tumor growth. Recent evidence indicates that vascular integrins, in particular alpha V beta 3, are important regulators of angiogenesis, including tumor angiogenesis. Integrin alpha V beta 3 antagonists, such as blocking antibodies or peptides, suppress tumor angiogenesis and tumor progression in many preclinical tumor models. The potential therapeutic efficacy of extracellular integrin antagonists in human cancer is currently being tested in clinical trials. Selective disruption of the tumor vasculature by high doses of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), and the antiangiogenic activity of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are associated with the suppression of integrin alpha V beta 3 function and signaling in endothelial cells. Furthermore, expression of isolated integrin cytoplasmic domains disrupts integrin-dependent adhesion, resulting in endothelial cell detachment and apoptosis. These results confirm the critical role of vascular integrins in promoting endothelial cell survival and angiogenesis and suggest that intracellular targeting of integrin function and signaling may be an alternative strategy to extracellular integrin antagonists for the therapeutic inhibition of tumor angiogenesis.


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Epithelioid sarcoma (ES) is rare with a poor prognosis and for which a loss of INI1 expression has been recently reported. We report a study of 106 cases with clinical, histologic, and immunohistochemical data, including INI1 expression, and follow-up data. Of the 106 cases, 70 were the conventional subtype and 36 the large cell subtype. INI1 was negative in 86 cases (81.1%): 57 (81%) of 70 conventional and 29 (81%) of 36 large cell subtypes. Treatment modalities were available for 76 and follow-up for 80 patients. Of the 80 patients, 43 (54%) experienced metastasis and 25 (31%) died of the disease. Univariate analysis indicated that tumor size and mitotic index were significant for metastasis-free survival, whereas proximal location, tumor size, tumor multifocality, and mitotic index were significant for overall survival. Loss of expression of INI1 is frequent in the conventional and large cell subtypes of ES and can be used as a diagnostic marker, but it has no prognostic impact.


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RESUME Nous avons étudié le rôle de deux molécules, le Transfon-ning Growth Factor (TGF-β) et l'oxyde nitrique (NO), dans le processus métastatique. Deux clones tumoraux ont été sélectionnés à partir d'un carcinome du côlon pour leur différence de potentiel tumorigénique dans des rats syngéniques. La croissance tumorale du clone progressif PROb a été corrélée à sa capacité à sécréter le TGF-β actif Cependant, la transfection du clone régressif REGb, sécrétant du TGF-β latent, par une vecteur codant pour le TGF-β bio-actif n'a pas permis d'induire le développement tumoral. Les deux clones tumoraux présentent des activités des protéases MMP-2, APN et DPPIV identiques et qui ne semblent pas modifiées par le TGF-β. L'interaction des cellules tumorales avec l'endothélium et l'activité de la NO synthase (iNOS) responsable de la synthèse de NO sont impliqués dans la progression de nombreux cancers. Le clone PROb, mais pas le clone REGb, inhibe l'activation de la iNOS des cellules endothéliales par sa sécrétion de TGF-β actif Les deux clones montrent cependant des propriétés d'adhésion identiques aux cellules endothéliales et sont capables d'inhiber par contact cellulaire direct l'activation de la iNOS endothéliale. Ceci suggère que ces contacts directs pourraient créer un micro-environnement favorable à la conversion du TGF-β latent en TGF-β actif ou à d'autres interactions moléculaires pouvant réguler l'activation endothéliale. Par ailleurs, les deux clones activent des macrophages du système nerveux central, organe où ils ne forment pas de métastases, mais pas les macrophages circulants, illustrant des mécanismes différentiels et spécifiques dans l'activation de différents types de cellules immunitaires. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle du NO dans la dissémination métastatique, deux clones cellulaires différant par le taux d'activité de la iNOS ont été sélectionnés à partir de la lignée murine parentale de carcinome du sein EMT-6. Bien que le NO soit un inhibiteur potentiel de la prolifération cellulaire, les deux clones montrent des propriétés prolifératives identiques in vitro. Les cellules EMT-6H qui produisent peu de NO in vitro forment de nombreux nodules tumoraux pulmonaires in vivo corrélés à une mortalité significative des souris syngéniques injectées. Les cellules EMT-6J qui présentent une expression élevée de iNOS et de NO induisent de rares nodules tumoraux pulmonaires et peu de mortalité. Dans ce modèle, l'expression tumorale de NO semble donc défavoriser la croissance tumorale. Les deux clones cellulaires ont des propriétés identiques d'adhésion et de prolifération mesurées in vitro sur des cellules endothéliales primaires isolées de différents organes et in vivo par une colocalisation identique dans les poumons de souris syngéniques 48h après leur injection. Les cellules EMT-6H présentent une activité MMP-2 plus élevée alors que les activités des protéases APN et DPPIV sont identiques dans les deux clones cellulaires. Le TGF-β soluble ainsi que les fibroblastes primaires bloquent la prolifération des deux clones cellulaires. Cependant, l'activation préalable des fibroblastes par du TGF-β restaure partiellement la prolifération du clone EMT-6H mais pas celle du clone EMT-6J. Ces résultats montrent que le rôle de molécules telles que le TGF-β et le NO tumoral dans la progression tumorale doit être considéré dans un contexte d'interactions des cellules tumorales avec les différentes types cellulaires de l'hôte: en particulier, notre travail souligne que les macrophages et les fibroblastes sont déterminants dans la progression métastatique des carcinomes du côlon ou du sein. RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC Les métastases tumorales, disséminées et intraitables par chirurgie, représentent un problème majeur dans le traitement clinique du cancer. Elles sont dues à des cellules tumorales qui ont migré de leur site tumoral primaire, circulé et survécu dans le système vasculaire de l'hôte, échappé au système immunitaire, adhéré à et survécu sur l'endothélium des vaisseaux, et envahi le tissu sous-jacent où elles ont proliféré. Cette capacité à former des métastases implique de nombreux facteurs dont certains ont été identifiés mais dont le rôle reste controversé dans les différentes études. Nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle de l'oxyde nitrique (NO) et du facteur de croissance et de transformation cellulaire TGF-β. Dans les carcinomes du sein, l'expression des enzymes responsables de la synthèse de NO a été corrélée avec l'invasion tumorale mais aussi avec un pronostic favorable selon les études. Deux clones cellulaires ont été isolés à partir de la tumeur mammaire EMT-6 chez la souris. Le clone EMT-6H sécrète peu de NO et forme de nombreuses tumeurs dans les poumons des souris *entraînant leur décès. Le clone EMT-6J sécrète beaucoup de NO et ne se développe que peu dans les poumons. Dans ce modèle expérimental, le NO semble donc défavoriser la croissance tumorale. L'analyse des interactions avec les cellules de l'hôte rencontrées lors de la formation de métastases pulmonaires a montré que les deux clones cellulaires adhérent et prolifèrent de manière similaire sur les cellules endothéliales tapissant l'intérieur des vaisseaux sanguins. L'arrêt des cellules tumorales dans les poumons ne permet donc pas d'expliquer la différence de croissance tumorale. Cependant, le clone agressif EMT-6H présente une activité élevée d'une protéase (MMP-2) qui lui permettrait par la suite d'envahir le tissu pulmonaire. Par ailleurs, l'activation des fibroblastes du tissu pulmonaire par le TGF-β, une molécule observée dans des conditions inflammatoires, permet au clone agressif EMT-6H de proliférer mais inhibe la croissance du clone EMT-6J. Dans un modèle expérimental de carcinome du côlon, le TGF-β est considéré favorable à la croissance tumorale. Isolées à partir de la même tumeur initiale, deux lignées de cellules ont des comportements opposés lorsqu'elles sont injectées sous la peau des rats. La capacité de la lignée PROb à former des tumeurs a été corrélée à la sécrétion de TGF-β actif L'introduction du gène codant pour le TGF-β actif dans la lignée REGb, qui ne sécrète pas de TGF-β actif et ne forme pas de tumeurs chez le rat, ne restaure pas leur potentiel tumorigénique. Dans ce modèle, l'expression de TGF-β actif ne semble donc pas suffisante à la croissance tumorale. Les interactions avec différents types cellulaires de l'hôte ont été étudiées. Les deux lignées tumorales adhérent de manière similaire sur les cellules endothéliales et sont capables d'inhiber leur activation, un mécanisme qui pourrait participer à la destruction. Les deux lignées activent les cellules immunitaires du système nerveux central, un organe où elles ne forment pas de métastase. Ces résultats suggèrent que la sélection des cellules métastatiques ne s'effectue pas sur l'endothélium des vaisseaux sanguins mais à des étapes ultérieures dans le micro- environnement cellulaire du nouvel organe colonisé. SUMMARY Metastasis results from the migration of tumor cells from their primary tumor, circulation through the bloodstream, attachment to the endothelium, and invasion of the surrounding tissue where they create a microenvironnement favoring their growth. This multistep process implies various cellular interactions and molecules. Among those, we were interested in the role of the Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-β) and the nitric oxide (NO). Two cell lines were isolated from a rat colon tumor and assessed for their metastatic potential in vivo. The PROb cell line that expresses active TGF-β formed subcutaneous tumors in rats while the REGb cell line that expresses only latent TGF-β did not. Transfection of REGb cells with a plasmid encoding for the active form of TGF-β failed to restore their metastatic ability. Thus TGF-β secretion is not sufficient to induce colon carcinoma progression. Activities of various proteases such as APN, DPPIV and MMP were similar in both cell lines and were not regulated by TGF-β. Interactions with the endothelium as well as NO synthase activity (iNOS) and local NO concentrations are believed to be crucial steps in cancer metastasis. Coculture of the two clones with endothelial cells inhibited the cytokine-triggered activation of the iNOS enzyme in primary rat endothelial cells but only PROb cells were capable of increasing the expression of IL-6, a protumoral interleukin that may participate in the impairment of the anti-tumoral immune response of the host. Both cell lines exhibited potential to activate microglial cells but not bone marrow-derived macrophages, pointing to a differential regulation of specialized immune cells. To better understand the conflicting role of NO in breast cancer progression, two cell clones were selected from the murine tumorigenic cell line EMT-6 based on their iNOS activity and NO secretion. Although NO has been shown to inhibit cell proliferation, the two cell clones exhibited similar proliferation rates in vitro. The EMT-6H cells expressed little NO and grew actively in the lungs of syngenic mice, leading to their death. Opposite results were observed with the EMT-6J cells. In these in vivo conditions, NO seems to impair tumor growth. Both clones exhibited similar in vitro adhesive properties to primary endothelial cells isolated from various mouse organs and similar localization in the lungs of mice 48 hours after injection. Sustained metalloproteinase MMP-2 activity was detected in the tumorigenic EMT-6H clone, but not in the EMT-6J cells while other proteases such as APN and DPPIV showed no difference. These results suggested that the two clones differed in invasion steps following adhesion to the endothelium and that NO did not participate in previous steps. Consistent with this, both soluble TGF-β and supernatants of cultures of mouse primary lung fibroblasts inhibited the growth of the two clones. However, previous activation of these fibroblasts with TGF-β restored the growth of the tumorigenic EMT-6H cells, but not of EMT-6J cells. Altogether, these results indicate that the role of a given molecule, such as NO or TGF-β, must be considered in a context of interaction of tumor cells with host cells. They further imply that interaction of tumor cells with specialized immune cells and with stromal cells of the colonized organ, rather than with the endothelium, are critical in regulating metastasis.


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S100B is a prognostic factor for melanoma as elevated levels correlate with disease progression and poor outcome. We determined its prognostic value based on updated information using serial determinations in stage IIb/III melanoma patients. 211 Patients who participated in the EORTC 18952 trial, evaluating efficacy of adjuvant intermediate doses of interferon α2b (IFN) versus observation, entered a corollary study. Over a period of 36 months, 918 serum samples were collected. The Cox time-dependent model was used to assess prognostic value of the latest (most recent) S100B determination. At first measurement, 178 patients had S100B values <0.2 μg/l and 33 ≥ 0.2 μg/l. Within the first group, 61 patients had, later on, an increased value of S100B (≥ 0.2 μg/l). An initial increased value of S100B, or during follow-up, was associated with worse distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS); hazard ratio (HR) of S100B ≥ 0.2 versus S100B < 0.2 was 5.57 (95% confidence interval (CI) 3.81-8.16), P < 0.0001, after adjustment for stage, number of lymph nodes and sex. In stage IIb patients, the HR adjusted for sex was 2.14 (95% CI 0.71, 6.42), whereas in stage III, the HR adjusted for stage, number of lymph nodes and sex was 6.76 (95% CI 4.50-10.16). Similar results were observed regarding overall survival (OS). Serial determination of S100B in stage IIb-III melanoma is a strong independent prognostic marker, even stronger compared to stage and number of positive lymph nodes. The prognostic impact of S100B ≥ 0.2 μg/l is more pronounced in stage III disease compared with stage IIb.


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It has previously been reported that MAGE-1, -2, -3 and -4 genes are expressed in human cancers including cutaneous melanoma. MAGE-1 and MAGE-3 represent targets for specific immunotherapy because they encode peptide antigens which are recognised by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) when presented by HLA class I molecules, and pilot clinical trials with these peptides are currently in progress. It is likely that other members of the MAGE gene family may also encode antigens recognised by CTL. Uveal melanomas, like cutaneous melanomas, arise from melanocytes that are derived from the neural crest. To determine if uveal melanoma patients would be suitable for MAGE-peptide immunotherapy, the expression of MAGE-1, -2, -3 and -4 genes was assessed by reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification and ethidium bromide staining. Expression of MAGE genes was not detected in any of 27 primary tumours. Either MAGE-1 or MAGE-4 was expressed in only 2 of 26 metastatic samples, but expression of MAGE-2 or -3 was not detected. Our data suggest that, unlike cutaneous melanomas, uveal melanomas may not be suitable candidates for MAGE-peptide immunotherapy.


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Within the framework of the Rare Cancer Network Study, we examined 30 patients suffering from small cell neuroendocrine prostate cancer, either in an early/localized or an advanced/metastatic stage. Patients were treated with cisplatin-based chemotherapy, with or without pelvic radiotherapy. Two patients with early disease achieved complete remission for a duration of 19 and 22 months. Three patients with advanced disease achieved complete remission for 6, 7, and 54 months, respectively. Twenty-five patients succumbed to massive local and/or distant failure. No patient presented with brain metastases as the initial site of relapse. Small cell neuroendocrine prostate carcinoma is a very aggressive disease with a poor prognosis, even in its localized form. Despite initial response, the common cisplatin-based chemotherapy plus radiotherapy failed to improve outcome markedly. Improvement will come from understanding the biology of the disease and integrating new targeted therapies into the treatment of this rare and aggressive tumor.


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Resection of lung metastases from colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasingly performed with a curative intent. This strategy was made possible in the 1990s by the development of new chemotherapeutic approaches, improved surgical techniques and better imaging modalities. However, evidence-based data showing clinical benefits of lung metastasectomy in this setting are nonexistent, and there are no prospective randomized trials to support the routine performance of these procedures for stage IV CRC. Current evidence suggests that resection of pulmonary metastases in combination with new cytotoxic agents, such as oxaliplatin, irinotecan and bevacizumab, may result in prolonged survival for many, and cure for a small minority of CRC patients who experienced tumor spread beyond the limits of the abdomen. This review focuses on the results of surgical management of CRC patients with lung metastases: we report the outcome of published series according to the presence or the absence of liver metastasis (and hepatic resection) prior to lung resection.


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The history of most cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (CSCC) is limited to the skin. However, about 4% of these malignancies are at risk of metastasis and can be life-threatening. This risk is determined by clinical and histological elements which are individually recognized, but so far staging systems allow us neither to assess a risk score, nor to adopt a standardized therapeutical approach. This article reviews prognostic factors for CSCC, and underlines the need for the clinician to have all clinical and histological elements available, in order to try to define the best therapeutical strategy for each case, following up-to-date recommendations.


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PURPOSE: F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) and MRI are used for detecting liver metastases from uveal melanoma. The introduction of new treatment options in clinical trials might benefit from early response assessment. Here, we determine the value of FDG-PET/CT with respect to MRI at diagnosis and its potential for monitoring therapy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ten patients with biopsy-proven liver metastases of uveal melanoma enrolled in a randomized phase III trial (NCT00110123) underwent both FDG-PET coupled with unenhanced CT and gadolinium-diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid-enhanced liver MRI within 4 weeks. FDG-PET and MRI were evaluated blindly and then compared using the ratio of lesion to normal liver parenchyma PET-derived standardized uptake value (SUV). The influence of lesion size and response to chemotherapy were studied. RESULTS: Overall, 108 liver lesions were seen: 34 (31%) on both modalities (1-18 lesions/patient), four (4%) by PET/CT only, and 70 (65%) by MRI only. SUV correlated with MRI lesion size (r=0.81, P<0.0001). PET/CT detected 26 of 33 (79%) MRI lesions of more than or equal to 1.2 cm, whereas it detected only eight of 71 (11%) lesions of less than 1.2 cm (P<0.0001). MRI lesions without PET correspondence were small (0.6±0.2 vs. 2.1±1.1 cm, P<0.0001). During follow-up (six patients, 30 lesions), the ratio lesion-to-normal-liver SUV diminished in size-stable lesions (1.90±0.64-1.46±0.50, P<0.0001), whereas it increased in enlarging lesions (1.56±0.40-1.99±0.56, P=0.032). CONCLUSION: MRI outweighs PET/CT for detecting small liver metastases. However, PET/CT detected at least one liver metastasis per patient and changes in FDG uptake not related to size change, suggesting a role in assessing early therapy response.


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Precise identification of regulatory T cells is crucial in the understanding of their role in human cancers. Here, we analyzed the frequency and phenotype of regulatory T cells (Tregs), in both healthy donors and melanoma patients, based on the expression of the transcription factor FOXP3, which, to date, is the most reliable marker for Tregs, at least in mice. We observed that FOXP3 expression is not confined to human CD25(+/high) CD4(+) T cells, and that these cells are not homogenously FOXP3(+). The circulating relative levels of FOXP3(+) CD4(+) T cells may fluctuate close to 2-fold over a short period of observation and are significantly higher in women than in men. Further, we showed that FOXP3(+) CD4(+) T cells are over-represented in peripheral blood of melanoma patients, as compared to healthy donors, and that they are even more enriched in tumor-infiltrated lymph nodes and at tumor sites, but not in normal lymph nodes. Interestingly, in melanoma patients, a significantly higher proportion of functional, antigen-experienced FOXP3(+) CD4(+) T was observed at tumor sites, compared to peripheral blood. Together, our data suggest that local accumulation and differentiation of Tregs is, at least in part, tumor-driven, and illustrate a reliable combination of markers for their monitoring in various clinical settings.