937 resultados para Ontologies (Information Retrieval)


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简要介绍了基于内容的检索技术在数字图书馆中图像信息库检索方面的应用 ,着重对基于对象特征的检索技术做了一定的探讨。并给出了检索效果评价准则


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I have invented "Internet Fish," a novel class of resource-discovery tools designed to help users extract useful information from the Internet. Internet Fish (IFish) are semi-autonomous, persistent information brokers; users deploy individual IFish to gather and refine information related to a particular topic. An IFish will initiate research, continue to discover new sources of information, and keep tabs on new developments in that topic. As part of the information-gathering process the user interacts with his IFish to find out what it has learned, answer questions it has posed, and make suggestions for guidance. Internet Fish differ from other Internet resource discovery systems in that they are persistent, personal and dynamic. As part of the information-gathering process IFish conduct extended, long-term conversations with users as they explore. They incorporate deep structural knowledge of the organization and services of the net, and are also capable of on-the-fly reconfiguration, modification and expansion. Human users may dynamically change the IFish in response to changes in the environment, or IFish may initiate such changes itself. IFish maintain internal state, including models of its own structure, behavior, information environment and its user; these models permit an IFish to perform meta-level reasoning about its own structure. To facilitate rapid assembly of particular IFish I have created the Internet Fish Construction Kit. This system provides enabling technology for the entire class of Internet Fish tools; it facilitates both creation of new IFish as well as additions of new capabilities to existing ones. The Construction Kit includes a collection of encapsulated heuristic knowledge modules that may be combined in mix-and-match fashion to create a particular IFish; interfaces to new services written with the Construction Kit may be immediately added to "live" IFish. Using the Construction Kit I have created a demonstration IFish specialized for finding World-Wide Web documents related to a given group of documents. This "Finder" IFish includes heuristics that describe how to interact with the Web in general, explain how to take advantage of various public indexes and classification schemes, and provide a method for discovering similarity relationships among documents.


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A ferramenta TaxTools foi desenvolvida pelo Laboratório de Inteligência Computacional (Labic) do Instituto de Ciência Matemática e de Computação (ICMC) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), campus de São Carlos, SP, com o objetivo de auxiliar no processo de mineração de textos. Atualmente, ela tem sido mantida e evoluída pelo Laboratório de Inteligência Computacional (LabIC) da Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. Esse tutorial abrange apenas as opções disponíveis na TaxTools, que completam o processo de obtenção de uma taxonomia de tópicos (MOURA et al., 2008); como clusterização, cálculos de medidas intercluster e de joinability, métodos de podas, métodos de visualização de resultados e algumas opções auxiliares.


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O software Eutils-search tem por objetivo trazer do banco de dados PubMed informações sobre artigos relacionados a genes de um organismo específico, de acordo com as regras referentes à taxa de acesso impostas pelo site. As informações trazidas são, então, armazenadas localmente em um banco de dados para acesso rápido. Além disso, o software também gera documentos XML correspondentes às informações do organismo requisitado. O eutils-search é uma ferramenta de apoio ao desenvolvimento de aplicações de mineração de textos voltadas para os domínios de biotecnologia e biologia molecular, baseada em informações textuais obtidas do banco de dados PubMed. Este documento apresenta os pré-requisitos e a descrição dos parâmetros necessários para utilização do software, bem como uma descrição de alguns aspectos internos do software, para melhor entendimento do processo que ele automatiza, além de alguns exemplos e uso.


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Urquhart, C., Spink, S., Thomas, R. & Durbin, J. (2005). Systematic assessment of the training needs of health library staff. Library and Information Research, 29(93), 35-42. Sponsorship: National Library for Health (NLH)


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Urquhart, C., Durbin, J. & Spink, S. (2004). Training needs analysis of healthcare library staff, undertaken for South Yorkshire Workforce Development Confederation. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: South Yorkshire WDC (NHS)


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Urquhart, C., Spink, S. & Thomas, R., Assessing training and professional development needs of library staff. Report for National Library of Health. (2005). Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth Sponsorship: National Library for Health (NHS Information Authority)


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Poster pokazuje metody komunikacji z czytelnikiem stosowane w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu w technologii mediów cyfrowych. Cyfrowe narzędzia komunikacji stały się bardzo pomocne, niemal niezbędne w pozyskiwaniu nowych czytelników, podtrzymywaniu i rozwijaniu współpracy w społeczności w sieci Web.2.0, zarówno tej globalnej, jak i lokalnej akademickiej. Strona WWW jako statyczna komunikacyjnie jest wspierana przez fora dyskusyjne, chaty, wideokonferencje, warsztaty informacyjne, które są prowadzone w czasie rzeczywistym. Twórczą siłę relacji społecznych z biblioteką rozwinęły interaktywne serwisy społecznościowe (Facebook) oraz komunikatory internetowe integrowane na platformie Ask a Librarian. Biblioteka stała się Biblioteką 2.0 ukierunkowaną na komunikację z czytelnikiem. Aktywne uczestnictwo i udział czytelników przy tworzeniu zasobów naukowych wdrożyliśmy w projekcie instytucjonalnego repozytorium - Adam Mickiewicz Repository (AMUR). Biblioteka zmienia się dla czytelników i z czytelnikami. Wykorzystywane platformy i serwisy społecznościowe dostarczają unikatowych danych o nowych potrzebach informacyjnych i oczekiwaniach docelowego Patrona 2.0, co skutkuje doskonaleniu usług istniejących i tworzeniu nowych. Biblioteka monitoruje usługi i potrzeby czytelników przez prowadzone badania społeczne. Technologie cyfrowe stosowane w komunikacji sprawiają, iż biblioteka staje się bliższa, bardziej dostępna, aby stać się w rezultacie partnerem dla stałych i nowych czytelników. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu bierze udział w programach europejskich w zakresie katalogowania i digitalizacji zasobu biblioteki cyfrowej WBC, w zakresie wdrożenia nowych technologii i rozwiązań podnoszących jakość usług bibliotecznych, działalności kulturotwórczej (Poznańska Dyskusyjna Akademia Kominksu, deBiUty) i edukacji informacyjnej. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu jest członkiem organizacji międzynarodowych: LIBER (Liga Europejskich Bibliotek Naukowych), IAML (Stowarzyszenie Bibliotek Muzycznych, Archiwów i Ośrodków Dokumentacji), CERL - Europejskie Konsorcjum Bibliotek Naukowych.


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The proliferation of mobile computers and wireless networks requires the design of future distributed real-time applications to recognize and deal with the significant asymmetry between downstream and upstream communication capacities, and the significant disparity between server and client storage capacities. Recent research work proposed the use of Broadcast Disks as a scalable mechanism to deal with this problem. In this paper, we propose a new broadcast disks protocol, based on our Adaptive Information Dispersal Algorithm (AIDA). Our protocol is different from previous broadcast disks protocols in that it improves communication timeliness, fault-tolerance, and security, while allowing for a finer control of multiplexing of prioritized data (broadcast frequencies). We start with a general introduction of broadcast disks. Next, we propose broadcast disk organizations that are suitable for real-time applications. Next, we present AIDA and show its fault-tolerance and security properties. We conclude the paper with the description and analysis of AIDA-based broadcast disks organizations that achieve both timeliness and fault-tolerance, while preserving downstream communication capacity.


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There is an increased interest in using broadcast disks to support mobile access to real-time databases. However, previous work has only considered the design of real-time immutable broadcast disks, the contents of which do not change over time. This paper considers the design of programs for real-time mutable broadcast disks - broadcast disks whose contents are occasionally updated. Recent scheduling-theoretic results relating to pinwheel scheduling and pfair scheduling are used to design algorithms for the efficient generation of real-time mutable broadcast disk programs.


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A common challenge that users of academic databases face is making sense of their query outputs for knowledge discovery. This is exacerbated by the size and growth of modern databases. PubMed, a central index of biomedical literature, contains over 25 million citations, and can output search results containing hundreds of thousands of citations. Under these conditions, efficient knowledge discovery requires a different data structure than a chronological list of articles. It requires a method of conveying what the important ideas are, where they are located, and how they are connected; a method of allowing users to see the underlying topical structure of their search. This paper presents VizMaps, a PubMed search interface that addresses some of these problems. Given search terms, our main backend pipeline extracts relevant words from the title and abstract, and clusters them into discovered topics using Bayesian topic models, in particular the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). It then outputs a visual, navigable map of the query results.


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HYPERJOSEPH combines hypertext, information retrieval, literary studies, Biblical scholarship, and linguistics. Dialectically, this paper contrasts hypertextual form (the extant tool) and AI-captured content (a desideratum), in the HYPERJOSEPH project. The discussion is more general and oriented to epistemology.


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Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is a popular technique used in information retrieval (IR) applications. This paper presents a novel evaluation strategy based on the use of image processing tools. The authors evaluate the use of the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and Cohen Daubechies Feauveau 9/7 (CDF 9/7) wavelet transform as a pre-processing step for the singular value decomposition (SVD) step of the LSI system. In addition, the effect of different threshold types on the search results is examined. The results show that accuracy can be increased by applying both transforms as a pre-processing step, with better performance for the hard-threshold function. The choice of the best threshold value is a key factor in the transform process. This paper also describes the most effective structure for the database to facilitate efficient searching in the LSI system.


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Face recognition with unknown, partial distortion and occlusion is a practical problem, and has a wide range of applications, including security and multimedia information retrieval. The authors present a new approach to face recognition subject to unknown, partial distortion and occlusion. The new approach is based on a probabilistic decision-based neural network, enhanced by a statistical method called the posterior union model (PUM). PUM is an approach for ignoring severely mismatched local features and focusing the recognition mainly on the reliable local features. It thereby improves the robustness while assuming no prior information about the corruption. We call the new approach the posterior union decision-based neural network (PUDBNN). The new PUDBNN model has been evaluated on three face image databases (XM2VTS, AT&T and AR) using testing images subjected to various types of simulated and realistic partial distortion and occlusion. The new system has been compared to other approaches and has demonstrated improved performance.


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