987 resultados para NONPLANAR DISTORTION


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Voltage source inverters are an integral part of renewable power sources and smart grid systems. Computationally efficient and fairly accurate models for the voltage source inverter are required to carry out extensive simulation studies on complex power networks. Accuracy requires that the effect of dead-time be incorporated in the inverter model. The dead-time is essentially a short delay introduced between the gating pulses to the complementary switches in an inverter leg for the safety of power devices. As the modern voltage source inverters switch at fairly high frequencies, the dead-time significantly influences the output fundamental voltage. Dead-time also causes low-frequency harmonic distortion and is hence important from a power quality perspective. This paper studies the dead-time effect in a synchronous dq reference frame, since dynamic studies and controller design are typically carried out in this frame of reference. For the sake of computational efficiency, average models are derived, incorporating the dead-time effect, in both RYB and dq reference frames. The average models are shown to consume less computation time than their corresponding switching models, the accuracies of the models being comparable. The proposed average synchronous reference frame model, including effect of dead-time, is validated through experimental results.


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Advanced bus-clamping pulse width modulation (ABCPWM) techniques are advantageous in terms of line current distortion and inverter switching loss in voltage source inverter-fed applications. However, the PWM waveforms corresponding to these techniques are not amenable to carrier-based generation. The modulation process in ABCPWM methods is analyzed here from a “per-phase” perspective. It is shown that three sets of descendant modulating functions (or modified modulating functions) can be generated from the three-phase sinusoidal signals. Each set of the modified modulating functions can be used to produce the PWM waveform of a given phase in a computationally efficient manner. Theoretical results and experimental investigations on a 5hp motor drive are presented


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The parent compound of iron chalcogenide superconductors, Fe1+yTe, with a range of excess Fe concentrations exhibits intriguing structural and magnetic properties. Here, the interplay of magnetic and structural properties of Fe1.12Te single crystals have been probed by low-temperature synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, magnetization, and specific heat measurements. Thermodynamic measurements reveal two distinct phase transitions, considered unique to samples possessing excess Fe content in the range of 0.11 <= y <= 0.13. On cooling, an antiferromagnetic transition, T-N approximate to 57K is observed. A closer examination of powder diffraction data suggests that the transition at TN is not purely magnetic, but accompanied by the commencement of a structural phase transition from tetragonal to orthorhombic symmetry. This is followed by a second prominent first-order structural transition at T-S with T-S < T-N, where an onset of monoclinic distortion is observed. The results point to a strong magneto-structural coupling in this material. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Advanced bus-clamping switching sequences, which employ an active vector twice in a subcycle, are used to reduce line current distortion and switching loss in a space vector modulated voltage source converter. This study evaluates minimum switching loss pulse width modulation (MSLPWM), which is a combination of such sequences, for static reactive power compensator (STATCOM) application. It is shown that MSLPWM results in a significant reduction in device loss over conventional space vector pulse width modulation. Experimental verification is presented at different power levels of up to 150 kVA.


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A space vector-based hysteresis current controller for any general n-level three phase inverter fed induction motor drive is proposed in this study. It offers fast dynamics, inherent overload protection and low harmonic distortion for the phase voltages and currents. The controller performs online current error boundary calculations and a nearly constant switching frequency is obtained throughout the linear modulation range. The proposed scheme uses only the adjacent voltage vectors of the present sector, similar to space vector pulse-width modulation and exhibits fast dynamic behaviour under different transient conditions. The steps involved in the boundary calculation include the estimation of phase voltages from the current ripple, computation of switching time and voltage error vectors. Experimental results are given to show the performance of the drive at various speeds, effect of sudden change of the load, acceleration, speed reversal and validate the proposed advantages.


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Novel switching sequences have been proposed recently for a neutral-point-clamped three-level inverter, controlled effectively as an equivalent two-level inverter. It is shown that the four novel sequences can be grouped into two pairs of sequences. Using each pair of sequences, a hybrid pulsewidth modulation (PWM) technique is proposed, which deploys the two sequences in appropriate spatial regions to reduce the current ripple. Further, a third hybrid PWM technique is proposed which uses all the five sequences (including the conventional sequence) in appropriate spatial regions. Each proposed hybrid PWM is shown, both analytically and experimentally, to outperform its constituent PWM methods in terms of harmonic distortion. In particular, the third proposed hybrid PWM reduces the total harmonic distortion considerably at low- and high-speed ranges of a constant volts-per-hertz induction motor drive, compared to centered space vector PWM.


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This study considers linear filtering methods for minimising the end-to-end average distortion of a fixed-rate source quantisation system. For the source encoder, both scalar and vector quantisation are considered. The codebook index output by the encoder is sent over a noisy discrete memoryless channel whose statistics could be unknown at the transmitter. At the receiver, the code vector corresponding to the received index is passed through a linear receive filter, whose output is an estimate of the source instantiation. Under this setup, an approximate expression for the average weighted mean-square error (WMSE) between the source instantiation and the reconstructed vector at the receiver is derived using high-resolution quantisation theory. Also, a closed-form expression for the linear receive filter that minimises the approximate average WMSE is derived. The generality of framework developed is further demonstrated by theoretically analysing the performance of other adaptation techniques that can be employed when the channel statistics are available at the transmitter also, such as joint transmit-receive linear filtering and codebook scaling. Monte Carlo simulation results validate the theoretical expressions, and illustrate the improvement in the average distortion that can be obtained using linear filtering techniques.


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Molybdenum disulphide is a layered transition metal dichalcogenide that has recently raised considerable interest due to its unique semiconducting and opto-electronic properties. Although several theoretical studies have suggested an electronic phase transition in molybdenum disulphide, there has been a lack of experimental evidence. Here we report comprehensive studies on the pressure-dependent electronic, vibrational, optical and structural properties of multilayered molybdenum disulphide up to 35 GPa. Our experimental results reveal a structural lattice distortion followed by an electronic transition from a semiconducting to metallic state at similar to 19 GPa, which is confirmed by ab initio calculations. The metallization arises from the overlap of the valance and conduction bands owing to sulphur-sulphur interactions as the interlayer spacing reduces. The electronic transition affords modulation of the opto-electronic gain in molybdenum disulphide. This pressure-tuned behaviour can enable the development of novel devices with multiple phenomena involving the strong coupling of the mechanical, electrical and optical properties of layered nanomaterials.


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H. 264/advanced video coding surveillance video encoders use the Skip mode specified by the standard to reduce bandwidth. They also use multiple frames as reference for motion-compensated prediction. In this paper, we propose two techniques to reduce the bandwidth and computational cost of static camera surveillance video encoders without affecting detection and recognition performance. A spatial sampler is proposed to sample pixels that are segmented using a Gaussian mixture model. Modified weight updates are derived for the parameters of the mixture model to reduce floating point computations. A storage pattern of the parameters in memory is also modified to improve cache performance. Skip selection is performed using the segmentation results of the sampled pixels. The second contribution is a low computational cost algorithm to choose the reference frames. The proposed reference frame selection algorithm reduces the cost of coding uncovered background regions. We also study the number of reference frames required to achieve good coding efficiency. Distortion over foreground pixels is measured to quantify the performance of the proposed techniques. Experimental results show bit rate savings of up to 94.5% over methods proposed in literature on video surveillance data sets. The proposed techniques also provide up to 74.5% reduction in compression complexity without increasing the distortion over the foreground regions in the video sequence.


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Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are used in high-power voltage-source converters rated up to hundreds of kilowatts or even a few megawatts. Knowledge of device switching characteristics is required for reliable design and operation of the converters. Switching characteristics are studied widely at high current levels, and corresponding data are available in datasheets. But the devices in a converter also switch low currents close to the zero crossings of the line currents. Further, the switching behaviour under these conditions could significantly influence the output waveform quality including zero crossover distortion. Hence, the switching characteristics of high-current IGBTs (300-A and 75-A IGBT modules) at low load current magnitudes are investigated experimentally in this paper. The collector current, gate-emitter voltage and collector-emitter voltage are measured at various low values of current (less than 10% of the device rated current). A specially designed in-house constructed coaxial current transformer (CCT) is used for device current measurement without increasing the loop inductance in the power circuit. Experimental results show that the device voltage rise time increases significantly during turn-off transitions at low currents.


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Fe0.05Co0.95Sb2.875Te0.125, a double-element-substituted skutterudite, was prepared by induction melting, annealing, and hot pressing (HP). The hot-pressed sample was subjected to high-pressure torsion (HPT) with 4 GPa pressure at 673 K. X-ray diffraction was performed before and after HPT processing of the sample; the skutterudite phase was observed as a main phase, but an additional impurity phase (CoSb2) was observed in the HPT-processed sample. Surface morphology was determined by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy. In the HP sample, coarse grains with sizes in the range of approximately 100 nm to 300 nm were obtained. They changed to fine grains with a reduction in grain size to 75 nm to 125 nm after HPT due to severe plastic deformation. Crystallographic texture, as measured by x-ray diffraction, indicated strengthening of (112), (102) poles and weakening of the (123) pole of the HPT-processed sample. Raman-active vibrational modes showed a peak position shift towards the lower energy side, indicating softening of the modes after HPT. The distortion of the rectangular Sb-Sb rings leads to broadening of Sb-Sb vibrational modes due to local strain fluctuation. In the HPT process, a significant effect on the shorter Sb-Sb bond was observed as compared with the longer Sb-Sb bond.


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High-power voltage-source inverters (VSI) are often switched at low frequencies due to switching loss constraints. Numerous low-switching-frequency PWM techniques have been reported, which are quite successful in reducing the total harmonic distortion under open-loop conditions at such low operating frequencies. However, the line current still contains low-frequency components (though of reduced amplitudes), which are fed back to the current loop controller during closed-loop operation. Since the harmonic frequencies are quite low and are not much higher than the bandwidth of the current loop, these are amplified by the current controller, causing oscillations and instability. Hence, only the fundamental current should be fed back. Filtering out these harmonics from the measured current (before feeding back) leads to phase shift and attenuation of the fundamental component, while not eliminating the harmonics totally. This paper proposes a method for on-line extraction of the fundamental current in induction motor drives, modulated with low-switching-frequency PWM. The proposed method is validated through simulations on MATLAB/Simulink. Further, the proposed algorithm is implemented on Cyclone FPGA based controller board. Experimental results are presented for an R-L load.


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Self-induced internal boiling in burning functional droplets has been observed to induce severe bulk shape oscillations in droplets with characteristic bubble ejection events that corrugate the droplet surface. Such bubble-droplet interactions are characterized by a distinct regime of a single bubble growing inside the droplet where evaporative Darrieus-Landau instability occurs at the bubble-droplet interface. In this regime the bubble-droplet system behaves as a self-excited coupled oscillator. In this study, we report the external flame-acoustic interaction with bubbles inside the droplet resulting in controlled droplet deformation. In particular, by exciting the droplet flame in a critical, responsive frequency range (80 Hz <= f(p) <= 120 Hz) the droplet deformation cycle could be altered through suppression of these self-excited instabilities and intensity/frequency of bubble ejection events. This selective acoustic tuning also enabled the control of bubble dynamics, bulk droplet-shape distortion and the final precipitate morphology even in burning nanoparticle laden droplets. (C) 2014 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Inverter dead-time, which is meant to prevent shoot-through fault, causes harmonic distortion and change in the fundamental voltage in the inverter output. Typical dead-time compensation schemes ensure that the amplitude of the fundamental output current is as desired, and also improve the current waveform quality significantly. However, even with compensation, the motor line current waveform is observed to be distorted close to the current zero-crossings. The IGBT switching transition times being significantly longer at low currents than at high currents is an important reason for this zero-crossover distortion. Hence, this paper proposes an improved dead-time compensation scheme, which makes use of the measured IGBT switching transition times at low currents. Measured line current waveforms in a 2.2 kW induction motor drive with the proposed compensation scheme are compared against those with the conventional dead-time compensation scheme and without dead-time compensation. The experimental results on the motor drive clearly demonstrate the improvement in the line current waveform quality with the proposed method.


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Dead-time is introduced between the gating signals to the top and bottom switches in a voltage source inverter (VSI) leg, to prevent shoot through fault due to the finite turn-off times of IGBTs. The dead-time results in a delay when the incoming device is an IGBT, resulting in error voltage pulses in the inverter output voltage. This paper presents the design, fabrication and testing of an advanced gate driver, which eliminates dead-time and consequent output distortion. Here, the gating pulses are generated such that the incoming IGBT transition is not delayed and shoot-through is also prevented. The various logic units of the driver card and fault tolerance of the driver are verified through extensive tests on different topologies such as chopper, half-bridge and full-bridge inverter, and also at different conditions of load. Experimental results demonstrate the improvement in the load current waveform quality with the proposed circuit, on account of elimination of dead-time.