942 resultados para Naturally Produced Organohalogens
Soybean oil soapstock was utilized as an alternative carbon source for the production of rhamnolipids by Pseudomonas aeruginosa LBI strain. The chemical composition and properties of the rhamnolipid mixture obtained were determined to define its potential applications. The chemical characterization of the rhamnolipid has revealed the presence of ten different homologues. The monorhamnolipid RhaC(10)C(10) and the dirhamnolipid Rha(2)C(10)C(10) were the main components of the mixture that showed predominance of 44% and 29%, respectively, after 144-h of cultivation. The biosurfactant was able to form stable emulsions with several hydrocarbons and showed excellent emulsification for soybean oil and chicken fat (100%). The rhamnolipid removed 67% of crude oil present in sand samples and presented antimicrobial activity against Bacillus cereus and Mucor miehei at 64 mu g/mL and inhibition of Neurospora crassa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Micrococcus luteus at 256 mu g/mL. The results demonstrated that the rhamnolipid produced in soybean oil soapstock can be useful in environmental and food industry applications.
Seeking the identification of Angiostrongylus cantonensis as a potential etiological agent of three clinical cases of eosinophilic meningitis, mollusc specimens were collected in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The snails were identified as Sarasinula marginata (45 specimens), Subulina octona (157), Achatina fulica (45) and Bradybaena similaris (23). Larvae obtained were submitted to polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism diagnosis. Their genetic profile were corresponded to A. cantonensis. Rattus norvegicus experimentally infected with third-stage larvae, developed menigoencephalitis, and parasites became sexually mature in the lungs. Additionally, larvae obtained from A. fulica snails, from São Vicente, state of São Paulo, also showed genetic profiles of this nematode. This is the first record of Brazilian molluscs infected with this nematode species.
Columnaris disease is one of the main causes of mortality in tilapia rearing and is responsible for large economic losses worldwide. Hematology is a tool that makes it possible to study organisms' physiological responses to pathogens. It may assist in making diagnoses and prognoses on diseases in fish populations. The hematological variables of nile tilapia were studied in specimens with a clinical diagnosis of columnaris disease and in specimens that were disease-free. The total erythrocyte count, hemoglobin rate, hematocrit percentage, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), organic defense blood cell percentages (leukocytes and thrombocytes) and hepatosomatic and splenosomatic index were determined. The results showed that there were changes in the erythrocytic series and in organic defense blood cells, in the fish infected with the bacterium, with reductions in erythrocytic variables and significant increases in the numbers of circulating lymphocytes and neutrophils.
A crude biosurfactant solution was produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa growing on agroindustrial wastes as the substrate and used to study its effect on hydrocarbon biodegradation by the indigenous soil microflora under laboratory conditions. Two concentrations were studied at first and 1 mg of biosurfactant/g of soil showed to be the most efficient for the total petroleum hydrocarbon reduction, which reached 85% at the first 20 days in soil microcosms. Respirometric and microbial analyses showed that the biosurfactant added did not have toxic effects over the microbial population. The use of a biosurfactant for bioremediation has been limited because of its high cost production. Biosurfactants produced from cost-free by-products combines waste minimization with economic potential bioremediation process.
Cotton with naturally colored fiber is increasing as a commercial crop due specially to its textile processing with reduced environmental impact, as dying is not necessary. The critical period of weed control and the weed community were studied in a field with the naturally green colored fiber cv. BRS Verde cultivated in Missao Velha, Brazil. Without weed control during all the cycle, a reduction of 82.9% in yield was observed. The critical period of weed control was between 31 and 74 days after emergence for a reduction of 5% in yield. The weed community was composed of 21 species, with higher relative importance and dominance of monocotyledonous species. The beginning of the critical period was found to be more influential on yield than the ending. Thus, defining the right moment to start weed control can be more important to yield than determining the moment to cease it. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Com a finalidade de se analisar quali/quantitativamente o biogás produzido por 6 tipos de substratos, efetuou-se a presente pesquisa no DER/FCAV/UNESP- SP, Brasil. Os substratos utilizados na digestão anaeróbia foram caracterizados como: 1- Esterco de aves de postura (EAP); 2- Esterco de aves de postura triturado (EAPT); 3- Esterco de aves de corte com cama de maravalha (EACM); 4- Esterco de aves de corte com cama de maravalha triturado (EACMT); 5- Esterco de aves de corte com cama de casca de amendoim (EACA), e 6- Esterco de aves de corte com cama de casca de amendoim triturado (EACAT). Dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que, em relação à produção acumulada de biogás, o substrato EAPT foi superior aos demais, enquanto EACM apresentou produção acumulada inferior. em geral, os substratos triturados apresentaram maior quantidade de biogás acumulado em relação aos não triturados, exceto o EACAT, com 20,9 m³ inferior ao EACA. O período de produção máxima de biogás teve início entre 45 e 60 dias, começando a decair a partir dos 120 dias. Aos 57 dias após o enchimento dos biodigestores, o gás produzido possuía teores de CH4 superiores a 53%, e a partir dos 99 dias, todos produziram biogás com teores de CH4 superiores a 70%. Os substratos EAP e EAPT apresentaram maiores concentrações de metano no biogás.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Leaf-cutting ant workers care for larvae with an elaborate behavioural repertoire to satisfy the needs of the offspring. In order to investigate worker discrimination ability in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex subterraneus brunneus, we compared the behavioural responses of workers towards worker-produced male larvae and queen-produced worker larvae, including the following behavioural acts: licking the larval body, transporting larvae, feeding larvae with hyphae, scraping larval mouth parts, ingesting faecal fluid excreted by the larva, and inserting hyphae of the symbiontic fungus on the larval body. We verified that workers behaved differently depending on larval origin, i.e. licking the larval body, transporting larvae and inserting hyphae of the symbiontic fungus on the larval body. Observed differences denote the ability of workers in discriminating among larvae, probably because of their different individual needs.
LMV-Common and LMV-Most are two seed-borne types of Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV), genus Potyvirus. LMV-Most, but not LMV-Common, overcomes the resistance afforded to lettuce by two recessive genes, mo1(1) and mo1(2). An RT-PCR-based assay thought to be specific for LMV-Most also amplified LMV-Tn2, previously typified as LMV-Common. The sequence of selected regions along the genome indicated that LMV-Tn2 is a natural recombinant between LMV-Most and LMV-Common isolates, with a putative recombination site located within the P3 coding region. This is the first evidence of a naturally occurring LMV recombinant isolate.
O uso de fontes não convencionais para fornecimento de K às plantas tem sido amplamente estudado, mas os efeitos de materiais alternativos na qualidade fisiológica das sementes não são conhecidos. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de soja e trigo em função da aplicação fontes de potássio em uma sucessão de culturas. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de três fontes de K (KCl, rocha alcalina e fonolito moído, com 58%, 11% e 8.42% de K2O, respectivamente) aplicados em quatro doses (0, 25, 50 e 100 kg K2O ha-1). As doses de potássio foram aplicadas na soja e seu efeito residual foi avaliado na cultura do trigo, cultivado em sucessão. Logo após a colheita, as sementes de soja e trigo foram avaliadas pelos testes de teor de água, massa de sementes, germinação, primeira contagem, condutividade elétrica, comprimento de plântulas e massa da matéria seca de plântulas. Plantas de soja adubadas com fontes alternativas para fornecimento de K produzem sementes com maior massa e menor permeabilidade de membranas comparado às com KCl; maior qualidade fisiológica de sementes de soja e massa de sementes de trigo são obtidas com maiores doses de K2O independente da fonte.