1000 resultados para Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (France)
v.63-65 (1916-1918)
v.66 (1919)
v.67 (1920)
v.12 (1865)
v.29 (1882)
Purpose - In recent years, several countries and/or higher education institutions have adopted equal opportunity policies to promote women's access to the upper levels of the academic career structure. The purpose of this paper is to argue that there is no universal solution to the glass ceiling that women face within academia. Insofar as the feminisation process evolves according to a variety of models, according to national and occupational context, the solutions adopted in one context may prove to be ineffective elsewhere. Design/methodology/approach - Analysis of the different models of occupational feminisation is based on a secondary analysis of the sociological literature on the subject, combined with recent data on women's access to academic positions in France and Germany. Findings - Although there are similarities in the structure of the academic labour market across countries and in the rate of feminisation of the most prestigious academic positions, the precise mechanisms through which women gain access to an academic career vary significantly from one national context to another. This cross-national variation would tend to suggest that there will also be variation when it comes to defining the most effective policy measures for increasing women's access to the upper echelons of the academic hierarchy. Indeed, different models of gender equality in academia may lead to very different results with regard to existing gender relations. Originality/value - The paper uses the available sociological literature on the feminisation process to examine how different measures adopted to promote women's access to the highest echelons of the academic career structure may have different effects on the reproduction and/or transformation of the dominant sex/gender system.
Durante los cuatro años de disfrute de la beca (2006 – 2009) se ha consolidado una base de datos de medidas osteológicas del esqueleto apendicular de numerosas especies del O. Carnivora. Concretamente, se han medido 364 individuos de 126 especies. Los ejemplares pertenecían a las colecciones del Phyletisches Museum (Jena, Alemania), el Museum für Naturkunde (Berlín, Alemania), el Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Ciutadella (Barcelona, España), el Múseum National d'Histoire Naturelle (París, Francia), y el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid, España). Asimismo, con estos datos se han estado preparando tres artículos sobre la morfología de ciertos elementos del esqueleto apendicular en carnívoros, dos de los cuales se encuentran actualmente en estado de revisión para su publicación científica. Dos de ellos, "Scapula, habitat and locomotion in Carnivora" y "Size and shape in the carnivore scapula", relacionan la morfología escapular con factores como el tamaño del animal, el tipo de locomoción que presenta y el hábitat en el que se encuentra; el primero mediante metodología multivariante (análisis funcional) y el segundo bajo las nuevas técnicas de morfometría geométrica. El tercer artículo, "Scaling and mechanics in the carnivore calcaneus: A comparison of natural and artificial selection", evalúa el efecto de diferentes tipos de selección, natural frente a artificial, sobre la morfología del calcáneo y su influencia en la biomecánica de este hueso. Finalmente, también se ha desarrollado un estudio experimental sobre la búsqueda de estabilidad durante la locomoción arbórea, cuyos resultados han dado lugar al artículo "The search for stability on narrow supports: An experimental study in cats and dogs", que también se halla bajo revisión actualmente.
In this paper, we will explore how contrasting national discourses relating to women, and gender equality have been incorporated into and reflected in national policies. In the first section, we will outline the recent history of EU equal opportunities policy, in which positive action has been replaced by a policy of 'mainstreaming'. Second, we will describe the evolution of policies towards women and equal opportunities in Britain and France. It will be argued that whereas some degree of positive action for women has been accepted in Britain, this policy is somewhat alien to French thinking about equality - although pro-natalist French policies have resulted in favourable conditions for employed mothers in France. In the third section, we will present some attitudinal evidence, drawn from national surveys, which would appear to reflect the national policy differences we have identified in respect of the 'equality agenda'. In the fourth section, we will draw upon biographical interviews carried out with men and women in British and French banks in order to illustrate the impact of these cross-national differences within organizations and on individual lives. We demonstrate that positive action gender equality policies have made an important impact in British banks, while overt gender exclusionary practices still persist in the French banks studied. In the conclusion, we reflect on the European policy implications of our findings.
Résumé: Ce travail d'histoire comparée de la littérature et de la sociologie s'interroge sur l'émergence de la notion de type dans les pratiques de description du monde social au cours des années 1820-1860. A partir de l'analyse des opérations de schématisation engagées par Honoré Balzac dans La Comédie humaine et par Frédéric Le Play dans Les Ouvriers européens, soit deux oeuvres que tout semble éloigner du point de vue de leurs ambitions, de leur forme, et de la trajectoire de leur auteur, mais qui toutes deux placent cependant la typification au centre de leur dispositif, il s'est agi de produire une histoire de l'imagination typologique, et des ontologies, sociales ou non, qui lui furent associées. Aussi le corpus intègre-t-il des textes d'histoire naturelle, de sciences médicales, d'histoire, de chimie, de géologie, de métallurgie, et, bien évidemment, les genres du roman sentimental, du roman historique et de la littérature panoramique, ainsi que les enquêtes ouvrières et la statistique. Abstract: This work offers a compared history of literature and sociology in France between 1820 and 1860. During that period, the notion of type appears in the literary and sociological descriptions of social reality, and becomes more and more central in the apprehension of the differenciations among classes, communities or groups. Based on the analysis of Honoré Balzac's La Comédie humaine and Frédéric Le Play's Les Ouvriers européens, this study shows that these two series of novels and of workers' monographies put typification at the center of their descriptive ambition. More broadly, it proposes a history of the uses of a typological imagination and of the ontologies, above all social, that were underlying them. That is why the texts also taken into account in this study ranges from natural history, medical sciences, history, chemistry geology and metallurgy, to the sentimental novel, the historical novel and the panoramic literature, as well as social inquiries and statistics.
[Histoire naturelle (français-latin). 1877]
[Histoire naturelle (français-latin). 1877]