972 resultados para Open access publishing


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Over the past few years many studies have been published on the costs and economic benefits of journal business models. Early studies considered only the costs incurred in publishing traditional journals made available for purchase on a subscription or licensing business model. As the open access business model became available, some studies also covered the cost of making research articles available in open access journals. More recent studies have taken a broader perspective, looking at the position of journal publishers in the market and their business models in the context of the economic benefits from research dissemination. This briefing paper also looks at the outcomes of the broadly cited RIN study and various national studies performed by John Houghton. All links provided in footnotes in this Briefing Paper are to studies available in open access.


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Poster presented at Open Repositories 2016 in Dublin, Ireland, June 14, 2016


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Recent studies show that higher order oscillatory interactions such as cross-frequency coupling are important for brain functions that are impaired in schizophrenia, including perception, attention and memory. Here we investigated the dynamics of oscillatory coupling in the hippocampus of awake rats upon NMDA receptor blockade by ketamine, a pharmacological model of schizophrenia. Ketamine (25, 50 and 75 mg/kg i.p.) increased gamma and high-frequency oscillations (HFO) in all depths of the CA1-dentate axis, while theta power changes depended on anatomical location and were independent of a transient increase of delta oscillations. Phase coherence of gamma and HFO increased across hippocampal layers. Phase-amplitude coupling between theta and fast oscillations was markedly altered in a dose-dependent manner: ketamine increased hippocampal theta-HFO coupling at all doses, while theta-gamma coupling increased at the lowest dose and was disrupted at the highest dose. Our results demonstrate that ketamine alters network interactions that underlie cognitively relevant theta-gamma coupling.


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Purpose – The purpose of this research is to show how the self-archiving of journal papers is a major step towards providing open access to research. However, copyright transfer agreements (CTAs) that are signed by an author prior to publication often indicate whether, and in what form, self-archiving is allowed. The SHERPA/RoMEO database enables easy access to publishers' policies in this area and uses a colour-coding scheme to classify publishers according to their self-archiving status. The database is currently being redeveloped and renamed the Copyright Knowledge Bank. However, it will still assign a colour to individual publishers indicating whether pre-prints can be self-archived (yellow), post-prints can be self-archived (blue), both pre-print and post-print can be archived (green) or neither (white). The nature of CTAs means that these decisions are rarely as straightforward as they may seem, and this paper describes the thinking and considerations that were used in assigning these colours in the light of the underlying principles and definitions of open access. Approach – Detailed analysis of a large number of CTAs led to the development of controlled vocabulary of terms which was carefully analysed to determine how these terms equate to the definition and “spirit” of open access. Findings – The paper reports on how conditions outlined by publishers in their CTAs, such as how or where a paper can be self-archived, affect the assignment of a self-archiving colour to the publisher. Value – The colour assignment is widely used by authors and repository administrators in determining whether academic papers can be self-archived. This paper provides a starting-point for further discussion and development of publisher classification in the open access environment.


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The stability of Ag-TiO(2) photocatalysts was examined for the photocatalytic degradation of dichloroacetic acid (DCA) as a function of the recycling times. The photocatalytic activity was investigated by measuring the rate of H(+) ions released during the photodegradation of DCA and confirmed by measuring the total organic carbon removal. The photodegradation reactions were studied at pH 3 and pH 10 for a series of Ag-TiO(2) photocatalysts as different with Ag loadings. All the Ag-TiO(2) and bare TiO(2) photocatalysts showed a decrease in photocatalytic activity on recycling for the DCA photodegradation reaction. The decrease in activity can be attributed to poisoning of active sites by Cl(-) anions formed during the photocatalytic DCA degradation. The photocatalytic activity was, however, easily recovered by a simple washing technique. The reversibility of the poisoning is taken as evidence to support the idea that the recycling of Ag-P25 TiO(2) photocatalysts does not have a permanent negative effect on their photocatalytic performance for the degradation of DCA. The choice of the preparation procedure for the Ag-TiO2 photocatalysts is shown to be of significant importance for the observed changes in the photocatalytic activity of the Ag-TiO2 particles. Copyright (C) 2008 Victor M. Menendez-Flores et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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1. Un premier apport de notre travail consiste à proposer un cadre théorique, analytique et conceptuel original, permettant d'approcher la notion de qualité des publications en SHS (sciences humaines et sociales) et en sciences de la communication de façon à la fois holistique et dynamique, en tant qu'elle fait l'objet de descriptions et de jugements multiples, émis par une diversité de parties prenantes, au sein et en dehors des milieux académiques. Pour ce faire, il s'agira de considérer la qualité dans ses différentes dimensions constitutives (approche holistique) tout en l'inscrivant dans le cadre d'évolutions tendancielles en matière de publication scientifique (approche dynamique) et en tenant compte de la qualité telle qu'elle est prescrite, souhaitée et mise en oeuvre par les différentes parties prenantes (chercheurs et entités prescriptrices, aux niveaux politique et managérial). En croisant de façon systématique ces trois approches - approche multidimensionnelle, rapport aux prescrits et aux souhaits, et étude des évolutions tendancielles -, il s’avérera possible d'évaluer l'incidence des différentes tendances en matière de publication scientifique – i.e. tendances à la massification, à l'internationalisation, à l' « exotérisation » (i.e. à l'ouverture vers le monde extérieur, au-delà des pairs), à la « gestionnarisation » (i.e. à l'usage des publications dans la gestion dela recherche et des chercheurs, en particulier en situation d'évaluation), à la commercialisation et à l' « enlignement » (i.e. à la mise en ligne, sur Internet) – ainsi que des prescriptions managériales et politiques qui les initient, les stimulent ou les prolongent à des degrés divers, sur la qualité de l'activité même de publier, et sur celle des différents types génériques et spécifiques d'objets publiés.2. En appliquant cette triple approche aux SHS et, plus particulièrement, au cas des sciences de la communication, nous montrerons comment la plupart des évolutions tendancielles qui sont discutées ici ainsi que des prescrits politiques et managériaux qui y affèrent aboutissent à valoriser principalement, en situation d'évaluation de la recherche et des chercheurs, la publication d'un grand nombre d'articles dans des revues savantes internationales de premier plan, destinés avant tout aux pairs, et à dévaloriser les publications, ouvertes à des publics plus locaux, rédigées en langue vernaculaire, ou qui se consacreraient à la résolution de problèmes de société. En particulier, à la faveur de la tendance à la « gestionnarisation » des publications, l'article de revue savante internationale de premier plan, ainsi que les citations qui lui sont faites par les seuls pairs, sont posés en indicateurs de performance de tout premier plan, « fixant » ainsi les pratiques de recherche et de publication des chercheurs. Cette « fixion » sera d'autant plus marquée que les indicateurs bibliométriques, à l'échelon national, seront intégrés à des processus de financement public de la recherche fondés sur les performances, et que, à l'échelon international, les indicateurs joueront un rôle prépondérant dans l'établissement des rankings des universités ainsi que des benchmarks des systèmes nationaux et régionaux de recherche. Pour autant, des prescriptions politiques sont également édictées, principalement au niveau européen, dans l'optique de la mise en oeuvre, au sein de l'Espace européen de la recherche et, dans une moindre mesure, de l'Espace européen de l'enseignement supérieur, d'une économie de la connaissance compétitive à l'échelon global et, plus particulièrement, d'un « mode 2 » de production des connaissances, qui insistent sur l'importance de davantage valoriser les résultats de la recherche, interdisciplinaire et coopérative, auprès de parties prenantes extra-académiques. En résulte une relation paradoxale entre la tendance à l'exotérisation de la recherche et des publications, et les prescrits de gestionnarisation des publications, ainsi qu'entre les prescriptions qui les sous-tendent respectivement.3. Or l'enquête que nous avons menée auprès des membres de trois sociétés savantes internationales en sciences de la communication montre combien les chercheurs de cette discipline ont désormais bien intégré les critères de qualité promus par les prescrits politiques et managériaux soutenant l'instauration d'une nouvelle « culture de la publication », à la croisée des tendances à la massification, à l'internationalisation et à la gestionnarisation des publications. Pour autant, des entretiens approfondis menés auprès de chercheurs en sciences de la communication actifs en Belgique francophone et néerlandophone n'en révèlent pas moins que ces derniers développent une attitude foncièrement ambivalente envers la culture du « publish or perish » et à l'égard de prescriptions qui sur-valorisent les revues savantes internationales de premier plan, en situation d'évaluation de la recherche et des chercheurs. D'une part, en effet, les chercheurs avec qui nous nous sommes entretenus estiment que la nouvelle culture de la publication joue un rôle bénéfique dans la professionnalisation et dans le développement d'une culture véritablement scientifique dans les sciences de la communication. Partant, la plupart d'entre eux développent des stratégies visant à aligner leurs pratiques de publication sur les prescrits. D'autre part, plusieurs répondants n'en regrettent pas moins le caractère réducteur de la survalorisation des revues savantes internationales de premier plan dans l'évaluation, et souhaitent qu'une plus grande diversité de types de publication soit prise en compte par les évaluateurs. Afin de concilier « qualité prescrite » et « qualité souhaitée » dans la qualité de leur activité effective de publication et dans celle des objets effectivement publiés (« qualité réelle »), il arrive dès lors à ces chercheurs de « bricoler » avec les prescriptions. Par ailleurs, la plupart des répondants, davantage cependant en FédérationWallonie-Bruxelles qu'en Flandre, où le financement public de la recherche est d'ores et déjà fondé en partie sur des indicateurs bibliométriques et revue-métriques, regrettent le manque d'explicite dans la formulation des prescriptions – ces dernières prenant régulièrement la forme de « scripts » plus indirects et/ou implicites, plutôt que de normes et de règles stricto sensu –, ainsi que l'absence de seuil quantitatif minimal à atteindre.4. Il nous semble par conséquent, dans une optique plus normative, que le dépôt systématique des différents types de publication produits par les chercheurs en SHS et en sciences de la communication sur des répertoires numériques institutionnels (Open Access Green) serait de nature à (contribuer à) résoudre le paradoxe des prescriptions en matière de « qualité prescrite », ainsi que l'ambivalence des perceptions des chercheurs en matière de « qualité souhaitée ». En effet, le dépôt des publications sur des répertoires institutionnels ouvre des opportunités inédites de renouveler la conversation savante qui se structure autour des objets publiés, au sein de la communauté argumentative (Kommunikationsgemeinschaft) des pairs, par le biais notamment de la revue par les pairs ouverte et grâce à la possibilité de commenter ad libitum les publications disséminées en Open Access. mais également en rendant les résultats de la recherche aisément accessibles et ré-utilisables par des parties prenantes extra-académiques. Les opportunités liées au dépôt des publications sur des répertoires Open Access (Green), en termes de qualité tant épistémique que pragmatiquede ces dernières, seront d'autant plus fécondes que le dépôt des travaux sur les répertoires institutionnels s'articulera à l'usage, par le chercheur, des instruments idoines, génériques ou dédiés, du Web participatif (Wikis, blogues, micro-blogues, réseaux sociaux, outils de partage de signets et de listes bibliographiques). Par ailleurs, les dépôts numériques fonctionnent désormais en tant qu'« outils de transparence », susceptibles de donner davantage de visibilité à des productions de recherche et des types de publication diversifiés. En situation d'évaluation de la recherche et des chercheurs, le recours aux dépôts institutionnels - pour autant qu'un mandat prescrive le dépôt de tous les travaux produits par les chercheurs de l'institution – permettrait aux évaluateurs de fonder leur jugement sur une gamme plus large et plus représentative de types de publication et de formes de communication en SHS et en sciences de la communication. De plus, grâce à la dissémination en Open Access, en conjonction avec l'usage d'une diversité d'outils du Web participatif, il devient mieux possible de soumettre les différents types de publication archivés et publiés en libre accès à des indicateurs de performance eux-mêmes diversifiés – bibliométriques, mais également « webométriques » et « altmétriques » -, fondés sur les articles plutôt que sur les revues et mieux adaptés à la diversité de leurs impacts, tant au sein qu'en dehors du cercle des pairs.5. Partant, l'Open Access (Green) nous apparaît in fine comme étant doté d'un potentiel important, en matière d'intégration de la recherche et des chercheurs en SHS et en sciences de la communication à la mise en place – au-delà d'une économie de la connaissance - d'une véritable société de la connaissance, ainsi qu'aux processus d'innovation techno-industrielle, sociale et intellectuelle qui la sous-tendent.


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The sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a concentration (CHL-a) were analysed in the Gulf of Tadjourah from two set of 8-day composite satellite data, respectively from 2008 to 2012 and from 2005 to 2011. A singular spectrum analysis (SSA) shows that the annual cycle of SST is strong (74.3% of variance) and consists of warming (April-October) and cooling (November-March) of about 2.5C than the long-term average. The semi-annual cycle captures only 14.6% of temperature variance and emphasises the drop of SST during July-August. Similarly, the annual cycle of CHL-a (29.7% of variance) depicts high CHL-a from June to October and low concentration from November to May. In addition, the first spatial empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of SST (93% of variance) shows that the seasonal warming/cooling is in phase across the whole study area but the southeastern part always remaining warmer or cooler. In contrast to the SST, the first EOF of CHL-a (54.1% of variance) indicates the continental shelf in phase opposition with the offshore area in winter during which the CHL-a remains sequestrated in the coastal area particularly in the south-east and in the Ghoubet Al-Kharab Bay. Inversely during summer, higher CHL-a quantities appear in the offshore waters. In order to investigate processes generating these patterns, a multichannel spectrum analysis was applied to a set of oceanic (SST, CHL-a) and atmospheric parameters (wind speed, air temperature and air specific humidity). This analysis shows that the SST is well correlated to the atmospheric parameters at an annual scale. The windowed cross correlation indicates that this correlation is significant only from October to May. During this period, the warming was related to the solar heating of the surface water when the wind is low (April-May and October) while the cooling (November-March) was linked to the strong and cold North-East winds and to convective mixing. The summer drop in SST followed by a peak of CHL-a, seems strongly correlated to the upwelling. The second EOF modes of SST and CHL-a explain respectively 1.3% and 5% of the variance and show an east-west gradient during winter that is reversed during summer. This work showed that the seasonal signals have a wide spatial influence and dominate the variability of the SST and CHL-a while the east-west gradient are specific for the Gulf of Tadjourah and seem induced by the local wind modulated by the topography.


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Validation of the age determination procedure using otoliths of European anchovy in the Bay of Biscay was achieved by monitoring very strong year-classes in successive spring catches and surveys, as well as the seasonal occurrence of edge types. Historical corroboration of the ageing method was obtained by cross-correlation between successive age groups by year-classes in catches and surveys (1987–2013). Summary annual growth in length is also presented. Yearly annuli consist of a hyaline zone (either single or composite) and a wide opaque zone, disrupted occasionally by some typical checks (mainly at age-0 and age-1 at peak spawning time). Age determination, given a date of capture, requires knowledge of the typical annual growth pattern of otoliths, their seasonal edge formation by ages and the most typical checks. Most opaque growth occurs in summer and is minimal (translucent) in winter. Opaque zone formation begins earlier in younger fish (in spring), and this helps distinguish age-1 from age-2+.


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Two stocks of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) inhabit the north Atlantic; the western and eastern stocks spawn in the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea respectively. Trans-Atlantic movements occur outside spawning time whereas natal homing maintains stock structure. Commercial fisheries may exploit a mixed assemblage of both stocks. The incorporation of mixing rates into stock assessment is precluded by uncertainties surrounding stock discrimination. Otolith shape descriptors were used to characterise western and eastern stocks of Atlantic bluefin tuna in the present study and to estimate stock composition in catches of unknown origin. Otolith shape varied with length and between locations and years. Within a restricted size range (200-297-cm fork length (FL)) the two stocks were distinguished with an accuracy of 83%. Bayesian stock mixture analysis indicated that samples from the east Atlantic and Mediterranean were predominantly of eastern origin. The proportion assigned to the eastern stock showed slight spatial variation; however, overlapping 95% credible intervals indicated no significant difference (200-297 cm FL: central Atlantic, 73-100%; Straits of Gibraltar, 73-100%; Morocco, 50-99%; Portugal 64-100%). Otolith shape could be used in combination with other population markers to improve the accuracy of mixing rate estimates for Atlantic bluefin tuna.


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When considering deployment of wave energy converters at a given site, it is of prime importance from both a technical and an economical point of view to accurately assess the total yearly energy that can be extracted by the given device. Especially, to be considered is the assessment of the efficiency of the device over the widest span of the sea-states spectral bandwidth. Hence, the aim of this study is to assess the biases and errors introduced on extracted power classically computed using spectral data derived from analytical functions such as a JONSWAP spectrum, compared to the power derived using actual wave spectra obtained from a spectral hindcast database.


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It is now widely accepted that there are two routes to open access (OA): OA repositories and OA journals. It is often assumed these are distinct alternative parallel tracks. However, it has recently become clear that there is potential for repositories and journals to interact with each other on an ongoing basis and between them to form a coherent OA scholarly communication system. This paper puts forward three possible models of interaction between repositories and journals; services such as arXiv and PubMed Central, and the work carried out by the RIOJA project, are working exemplars and pilot implementations of these models. The key issues associated with the widespread adoption of these models include repository infrastructure development; changing ideas of the ‘journal’, ‘article’, and ‘publication’; version management; quality assurance; business and funding models; developing value-added features; content preservation; policy frameworks; and changing roles and cultures within the research community.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Médicas, 2012.


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Background: Human female orgasm is a vexed question in the field while there is credible evidence of cryptic female choice that has many hallmarks of orgasm in other species. Our initial goal was to produce a proof of concept for allowing females to study an aspect of infertility in a home setting, specifically by aligning the study of human infertility and increased fertility with the study of other mammalian fertility. In the latter case - the realm of oxytocin-mediated sperm retention mechanisms seems to be at work in terms of ultimate function (differential sperm retention) while the proximate function (rapid transport or cervical tenting) remains unresolved. Method: A repeated measures design using an easily taught technique in a natural setting was used. Participants were a small (n=6), non-representative sample of females. The introduction of a sperm-simulant combined with an orgasm-producing technique using a vibrator/home massager and other easily supplied materials. Results: The sperm flowback (simulated) was measured using a technique that can be used in a home setting. There was a significant difference in simulant retention between the orgasm (M=4.08, SD=0.17) and non-orgasm (M=3.30, SD=0.22) conditions; t (5)=7.02, p=0.001. Cohen’s d=3.97, effect size r=0.89. This indicates a medium to small effect size. Conclusions: This method could allow females to test an aspect of sexual response that has been linked to lowered fertility in a home setting with minimal training. It needs to be replicated with a larger sample size.


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Objective: Elevated levels of alcohol consumption among university students are well documented. Policymakers have attempted to combat this issue at a university, national and international level. Tailoring public health policy to effectively tackle alcohol use is crucial. Using Q-methodology, the current study aims to develop a typology of alcohol consumption in the Irish university student population. Setting: A large Irish university. Participants Hundreds of possible statements on types of consumption were generated from a systematic review and a set of one-on-one interviews. These were reduced to 36 statements, 6 statements which define each of the 6 previously defined consumption types. Participants were advised to scan through the 36 statements and fill the statements into a ‘forced choice, standardised distribution’. Following this, a 45–90 min interview was conducted with students to illuminate subjectivity surrounding alcohol consumption. Analysis was conducted using PQ Method and NVivo software. Principal component analysis, followed by varimax rotation, was conducted to uncover the final factor information. Results: In total, 43 students completed the Q-study: 19 men and 24 women. A typology describing 4 distinct groupings of alcohol consumer was uncovered: the guarded drinker, the calculated hedonist, the peer-influenced drinker and the inevitable binger. Factor loadings of each of the consumer groupings were noted for type description. Conclusions: This is the first study to propose ideal types of alcohol consumption among a university student population. Further research is required to investigate the degree to which each of these ideal types is subscribed. However, this typology, in addition to informing public policy and strategies, will be a valuable analytic tool in future research.