1000 resultados para Modelação computacional de transporte sólido
Computational methods for the calculation of dynamical properties of fluids might consider the system as a continuum or as an assembly of molecules. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation includes molecular resolution, whereas computational fluid dynamics (CFD) considers the fluid as a continuum. This work provides a review of hybrid methods MD/CFD recently proposed in the literature. Theoretical foundations, basic approaches of computational methods, and dynamical properties typically calculated by MD and CFD are first presented in order to appreciate the similarities and differences between these two methods. Then, methods for coupling MD and CFD, and applications of hybrid simulations MD/CFD, are presented.
Speciation of metals in a synthetic freshwater was comparatively evaluated using Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films and a Chemical Equilibrium Model. The labile fractions of Cu and Zn quantified by DGT were similar to the ones measured by ASV. The labile species of Cd and Pb could not be determined by both experimental methods due to the formation of inert complexes with organic ligands in the sample. Despite the differences among the methods, the speciation results obtained by the use of DGT and ASV agreed well with predictions made by the chemical equilibrium model.
The present paper aims to interpret the SO2 diffusion mechanism process for two different limestones: a calcite and a dolomite. In previous study, the apparent activation energies for sulfation reaction were between 3.03 and 4.45 kJ mol-1 for the calcite, and 11.24 kJ mol-1 for the dolomite. Using nitrogen porosimetry it was possible to observe that the dolomite presents mesopores of 0.03 μm, while the calcite presents mesopores of 0.01 μm. The evaluation of limestones porous structure together with their kinetic parameters, allowed concluding that the diffusion mechanism follows Fick law and Knudsen law for dolomite and calcite, respectively.
Glyphosate was determined in runoff and leaching waters in agricultural soil that received an application of active ingredient and was exposed to simulated intensive rain conditions. The concentrations decreased during the simulation period and the concentrations of the runoff were higher than those achieved in the samples of leaching waters. The concentrations were lower than the pattern in the Brazilian Regulation MS N. 518/2004 for drinking water. The transported load of the applied active ingredient by the leaching was of 15.4% (w/w) and for the runoff was of 1.7% (w/w).
A new electroanalytical method coupling TLC-DPV in solid state was developed for quantitative determination of phytoantioxidants with medicinal purpose, e.g. rosmarinic acid (RA) in samples of phytopharmaceuticals, e.g. rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.). The method showed to be feasible, presenting linearity in concentrations ranging from 0.694 x 10-3 to 9.526 x 10-3 mol L-1 (r = 0.9945), good sensibility, selectivity, reproducibility, repeatability, agility and affordable cost. The concentrations of RA in different extracts of rosemary ranged from 0.05 to 0.52 (% w/w), presenting high recovery levels when compared to HPLC.
Composite methods using ONIOM and different basis sets have been used to calculate proton and electron affinities for a set of alcohols at QCISD(T)/6-311++G(2df,p) level of theory. The study was carried out considering HF, MP2 and DFT (25 exchange correlation functional) methods. The calculation performed at ONIOM2(QCISD(T)/6-311++G(2df,p):HF/6-31G(d))//ONIOM2(O3LYP/6-31G(d):HF/6-31G(d)) resulted in the smallest average absolute deviation for AP and AE, 4,75 kJ/mol e 0,43 eV, respectively.
The use of probes, such as paramagnetic species diluted in diamagnetic materials in EPR spectroscopy, and mathematical tools such, as the Kubelka-Munk function in DRUV-VIS spectroscopy are strategies in the analysis of complex mixtures of solid materials. The results obtained here show that the solid state reaction between the complex, [VO(acac)(BMIMAPY)] [ClO4], BMIMAPY = [(bis(1-methylimidazole-2-yl)methyl)(2-(pyridyl-2-yl)ethyl) amine] and acac = acetilacetonate, with kaolinite turns possible to obtain anisotropic EPR spectrum of the complex with a reasonable level of resolution. The study by DRUV-VIS using the method of second derivative mode of the Kubelka-Munk function revealed new complex structural arrangements, a solid hitherto unknown.
A procedure for compositional characterization of a microalgae oil is presented and applied to investigate a microalgae based biodiesel production process through process simulation. The methodology consists of: proposing a set of triacylglycerides (TAG) present in the oil; assuming an initial TAG composition and simulating the transesterification reaction (UNISIM Design, Honeywell) to obtain FAME characterization values (methyl ester composition); evaluating deviations of experimental from calculated values; minimizing the sum of squared deviations by a non-linear optimization algorithm, with TAG molar fractions as decision variables. Biodiesel from the characterized oil is compared to a rapeseed based biodiesel.
This work reports a review on the status and technical feasibility of the application of ethanol as fuel for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), presenting both external reform and cell with direct utilization of ethanol. Based on this survey, both experimental results and mathematical modeling indicated the technical feasibility of power generation by ethanol SOFC, with cell units producing 450 mW/cm², sufficient for scale up to large stationary plants. The quantitative assessments in the literature show this field to be promising for researchers and private sector investment as well being a strategic technology for government policy in the short and long term.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the transport of one of the most toxic and best-selling herbicides in Brazil. The active ingredient 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) was applied onto the surface of a tank-type lysimeter, filled with undisturbed soil, in Curitiba, Parana State. Samples of infiltration and runoff water were obtained during rain simulations. The concentrations of the active ingredient 2,4-D showed a rapid decrease in the environment, with mass losses of 29.12% by infiltration and 0.87% by runoff.
The nature of the solid residue formed in beef tallow biodiesel from two commercial producers in Brazil was determined by comparative analytical techniques, namely, gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and thermogravimetry (TG). Pure monopalmitin and monostearin were used as reference standards for both methodologies. Analyses were carried out before and after filtration of the solids formed, which allowed the observation that the formation of precipitate reduced the levels of monoglycerides in the beef tallow biodiesel. The chromatographic and thermogravimetric results confirmed the nature of the residue as saturated monoglycerides, predominantly monostearin and monopalmitin.
QSAR modeling is a novel computer program developed to generate and validate QSAR or QSPR (quantitative structure- activity or property relationships) models. With QSAR modeling, users can build partial least squares (PLS) regression models, perform variable selection with the ordered predictors selection (OPS) algorithm, and validate models by using y-randomization and leave-N-out cross validation. An additional new feature is outlier detection carried out by simultaneous comparison of sample leverage with the respective Studentized residuals. The program was developed using Java version 6, and runs on any operating system that supports Java Runtime Environment version 6. The use of the program is illustrated. This program is available for download at lqta.iqm.unicamp.br.
In this paper, a detailed guide for the application of computational electrochemistry is presented. The basic framework of the electrochemical models and their computational solutions are described. We highlighted that the availability of commercial software allows application of the technique by experimentalists with minimal mathematical and computational expertise. The most used packages are indicated. Simulations of typical examples are presented and some references cited to illustrate the wide applicability of computational electrochemistry.
Composite solid propellants prepared with HTPB prepolymer - Hydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene, AP - Ammonium Perchlorate as oxidizer and aluminum particles as an additive metal, have characteristics of high electrical resistivity. The loading process of the polymer matrix did not obtain homogeneity, resulting in clusters, mainly of metal particles. The effect of clustering in the composite was studied and observed experimentally, and this effect was one of the factors explaining the phenomenon of electrical charging of the composite. This electrical potential, when discharged abruptly, can generate an electric spark with sufficient energy for sustained ignition of a solid rocket motor.
The objective of this study was to optimize and validate a solid-liquid extraction method with low-temperature partitioning (SLE/LTP) for the analysis of pesticides. This method was coupled with gas chromatography (GC/ECD) and used to evaluate the degradation of bifenthrin and pirimiphos-methyl in maize grains on exposure to ozone. The optimized SLE/LTP-GC/ECD method is simple, effective and consumes low quantities of the solvent. It can be routinely used for the determination of bifenthrin and pirimiphos-methyl in maize samples. The use of this method of analysis determined that the levels of the insecticides in maize grains were reduced on exposure of the grains to the ozone gas. The observed reduction in the levels of insecticide was directly proportional to the increase in the concentration of the ozone gas.