976 resultados para Oklahoma State University
A novel hybrid data-driven approach is developed for forecasting power system parameters with the goal of increasing the efficiency of short-term forecasting studies for non-stationary time-series. The proposed approach is based on mode decomposition and a feature analysis of initial retrospective data using the Hilbert-Huang transform and machine learning algorithms. The random forests and gradient boosting trees learning techniques were examined. The decision tree techniques were used to rank the importance of variables employed in the forecasting models. The Mean Decrease Gini index is employed as an impurity function. The resulting hybrid forecasting models employ the radial basis function neural network and support vector regression. A part from introduction and references the paper is organized as follows. The second section presents the background and the review of several approaches for short-term forecasting of power system parameters. In the third section a hybrid machine learningbased algorithm using Hilbert-Huang transform is developed for short-term forecasting of power system parameters. Fourth section describes the decision tree learning algorithms used for the issue of variables importance. Finally in section six the experimental results in the following electric power problems are presented: active power flow forecasting, electricity price forecasting and for the wind speed and direction forecasting.
Las propiedades físicas e hidráulicas de los sustratos para plantas son las más importantes en relación con la disponibilidad de agua-aire para las raíces. En la Argentina el estudio de sustratos es incipiente y la definición de un protocolo nacional específico es de fundamental importancia para el desarrollo del sector. Como forma de contribución, se propuso como uno de los objetivos, comparar evaluativamente 10 métodos de referencia internacional, para distintos parámetros, sobre perlita (P), 2 turbas (T) y tierra mejorada. Los valores obtenidos resultaron función del método y del sustrato estudiado y no se pudo establecer una equivalencia, en la mayoría de los casos. El método EN13041 resultó el recomendado para una caracterización física completa en el rango 0-100 hPa, mientras que el método utilizando el 'porómetro' diseñado por la NCSU (North Carolina State University) se recomienda para las propiedades físicas en valores próximos a 0-10 hPa. En una segunda parte fueron comparadas las curvas de retención de agua (CR), según 4 métodos de laboratorio en 2 sustratos (80 por ciento P+20 por ciento T; 20 por ciento P+80 por ciento T) con valores in situ en un cultivo de Primula polyantha bajo cubierta. Se midieron potencial agua en hoja y conductancia estomática como forma de evaluar los resultados de los 4 métodos y la modelización de conductividad hidráulica no saturada, en base a los cuales, se diseñaron 4 tratamientos de riego para cada sustrato. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la respuesta hídrica de las plantas, por lo que se puede decir que los 4 métodos son apropiados de igual forma para el manejo del riego. Cuando se las sometió a tratamiento de sequía se observó una tolerancia diferencial en los individuos, presentando las plantas tolerantes mayor contenido hídrico que las sensibles. Las CR in situ presentaron mayor contenido hídrico que las CR de laboratorio, asociados con la compactación del sustrato y evidenciando el efecto de las raíces. La CR según EN13041 en 20 P+80 T, fue la más cercana a las mediciones in situ, útil para una interpretación agronómica
[Review of] Lou Charnon-Deutsch, The Spanish Gypsy: The History of a European Obsession, Pennsylvania State University Press: University Park, PA, 2004; 280 pp., 31 illus.; 0271023597, $42.95 (hbk).
The rapid prototyping (RP) process is being used widely with great potential for rapid manufacturing of functional parts. The RP process involves translation of the CAD file to STL format followed by slicing of the model into multiple horizontal layers, each of which is reproduced physically in making the prototype. The thickness of the resulting slices has a profound effect on the surface finish and build time of the prototype. The purpose of this paper is to show the effects of slice thickness on the surface finish, layering error, and build time of a prototype, as well as to show how an efficient STL file can be developed. Three objects were modeled and STL files were generated. One STL file for each object was sliced using different slice thicknesses, and the build times were obtained. Screenshots were used to show the slicing effect on layering error and surface finish and to demonstrate the means to a more efficient STL file. From the results, it is clear that the surface finish and build time are important factors that are affected by slice thickness
Phenotypic variation (morphological and pathogenic characters), and genetic variability were studied in 50 isolates of seven Plasmopara halstedii (sunflower downy mildew) races 100, 300, 304, 314, 710, 704 and 714. There were significant morphological, aggressiveness, and genetic differences for pathogen isolates. However, there was no relationship between morphology of zoosporangia and sporangiophores and pathogenic and genetic characteristics for the races used in our study. Also, our results provided evidence that no relation between pathogenic traits and multilocus haplotypes may be established in P. halstedii. The hypothesis explaining the absence of relationships among phenotypic and genetic characteristics is discussed.
In order to clarify the role of Pl2 resistance gene in differentiation the pathogenicity in Plasmopara halstedii (sunflower downy mildew), analyses were carried out in four pathotypes: isolates of races 304 and 314 that do not overcome Pl2 gene, and isolates of races 704 and 714 that can overcome Pl2 gene. Based on the reaction for the P. halstedii isolates to sunflower hybrids varying only in Pl resistance genes, isolates of races 704 and 714 were more virulent than isolates of races 304 and 314. Index of aggressiveness was calculated for pathogen isolates and revealed the presence of significant differences between isolates of races 304 and 314 (more aggressive) and isolates of races 704 and 714 (less aggressive). There were morphological and genetic variations for the four P. halstedii isolates without a correlation with pathogenic diversity. The importance of the Pl2 resistance gene to differentiate the pathogenicity in sunflower downy mildew was discussed.
Theatre is a cultural and artistic form that involves a process of communication between creators and is received in a space and time located in the public sphere, which has meant that, over the centuries, it has acted as a space for expression, exchange and debate regarding all manner of ideas, causes and struggles. Implicit within this process are processes of expression, creation and reception, by way of which people demonstrate, analyse and question ways of seeing and understanding life, and ways of being and existing in the world. This gives rise to educational, cultural, social and political potential, which has been endorsed in numerous studies and investigations. In this work, in which theoretical orientation is established through a review of the relevant literature, we consider different intersections that occur between theatre and social work in order to also show that dramatic and theatrical expression offers substantive methodologies for achieving some objectives of social work, particularly in areas such as critical literacy, reflexivity and recognition, awareness raising, social participation, personal and/or community development, ownership of cultural capital and access to personal and social wellbeing.
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze Hannah Arendt’s citizenship proposal. The central thesis is that this proposal is possible in contemporary democracies, and it is adequate for developing and strengthening of political action. The work is divided in five sections. In the first, we develop a brief introduction on the studied issue. In the second and third section, we analyze, respec-tively, political and moral conditions that enable democratic citizenship, and the conditions that hinder the exercise of the same, according to Arendt. Then, we reflect critically on Arendt’s citizenship proposal. Finally, we conclude and we propose a set of civic challenges relate to current democracies in light of the above proposal.
This paper addresses the issue of the digital divide in students of public secondary schools at Chihuahua City, Mexico. It seeks to identify potential inequality of opportunities with regards to subjects’ access to information, knowledge and education through the ICT (internet, mobile telephony, broadband and television). The study takes three schools as investigative stage, using the survey as a data collection instrument, identifying patterns of behavior regarding: general knowledge of them, access to computer equipment and internet, and characterization of their use. Other aspects of analysis are the identification of the educational level of parents and access to technology resources available for academic and non-academic purposes in various application areas (home, school and social environment). The proposal concludes, that it is through the recollection of alternatives suggested by the teachers themselves to incorporate ICT for teaching purposes in a systematic and planned fashion, whose greatest reflection manifests in better digital literacy indicators.
Los beneficios que aporta la musicoterapia en alumnos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista, han sido demostrados profusamente por los distintos autores, si bien carecemos de literatura suficiente sobre su utilización en las Aulas Abiertas Especializadas en colegios ordinarios (Aulas TEA). En este sentido, el objetivo del trabajo, ha consistido en analizar qué mejoras aporta la musicoterapia al desarrollo de la comunicación en los alumnos con Trastorno del Espectro Autista dentro de las Aulas Abiertas de los CEIPs de Castilla-La Mancha y la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid. Para ello, se ha realizado una amplia revisión documental de fuentes de referencia y se ha entrevistado a los docentes responsables de las Aulas Abiertas Especializadas que utilizan actividades de musicoterapia como recurso en el aula. Se concluye el artículo manifestando, en primer lugar, la escasa integración de la musicoterapia en las aulas TEA (menos del 20% de los centros). En aquellas aulas que sí se programa con actividades de musicoterapia, los beneficios que ésta aporta se ven reflejados en un incremento claro de la intención comunicativa en los alumnos. Además, a la hora de planificar las actividades se tiene muy en cuenta conocer las preferencias y la historia musical del niño. No obstante, existen factores que impiden el aprovechamiento total de las posibilidades terapéuticas de la musicoterapia debido, especialmente a: a) una escasa formación del profesorado y b) un espacio inadecuado para poner en práctica una sesión de musicoterapia.
A comienzos del siglo XX, Detroit era una ciudad dinámica en pleno desarrollo. Pronto se convirtió en la cuarta ciudad de Estados Unidos, la capital de la naciente industria automovilística. El crecimiento se prolongó hasta finales de los años 50, cuando, a pesar del auge económico de Estados Unidos y de su área metropolitana, Detroit comenzó a mostrar los primeros signos de estancamiento. La crisis se ha prolongado hasta hoy, cuando Detroit constituye el paradigma de la ciudad industrial en declive. Estas dos imágenes contrapuestas, el auge y la crisis, no parecen explicar por sí mismas las causas de la intensidad y persistencia del declive de Detroit. Analizar las interacciones entre crecimiento económico, políticas públicas locales y desarrollo urbano a lo largo del tiempo permitirá subrayar las continuidades y comprender en qué medida el declive de Detroit ancla sus raíces en el modelo planteado durante la etapa de auge.
El artículo muestra la importancia de la amistad en el contexto de la filosofía política aristotélica. Esta importancia se verifica en su peso específico en comparación con la justicia, puesto que Aristóteles mismo sostiene que la amistad cívica es incluso un objetivo superior al de la búsqueda de la justicia. En concreto, el artículo se centra en la función de la concordia, como tipo especial de amistad cívica, en términos de conservación de la unidad y estabilidad de la polis. Para captar su significación, se plantea el papel de la concordia como complemento a la condición política del ser humano. La concordia es necesaria a la luz de la tendencia a la lucha entre las partes de la ciudad, entre el demos y los oligarcas. Puesto que esta lucha pone en peligro la continuidad de la polis, la concordia entre ciudadanos se convierte en un antecedente privilegiado del principio de fraternidad republicana, el cual todavía no ha gozado de una atención suficiente en el campo de la historia de la filosofía política.
The process of making replicas of heritage has traditionally been developed by public agencies, corporations and museums and is not commonly used in schools. Currently there are technologies that allow creating cheap replicas. The new 3D reconstruction software, based on photographs and low cost 3D printers allow to make replicas at a cost much lower than traditional. This article describes the process of creating replicas of the sculpture Goslar Warrior of artist Henry Moore, located in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. To make this process, first, a digital model have been created using Autodesk Recap 360, Autodesk 123D Catch and Autodesk Meshmixer MarkerBot MakerWare applications. Physical replication, has been reproduced in polylactic acid (PLA) by MakerBot Replicator 2 3D printer. In addition, a cost analysis using, in one hand, the printer mentioned, and in the other hand, 3D printing services both online and local, is included. Finally, there has been a specific action with 141 students and 12 high school teachers, who filled a questionnary about the use of sculptural replicas in education.