974 resultados para Monuments


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Rfrence bibliographique : Rol, 54882


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Rfrence bibliographique : Rol, 54865


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RESUME en franais Centre sur le grand nymphe de Leptis Magna la recherche met en vidence l'volution et la signification de ce monument des eaux dans l'une des plus importantes cits africaines de l'poque romaine en mettant en lumire trois thmes principaux. L'tude historiographique permet tout d'abord d'apprhender, l'aide des tmoignages littraires des sicles derniers et d'une abondante documentation d'archive, l'histoire de l'difice de son ensablement sa remise au jour, puis de suivre les diffrentes tapes de son dgagement et de sa restauration, mettant ainsi en relief la perception des divers observateurs l'encontre du monument. L'tude urbanistique permet ensuite de dgager la signification de l'difice dans la cit par rapport aux autres monuments du secteur aux diffrentes priodes de son histoire, ainsi que de reconstituer l'approvisionnement en eau de Leptis Magna. Enfin, l'tude architecturale s'intresse l'analyse dtaille des structures, permettant la mise en vidence de la conception initiale, du fonctionnement et des transformations du nymphe. Cette dernire approche, qui s'accompagne d'un catalogue circonstanci des lments du dcor, fait intervenir des considrations sur les techniques de constructions, le traitement des blocs d'ornementation et, d'une manire plus gnrale, sur ('conomie du chantier. Cette recherche permet non seulement de reconstituer l'aspect, le rle et l'histoire du monument et de le replacer dans la srie des nymphes romains, mais aussi de percevoir son impact sur les habitants du lieu aux diffrents moments de son histoire, cherchant ainsi rejoindre par l'archologie des considrations sociologiques. THE GREAT SEVERAN NYMPHAEUM OF LEPTIS MAGNA: HISTORIOGRAPHICAL, URBANISTIC AND ARCHITECTURAL STUDY RESUME en anglais Based on the great nymphaeum of Leptis Magna, the research considers the development and significance of this water monument in one of the most important African cities of the Roman period, through three principal aspects. The historiographical study aboards the subject through literary testimony from the last centuries and an abundance of documentary archives, the history of the edifice from its burial to its reconstruction, studying the different stages of its unearthing and its restoration, thus pinpointing perspectives from various observers of the monument. The urban study divulges the significance of the edifice in the city, in comparison with other monuments in the region over different periods of its history, as well as reconstituting Leptis Magna's water supply. Finally, the architectural study undertakes a detailed analysis of the structures, which highlights the conception and the transformations of the nymphaeum, as well as its hydraulic functions. This architectural approach, which is accompanied by a detailed catalogue of the decorative elements, juxtaposes the technical considerations of construction with the ornamental treatment of the marble blocks, accounting for the economical aspects of the site of the nymphaeum. This research proposes not only a consideration of the appearance, the role and the history of the monument and situates it within the series of Roman nymphaea, but also the perception of its impact on the local inhabitants at different moments in its history, looking for accomplish by archaeology some sociological considerations.


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The Capitol Planning Commission is authorized under Chapter 8A.371378 of the Code of Iowa. It shall be the duty of the commission to advise upon the location of statues, fountains and monuments and the placing of any additional buildings on the capitol grounds, the type of architecture and the type of construction of any new buildings to be erected on the state capitol grounds as now encompassed or as subsequently enlarged, and repairs and restoration thereof, and it shall be the duty of the officers, commissions, and councils charged by law with the duty of determining such questions to call upon the commission for such advice. The commission shall, in cooperation with the director of the department of administrative services, develop and implement within the limits of its appropriation, a five-year modernization program for the capitol complex. The commission shall annually report to the general assembly its recommendations relating to its duties under this section. The report shall be submitted to the chief clerk of the house and the secretary of the senate during the month of January. Code of Iowa, Chapter 8A.373