812 resultados para Multi-level Analysis


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Storage systems are widely used and have played a crucial rule in both consumer and industrial products, for example, personal computers, data centers, and embedded systems. However, such system suffers from issues of cost, restricted-lifetime, and reliability with the emergence of new systems and devices, such as distributed storage and flash memory, respectively. Information theory, on the other hand, provides fundamental bounds and solutions to fully utilize resources such as data density, information I/O and network bandwidth. This thesis bridges these two topics, and proposes to solve challenges in data storage using a variety of coding techniques, so that storage becomes faster, more affordable, and more reliable.

We consider the system level and study the integration of RAID schemes and distributed storage. Erasure-correcting codes are the basis of the ubiquitous RAID schemes for storage systems, where disks correspond to symbols in the code and are located in a (distributed) network. Specifically, RAID schemes are based on MDS (maximum distance separable) array codes that enable optimal storage and efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. With r redundancy symbols an MDS code can sustain r erasures. For example, consider an MDS code that can correct two erasures. It is clear that when two symbols are erased, one needs to access and transmit all the remaining information to rebuild the erasures. However, an interesting and practical question is: What is the smallest fraction of information that one needs to access and transmit in order to correct a single erasure? In Part I we will show that the lower bound of 1/2 is achievable and that the result can be generalized to codes with arbitrary number of parities and optimal rebuilding.

We consider the device level and study coding and modulation techniques for emerging non-volatile memories such as flash memory. In particular, rank modulation is a novel data representation scheme proposed by Jiang et al. for multi-level flash memory cells, in which a set of n cells stores information in the permutation induced by the different charge levels of the individual cells. It eliminates the need for discrete cell levels, as well as overshoot errors, when programming cells. In order to decrease the decoding complexity, we propose two variations of this scheme in Part II: bounded rank modulation where only small sliding windows of cells are sorted to generated permutations, and partial rank modulation where only part of the n cells are used to represent data. We study limits on the capacity of bounded rank modulation and propose encoding and decoding algorithms. We show that overlaps between windows will increase capacity. We present Gray codes spanning all possible partial-rank states and using only ``push-to-the-top'' operations. These Gray codes turn out to solve an open combinatorial problem called universal cycle, which is a sequence of integers generating all possible partial permutations.


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Seismic reflection methods have been extensively used to probe the Earth's crust and suggest the nature of its formative processes. The analysis of multi-offset seismic reflection data extends the technique from a reconnaissance method to a powerful scientific tool that can be applied to test specific hypotheses. The treatment of reflections at multiple offsets becomes tractable if the assumptions of high-frequency rays are valid for the problem being considered. Their validity can be tested by applying the methods of analysis to full wave synthetics.

Three studies illustrate the application of these principles to investigations of the nature of the crust in southern California. A survey shot by the COCORP consortium in 1977 across the San Andreas fault near Parkfield revealed events in the record sections whose arrival time decreased with offset. The reflectors generating these events are imaged using a multi-offset three-dimensional Kirchhoff migration. Migrations of full wave acoustic synthetics having the same limitations in geometric coverage as the field survey demonstrate the utility of this back projection process for imaging. The migrated depth sections show the locations of the major physical boundaries of the San Andreas fault zone. The zone is bounded on the southwest by a near-vertical fault juxtaposing a Tertiary sedimentary section against uplifted crystalline rocks of the fault zone block. On the northeast, the fault zone is bounded by a fault dipping into the San Andreas, which includes slices of serpentinized ultramafics, intersecting it at 3 km depth. These interpretations can be made despite complications introduced by lateral heterogeneities.

In 1985 the Calcrust consortium designed a survey in the eastern Mojave desert to image structures in both the shallow and the deep crust. Preliminary field experiments showed that the major geophysical acquisition problem to be solved was the poor penetration of seismic energy through a low-velocity surface layer. Its effects could be mitigated through special acquisition and processing techniques. Data obtained from industry showed that quality data could be obtained from areas having a deeper, older sedimentary cover, causing a re-definition of the geologic objectives. Long offset stationary arrays were designed to provide reversed, wider angle coverage of the deep crust over parts of the survey. The preliminary field tests and constant monitoring of data quality and parameter adjustment allowed 108 km of excellent crustal data to be obtained.

This dataset, along with two others from the central and western Mojave, was used to constrain rock properties and the physical condition of the crust. The multi-offset analysis proceeded in two steps. First, an increase in reflection peak frequency with offset is indicative of a thinly layered reflector. The thickness and velocity contrast of the layering can be calculated from the spectral dispersion, to discriminate between structures resulting from broad scale or local effects. Second, the amplitude effects at different offsets of P-P scattering from weak elastic heterogeneities indicate whether the signs of the changes in density, rigidity, and Lame's parameter at the reflector agree or are opposed. The effects of reflection generation and propagation in a heterogeneous, anisotropic crust were contained by the design of the experiment and the simplicity of the observed amplitude and frequency trends. Multi-offset spectra and amplitude trend stacks of the three Mojave Desert datasets suggest that the most reflective structures in the middle crust are strong Poisson's ratio (σ) contrasts. Porous zones or the juxtaposition of units of mutually distant origin are indicated. Heterogeneities in σ increase towards the top of a basal crustal zone at ~22 km depth. The transition to the basal zone and to the mantle include increases in σ. The Moho itself includes ~400 m layering having a velocity higher than that of the uppermost mantle. The Moho maintains the same configuration across the Mojave despite 5 km of crustal thinning near the Colorado River. This indicates that Miocene extension there either thinned just the basal zone, or that the basal zone developed regionally after the extensional event.


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Flash memory is a leading storage media with excellent features such as random access and high storage density. However, it also faces significant reliability and endurance challenges. In flash memory, the charge level in the cells can be easily increased, but removing charge requires an expensive erasure operation. In this thesis we study rewriting schemes that enable the data stored in a set of cells to be rewritten by only increasing the charge level in the cells. We consider two types of modulation scheme; a convectional modulation based on the absolute levels of the cells, and a recently-proposed scheme based on the relative cell levels, called rank modulation. The contributions of this thesis to the study of rewriting schemes for rank modulation include the following: we

•propose a new method of rewriting in rank modulation, beyond the previously proposed method of “push-to-the-top”;

•study the limits of rewriting with the newly proposed method, and derive a tight upper bound of 1 bit per cell;

•extend the rank-modulation scheme to support rankings with repetitions, in order to improve the storage density;

•derive a tight upper bound of 2 bits per cell for rewriting in rank modulation with repetitions;

•construct an efficient rewriting scheme that asymptotically approaches the upper bound of 2 bit per cell.

The next part of this thesis studies rewriting schemes for a conventional absolute-levels modulation. The considered model is called “write-once memory” (WOM). We focus on WOM schemes that achieve the capacity of the model. In recent years several capacity-achieving WOM schemes were proposed, based on polar codes and randomness extractors. The contributions of this thesis to the study of WOM scheme include the following: we

•propose a new capacity-achievingWOM scheme based on sparse-graph codes, and show its attractive properties for practical implementation;

•improve the design of polarWOMschemes to remove the reliance on shared randomness and include an error-correction capability.

The last part of the thesis studies the local rank-modulation (LRM) scheme, in which a sliding window going over a sequence of real-valued variables induces a sequence of permutations. The LRM scheme is used to simulate a single conventional multi-level flash cell. The simulated cell is realized by a Gray code traversing all the relative-value states where, physically, the transition between two adjacent states in the Gray code is achieved by using a single “push-to-the-top” operation. The main results of the last part of the thesis are two constructions of Gray codes with asymptotically-optimal rate.


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反射式光栅对是一种具有负色散性质的器件,可用于飞秒激光脉冲的压缩和展宽,具有无材料色散的优点。给出了一种基于多台阶反射光栅的脉冲压缩装置。该装置为倍密度光栅结构,由两个周期分别为40μm和20μm的四台阶反射式光栅组成。实验得到的衍射效率可以达到70%以上,输入脉冲经过两个光栅的衍射后会按原路返回,从而达到色散补偿的效果。利用此压缩装置,脉冲宽度为66.8 fs的输入脉冲压缩至接近傅里叶变换极限脉冲,即46.6 fs,由此证明只要多台阶光栅效率足够高,此装置就有可能成为不同于棱镜对进行飞秒脉冲腔内和腔外压缩的另一种途径。


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The dot matrix hologram (DMH) has been widely used in anti-counterfeiting label. With the same technology and cell array configuration, we can encode to the incidence beam. These codes can be some image matrix grating with different grating gap and different grating orientation. When the multi-level phase diffractive grating is etched, the incidence beam on the cell appears as an encoding image. When the encoded grating and DMH are used in the same label synchronously, the technology of multi-encoded grating array enhances the anti-counterfeit ability.


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[ES] Este trabajo profundiza en el estudio de los factores que influyen en la competitividad internacional de las nuevas empresas internacionales y, en consecuencia, en su resultado internacional. Aunando las disciplinas del emprendedurismo y del marketing internacional, se trata de remarcar la importancia del conocimiento relacional a través de la influencia de la orientación al mercado de la red en los resultados internacionales logrados por estas empresas en base al efector mediador de las ventajas competitivas. Los resultados obtenidos del contraste de hipótesis, mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales y análisis multi-muestra, confirman que la orientación al mercado de la red resulta determinante en la obtención de resultados internacionales superiores por parte de las nuevas empresas. Esta influencia se produce de forma indirecta a partir del efecto mediador de las ventajas competitivas en diferenciación y costes desarrolladas por las mismas. Este estudio extiende la investigación pasada en torno al emprendedurismo internacional, incluyendo nuevas aportaciones propias de la disciplina del marketing respecto a los antecedentes de la competitividad y los resultados de las nuevas empresas internacionales en los mercados exteriores. Además, los resultados obtenidos animan a emprendedores en el contexto internacional a considerar el valor explícito de otros factores distintos al conocimiento experiencial, que la empresa adquiere de forma gradual conforme se incrementa su experiencia en el mercado exterior, para darse cuenta del valor potencial que el conocimiento relacional asociado a la orientación al mercado de la red tiene como antecedente para la consecución de ventajas competitivas en el mercado internacional.


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Este trabalho objetiva contribuir para o desenvolvimento de metodologia de análises de vulnerabilidade ecológica de bacias hidrográficas, com foco nos ecossistemas de água doce. Partiu-se de uma base metodológica proposta pela Rede WWF e de sua adaptação para a Bacia Lagos São João. Através da aplicação da metodologia desenvolvida, foi possível realizar uma análise multicriterial que identificou, por um lado, os principais estressores afetando a integridade ecológica da bacia, e sua severidade e frequência, mediante avaliação colaborativa de um painel de especialistas; por outro lado, avaliou-se a sensibilidade da bacia aos estressores selecionados. O uso de ferramentas de sistemas de informação geográfica permitiu espacializar, localizar e quantificar as ameaças (estressores), gerando mapas de risco ecológico, identificando em especial, as unidades mais desequilibradas do território em análise. Estas são indicadas como prioritárias para as ações de conservação dos ecossistemas aquáticos, e dos serviços ecossistêmicos providos, do qual depende grande parte da população da bacia. Esta dissertação apresenta, portanto, duas principais contribuições: um estudo global e preliminar da integridade ecológica da bacia Lagos São João; e, sobretudo, adaptações e detalhamentos da base metodológica desenvolvida pela Rede WWF, replicáveis em outras bacias hidrográficas. Ressalte-se que esta análise constitui etapa preliminar para a definição de estratégias de adaptação e resiliência de bacias hidrográficas às mudanças ambientais globais associadas às variabilidades e mudanças climáticas.


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Aquatic agricultural systems (AAS) are systems in which the annual production dynamics of freshwater and/or coastal ecosystems contribute significantly to total household income. Improving the livelihood security and wellbeing of the estimated 250 million poor people dependent on AAS in Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands and Zambia is the goal of the Worldfish Center-led Consortium Research Program (CRP), “Harnessing the development potential of aquatic agricultural systems for development.” One component expected to contribute to sustainably achieving this goal is enhancing the gender and wider social equity of the social, economic and political systems within which the AAS function. The CRP’s focus on social equity, and particularly gender equity, responds to the limited progress to date in enhancing the inclusiveness of development outcomes through interventions that offer improved availability of resources and technologies without addressing the wider social constraints that marginalized populations face in making use of them. The CRP aims to both offer improved availability and address the wider social constraints in order to determine whether a multi-level approach that engages with individuals, households and communities, as well as the wider social, economic and political contexts in which they function, is more successful in extending development’s benefits to women and other excluded groups. Designing the research in development initiatives to test this hypothesis requires a solid understanding of each CRP country’s social, cultural and economic contexts and of the variations across them. This paper provides an initial input into developing this knowledge, based on a review of literature on agriculture, aquaculture and gender relations within the five focal countries. Before delving into the findings of the literature review, the paper first justifies the expectation that successfully achieving lasting wellbeing improvements for poor women and men dependent on AAS rests in part on advances in gender equity, and in light of this justification, presents the AAS CRP’s conceptual framew


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Conservar as últimas florestas tropicais é uma preocupação mundial, e como formas de proteção legal são criadas Unidades de Conservação (UCs), dedicadas para a preservação e manutenção da biodiversidade e recursos naturais. O entorno das áreas protegidas também são locais amparados pela lei e as atividades nelas devem ser restritas, a fim de não gerar impacto sobre a UC. O Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, localizado em Minas Gerais, possui uma zona de amortecimento (ZA) de 100,41 km que pertence aos municípios de Lima Duarte, Santa Rita do Ibitipoca e Bias Fortes. O presente trabalho, portanto, visa caracterizar a vulnerabilidade socioambiental na zona de amortecimento do Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca (PEI), utilizando para tal, técnicas de geoprocessamento. Para chegar ao resultado final foi feito uma análise da vulnerabilidade social da ZA, utilizando dados do censo de infraestrutura (água, esgoto e lixo) e renda per capita; e para a vulnerabilidade ambiental foi realizado a sobreposição dos mapas de uso da terra, declividade e tipos de solos. Esses dados foram tratados no programa ArcGis, através da análise multicritério e seguindo a metodologia proposta por Moura (2007). O mapa de vulnerabilidade socioambiental possibilitou apontar os locais que necessitam de maiores cuidados e investimento, auxiliando assim os gestores do Parque no manejo e preservação da ZA. Os processos adotados nesta pesquisa permitiram a geração de um banco de dados georreferenciado, que será disponibilizado aos gestores, à população do entorno e à comunidade técnico-científica.


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Os métodos de análise não destrutiva vêm sendo largamente empregados na área de Arqueometria. Estes métodos analisam artefatos históricos e obras de arte fornecendo informações da composição, das técnicas utilizadas e do local de manufatura da época. Assim, é possível fazer a datação, estabelecer a autenticidade e avaliar técnicas de conservação e restauração. A Fluorescência de Raios X por Dispersão de Energia (EDXRF) é um método que permite fazer análises quantitativas e qualitativas multielementares dos artefatos de forma não destrutiva. Neste estudo foram analisados artefatos compostos por ouro de diferentes épocas através da técnica de Fluorescência de Raios X por Dispersão em Energia (EDXRF). Dentre os artefatos, encontram-se brincos, pingentes, estatuetas e adornos de roupa cedidos pelo Instituto de Pesquisa Histórica e Arqueológica do Rio de Janeiro (IPHARJ). As análises foram realizadas através do sistema comercial ARTAX 200. Este sistema possui ânodo de Molibdênio. Foi utilizado um filtro de alumínio com 315 μm de espessura e foi operado em 40 kV, 250 μA com 300 s de aquisição. As concentrações de Cu, Au e Ag foram obtidas através da curva de calibração feita com padrões de ouro de 24k, 18k, 16k, 14k, 12k e 10k. Os resultados mostram que todas as peças contêm ligas metálicas e ouro em diferentes concentrações em sua composição. A partir das diferenças nas concentrações de ouro, foi possível classificar as peças quanto à pureza do ouro (quilatagem). Além disso, foi possível estimar a época em que estas peças foram manufaturadas a partir da comparação dos resultados encontrados com aqueles encontrados na literatura.


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The simulation of complex chemical systems often requires a multi-level description, in which a region of special interest is treated using a computationally expensive quantum mechanical (QM) model while its environment is described by a faster, simpler molecular mechanical (MM) model. Furthermore, studying dynamic effects in solvated systems or bio-molecules requires a variable definition of the two regions, so that atoms or molecules can be dynamically re-assigned between the QM and MM descriptions during the course of the simulation. Such reassignments pose a problem for traditional QM/MM schemes by exacerbating the errors that stem from switching the model at the boundary. Here we show that stable, long adaptive simulations can be carried out using density functional theory with the BLYP exchange-correlation functional for the QM model and a flexible TIP3P force field for the MM model without requiring adjustments of either. Using a primary benchmark system of pure water, we investigate the convergence of the liquid structure with the size of the QM region, and demonstrate that by using a sufficiently large QM region (with radius 6 Å) it is possible to obtain radial and angular distributions that, in the QM region, match the results of fully quantum mechanical calculations with periodic boundary conditions, and, after a smooth transition, also agree with fully MM calculations in the MM region. The key ingredient is the accurate evaluation of forces in the QM subsystem which we achieve by including an extended buffer region in the QM calculations. We also show that our buffered-force QM/MM scheme is transferable by simulating the solvated Cl(-) ion.


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The production of long-lived transuranic (TRU) waste is a major disadvantage of fission-based nuclear power. Incineration, and virtual elimination, of waste stockpiles is possible in a thorium (Th) fuelled critical or subcritical fast reactor. Fuel cycles producing a net decrease in TRUs are possible in conventional pressurised water reactors (PWRs). However, minor actinides (MAs) have a detrimental effect on reactivity and stability, ultimately limiting the quality and quantity of waste that can be incinerated. In this paper, we propose using a thorium-retained-actinides fuel cycle in PWRs, where the reactor is fuelled with a mixture of thorium and TRU waste, and after discharge all actinides are reprocessed and returned to the reactor. To investigate the feasibility and performance of this fuel cycle an assembly-level analysis for a one-batch reloading strategy was completed over 125 years of operation using WIMS 9. This one-batch analysis was performed for simplicity, but allowed an indicative assessment of the performance of a four-batch fuel management strategy. The build-up of 233U in the reactor allowed continued reactive and stable operation, until all significant actinide populations had reached pseudo-equilibrium in the reactor. It was therefore possible to achieve near-complete transuranic waste incineration, even for fuels with significant MA content. The average incineration rate was initially around 330 kg per GW th year and tended towards 250 kg per GW th year over several decades: a performance comparable to that achieved in a fast reactor. Using multiple batch fuel management, competitive or improved end-of-cycle burn-up appears achievable. The void coefficient (VC), moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) and Doppler coefficient remained negative. The quantity of soluble boron required for a fixed fuel cycle length was comparable to that for enriched uranium fuel, and acceptable amounts can be added without causing a positive VC or MTC. This analysis is limited by the consideration of a single fuel assembly, and it will be necessary to perform a full core coupled neutronic-thermal-hydraulic analysis to determine if the design in its current form is feasible. In particular, the potential for positive VCs if the core is highly or locally voided is a cause for concern. However, these results provide a compelling case for further work on concept feasibility and fuel management, which is in progress. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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State-of-the-art large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) systems often combine outputs from multiple subsystems developed at different sites. Cross system adaptation can be used as an alternative to direct hypothesis level combination schemes such as ROVER. The standard approach involves only cross adapting acoustic models. To fully exploit the complimentary features among sub-systems, language model (LM) cross adaptation techniques can be used. Previous research on multi-level n-gram LM cross adaptation is extended to further include the cross adaptation of neural network LMs in this paper. Using this improved LM cross adaptation framework, significant error rate gains of 4.0%-7.1% relative were obtained over acoustic model only cross adaptation when combining a range of Chinese LVCSR sub-systems used in the 2010 and 2011 DARPA GALE evaluations. Copyright © 2011 ISCA.


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Mandarin Chinese is based on characters which are syllabic in nature and morphological in meaning. All spoken languages have syllabiotactic rules which govern the construction of syllables and their allowed sequences. These constraints are not as restrictive as those learned from word sequences, but they can provide additional useful linguistic information. Hence, it is possible to improve speech recognition performance by appropriately combining these two types of constraints. For the Chinese language considered in this paper, character level language models (LMs) can be used as a first level approximation to allowed syllable sequences. To test this idea, word and character level n-gram LMs were trained on 2.8 billion words (equivalent to 4.3 billion characters) of texts from a wide collection of text sources. Both hypothesis and model based combination techniques were investigated to combine word and character level LMs. Significant character error rate reductions up to 7.3% relative were obtained on a state-of-the-art Mandarin Chinese broadcast audio recognition task using an adapted history dependent multi-level LM that performs a log-linearly combination of character and word level LMs. This supports the hypothesis that character or syllable sequence models are useful for improving Mandarin speech recognition performance.