930 resultados para Nicotine - Theses


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Lake Banyoles is the second largest lake in the Iberian Peninsula and due to this relative uniqueness, its peculiar geological origin, and its considerable age attracted the early attention of the late Professor Ramon Margalef. One of the first papers by Margalef was on the biota of Lake Banyoles and two of the first four Ph.D. theses that he supervised were about the limnology of this lake. Unfortunately, the uniqueness of this lake also implied that it was the first place of introduction into the Iberian Peninsula of several exotic fish species, early in the XXth Century and nowadays the lake fish assemblage is dominated by invasive species, and some native ones have been extirpated. Although the limnological studies in Lake Banyoles were pioneering within the Iberian Peninsula, studies on fish ecology of the lake did not start until 1989. Thereafter, four Ph.D. theses have been completed on different aspects of the fish assemblages of Lake Banyoles. The aim of this paper is to provide a short overview of this research, largely brought about by the considerable limnological information previously available for this lake, thanks to the insightful, pioneering work of Professor Margalef


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Nicotine cessation programmes in Switzerland, which are commonly based on the stage of change model of Prochaska and DiClemente (1983), are rarely offered to patients with illicit drug dependence. This stands in contrast to the high smoking rates and the heavy burden of tobacco-related problems in these patients. The stage of change was therefore assessed by self-administered questionnaire in 100 inpatients attending an illegal drug withdrawal programme. Only 15% of the patients were in the contemplation or decision stage. 93% considered smoking cessation to be difficult or very difficult. These data show a discrepancy between the motivation to change illegal drug consumption habits and the motivation for smoking cessation. The high proportion of patients remaining in the precontemplation stage for smoking cessation, in spite of their motivation for illicit drug detoxification, may be due to the perception that cessation of smoking is more difficult than illicit drug abuse cessation.


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Malgré une récente réduction, le tabagisme reste élevé et préoccupant parmi les jeunes. Les consommations de tabac et de cannabis sont, sur plusieurs aspects, fortement liées. Les preuves scientifiques tendent à démontrer que la dépendance à la nicotine et la consommation persistante de cigarettes seraient les deux principales conséquences néfastes de l'usage de cannabis pendant l'adolescence. Le phénomène du "mulling" (le fait de mélanger du tabac au cannabis pour sa consommation) représente l'une des hypothèses les plus plausibles du risque augmenté qu'ont les jeunes consommateurs de cannabis de devenir des futurs fumeurs de cigarettes. L'objectif principal de cette étude est de déterminer si les niveaux de nicotine retrouvés chez des fumeurs de cannabis sont suffisamment élevés pour prouver une exposition tabagique significative pouvant être expliquée par le phénomène du "mulling" plutôt que par l'environnement.


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This paper summarizes data on the factors involved in addiction and dependence to cigarettes. Nicotine has been intensively studied by the tobacco industry, for instance for its addictive effect at the lowest possible rates. The addition of diammonium phosphate and urea produces an alcalinization of the pH of cigarette smoke, and promotes the absorption and the trans-membrane passage of nicotine. The taste, the smell of smoke, and the visual aspect of the pack of cigarettes are also sensory components that promote addiction. Finally, menthol, sugar, cocoa and liquorice added to cigarettes also play a role in dependence and addiction to cigarettes by, for instance, making an anesthetic effect on the airways.


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Ara que ja ningú qüestiona les publicacions digitals, l'accés obert o els repositoris de tipus institucional o temàtic, cal co-mençar a treballar en els temes de preservació. Som responsables d'assegurar l'accés i l'ús futurs dels documents digitals, hagin nascut en format digital o siguin fruit dels projectes de digitalització. En aquest article es parla sobre la preservació digital i els tipus de continguts, així com els conceptes, tipologies, costos i usos de l'anomenat «núvol». També es mostra un exemple de núvol privat, la preservació de tesis doctorals del TDX i es comenta una experiència de núvol públic, el DuraCloud.


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BACKGROUND: The objectives of the present study were to evaluate Aids prevention in drug users attending low threshold centres providing sterile injection equipment in Switzerland, to identify the characteristics of these users, and to monitor the progress of indicators of drug-related harm. METHODS: This paper presents results from a cross-sectional survey carried out in 1994. RESULTS: The mean age of attenders was 28 years, and women represented 27% of the sample. 75% of attenders used a combination of hard drugs (heroin and cocaine). Mean duration of heroin consumption was 8 years, and of cocaine 7 years; 76% of attenders had a fixed abode, but only 34% had stable employment; 45% were being treated with methadone; 9% had shared their injection material in the last 6 months; 24% always used condoms in the case of a stable relationship, and 71% in casual relationships. In a cluster analysis constructed on the basis of multiple correspondence analysis, two distinct profiles of users emerge: highly marginalised users with a high level of consumption (21%); irregular users, better integrated socially, of which the majority are under methadone treatment (79%). CONCLUSION: Theses centres play a major role in Aids prevention. Nevertheless, efforts to improve the hygiene conditions of drug injection in Switzerland should be pursued and extended. At the same time, prevention of HIV sexual transmissions should be reinforced.


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Asbestos is an industrial term to describe some fibrous silicate minerals, which belong to the amphiboles or serpentines group. Six minerals are defined as asbestos including: chrysotile (white asbestos), amosite (grunerite, brown asbestos), crocidolite (riebeckite, blue asbestos), anthophyllite, tremolite and actonolite, but only in their fibrous form. In 1973, the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) classified the asbestos minerals as carcinogenic substances (IARC,1973). The Swiss threshold limit (VME) is 0.01 fibre/ml (SUVA, 2007). Asbestos in Switzerland has been prohibited since 1990, but this doesn't mean we are over asbestos. Up to 20'000 tonnes/year of asbestos was imported between the end of WWII and 1990. Today, all this asbestos is still present in buildings renovated or built during that period of time. During restorations, asbestos fibres can be emitted into the air. The quantification of the emission has to be evaluated accurately. To define the exact risk on workers or on the population is quite hard, as many factors must be considered. The methods to detect asbestos in the air or in materials are still being discussed today. Even though the EPA 600 method (EPA, 1993) has proved itself for the analysis of bulk materials, the method for air analysis is more problematic. In Switzerland, the recommended method is VDI 3492 using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM), but we have encountered many identifications problems with this method. For instance, overloaded filters or long-term exposed filters cannot be analysed. This is why the Institute for Work and Health (IST) has adapted the ISO10312 method: ambient air - determination of asbestos fibres - direct-transfer transmission electron microscopy (TEM) method (ISO, 1995). Quality controls have already be done at a French institute (INRS), which validate our practical experiences. The direct-transfer from MEC's filters on TEM's supports (grids) is a delicate part of the preparation for analysis and requires a lot of trials in the laboratory. IST managed to do proper grid preparations after about two years of development. In addition to the preparation of samples, the micro-analysis (EDX), the micro-diffraction and the morphologic analysis (figure 1.a-c) are also to be mastered. Theses are the three elements, which prove the different features of asbestos identification. The SEM isn't able to associate those three analyses. The TEM is also able to make the difference between artificial and natural fibres that have very similar chemical compositions as well as differentiate types of asbestos. Finally the experiments concluded by IST show that TEM is the best method to quantify and identify asbestos in the air.


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El pasado mes de junio se celebró en Pittsburgh, EE.UU., el duodécimo simposio internacional sobre tesis electrónicas: Electronic Thesis and Dissertations Conference (ETD2009). Fue organizado por Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD). La mayoría de los ponentes explicaron las experiencias de su propia universidad. Además, hubo expertos invitados entre los cuales se pueden destacar Stevan Harnad (Univ. Southampton), Karla Hahn (Association of Research Libraries) y Deanna Marcum (Library of Congress). Estos simposios pretenden promover la adopción, creación, uso, difusión y preservación de las tesis electrónicas. De hecho, el éxito ha sido tal, que algunas universidades ya prescinden de la copia en papel para el depósito y preservación del documento. Un caso reciente es el de la University of Albany cuya nueva política, anunciada durante el simposio, consiste en que a partir de setiembre del 2009 ya no requiere el depósito de una copia impresa de las tesis aprobadas en aquella universidad.


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Introduction. The DRIVER I project drew up a detailed report of European repositories based on data gathered in a survey in which Spain's participation was very low. This created a highly distorted image of the implementation of repositories in Spain. This study aims to analyse the current state of Spanish open-access institutional repositories and to describe their characteristics. Method. The data were gathered through a Web survey. The questionnaire was based on that used by DRIVER I: coverage; technical infrastructure and technical issues; institutional policies; services created; and stimulators and inhibitors for establishing, filling and maintaining their digital institutional repositories. Analysis. Data were tabulated and analysed systematically according responses obtained from the questionnaire and grouped by coverage. Results. Responses were obtained from 38 of the 104 institutions contacted, which had 29 institutional repositories. This represents 78.3% of the Spanish repositories according to the BuscaRepositorios directory. Spanish repositories contained mainly full-text materials (journal articles and doctoral theses) together with metadata. The software most used was DSpace, followed by EPrints. The metadata standard most used was Dublin Core. Spanish repositories offered more usage statistics and fewer author-oriented services than the European average. The priorities for the future development of the repositories are the need for clear policies on access to scientific production based on public funding and the need for quality control indicators. Conclusions.This is the first detailed study of Spanish institutional repositories. The key stimulants for establishing, filling and maintaining were, in order of importance, the increase of visibility and citation, the interest of decision-makers, simplicity of use and search services. On the other hand the main inhibitors identified were the absence of policies, the lack of integration with other national and international systems and the lack of awareness efforts among academia.


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Purpose: to assess the opinions regarding smoking ban policies in Switzerland. Methods: cross sectional study on 2,601 women and 2,398 men, aged 35-75 years, living in Lausanne, Switzerland. Nine questions on smoking policies (restrictions, advertising, taxes and prevention) were applied. Results: 95% of responders supported policies that would help smokers to quit, 92% supported no selling of tobacco to subjects aged less than 16 years, 87% a smoking ban in public places and 86% a national campaign against smoking. A further 77% supported a total ban on tobacco advertising, 74% the reimbursement of nicotine replacement therapies and 70% increasing the price of cigarettes. Conversely, a lower support was found for a total ban of tobacco sales (35%) or the promotion of light cigarettes (22%). Multivariate analysis showed that women, lower educational level, older age, being physically active or non-smoker were associated with tougher policies against tobacco, whereas current drinking or smoking and higher educational level were associated with lower levels of support. Conclusion: opinions regarding smoking poli ci es vary considerably according to the policy type considered and also the characteristics of the subjects. Those findings provide interesting data regarding which anti-smoking policies would be more acceptable by the lay public, as well as the subjects who might oppose them.


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Afin de pouvoir se défendre contre les insectes nuisibles, les plantes ont développé plusieurs stratégies leur permettant de maximiser leurs chances de survie et de reproduction. Parmi elles, les plantes sont souvent pourvues de barrières physiques telles que les poils urticants, les épines et la cuticule. En plus, les plantes sont capables de produire des protéines anti-digestives et des métabolites secondaires insecticides tels que la nicotine, les tannins ou les glucosinolates (GS). La mise en place de ces barrières physiques et chimiques comporte un coût énergétique au détriment de la croissance et de la reproduction. Par conséquent, en absence d'insectes, la plante investit la majeure partie de son énergie dans le développement et la croissance. A l'inverse, une blessure causée par un insecte provoquera une croissance ralentie, une augmentation de la densité de poils urticants ainsi que la synthèse de défenses chimiques. Au niveau moléculaire, cette défense inductible est régulée par l'hormone végétale acide jamsonique (AJ). En réponse à l'attaque d'un insecte, la plante produit cette hormone en grande quantité, ce qui se traduira par une forte expression de gènes de défense. Pendant ma thèse, j'ai essayé de découvrir quels étaient les facteurs de transcription (FT) responsables de l'expression des gènes de défense dans Arabidopsis thaliana. J'ai ainsi pu démontrer que des plantes mutées dans les FTs comme MYC2, MYC3, MYC4, ZAT10, ZAT12, AZF2, WRKY18, WRKY40, WRKY6, ANAC019, ANAC55, ERF13 et RRTF1 deviennent plus sensibles aux insects de l'espèce Spodoptera littoralis. Par la suite, j'ai également pu montrer que MYC2, MYC3 et MYC4 sont probablement la cible principale de la voie de signalisation du AJ et qu'ils sont nécessaires pour l'expression de la majorité des gènes de défense dont la plupart sont essentiels à la biosynthèse des GS. Une plante mutée simultanément dans ces trois protéines est par conséquent incapable de synthétiser des GS et devient hypersensible aux insectes. J'ai également pu démontrer que les GS sont uniquement efficaces contre les insectes généralistes tels S. littoralis et Heliothis virescens alors que les insectes spécialisés sur les Brassicaceae comme Pieris brassicae et Plutella xylostella se sont adaptés en développant des mécanismes de détoxification. - In response to herbivore insects, plants have evolved several defence strategies to maximize their survival and reproduction. For example, plants are often endowed with trichomes, spines and a thick cuticule. In addition, plants can produce anti-digestive proteins and toxic secondary metabolites like nicotine, tannins and glucosinolates (GS). These physical and chemical barriers have an energetic cost to the detriment of growth and reproduction. As a consequence, in absence of insects, plants allocate their energy to development and growth. On the contrary, an attack by herbivore insects will affect plant growth, increase trichome density and induce the production of anti-digestive proteins and secondary metabolites. At the molecular level, this inducible defence is regulated by the phytohormone jasmonic acid (JA). Thus, an attack by herbivores will be followed by a burst of JA that will induce the expression of defence genes. The aim of my thesis was to characterize which transcription factors (TF) regulate the expression of these defence genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. I could show that plants mutated in various TFs like MYC2, MYC3, MYC4, ZAT10, ZAT12, AZF2, WRKY18, WRKY40, WRKY6, ANAC019, ANAC55, ERF 13 and RRTFl were more susceptible to the herbivore Spodoptera littoralis. Furthermore, I could demonstrate that MYC2, MYC3 and MYC4 are probably the main target of the JA-signalling pathway and that they are necessary for the insect-mediated induction of most defence genes including genes involved in the biosynthesis of GS. A triple mutant myc2myc3myc4 is depleted of GS and consequently hypersensitive to insects. Moreover, I showed that GS are only efficient against generalist herbivores like S. littoralis and Heliothis virescens whereas specialized insects like Pieris brassicae and Plutella xylostella have evolved detoxification mechanisms against GS.


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RESUME L'hyperammonémie est particulièrement toxique pour le cerveau des jeunes patients et entraîne une atrophie corticale, un élargissement des ventricules et des défauts de myélinisation, responsables de retards mentaux et développementaux. Les traitements actuels se limitent à diminuer le plus rapidement possible le taux d'ammoniaque dans l'organisme. L'utilisation de traitements neuroprotecteurs pendant les crises d'hyperammonémie permettrait de contrecarrer les effets neurologiques de l'ammoniaque et de prévenir l'apparition des troubles neurologiques. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons testé trois stratégies de neuroprotection sur des cultures de cellules en agrégats issues du cortex d'embryons de rats et traitées à l'ammoniaque. - Nous avons tout d'abord testé si l'inhibition de protéines intracellulaires impliquées dans le déclenchement de la mort cellulaire pouvait protéger les cellules de la toxicité de l'ammoniaque. Nous avons montré que L'exposition à l'ammoniaque altérait la viabilité des neurones et des oligodendrocytes, et activait les caspases, la calpaïne et la kinase-5 dépendante des cyclines (cdk5) associée à son activateur p25. Alors que l'inhibition pharmacologique des caspases et de la calpaïne n'a pas permis de protéger les cellules cérébrales, un inhibiteur de la cdk5, appelé roscovitine, a réduit significativement la mort neuronale. L'inhibition de la cdk5 semble donc être une stratégie thérapeutique prometteuse pour prévenir 1es effets toxiques de 1'ammoniaque sur les neurones. - Nous avons ensuite étudié les mécanismes neuroprotecteurs déclenchés par le cerveau en réponse à la toxicité de l'ammoniaque. Nous avons montré que l'ammoniaque induisait la synthèse du facteur neurotrophique ciliaire (CNTF) par les astrocytes, via l'activation de la protéine kinase (MIAPK) p38. D'autre part, l'ajout de CNTF a permis de protéger les oligodendrocytes mais pas les neurones des cultures exposées à l'ammoniaque, via les voies de signalisations JAK/STAT, SAPK/JNK et c-jun. - Dans une dernière partie, nous avons voulu contrecarrer, par l'ajout de créatine, le déficit énergétique cérébral induit par l'ammoniaque. La créatine a permis de protéger des cellules de type astrocytaire mais pas les cellules cérébrales en agrégats. Cette thèse amis en évidence que les stratégies de neuroprotection chez les patients hyperammonémiques nécessiteront de cibler plusieurs voies de signalisation afin de protéger tous les types cellulaires du cerveau. Summary : In pediatric patients, hyperammonemia is mainly caused by urea cycle disorders or other inborn errors of metabolism, and leads to neurological injury with cortical atrophy, ventricular enlargement and demyelination. Children rescued from neonatal hyperammonemia show significant risk of mental retardation and developmental disabilities. The mainstay of therapy is limited to ammonia lowering through dietary restriction and alternative pathway treatments. However, the possibility of using treatments in a neuroprotective goal may be useful to improve the neurological outcome of patients. Thus, the main objective of this work was to investigate intracellular and extracellular signaling pathways altered by ammonia tonicity, so as to identify new potential therapeutic targets. Experiments were conducted in reaggregated developing brain cell cultures exposed to ammonia, as a model for the developing CNS of hyperammonemic young patients. Theses strategies of neuroprotection were tested: - The first strategy consisted in inhibiting intracellular proteins triggering cell death. Our data indicated that ammonia exposure altered the viability of neurons and oligodendrocytes. Apoptosis and proteins involved in the trigger of apoptosis, such as caspases, calpain and cyclin-dependent kinase-5 (cdk5) with its activator p25, were activated by ammonia exposure. While caspases and calpain inhibitors exhibited no protective effects, roscovitine, a cdk5 inhibitor, reduced ammonia-induced neuronal death. This work revealed that inhibition of cdk5 seems a promising strategy to prevent the toxic effects of ammonia on neurons. - The second strategy consisted in mimicking, the endogenous protective mechanisms triggered by ammonia in the brain. Ammonia exposure caused an increase of the ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) expression, through the activation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in astrocytes. Treatment of cultures exposed to ammonia with exogenous CNTF demonstrated strong protective effects on oligodendrocytes but not on neurons. These protective effects seemed to involve JAK/STAT, SAPK/JNK and c-jun proteins. - The third strategy consisted in preventing the ammonia-induced cerebral energy deficit with creatine. Creatine treatment protected the survival of astrocyte-like cells through MAPKs pathways. In contrast, it had no protective effects in reaggregated developing brain cell cultures exposed to ammonia. The present study suggests that neuroprotective strategies should optimally be directed at multiple targets to prevent ammonia-induced alterations of the different brain cell types.


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INTRODUCTION: This study examines the relationship between nicotine exposure and tobacco addiction among young smokers consuming either only tobacco or only tobacco and cannabis. METHODS: Data on tobacco and cannabis use were collected by a questionnaire among 313 adolescents and young adults in Western Switzerland between 2009 and 2010. In addition, a urine sample was used to determine urinary cotinine level. Nicotine addiction was measured using the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND). In this study, we focused on a sample of 142 participants (mean age 19.54) that reported either smoking only tobacco cigarettes (CIG group, n = 70) or smoking both tobacco cigarettes and cannabis (CCS group, n = 72). RESULTS: The FTND did not differ significantly between CIG (1.96 ± 0.26) and CCS (2.66 ± 0.26) groups (p = 0.07). However, participants in the CCS group smoked more cigarettes (8.30 ± 0.79 vs. 5.78 ± 0.8, p = 0.03) and had a higher mean cotinine value (671.18 ± 67.6 vs. 404.32 ± 68.63, p = 0.008) than the CIG group. Further, the association between cotinine and FTND was much stronger among the CIG than among the CCS group (regression coefficient of 0.0031 vs. 0.00099, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Adolescents smoking tobacco and cannabis cigarettes featured higher levels of cotinine than youth smoking only tobacco; however, there was no significant difference in the addiction score. The FTND score is intended to measure nicotine dependence from smoked tobacco cigarettes. Hence, to accurately determine nicotine exposure and the associated dependence among young smokers, it seems necessary to inquire about cannabis consumption.


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Little is currently known about modifications in edaphic characteristics caused by short-rotation eucalyptus and the impacts of these alterations on the sustainability of eucalyptus wood production. This study was carried out to identify theses changes at five sites of eucalyptus plantation in the region of the Rio Doce Valley, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Areas with more than three previous eucalyptus cycles, adjacent to pasture land or native forest, were chosen. Soil samples were collected and soil fertility analyzed by routine methods and other fractionation methods in order to measure alterations in the K, Ca and Mg contents as a consequence of eucalyptus cultivation. In the eucalyptus areas, reductions in the exchangeable Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ contents and pH were observed and increased Al3+ and H + Al contents. Of all nutrients, only P contents (Mehlich-1 P) increased in the eucalyptus areas. The reduction in exchangeable forms and in medium-term soil nutrient pools indicates the need for higher nutrient rates than the currently applied in order to prevent nutritional limitations and soil nutrient exhaustion. After several eucalyptus rotations there was a recovery in the SOM content in comparison to degraded pasture soils, although not to the level of the native forest soil. The positive correlation between effective CEC and medium-term non-exchangeable Ca, Mg and K with SOM emphasizes the need for adequate fertilizer and plant residue management to sustain or even increase forest productivity in future cycles.


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The purpose of this article is to identify tobacco and cannabis co-consumptions and consumers' perceptions of each substance. A qualitative research including 22 youths (14 males) aged 15-21 years in seven individual interviews and five focus groups. Discussions were recorded, transcribed verbatim and transferred to Atlas.ti software for narrative analysis. The main consumption mode is cannabis cigarettes which always mix cannabis and tobacco. Participants perceive cannabis much more positively than tobacco, which is considered unnatural, harmful and addictive. Future consumption forecasts thus more often exclude tobacco smoking than cannabis consumption. A substitution phenomenon often takes place between both substances. Given the co-consumption of tobacco and cannabis, in helping youths quit or decrease their consumptions, both substances should be taken into account in a global approach. Cannabis consumers should be made aware of their tobacco use while consuming cannabis and the risk of inducing nicotine addiction through cannabis use, despite the perceived disconnect between the two substances. Prevention programs should correct made-up ideas about cannabis consumption and convey a clear message about its harmful consequences. Our findings support the growing evidence which suggests that nicotine dependence and cigarette smoking may be induced by cannabis consumption.